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  1. #34621
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vipor View Post
    Hey Alpha, I think Bill meant 1.26 NID = $1

    or.. $0.79365
    Yes I know. I was pointing out that the Kurdish figures that were mentioned and the possible $1.26 are very close and, at this point, seem logical.
    “Don't be distracted by criticism. The only taste of success some people have, is when they take a bite out of you.”

    Got woOOot?

  2. #34622
    Senior Investor Inscrutable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IITB View Post
    Spot on man, and here is a couple of other news flashes , remember you heard it here first.

    the sun will not rise in the east tomorrow.
    water is not wet.
    The moon is made of green cheese.
    There is no such thing as snow.
    And finally , If mama Cass and Karen carpenter were in the same band they would still be alive today.

    The R/V is happening right in front of us, and you choose to sling this garbage on the ROL family.
    crawl back under your rock....Troll !!!!!!
    Sorry Neno.... had to lay smack down...could'nt resist.
    Merry X-mas all

    P.S. I do know how to use the ignore button, and have just decided to do so with this clown !!!!!
    I don't think the two of them being in the same band would have made a difference, the difference would have been if Karen ate Cass' sandwich, then they would both be alive, unless of course Karen choked.

  3. #34623
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    Iraq sacrifices worthwhile, claims Rice

    Mark Tran and agencies
    Friday December 22, 2006
    Guardian Unlimited
    Condoleezza Rice today said Iraq was worth the cost in US lives and dollars, rejecting accusations that the conflict is a foreign policy disaster.
    With George Bush's popularity plummeting amid growing sectarian violence and US casualties rising towards 3,000, the secretary of state defended the decision to invade the country in 2003 and said the US could still win.

    In an interview with the Associated Press, Ms Rice was asked whether the additional $100bn (£50.8bn) the Pentagon wants for Iraq and Afghanistan could amount to throwing good money after bad in Iraq.

    "I don't think it's a matter of money," she said. "Along the way, there have been plenty of markers that show that this is a country that is worth the investment ... once it emerges as a country that is a stabilising factor, you will have a very different kind of Middle East."

    Congress has already approved more than $500bn for the two conflicts, including more than $350bn for Iraq alone - far higher than estimates made prior to the US-led invasion.

    Ms Rice's comments came as Mr Bush prepared to unveil his "new" strategy for Iraq in the new year. The plans could include a temporary boost to the 140,000-strong US force in the country by around 20,000.

    The new US defence secretary, Robert Gates, has been in Iraq this week, talking to Iraqi leaders and soldiers on the frontline as part of a reassessment of US strategy.

    Enlisted soldiers have been telling him more troops would help, but leading commanders such as General John Abizaid, who is in charge of the Middle East, are sceptical about the merits of an increase.

    Speaking to reporters after meetings with the prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki, and other Iraqi officials, Mr Gates said the talks were "mainly on the overall approach, including the possibility of some additional assistance".

    He said no troops numbers had been discussed, and Iraqi officials have not been pressing for an increase.

    According to the Washington Post, Mr Maliki's advisers say he has proposed a two-pronged strategy in which US troops would target Sunni Arab insurgents in outer Baghdad neighbourhoods for four to eight weeks, while Iraqi forces would take over control of the inner area of the capital.

    It was also reported that Mr Maliki would launch a political offensive, including threats of force, in an attempt to persuade the radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr to contain his Mahdi Army militia during the operation.

    Meanwhile, Shias from parliament's largest bloc, the United Iraqi Alliance, yesterday met in the holy city of Najaf to seek approval from the Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, Iraq's leading Shia cleric, for a coalition crossing sectarian lines. He is said to be alarmed at the sectarian bloodshed.

    The alliance could exclude Mr Sadr's 30 loyalists in the 275-member parliament and his six ministers in the 38-member cabinet. However, it is unclear whether a new coalition would be able to govern effectively without the backing of the cleric's followers.

    Mr Sadr's supporters had suspended their support for Mr Maliki in protest at his recent meeting with Mr Bush, but appear to have decided to go back to parliament in order to avoid political isolation.

    Iraq sacrifices worthwhile, claims Rice | Iraq | Guardian Unlimited

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    President Visits Wounded Soldiers

    Friday December 22, 2006 7:16 PM

    AP Photo DCEV101


    Associated Press Writer

    WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush presented Purple Hearts to wounded troops on Friday at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, an annual holiday tradition of comforting soldiers that he began after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

    ``We owe them all we can give them, not only for when they're in harm's way, but when they come home to help them adjust if they have wounds, or help them adjust after their time in service,'' Bush said after visiting the wounded and presenting medals to 14 men and women in the Army, Marines and Air Force.

    ``Every time I come to Walter Reed, I am moved by the courage and bravery of the people I meet,'' he said.

    Bush and first lady Laura Bush visited 38 patients among those being treated there for injuries suffered mostly in Iraq, but also in Afghanistan. Seeing troops with amputated limbs and other serious wounds, the president asked them how they were feeling and if their care was adequate, and talked with family members and medical staff.

    ``It's a remarkable experience to go through the hospital,'' Bush said. ``It's remarkable because of the unbelievable compassion and care of the people who work at Walter Reed. And it's also remarkable to me, these men and women who have volunteered to serve our country, who've received terrible wounds, but whose spirits are strong, their resolve is strong, and their dedication to our country remains strong.''

    While at Walter Reed, the president and his wife briefly joined Girl Scouts and Brownies from Maryland and Virginia who were wrapping presents for families and children of wounded military personnel.

    ``Looks like someone is going to get playing cards,'' Bush said, while looking at some of the presents being wrapped at tables labeled ``Cutting Station'' and ``Wrapping Station.''

    ``Been wrapping for a while?'' he asked one girl.

    Bush flew from the White House to a tennis center and then took a motorcade to Walter Reed in a steady drizzle. Near the tennis center landing zone, someone had posted large, pink signs that said: ``Bush Lied, Innocents Died'' and ``Peace on Earth.''

    From the hospital, Bush flew to Camp David, where he planned to meet on Saturday morning with new Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who is returning from a three-day trip to Iraq. The president will be consulting with advisers at the presidential retreat in Maryland's Catoctin Mountains and celebrating Christmas with his family.

    The day after Christmas, Bush is going to his Texas ranch where he'll rest and continue crafting a new strategy for U.S. involvement in Iraq until New Year's Day when he is scheduled to return to Washington.

    President Visits Wounded Soldiers | World Latest | Guardian Unlimited

  5. #34625
    Senior Investor $onedaysoon$'s Avatar
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    الصفحات الداخليةThe inner pages
    1- Talabani and Maliki were discussing the situation in Iraq with Kajinski, Poland extend the survival of its new year and showing its willingness to train Iraqi forces and processing
    2- Samurai emerged from the Green Zone, explained that his forces were Ttersdh to liquidate
    3- Harith al-Dhari agrees to a meeting with Zalmay in Amman
    4- Allawi visit regional countries to urge them to support Iraq's stability, reconciliation supports the recommendations of the political forces
    5- Sistani blesses the handover of security to Iraqi forces during the spring meeting, which was attended by decrees the transfer of authority in Najaf
    6- quality new plan to restore security in Baghdad, the implementation of itemized purely Iraqi forces
    7- Seven government-allocated housing plots to the relatives of martyrs in the time of the former regime and grants for construction, and called on Arab labor ministers to exempt Iraq from its debts
    8- Finance allocated eight billion dollars to support the project for lending citizens to build homes
    9-Oil negotiating with American companies for the implementation of the largest liquidator in the Furat, which will increase to $ 2 billion bite

    Translated version of
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  6. #34626

  7. #34627
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    The Ministry of planning and development cooperation to restructure the machinery and organizational setup, in order to respond to changes in its tasks and adapt to the developments that struck Iraqi society and which must be reflected on the work of the Ministry in the coming period, that the organizational structures in any organization an expression of the tasks and duties and this structure be viable for change with the climate tasks, that the normalization of the conditions of the ministry and the issuance of its law and rules of procedure, which shows its tasks and responsibilities of their administrations and its sections is in the forefront of the priorities of the ministry, considering that these step Tovralguetae Legislative Assembly of work and to reorient the functions and terms of reference to its organizational structure which will take the three sectors will be the axes of action the ministry basic and the subject of its attention and its focus where it reflected the the new vision to the task of the ministry and its role, that vision which will determine the the details of move the ministry and the demarcation of the features of its strategy adopted, these sectors are, first ... The international cooperation and foreign investment, second. Thirdly, the software ... The planning and development.

    The Iraqi economy in light of orientations that the new based on the adoption of free market system with each the implications and the requirements and entitlements Nevertheless open up to the international community economically, politically and Iraq has sought to benefit from the international efforts aimed to assist him in building their economy and rehabilitation of of its sectors productivity with the expectation the survival of a need to these efforts in the near-to medium-term, all these factors paid the direction of be given international cooperation in the economic sphere great importance through a grant advantageously positioned in the organizational structure of the ministry, so that there would be a, Undersecretary of the Ministry of competent who deal with the file called and Under-Secretary for international cooperation, will include the this sector departments competent to stimulate and organize the relationship with donors and the States and international organizations and bodies providing aid economic and technical OF IRAQ the various forms and manifestations, as will be the foreign investment in Iraq and everything that connect out within the functions of this sector, that every national and global considerations paid to encourage these investments and openness them and would be the Iraqi economy in dire need of the advent of investors of the country themselves, and their projects and experience technical and administrative sophisticated weapons, the Ministry aims to deliver integrated services and sophisticated investors will start to provide advice on projects to provide all services needed by the the investor for facilitating his task in Iraq, and will seek the ministry striving to create the investment environment appropriate whether it be through legislation or tax exemption or the freedom of remitting profits All could make Iraq an attractive location for investors.

    Some of these jurisdictions do not fall within the framework of the ministry at the moment, it depends on the cooperation of other ministries but the goal of the Ministry is planning to pull all the investment portfolio to be able to hand one in the State to deal with him and provide him with the attention that it deserves.
    Second sector which would practice when the Ministry of planning its activities sector is informatics, which is the activity of relatively recent If we take the new vision, which has been adopted by the Ministry of Planning this regard, it has become of the information regarding the in the lives of nations and evolution and became its role important and milestone in the pan-social activities and individual and become their impact significantly to the evolution scientific, cultural and economic including can not with him any nation wishes the Advancement of be ignored, that the information today rightly consider the real wealth of nations, and the key to graduating from the workshop underdevelopment, that the informatics revolution shaking the world and is leaving its mark on all aspects of life, and Iraq can whatever the the specificity of the current conditions in which to live in isolation on this development cosmic or to deprive himself of the fruits of this revolution informatics multinational We must strive for catch up this knee-and put the real bases for, that the goal of the ministry in this area extends to the different areas of work which is includes the dissemination, promotion and use of tools revolution cognitive, and expand the areas of education, training and research associated with them so begins education and training in years of education the early nor exclude any sector of society, and will seek the ministry to achieve the goal of use The broad and multilateral images and forms In all levels of the organs of computers and on the government level will cherish projects partial aimed at the automation of government actors gradually the way to achieve the goal of the electronic government ultimately end, and we will work to promote the concept of intensive use among the general social sectors and all regions of Iraq and to promote the use of international information network (Internet) and make their services available for the pan-Iraqi citizens, that the ministry's activities in the field informational progress will be distributed to a education, training and rehabilitation, promotion and dissemination of the use of computers and the Internet, sponsor research and development, support and care of a local industry to the production of computers, the e-government, possesses the ministry in the developed by present School Jerusalem computers which aims ministry's plan for opening branches in pan-Iraqi governorates, also exist in the Central Agency for Statistics Section for Tknlujia information and the ministry endeavors to benefit from these sections, develop and make them a nucleus of the new activities with the addition of departments and other sections of the organizational structure so be dedicated to these tasks, there would be the Under-Secretary of competent to informatics and keenness largely on the dissemination of these activities and services in all parts of Iraq.
    The third sector which would be of interest to the ministry sector is planning, development and despite that the ministry had a previous experience in this field However, the important amendments will be incorporated in a its work according to vision and strategy which will abide by the Ministry of Planning in of its new era, where will be added some sections for the planning services, social planning and planning educational policies will also be developed Section for manpower planning, there will be considerable emphasis on human development and development of the Territories In this particular area will be the Planning and Development Service regional linked for Minister are directly in order to strengthen its role and encourage the experience of the Territories in planning projects, there will be Planning Service a regional mini-in each governorate consists of the cadres basic needed by the planning process, these constituencies would be tantamount to the Ministry of planning mini-and are concerned to regional development in particular and arm of the ministry the schematic in the departments and provinces and Beit information sector which proposes projects and helping the Central Ministry visionary and perceptions, the ministry intends also to transform the Social Fund and Economic them to a fund for the support of small and medium-sized enterprises with loans simple and soft in order to create more employment opportunities and the ministry endeavors to support the Fund financially He urged donors to its support to pump more funds mechanism and the opening of branches in Ninawa and Basra order can of stretching its activities outside Baghdad.

    The Central Agency for Statistics, which can be changed to the Office of National Statistics will have the support and special care in order to upgrade and expand its activities and to gain figures and estimates of the confidence and credibility and can transfer real picture of the reality of the country and placed in the hands of decision makers in the government and public opinion and to achieve these objectives must be to develop the capacities of those working system.

    The Ministry of Planning is on the verge of significant benefit in 2007, which is a general population census in Iraq has attended him all the technical and material potential to get accurate results and access to a database rich in the service of all the organs of the State and provides a valuable opportunity to find out the facts and conditions of the current Iraqi reality in all its dimensions.

    That the Ministry of Planning on and is committed to the statistic about literally accurate, and properly and this is the only consideration that governs their activities in this area, regardless of any other considerations.

    The National Center for the development and management consulting will become the National Center for Training and will be the central point which will be entrusted with the task of training at the national level, where would training at all levels and its primary responsibility is to provide him with all the material and human resources that helps him to achieve his mission.

    The ministry is going to hold a series of major consultative process during the year, including a comprehensive conference to consider the conditions of the Iraqi economy and diagnose its problems and remedies and the claim is conservative in all of Iraq's provinces to examine ways of improving regional planning and strengthening the role of the governorates in the planning process, will also hold a series of sectoral conferences, which means studying the conditions of specific sectors, one of the agricultural sector and the other for the industrial sector and the third of Transport and Communications, the fourth of the housing and thus ... The goal of the Ministry of Planning of all this is a closer relationship with the executive organs and provide a wealth of different scenarios and action plans related sector, the Ministry hopes that the shift to the house expertise draw advisory actors of the Iraqi State which is lagging performance in the past years, for more than one reason.

    The ministry endeavors to be a pivotal work with regard to the details of the investment program of the government, and oversee the implementation, of course, such a goal could not be achieved without coordination with the other ministries, especially the Ministry of Finance, and plans within the Ministry of Planning to strengthen the supervisor of this activity and the duration of the qualifications and qualified technical link management supervisor for the minister directly.

    The new organizational structure of the Ministry is the first step which must be approved in order to move the ministry in the implementation of its vision for the future, so that the departments and sections begin their activities and the strategy adopted successfully and efficiently.

    علي غالب بابانThe Ghalib Baban
    وزير التخطيط والتعاون الانمائيMinister of Planning and Development Cooperation
    20\6\200620 \ 6 \ 2006

    Translated version of
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  8. #34628
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    Default Oh well I tried....

    Sent an e-mail to the Iraqi Gov't with a variety of questions hoping to gleen some Inportant Information. Nothing about the HCL, Fil or article 101 in nature.

    Was hoping for an answer and possible slip-up in there response.

    This is what I got.

    This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
    A message that you sent has not yet been delivered to one or more of its
    recipients after more than 48 hours on the queue on

    The message identifier is: 1Gx0Gk-0003qX-AU
    The date of the message is: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 05:09:42 -0700
    The subject of the message is: Greetings

    The address to which the message has not yet been delivered is:

    [email protected]
    Delay reason: mailbox is full
    No action is required on your part. Delivery attempts will continue for
    some time, and this warning may be repeated at intervals if the message
    remains undelivered. Eventually the mail delivery software will give up,
    and when that happens, the message will be returned to you.

    I guess there just to over worked to read e-mail. No wait a minute, thats sounds like our house of Commons...nobody shows up...LOL

    Well on to try another angle.


  9. #34629
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    Default After analysing the returned response..

    I was able to gleen 3 things even with-out a response. Think about this now.

    1- Havent seen this address anywhere before.

    2- Should the message not be returned, than someone is again reading there mail.

    3- There computor tecnology is getting better, as they have mail delivery software.

    Even with no answer, this gave up Information to us. Maybe one of our techkies can get something else out of this.


  10. #34630
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gloribee View Post
    I was able to gleen 3 things even with-out a response. Think about this now.

    1- Havent seen this address anywhere before.

    2- Should the message not be returned, than someone is again reading there mail.

    3- There computor tecnology is getting better, as they have mail delivery software.

    Even with no answer, this gave up Information to us. Maybe one of our techkies can get something else out of this.

    It means the mailbox quota has been reached and your mail was bounced back to your mailserver, kinda like when our PM's here are exceeded and we have to purge. No one read it.

    Actually not sent back yet but if they don't make room for your message the mailserver will return it.

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