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  1. #34681
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    Quote Originally Posted by lglwzrd View Post
    somebody posted on another forum that when dealing w/precious metals there are 12 troy oz to the lb not 16.
    No, it's 14 Troy ounces to the pound.

    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. (George Bernard Shaw)

  2. #34682
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    Cool Warning.

    PLease Post In The Proper Threads. After This They will just be deleted. Tierd of Moving Them. Thanks

  3. #34683
    Junior Member SoFla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by greatstuff View Post
    No, it's 14 Troy ounces to the pound.
    There are 12 ounces in a pound, rather than 16 as in the more common avoirdupois system. The troy ounce may be abbreviated to ozt.

    Troy weight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  4. #34684
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOM2TWO View Post
    I prefer Wm.Knowles math!! He said this summer with a slow/steady rise!!! I have too many sugar plums dancing in my head to figure out who is correct. Anyone???
    Hello All. My math is based on what happened last week. Over a 50 dinar rise and a 13 point decrease in the exchange rate. All very good. But I would be the first to say we don't have enough of a trend to be very certain at this time. In the next week or so we will have a better idea of what type of a trend to expect. My expectations are that the trend will be our friend. Have a good weekend. Merry Xmas to all. Thank You.

  5. #34685
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Tabatabai said that they amounted to 8,422 billion iraqi dinar; that is 1,052 billion iraqi dinar in a session
    December 23, 2006

    However, he pointed out that the current situation is temporary and exceptional; therefore, the performance must be maintained consistently, as illustrated by general indicators, which confirms that the development in performance continues to be a salient feature in the march of the market.

    Tabatabai added in a press statement: that the investment law being not activated, its members are not appointment and working by it has not started, created a great disappointment among investors in the Iraqi bourse, particularly that efforts have been made by workers in the bourse to update its performance; electronic equipment and supplies are being installed and Stock Exchange rooms are being organized for this purpose. He added that such electronic boards are used for the first time in Iraq...

    Tabatabai expressed his hope that many factors will help the investments by shareholders better than it is now. In the forefront of these factors is the security situation.

    Tabatabai pointed out that the number of shares that have been circulated in the month of September amounted to 4,212 billion shares, at an average of 527 million shares in a session, registering an increase of 54, 9% on last August. As for the volume of transactions in the month of September, Tabatabai said that they amounted to 8,422 billion dinar; that is 1,052 billion dinar in a session; and the number of contracts executed in the same month, increased to reach 2928 contracts for the month of August.

    Tabatabai also stated that the banking sector is the main engine of the market, as this sector has achieved greater relative importance.(Source)AlSabah

    Iraqi Dinars | Iraqi News and Iraqi Money

  6. #34686
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    I know that this subject has been posted alot but I found this and it seemed different from earlier posted articles, sorry if posted before...

    The distribution of 30% of the oil revenues between the citizens month Source : Euphrates / Sabah

    A number of members of the House of fueling bill commits the government to distribute 30% of the oil revenues between the citizens month. The deputy said the consensus Noureddine Hayali that the principles of the project are now under discussion will be circulated with the Minister of Planning to Papan and chairman of the Economic Committee of the Council, Dr. Haidar Abbadi. Hayali believes it is possible to present the draft to the parliament for approval before the end of this year. Economists estimated proceeds of Iraqi oil annually, including more than thirty billion dollars or ten billion dollars distribute them among citizens in the form of monthly salaries. The price of a barrel of oil is 60 dollars, was increased to 70 dollars in the past months, while observers speculate is likely to increase prices due to the prevention of some OPEC countries to increase production and thus reduce vulnerable in the market. The law aims to notice their ill citizens, which should be preserved by all of the waste and theft and that benefit them directly. He says : Hayali citizens that the law will be divided into three different categories : the first category shares from birth until six years ago, two : from 7 to 18 years old, the third 19 and above. He explained that the law would shroud the cash portion who earns more than 1 million dinars, HUH? as well as denying them involved crimes against honor, such as drug trafficking and abuse, adultery, as well as espionage, all felony owner holding more than five years. He said : that the law also deprive the Iraqi who migrate abroad. It is likely to amend the House in some of these barriers, or add to them, however, they seized a whole : they are factors helping to suit the society and the restoration of cohesion and unity. It was informed that a large number of deputies he welcomed this project is to be paid to Andhajeh and developed and put to the Council. The previous references officials commented on the need for citizens to feel the benefits of the oil wealth directly, expecting to address the House for this task by the law governing the rights of people. It is hoped that the 2007 budget, the largest budget in the history of Iraq as the $ 40 billion and described the Prime Minister Balanfjarih. While citizens were pleased with the promises of the government to improve their living conditions, which appeared signals in the new salary scale and the pension law, which published yesterday, and yesterday I owned and looking at the oil quotas (Probably to be true).

    وکالة الفرات العراقية للانباء

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  7. #34687
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    Default Iraq : MPs intend to submit a proposal for the formation of a Senate

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-23-2006

    Baghdad (December 23) and the agency (Lucky) Italian News-Sources close to the Office of the President of the National Assembly (parliament) Mahmoud Almshahadani that a number of MPs were bent on a proposal to be submitted to the formation of a Senate Like many Western countries, including the United States. The sources, told the (Lucky), the initiative to "express guide designed to consolidate the democratic system by strengthening the legislative authority, and providing a welcome to create a better balance of popular representation in the framework of that."

    The sources pointed out that the idea "has evolved between the deputies representing the various Iraqi political factions during discussions with the International Alliance for Justice." She pointed out that "supporters of the formation of this Council, among whom are members of the coalition consolidated list and the list of national and Iraqi Kurdistan Alliance, as well as some independents, representing weight on the Iraqi political scene, some of whom contributed to the mobilization of international public opinion and the EU to defend Iraq and the right to establish a democratic system before the 2003 occupation."

    The sources said that "the idea does not conflict with the Constitution, which contains a provision for the formation of the Senate Iraqi includes two representatives from each of the eighteen governorates of Iraq, as would the capital Baghdad in the 10 persons." It seems from leaks initial draft of the new formation that similarity between him and the composition of the American Congress, where legislative power is shared by the House of Representatives and the Senate, and the similarity of the experience of Russia, which have the federal comprised of representatives of the constituent republics and regions of the Russian Federation

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  8. #34688
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    Default Ammar Hakim : not in the interest of Iraq to postpone the implementation of Article 1

    Ammar Hakim : not in the interest of Iraq to postpone the implementation of Article 140

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-23-2006

    Ammar Hakim : not in the interest of Iraq to postpone the implementation of Article 140 2006.12.23 PUKmedia : The Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq, during the annual Hajj season, a rally in Mecca on behalf of (the Iraqi people). In this context, the Conference was held in the Palace House Staff Mecca question the participation of a large number of representatives of political parties and the Iraqi political and Alcordstaneh and religious figures including the President of the Supreme Committee for pilgrimage Cordstan and representative of the Union of Islamic clerics in Cordstan and a number of parliamentarians and ministers Alkord. Said Mr. Ammar Hakim, head of the martyr told PUKmedia inner sanctuary has been extended an invitation to representatives of all the neighboring countries except Turkey, in protest over the hosting of the Istanbul conference and its interference in the internal affairs of Iraq, and added that they would not allow the interference of neighboring countries in Iraq's affairs and split the Alkord strategic relations between the Shiites and all other components in Iraq.

    With regard to the report of Baker-Hamilton and the recommendation which calls for the postponement of the implementation of article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution the Permanent, said Ammar - Hakim :

    the Iraqi Constitution not the plaything has been voted on by the majority of the Iraqi people from Alkord and the Arabs and all components, and in the event that if entailed a paragraph or article postponement or of the amendment must be the initiative of Iraq, and my opinion the the current situation in Iraq did not bear any postponement of the implementation of the items of the Iraqi Constitution and that delaying the implementation of article 140 not in the interest of the Iraqis, and it is likely to simply tear down by our own hands stable conditions in the Territory of Cordstan, then and will not remain is nothing called Iraq.

  9. #34689
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    I know that this subject has been posted alot but I found this and it seemed different from earlier posted articles, sorry if posted before...

    The distribution of 30% of the oil revenues between the citizens month Source : Euphrates / Sabah

    A number of members of the House of fueling bill commits the government to distribute 30% of the oil revenues between the citizens month. The deputy said the consensus Noureddine Hayali that the principles of the project are now under discussion will be circulated with the Minister of Planning to Papan and chairman of the Economic Committee of the Council, Dr. Haidar Abbadi. Hayali believes it is possible to present the draft to the parliament for approval before the end of this year. Economists estimated proceeds of Iraqi oil annually, including more than thirty billion dollars or ten billion dollars distribute them among citizens in the form of monthly salaries. The price of a barrel of oil is 60 dollars, was increased to 70 dollars in the past months, while observers speculate is likely to increase prices due to the prevention of some OPEC countries to increase production and thus reduce vulnerable in the market. The law aims to notice their ill citizens, which should be preserved by all of the waste and theft and that benefit them directly. He says : Hayali citizens that the law will be divided into three different categories : the first category shares from birth until six years ago, two : from 7 to 18 years old, the third 19 and above. He explained that the law would shroud the cash portion who earns more than 1 million dinars, HUH? as well as denying them involved crimes against honor, such as drug trafficking and abuse, adultery, as well as espionage, all felony owner holding more than five years. He said : that the law also deprive the Iraqi who migrate abroad. It is likely to amend the House in some of these barriers, or add to them, however, they seized a whole : they are factors helping to suit the society and the restoration of cohesion and unity. It was informed that a large number of deputies he welcomed this project is to be paid to Andhajeh and developed and put to the Council. The previous references officials commented on the need for citizens to feel the benefits of the oil wealth directly, expecting to address the House for this task by the law governing the rights of people. It is hoped that the 2007 budget, the largest budget in the history of Iraq as the $ 40 billion and described the Prime Minister Balanfjarih. While citizens were pleased with the promises of the government to improve their living conditions, which appeared signals in the new salary scale and the pension law, which published yesterday, and yesterday I owned and looking at the oil quotas (Probably to be true).

    وکالة الفرات العراقية للانباء

    Kind of a halfa$$ take on this: 1 if you've committed a crime within the past 5 years, 2 if you make more then 1 million dinars, 3 if you had left the country then you won't be in on Iraq oil wealth.

  10. #34690
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    Nothing new really except some rumour that it will review around March or June next year to $1.

    As I said in the rumour section, I do not think it is true.

    If you think all the laws will be in place by next week. Do you think they will let the big boys come in and buy all Iraq for cheap..... No way.

    By the first of January Iraq will have everything a country need and more:

    1- Four tons or more of Gold in Vault
    2- 15 Billions in currency reserve
    3- Oil and Oil and more Oil
    4- All the big boys in the world ready to invest money and BIG MONEY...
    5- Nearly no more debts
    6- 10 Billions of frozen assets back to them etc, etc,....

    I think the above speaks for itself.

    I cannot see how Iraq will wait untill March or June next.

    It has to re-value at least to $1 by January...

    Merry Xmas & Happy New Year.

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