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    Ministry of Trade warns foodstuff shops of delaying items

    The Ministry of Trade has directed a warning punishment for a number of flour's agents because of delaying distributing this item among families While Trade Ministry had supplied the flour agents with more than 90% of citizen's share for last Nov. in Baghdad and other Iraqi provinces.

    The spokesman of the Trade Ministry said: the ministry's watching teams are continuing their searching campaigns for food stuff and flour agents, whereas these teams had directed a warning punishment for a number of agents in Baghdad because they delayed supplying the registered families within the ration card as well as they don't open their shops regularly.
    Source: Al Sabaah


    Posted on Saturday, December 23

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    Political-Science College to establish diplomatic-study programs

    The political science college at Salahaddin University in Erbil is attempting to open an institute for diplomatic studies in Kurdistan, and for the time being, study programs have been allocated for the institute, reported local media.

    "This goal has been on our agenda for more than a year; the reason for this is the necessity of Kurds to be able to work academically on diplomatic subjects by holding formal academic certificates in that field," Bukhari Abdulla, ex-dean of the college said.
    Abdulla explained details of the program, saying, "There are some personal specifications for students to be able to join the courses, such as, they have to graduate from a political science school, preferably from Kurdistani universities, and they must pass a pre-qualification exam prior to enter the institute."

    Abdulla said that the opening of the institute does not need the Baghdad government's approval, since this can be accomplished through the political science school council, the university council, and the Ministry of Higher Education. "Attempts will be made to open the institute next year, and we will accept around 20 students annually," he added

    The duration of studying at the diplomatic institute will be for one year and the programs will specialize in diplomatic affairs.

    Source: The Kurdish Globe


    Posted on Saturday, December 23

  3. #34703
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubbajr View Post
    I work with Gold!

    Gold is weighed in Troy Weight;

    1 Ton = 2000lbs X 12 ounces =24000 X (What $ value is that day per onuce) X 400 Tons = what

    So if you are saying that they have 400 tons of gold, it is off of our calculators.

    I hope this will help some people to understand gold wieght

    Troy Weights
    24 grains = 1 pennyweight
    20 pennyweights = 1 ounce
    12 ounce = 1 pound
    Thank you... You are absolutely correct. I used to work at US Metals in Carteret N.J.... That's the way I remembered it...

  4. #34704
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    Basrah Children’s Hospital provides More Than Healthcare

    By James Bullinger
    More than 70 children participated in a community celebration at the Basrah Children’s Hospital recently. The celebration marked the re-commencement of construction on the hospital that will focus on pediatric oncology. Dignitaries from the Government of Iraq, local government officials and community residents participated in the event.

    AN NASIRIYAH, Iraq – Of the thousands of reconstruction projects in Iraq, projects that benefit children have special interest.

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is leading the construction efforts for the Basrah Children’s Hospital (BCH), which when complete, will provide help and comfort to generations of Iraqi children.

    Lt. Cmdr. Scott King, a U.S. Navy Civil Engineer Corps officer, is the USACE resident engineer for the BCH project. He leads the BCH Project Office (BCHPO) team, which includes a project engineer, a construction representative, an engineering staff of three, and eight local national engineers.

    “The project was originally identified through a 2003 investigation into the state of Iraqi health care by Project HOPE, an international non-profit health, education and humanitarian assistance organization,” King said. “The statistics uncovered in the investigation were staggering: Child mortality rates were very high with 150 out of 1,000 children dying before reaching the age of five.

    “The incidence of childhood cancer was found to be eight to 10 times more common than in the west, and cancer rates in southern Iraq were even higher than that of the national average,” he said. “Statistics such as these made it obvious that a children’s hospital with a special focus on pediatric oncology, built in Basrah, would have an enormous positive impact to the country, especially in the southern governorates.”

    Frederick Gerber, Country Director, Iraq, for Project HOPE said the hospital would fulfill a dire need for health care services targeted to children in Iraq.

    “The World Health Organization statistics indicate that 53 percent of Iraqis are adolescents, so we estimate that the hospital will support more than half of the population of Basrah alone,” Gerber said.

    The BCHPO accepted management responsibility for the hospital’s construction at the end of the summer from another U.S. government agency, when construction was approximately 30 percent complete.

    “Taking over a major construction program midstream with project materials and equipment in various locations across the Middle East has certainly been a challenge,” King said. “Thanks to some great cooperation from the previous management team and some long hours from our current team, it’s been a reasonably seamless process.

    “We’ve assembled a talented team to move the project forward and are having a lot of success partnering with the contractors and other government agencies involved with the project’s funding and execution,” King added. “The pace has picked up on-site and the community is seeing a lot of progress.”

    Andy Frank, a BCHPO project engineer, said the construction project funding and contractor staffing is a multi-national effort.

    “The cost to make the facility fully operational is estimated to be $157.1 million. The U.S. is providing about $95 million, with $84 million from the Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund, and $11 million from the USAID’s Child Survival and Health Fund. The Spanish Government has donated $22 million. Project HOPE will contribute $30 million for medical equipment and training. The Iraqi Ministry of Health is expected to contribute $10 million to aid portions of the initial outfitting and operation of the hospital,” Frank said.

    In addition, Frank said MID-Contracting, an international company based in Amman, Jordan, is the lead contractor for the project. The Project Office also manages two additional contracts with specialized hospital and medical equipment design and consulting firms out of Jordan.

    Brian Pitt, the lead engineer for the BCHPO, said USACE has the lead role in the project.

    “The Gulf Region South District’s Basrah Children’s Hospital Project Office will directly oversee approximately $74 million worth of design, construction, medical equipment procurement and integration, furnishing procurement, and facility maintenance contracts,” he said.

    “In addition, the project office has the lead in coordinating the efforts of their fellow partners in the project, the Iraqi Ministry of Health and Project HOPE.”

    According to Frank, the BCH project is located in the southwest section of Basrah and is being constructed on a 71,000 square meter site.

    “A specially designed foundation and engineered soil was brought in to prepare the existing conditions for the hospital complex,” Frank said. “The project includes a two-story 16,350 square meter main hospital facility, a separate 1,000 square meter building that provides sleeping accommodations for 32 physicians and nurses, two separate electrical and mechanical buildings at 600 square meters each, three separate guard houses, landscaping, paved parking, a soccer field and a 1,134 meter security wall enclosing the site.”

    The main hospital facility has 94 patient beds, 20 outpatient exam rooms, an eight-bed pediatric intensive care unit, a seven-bassinette neonatal intensive care unit, and four general nursing wards, Frank said.

    Other features include two operating rooms, an oncology center; an imaging department with radiography, fluoroscopy, CAT scan, MRI and ultrasound capabilities; an emergency department, and an outpatient endoscopy suite.

    Besides the positive health aspects of a new hospital, the project will boost the overall economic prosperity of the region.

    “Within the first month of our contract, the project was employing over 400 people on a daily basis including construction workers, a supervisory staff of over 30 contractor personnel, and over 100 security workers who provide 24-hour site security, said Paul Farley, the BCHPO’s construction rep.

    The project is expected to employ between 450 to 750 workers during the various phases of the project.

    Gerber said there will be other benefits as well.

    “The children’s hospital will have a huge economic impact on the Basrah area, not only with the employees, physicians, nurses and ancillary personnel hired and paid by the Iraqi government; but with such supporting industries as food, lodging, supplies, equipment, facilities, grounds maintenance, retail stores, etc., in the surrounding areas,” Gerber said. “While the hospital will require a minimum of 510 Iraqis to staff the facility, additional employees will be needed to staff the grounds, kitchen, laundry and other ancillary operations.”

    The hospital also complements the Basrah Medical College, Gerber said, and will be “a support base for training physicians and nurses in the Basrah Province.”

    The BCHPO is helping to ensure the success of the hospital when finished by integrating the end-users of the facility into the construction process.

    “There are three Ministry of Health engineers, who will eventually manage the hospital’s systems, working full-time alongside our Iraqi quality assurance engineers,” King said. “When we turn the hospital over to the Ministry of Health, they’ll be much more familiar with the installed systems, facility operations and required replacement parts.

    “Going forward, our major challenges will be ensuring the site is properly staffed with the right skill-sets, while integrating the specialized medical equipment and furnishing requirements into the facility construction,” King said.

    Despite previous funding issues that slowed construction efforts in the past, King said the project is back on track and that construction was more than 30 percent complete at the end of November.

    “Construction of the hospital is expected to be completed in the summer of 2008,” he said. Following the installation of medical equipment, commissioning, and the initial outfitting of the hospital, it is scheduled to open its doors to patients in early 2009.

    “The completed hospital will deliver much needed specialty medical care to the children of Iraq and serve as a model training hospital for the nurses and physicians of the country. It will be a major step towards reducing child mortality rates and improving the health and quality of life of Iraqis – a definite sign of hope for the people of Iraq during challenging times,” King said.


    Posted on Friday, December 22

  5. #34705
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    US generals agree to troop surge in Iraq: report
    Posted: 23 December 2006 1841 hrs

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    Top US commander in Iraq, General George Casey

    LOS ANGELES: Top US military commanders in Iraq have decided to recommend a "surge" of fresh American combat forces, eliminating one of the last remaining hurdles to proposals being considered by President George W. Bush, The Los Angeles Times has reported.

    Citing an unnamed defence official, the newspaper said the approval of a troop increase plan by top Iraq commanders, including General George Casey and Lieutenant General Raymond Odierno, comes days before Bush unveils a new course for Iraq.

    The recommendation by the commanders in Iraq is significant because Bush has placed prime importance on their advice, the report said.

    The US command in Iraq decided to recommend an increase of troops several days ago, prior to meetings in Baghdad this week with Defence Secretary Robert Gates, according to The Times.

    Commanders have been sceptical of the value of increasing troops, and the decision represents a reversal for Casey, the highest ranking officer in Iraq, the paper said.

    Casey and General John Abizaid, head of the US Central Command who will step down in March, have long resisted adding more troops in Iraq, arguing that it could delay the development of Iraqi security forces and increase anger at the United States in the Arab world, The Times said.

    The defence official said commanders have not determined the exact number of extra troops they will request, the report said.

    Military officers have debated an increase of about 20,000, about five extra combat brigades, The Times said.

    But while some officers think five extra brigades would be difficult to muster, others believe more troops will be required, the paper reported.

    - AFP/so

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    Posted by: saleem on Saturday, December 23, 2006 - 05:25 PM

    Sadrists about to return to parliament, government – Abbadi
    By Haider al-Kaabi
    Najaf, Dec 23, (VOI) – A member of a septet committee of the Shiite Unified Iraqi Coalition said Sadrists were planning to return to the parliament and government.
    Haider al-Abbadi, in a press conference held by members of the UIC delegation after meeting with Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr at his house in the district of al-Hanana on Saturday, said "the key topic discussed in today's meeting was the endeavors to have the Sadrists back down on their decision to freeze membership in the government and parliament."
    "According to discussions that took place today, the issue is about to be settled and the brothers in the Sadrist bloc have informed us that they are about to return to the Iraqi government and parliament," said Abbadi.
    Muqtada al-Sadr, whose parliamentary bloc garnered 30 seats, had suspended the Sadrists' membership in parliament and government in protest against a meeting Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki had with U.S. President George W. Bush in the Jordanian capital Amman late in November.
    The delegation represents the septet, formed after the parliamentary elections in December 2005 and includes members of the main parties in the UIC.
    The committee encompasses Abdul-Aziz al-Hakim's Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), former prime minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari's Daawa Party, Muqtada al-Sadr's bloc, former national security minister Abdul-Karim al-Aanzi's Daawa – Iraq Organization Party, Islamic Fadhila (Virtue) Party under spiritual leader Sheikh al-Yaaqubi, Hadi al-Aamri's Badr Organization and the independents bloc led by Hussein al-Shahrastani, the incumbent minister of oil.
    On demands by the Sadrists, Abbadi said "today the talk was about the need to have united UIC, hand security responsibilities over to Iraqis and get foreign troops out of Iraq."
    He quoted Sadr as stressing that "the Sadrist bloc is still a main component of the coalition and is committed to return to the government and parliament."
    Abbadi said the meeting with Sadr did not touch on disbanding or merging his Mahdi Army.
    Aanzi, who is currently a member of the Iraqi parliament, said the meeting with Sadr was very positive, adding the crisis will see a breakthrough soon.

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    Default the future of the Iraqi economy

    Economic Perception : the future of the Iraqi economy

    Hilal war
    Iraq is not known that the country's large in terms of area and population, but the volume of natural resources unlimited and has enormous wealth in addition to its geographical position to qualify for the important role of trade in the region and the revitalization of the economic cycle significantly.

    Since the current trend in Iraq is to adopt the policy of free economy then this Maedi at revitalizing the role of the private sector in various areas economic effectively, strong and will create certainly a system of free trade exchange of the currency and the laws of flexible with the absence of any restrictions on the movement of capital to encourage them to airspace become incumbent on the State reconsidering the tax rates to become, in an acceptable manner with the to welcome foreign investment in addition to the actively seeking to encourage the development and the participation of the private sector in the investment operations through the non-interference and the prohibition of participation in the public sector in the economy of infrastructure and utilities, and pursue a policy taxes reduced to encourage investment and the activation of the proper climate to activate economic policy.

    We must take into account the structure of the Iraqi economy, the future of the private sector will produce a significant role compared to other countries in the region in addition to capitalize on the availability of raw materials and labor are all important factors in attracting and encouraging the economy of Iraqi forces in all areas.

    There are three factors that contribute to the formation of the President current picture for the future of the global economy : the
    1) the global market system (of globalization)
    2) increasing technical and modern information
    3) the market economy (free economy)

    Therefore, our task as children of the country is not easy after that inherited a heavy legacy, we must continue to work diligently and hard together with our friends in the outside world in order to build us a role in the global economy which is difficult to move away from or ignored and working hard to remove all restrictions and barriers that hinder the development of the Iraqi economy and to be expanded to make sure more than that because we must act upon the possible Annse and ambitious.

    The attention to the fact that the well-being and comfortable life for the people can only be determined by the existence of natural resources, but treasury technical information and the skill and experience of members of the community and the ability of private and public institutions in the management of their assets in a rational and rational. We have ignored the previous Governments successive Iraq really integrate with the global economy through their financial and commercial undertakings-the World Bank and the International Monetary and the World Trade Organization
    We therefore surprise, by this phenomenon economic activity and to follow is a phase lacks the many of the potential necessary to achieve this successful integration in the global economy because we came very late in At the time of engaging in a conflict in earnest with terrorism on the one hand and a conflict with economic development on the other hand in addition to the the conflict sharp with our position from integrate with the global economy and much less the existence of administrative and financial corruption and the lack of transparency the public sector and non-cancellation characteristic discriminatory of the public sector at the expense of the private sector in addition to non-left large area of the private sector to market-based competition and the development of economic decision in the time in which we find States on the other side, of the advanced states merged the global economy in a gradual and a transitional unstudied and over a long period of time lasting for more than four or five decades where he had been integration means for them enable it to and the assistance of international organizations of which we mentioned previously to achieve growth rates high economic and standards of living advanced to their societies.

    In Asia, for example, is not limited to a number of states, able to accommodate aspects of the global economy and avoided the negative effects it has managed Hong Kong, South Korea and Singapore to move from the group of developing countries to the group of developed countries, and there are Malaysia, Thailand, which benefited from market forces and the level of national income has close to the levels of national income in a number of developed countries.

    The question here is whether the benefit of Iraq like the rest of the countries of Asia and the world to join the international organizations above or not? And how!
    * Iraqi academic researcher and

    Freedom isn't knowing your limits, but realizing you have none.

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    Soldiers keep supplies flowing
    Saturday, 23 December 2006
    Story and photo by Spc. Daniel Bearl
    25th Combat Aviation Brigade Public Affairs

    Spc. Lakisha Long, a stock control clerk, and Sgt. Lazarus Cromartie, the warehouse assistant noncommissioned officer in charge, both with Company A, 209th Aviation Support Battalion, review the supply control system at the Supply Support Activity on Contingency Operating Base Speicher, Iraq. Their warehouse stocks many classes of supplies from food items to complete aircraft engines.TIKRIT — As Soldiers in Multination Division - North go about their day-to-day duties, an unseen group of fellow servicemembers works day and night to make the mission possible.

    The little-thought-of supplies that make the fight possible are part of a multimillion-dollar logistics operation that is the lifeblood of the war effort, and someone has to be responsible for ordering, tracking and delivering the vital equipment.

    That’s where Company A, 209th Aviation Support Battalion comes in.

    From food to office supplies to vehicle parts, the Soldiers at the company’s warehouse at Contingency Operating Base Speicher handle supply requests from more than seven battalions operating in Iraq and Kuwait.

    “We’re like the combat Wal-Mart,” said Warrant Officer Dempster Upshaw, Company A, 209th ASB. “What you can get at Wal-Mart, you can get here.”

    But handling that variety and volume of supplies presents its own problems and challenges.

    “One of the biggest challenges is getting the right part to the customer,” Upshaw said. “We track supplies from when the customer places the order, to getting it shipped from the U.S. to Iraq to when you’re sitting at your desk and you sign the hand receipt for your new supplies.”

    And with as many as 50,000 requisitions coming from more than 200 customers every day, it can get difficult, Upshaw said.

    Storage space is another of the many challenged the unit faces..

    “We have to make sure it’s stored properly so that it’s protected from the elements,” Upshaw said. “So when the costumer gets it, it works.”

    “There’s a big difference between working here and in the rear,” said Sgt. Missy Maye, the company’s warehouse storage noncommissioned officer in charge. “In the rear we don’t stock nearly as many lines. Over here it’s quadrupled.”

    The care of the stored supplies is even more important when you take into account their value, Upshaw said.

    “When I see parts like this (helicopter) engine here, I see money,” Upshaw said.

    With about $70 million in supplies at his main warehouse alone, and with as much as $50 million in equipment and supplies moving through every day, Upshaw has a lot to keep track of and take care of.

    Fortunately, he doesn’t have to handle the load on his own.

    “I have outstanding NCOs and Soldiers,” Upshaw said. “Sergeants and Soldiers are what make this place run.”

    So as the troops continue to fight in the global war on terror, the Soldiers of Company A, 209th ASB will continue to keep them supplied.

    “We do it with integrity,” Upshaw said. “I’m not going to let my soldiers fall. I’m not going to let the Army down.”

    That takes dedication and drive.

    “Sometimes you’ll see me with a little shadow,” Upshaw said, motioning at his jaw line. “I’m here that much. I live here and work here.”

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    Default Economic Trade : processed wheat mills

    Economic Trade : processed wheat mills

    The Ministry of Trade on "The General Company for grain trade began in all governorates, according to the processing mills to find out the estimated material wheat imported and domestic." A source in the ministry in a press statement : "The quantities

    Processed reached by the end of November last 229 thousand and 18 tons were allocated for the completion of the share of the month of October. " He added : "The low rate of implementation due to poor processing in the governorates of Anbar, Diyala, Salahuddin because of the security situation and the reluctance of truck drivers access to the processing silos in these governorates, and the scarcity of the transfer of domestic and imported wheat between company sites in most provinces." The source continued : "Iraq needs to be 330 thousand tons of wheat per month to meet the requirements of the ration card." He pointed out : "The company sites in all governorates continuous processing agents rice share of the month in October, as the quantities of processed until the end of the month of November 24, 454 thousand tons, having completed the processing of the quota last September." The source said : "It is being carried out and unloading cargo tonnage Bacherti rice / Vert Edian and Vapoulosila / Almahamalten b / 58 / tons in the port of Umm Qasr and shipped to the provinces, according to the distribution plan assessments and the need for each of the rice." The needs of Iraq for the purposes of the ration card about 90 thousand tons of rice a month. The other source explained that the sites receipt rule rice started in the Central Euphrates provinces and the center has received from farmers and marketers as amounts received five thousand tons and it is hoped to increase the quantities to be revised upward during the coming days and weeks. It is noteworthy that the Supreme Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers decided to set the price per ton of rice at 750 thousand from the new season, which began on the first of November last year.

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    Default Economic OBSTACLES : work in the banking sector warns of the release of capital outfl

    Economic OBSTACLES : work in the banking sector warns of the release of capital outflow

    With financial management seeks to attract investment banking
    Baghdad Imad Principality
    A number of economists warned that the continuation of the obstacles that hinder the performance of the banking sector may lead to the Iraqi capital flight abroad at a time when the government is seeking to create opportunities to attract inward investment banking.

    They told their conversations in the (morning) that the security situation and the exposure of banks to the government and civil armed robberies undone banking sector capacity to ensure the rights of the citizen, hurries to avoid deposit money in banks, but prefer not deposited in banks in neighboring countries.
    Although Iraq from the top in the opening practice and banking activity General and the National headed policy bank to allow banks to establish a special starting in (1991) and leave the banks establish Iraqi civil take a shareholding but these (private banks) struck many of the negative aspects and obstacles together, and to learn more from this situation experienced by the private banks, met (morning), an economist (d. Reza Qarishi) from the Faculty of Administration and Economics of Al-Mustansereya University, which emphasized that most landlords the banking Group in the private banks the Iraqi are retirees who have died a long period of their professional lives in government banks In the period preceding and following the events of the fall of the regime the Principles in the salary in the private banks remunerative compared the salaries of (the governmental sector) the banking but this situation has been changed after the Fall where the staff salaries of governmental banks large in relation to the salaries of private banks this situation cast a shadow to work the banking sector and left many staff members of the popular sector its work and moved toward the governmental banks and Handicapped II which it has been suffering private banks is the (security degeneration) It is known that security stability is considered was nurtured. Development and that most organs sophisticated financial of high sensitivity extremely believe that the security that stands a barrier election as President to the development banking activity Add to this the exposure of banks, civil and governmental, in the recent period to the robberies armed STOLE during which he very large sums in hard currency, the Iraqi dinar with these implications had serious adverse effects in the Movement of banking work, and the created of the owners of capital and the ordinary citizen a state of uncertainty and anticipate from the coming days d. Reza Qarishi also said that this situation adversely affects in attracting capital and prevents earn clients and new clients and is because there is a race between the the degree of profitability and the risks this situation underscored the fact that the capital a coward pointing out that most of capital Iraqi money go towards abroad has uncovered the latest reports that the capital existing Iraqi in Jordan equivalent to Nos. capital funds the Gulf also located in the Jordan that the security situation deteriorating impeded before the construction and the opening of many of the private banks There have been signs of for some private banks the Iraqi in the work of partnership with foreign banks in accordance with the mechanism identified by the (the investment law) the Iraqi which recently adopted by the Council of Ministers.
    One of the President witnessed the Iraqi private banks to be established in the light of historical circumstances, normally a circumstance where the siege marked by negative phenomena known. He added an economic expert another that the private banks concentrated in the province of Baghdad mainly with the limited number of branches open in the provinces of the country other and that the there is a great variation among these banks having used some private banks as subsidiaries effective we find that the other banks did not go to the trouble of contributing in the building of a network bank branches since did not exceed the number of its branches at the single-species despite the passage of three years from the date of inception Add to this deficit in male and female have been subjected to interruption in the track amounted to time frame more than thirty five years, and it could be said that these banks had not been able and that the been keen to galvanize or obtain such expertise the Iraqi capable and coping for such a type of banking whether impediments to the transfer information of modern banking and techniques renewable or in minimizing the possibilities of these banks to acquire (contrivance technological) in the field of banking Mechanism computer Among the most prominent the suffering of private banks in the area of the provision of expertise Personnel the functional dependence on bank statement (the Rafidain and Rashid) for those who have completed their services Pension Board after arrival, the legal age or who resign from government work and that such manning tables were although the battle-hardened in the field of banking work However, it was also a lack of the requirements of modernity drafted because of dropouts from the world, and banning them from training courses Add to this that there was a shortage in the staffing private banks represented at the managers branches Personnel accounting preliminaries qualifying what forced the those private banks to the adoption of (banking regulations-made clothes).
    The governing the sources of these regulations in the property rights to what is produced by, in many cases as the direct control of banking instruments with the emergence of the phenomenon of the intersection in the priorities of its own technical departments and priorities targeted by some of the main contributors to the capital of these banks and the limited ability to interact with data technological modern banking seems from this economic analysis is based on data and realistic that the future of private banks Iraqi surrounded by a vision of uncertainty, including came by the coming months if the situation remain as it is forcing the owners of capital to withdraw their money around outside for fear of the repercussions of the security situation. But hope surpassing the factors affecting vulnerability and the reasons God.

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