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  1. #34941
    Senior Investor $onedaysoon$'s Avatar
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    this has my head turnin lol round and round

    Economic : ا Iraqi dinar. The American dollar floating in the structure of the national economy

    نجم عبد الحسينNajm Abdullah Hussein
    Since the founding of the Iraqi state in 1922 and within legal recognition of Iraq. There are legislative and executive powers, legal and governmental institutions, was formed in the light of that government under the Constitution, including the (currency issue)

    The Iraqi dinar unit of measure deals by the Iraqis in the market compulsory The Central Bank is the issue of this currency, according to a special law, and the Iraqi dinar has good cash at home and abroad, because Iraq is one of the oil exporters then and still, and that the Monetary Iraqi rolling value of the dinar (nominal) specified by the law has become a standard for exchange transactions, retirement and international circulation according to the rule of gold though related example pound British Before the revolution the 14th of July 1958. Especially in terms of credit and foreign transfers, as it has a metal cover coupled with stable, especially after the liberation of Iraq from the ring (Pound sterling) remained as the cash list them (real value) compared to international rates.
    In spite of the many shocks that hit the developed and the developing countries in conditions of political and economic changes led to the decline : Many of those currencies are dangerous, and we cite here, for example, only a few.
    Where was (Deutsche Mark) for the equivalent of the American dollar (6 trillion) by the nominal value of the defeat of Germany in World War II by the Allies. As Annse what happened to the American dollar in the same 1972 fuel crisis in the rule of the American president (Nixon) of the floating landing and dangerous and deteriorating values of exports and imports to American foreign goods and services. What is the reason behind the latest deficit and a serious crack in the structure of the American economy, which led to the issuance of (American gold bullion with the Ministry of Finance, stored in the global markets. He did not receive such a decline of the dollar, which happened before, and even in the international recession in 1930.
    If we condemns between Iraq and its neighbor Iran in 1980 until 1988 of a devastating war sapped the energies and human infrastructure of both countries, but the Iraqi dinar has not been affected as much Magder keeping its true value and the relative stability and has remained steadfastly circulation throughout the war, especially between the neighboring countries. But the Iraqi dinar has remained intact value of the cash and the rapid circulation and public confidence in the daily transaction. But what happened is it has been difficult for this criticism (dinar) that the can stand on its own two feet no longer of value (nominal value) any the stability of has been for this event serious development in the structure of the Iraqi economy after the government moved to conduct a preventive measure was wrong if it passed or the equivalent of (millions of dinars from the category of 25 dinars) led this would be that the dinar the words on the (commercial paper) in value (nominal value) Perhaps this sinister phenomenon with misconduct by the then government made it monopolizes (the dollar) the American in the Iraqi market, remained dinar patients is incurable from be bolstered or inflicted appropriate solutions. Because the performance evaluation of the monetary fine Iraqi particularly in the year 1994 after the penetration of the dollar is in the ring that he had not actually modifying any real value to the unity of the Iraqi dinar exchange measurement) to the dollar. Despite the fact that Iraq has enormous oil wealth more than the rest of the world in terms of trade credit and cash deal, especially European countries.
    But the contrary is true as he got the American dollar on economic policy Iraqi dinar has not been able to stand up to him after the removal of the former regime and the loss of state control over strength and Bniaha economic and commercial How will the stability of the Iraqi currency
    Represented by the patient (the dinar), which can not be cured under the umbrella of the American dollar pontoon got the whole Iraqi market. It is the seller and the buyer of Iraqi Aitamel only (by). Who is responsible for this decline?
    The question before the Ministry of Finance as the Minister stated before on the need for (evaluation Iraqi dinar) and called for the activation to the volume of the American dollar. Will the Iraqi parliament seeks to lay the foundations evaluation of a new monetary unit. Or will the dinar against the dollar circuit? And how low the Iraqi economy to atrophy if the dinar to the spinal column that can not withstand and integrity?
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  2. #34942
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by $onedaysoon$ View Post
    this has my head turnin lol round and round

    Economic : ا Iraqi dinar. The American dollar floating in the structure of the national economy

    نجم عبد الحسينNajm Abdullah Hussein
    Since the founding of the Iraqi state in 1922 and within legal recognition of Iraq. There are legislative and executive powers, legal and governmental institutions, was formed in the light of that government under the Constitution, including the (currency issue)

    The Iraqi dinar unit of measure deals by the Iraqis in the market compulsory The Central Bank is the issue of this currency, according to a special law, and the Iraqi dinar has good cash at home and abroad, because Iraq is one of the oil exporters then and still, and that the Monetary Iraqi rolling value of the dinar (nominal) specified by the law has become a standard for exchange transactions, retirement and international circulation according to the rule of gold though related example pound British Before the revolution the 14th of July 1958. Especially in terms of credit and foreign transfers, as it has a metal cover coupled with stable, especially after the liberation of Iraq from the ring (Pound sterling) remained as the cash list them (real value) compared to international rates.
    In spite of the many shocks that hit the developed and the developing countries in conditions of political and economic changes led to the decline : Many of those currencies are dangerous, and we cite here, for example, only a few.
    Where was (Deutsche Mark) for the equivalent of the American dollar (6 trillion) by the nominal value of the defeat of Germany in World War II by the Allies. As Annse what happened to the American dollar in the same 1972 fuel crisis in the rule of the American president (Nixon) of the floating landing and dangerous and deteriorating values of exports and imports to American foreign goods and services. What is the reason behind the latest deficit and a serious crack in the structure of the American economy, which led to the issuance of (American gold bullion with the Ministry of Finance, stored in the global markets. He did not receive such a decline of the dollar, which happened before, and even in the international recession in 1930.
    If we condemns between Iraq and its neighbor Iran in 1980 until 1988 of a devastating war sapped the energies and human infrastructure of both countries, but the Iraqi dinar has not been affected as much Magder keeping its true value and the relative stability and has remained steadfastly circulation throughout the war, especially between the neighboring countries. But the Iraqi dinar has remained intact value of the cash and the rapid circulation and public confidence in the daily transaction. But what happened is it has been difficult for this criticism (dinar) that the can stand on its own two feet no longer of value (nominal value) any the stability of has been for this event serious development in the structure of the Iraqi economy after the government moved to conduct a preventive measure was wrong if it passed or the equivalent of (millions of dinars from the category of 25 dinars) led this would be that the dinar the words on the (commercial paper) in value (nominal value) Perhaps this sinister phenomenon with misconduct by the then government made it monopolizes (the dollar) the American in the Iraqi market, remained dinar patients is incurable from be bolstered or inflicted appropriate solutions. Because the performance evaluation of the monetary fine Iraqi particularly in the year 1994 after the penetration of the dollar is in the ring that he had not actually modifying any real value to the unity of the Iraqi dinar exchange measurement) to the dollar. Despite the fact that Iraq has enormous oil wealth more than the rest of the world in terms of trade credit and cash deal, especially European countries.
    But the contrary is true as he got the American dollar on economic policy Iraqi dinar has not been able to stand up to him after the removal of the former regime and the loss of state control over strength and Bniaha economic and commercial How will the stability of the Iraqi currency
    Represented by the patient (the dinar), which can not be cured under the umbrella of the American dollar pontoon got the whole Iraqi market. It is the seller and the buyer of Iraqi Aitamel only (by). Who is responsible for this decline?
    The question before the Ministry of Finance as the Minister stated before on the need for (evaluation Iraqi dinar) and called for the activation to the volume of the American dollar. Will the Iraqi parliament seeks to lay the foundations evaluation of a new monetary unit. Or will the dinar against the dollar circuit? And how low the Iraqi economy to atrophy if the dinar to the spinal column that can not withstand and integrity?
    it seems to be an article detailing economic issues throughout time and at the end basically says they need to shit or get offa the pot. these are their choices, the economy is drowning holdin a rock, get with the program.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #34943
    Senior Investor $onedaysoon$'s Avatar
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    The Presidency in the parliament received the financial budget for 2007 and referred to the parliamentary economic committee for the preparation of the final report

    (المصدر: في 25-12-2006)(Source : in the 12-25-2006)
    The first deputy chairman of parliament, Khaled al-Attiyah Sunday for the receipt of the Presidency of the Parliament of the budget in 2007 and referred to the economic and investment in the Parliament for examination and preparation of the final report of the parliament ", and continued deputy in the al-Attiyah Almetmersahvi the Palais des Congrès yesterday in Baghdad," where mooted in the parliament in its first meeting after the holidays. " And the value of the budget, the Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Safa net yesterday during the conference, "The budget is the value of (41) billion dollars, up from last year (11) billion dinars." He added, "and we will try to submit the Dowaervi beginning of the year.
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  4. #34944
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    Early New Year Alamirikeh plan ahead to achieve stability in Iraq

    (المصدر: في 25-12-2006)(Source : in the 12-25-2006)
    The decision to declare Bush the beginning of the new year, the plan expected to achieve stability in Iraq, which refers most expectations that it contains a package of measures first to send thousands of additional troops to impose security in and around Baghdad, the second adoption of the draft economic giant to provide job opportunities for millions of unemployed along the lines of the President Franklin Roosevelt of the United States in the Great Depression in the 1930s of the last century.
    The newspaper «» British Sunday Times and the New York Times »« American sources in the Pentagon, the assurances that the generals and senior military commanders field support the idea of reviving the Iraqi economy to provide jobs for young people as part of the plan for ending the rebellion, in addition to sending up to 30 thousand additional troops to reinforce the efforts to impose security in Iraq. The Sunday Times »« that the Bush plan to provide job opportunities for Iraqis, cost about ten billion dollars American military leaders believe that the Americans will be to no avail without military plans, because the problem in their view with regard to unemployment and the difficult economic conditions that drive young people to join the ranks of the gunmen. The newspaper said that the Speaker of the American House of former Newt Gingrich, a member of the advisory body provides advice and recommendations to the Pentagon, stands strongly behind the proposal to adopt a Marshall Plan for Iraq as part of the strategic plan will bring prosperity to the Iraqi people.
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  5. #34945
    Senior Investor $onedaysoon$'s Avatar
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    1. People
    الصفحة الأولىThe first page
    1- مؤتمر دول الجوار يعقد في بغداد.1-Conference neighboring countries held in Baghdad.
    2- 41 مليار موازنة عام 2007.Two 41-billion budget in 2007.
    3- لوس أنجلس تايمز كبار العسكريين الأمريكيين يؤيدون زيادة عدد القوات.ط3-Los Angeles Times senior American military support increasing the number of troops. I
    4- الكهرباء :مشاكل كبيرة تواجهنا ..خارجة عن سيطرتنا.4 - Electricity : big problems we face. Beyond our control.
    5- لمطالبة ب 200 كليون دولار بقضية النفط مقابل الغذاء دعوى قضائية ضد مصرف أوروبي وشركة استرالية.5-to claim $ 200 Cleon cause of the oil-for-food program, filed a lawsuit against the European bank and an Australian company.
    6- كوريا الجنوبية تمدد بقاء قواتها في العراق سنة أخرى.6-South Korea extended the survival of its troops in Iraq for another year.

    Seven-source : oil is betting the future to raise the standard of living.
    6-dinar continue to rise at the expense of the dollar.
    Translated version of
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  6. #34946
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    The first political : Spring Mahdi Army lay down arms if there Security

    Nassar, Deputy President of spring bloc chest : "The question of the Mahdi Army of carrying weapons will expire automatically once the sovereignty of the State and be no security in the country." Rubaie said in press statements made yesterday that the Mahdi Army

    Army dogmatic and self-arming to defend itself that the government has failed in its duty in providing security. " And on the accusations leveled to the Mahdi Army for the abductions and other - Rubaie said : "These phenomena are general phenomena occur for all" denied such accusations against him, pointing out that there is the same attributes of the Mahdi Army and perform such acts, and that Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr person this case. " Spring and continued : "The crisis of sectarian fighting fueled by the occupier after the bombings of Samarra We regret such feuds between the sons of the one people and we hope that everyone nose-dive position and aware of what is happening on the ground

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #34947
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    The first political : Al-Maliki : national reconciliation initiative strategic and not temporary

    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki that the national reconciliation project is important and fateful, and that their implementation will be a large number of problems facing the country, describing them initiative strategic outlook. Maliki said during his meeting yesterday with Chinese Ambassador

    Hoashin me on the occasion of his functions in Baghdad : that there are trends and forces and parties such as Al-Qaeda terrorist organization and the rebels of the disbanded Baath Party refuse reconciliation between components of the Iraqi people and seek to destabilize the security situation in the country. Al-Maliki added that national reconciliation is important and fateful draft because the problems are solved militarily, but there must be common ground between the political parties, pointing out that national reconciliation is not a temporary, it is strategic and that their implementation will many of the problems facing the country. And on relations Iraqi Chinese premier emphasized that Iraq was looking forward to developing its relations with China in the political, economic, trade, He commended the support of the Chinese government for the new Iraq. Meanwhile, the Chinese ambassador that he is proud of the relationship of friendship between China and Iraq, and cooperation in the political, economic, trade, expressing satisfaction with the progress made in the political process. He added that his country is following the situation in Iraq and hoped that achieved national reconciliation and advancing the process of rebuilding and reconstruction.

    جريدة الصباح - المالكي: المصالحة الوطنية مبادرة ستراتيجية و ليست وقتية

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #34948
    Banned Lakeway's Avatar
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    Cool Brazil to reopen embassy in Iraq

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    I dig the brazillians. If they are over there then I know we are getting close.

    Wooooooaaaaaaah BUNDY!!!!

  9. #34949
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    اThe first political : Council of Christian denominations cancels holiday of Christmas Day celebrations this year In protest against the tragic situation in the country

    Baghdad morning
    Abolished the Secretariat of the Council of Heads of Christian sects in Baghdad festivals this year on the occasion of Christmas and demanded self Bsaloat and religious ceremonies and church because of the bad security conditions that prevailed in the country.

    The secretariat said in a statement that the birth of the apostle of peace and love and the New Year, Christmas and the approaching Eid Al-Adha holiday, and all these holidays, did not dispel the dark clouds of grief and sorrow aggravated by the rampant violence, abduction and forced blind unjust land tyrannical and find good harmonious political and widespread internal and external migration suffered by the Iraqis of various religions and ideologies.

    The statement added that the birthday of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) will be limited in the midst of these difficult days for this year to worship and pray only and self ritual, the church and to refrain from mass celebrations accompanying protest at the tragic situation and the sympathy to the bereaved and the afflicted.

    The statement called for the state and all its organs at all levels to maintain the security of its citizens and to seek by all means to restore calm and stability to the country and the dignity and freedom of every citizen.

    He continued that the United Nations and the majority are more than ever to support the good constructive compromise to preserve the soil of Iraq, its people and its institutions.

    The emphasis on the use of dialogue and political consultation service for the closing of violence once and for all, the fact that Iraq secretariat in the necks of everyone, and the finest safety and security for all.

    He hoped that the statement be resolved blessings on everyone by Almighty God the Merciful Zava warmest congratulations to all the Muslims by the Eid Al-Adha holiday.

    جريدة الصباح - مجلس الطوائف المسيحية يلغي الاحتفالات بعيد الميلاد المجيد هذا العام

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #34950
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    Quote Originally Posted by $onedaysoon$ View Post
    1. People
    الصفحة الأولىThe first page
    1- مؤتمر دول الجوار يعقد في بغداد.1-Conference neighboring countries held in Baghdad.
    2- 41 مليار موازنة عام 2007.Two 41-billion budget in 2007.
    3- لوس أنجلس تايمز كبار العسكريين الأمريكيين يؤيدون زيادة عدد القوات.ط3-Los Angeles Times senior American military support increasing the number of troops. I
    4- الكهرباء :مشاكل كبيرة تواجهنا ..خارجة عن سيطرتنا.4 - Electricity : big problems we face. Beyond our control.
    5- لمطالبة ب 200 كليون دولار بقضية النفط مقابل الغذاء دعوى قضائية ضد مصرف أوروبي وشركة استرالية.5-to claim $ 200 Cleon cause of the oil-for-food program, filed a lawsuit against the European bank and an Australian company.
    6- كوريا الجنوبية تمدد بقاء قواتها في العراق سنة أخرى.6-South Korea extended the survival of its troops in Iraq for another year.

    Seven-source : oil is betting the future to raise the standard of living.
    6-dinar continue to rise at the expense of the dollar.
    Translated version of
    oneday....hilarious avatar.......

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