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    One and a quarter billion dollars to implement Baghdad Secretariat projects during the next 4 years
    Including water projects, developing highways and waste funding stations
    27 December 2006 (Iraq Directory)
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    The Secretary of Baghdad, Dr. Sabir Al-Issawi, said that the Secretariat of Baghdad had signed contracts during the current year, valued at more than one thousand (1000) billion Iraqi dinar. He pointed out that the Secretariat has obtained approval from the Cabinet and the Economic Committee to raise the operational budget from (150) billion to (400) billion Iraqi dinar, which makes it an explosive budget in all measures. He called municipal districts, which will receive a budget equals three times of the previous one, to follow the proper and legal methods in implementing the projects allocated to them and not to yield to any pressure by anyone in referring projects to prevent administrative corruption.

    He explained that the Secretariat has prepared a plan for the next four years (2007-2010) includes projects worth (1,281) billion dollars that will be obtained as follows: (180) billion dinar from the allocations of the Ministry of Planning, (600) billion dinar from the allocations of Baghdad City Council and the rest from the reserve of the Iraqi federal budget.

    He added that: the Secretariat obtained the approval of the Economic Committee in the Cabinet to declare on the projects prepared for the year (2007) now to gain time for the start of implementation, in addition to the approval from the Cabinet to launch the allocations of the Secretariat of Baghdad in the first month of the new year for the same reason. He said that: the Secretariat has already declared on four projects: the first is expanding the water project of east of the Tigris at a capacity of (190) thousand cubic meters daily and at a cost ranging from (30) to (35) million dollars, the second project is developing the highways in the city of Baghdad (Muhammad al-Qasim highway, Army Canal and Utba Bin Ghazwan Street) at a cost of (55) billion dinar from the allocations of Baghdad City Council, third project is establishing three tanks of pure water, which area part of Arrasafah water project, at a cost of (237) billion dinar and the fourth project is the establishment of factories for waste recycling, medical crematories and transformative stations for collecting wastes on both sides: Al-Karkh and Arrasafah.

    The Secretary of Baghdad praised the benevolent efforts of the Secretary's workers at this stage, which was clear, distinct and concrete in the field. He called on everyone to be careful and to work for making the Secretary of Baghdad the first in fighting against administrative corruption and the protection of public funds.
    He explained: that the Cabinet approved to transfer the implementation of Baghdad metro from the Ministry of Transport to Baghdad Secretariat for being serious in its work; the studies will be updated and then start implementing them at the end of the year (2007). The project starts from Al-Ameen Quarter, passing through Assadr City and reaching Al-Adhamiya; also it will include (23) stations.

    He stressed the importance of agriculture and the increase of green areas in Baghdad. He pointed out that the next year will witness the establishment of (15) new parks, the size of each will be equal to Azzawra Park, throughout the city of Baghdad. He also said that each municipal district should establish (a flower clock) in one of their main parks. The Secretary tackled the campaign of cleaning sewerage, manholes, sewage stations and reforming subsides. Referring to the existence of loitering in the work of some municipal districts and the need to be completed as soon as possible, especially as the rainy season has started; so it is necessary to rehabilitate the sewage system and quickly. He stressed the importance of eliminating excesses and gives it the importance it deserves; since it began to affect the basic design of Baghdad, as well as the need to prevent any new excess through legal means and cooperation with the Guarding Department. The removal of ten excesses a week, as minimum, within each municipality should continue.

    The Secretary of Baghdad stressed the importance of municipal awareness and that the Secretariat is currently establishing a Radio Station, in addition to the programs broadcasted daily for not less than three hours live on the air with the participation of general managers of the Municipal districts to listen to the complaints of citizens and solve them as quickly as possible. Also, specify a number, like the one of civil defense and emergency aid, made up of three numbers in order to listen to complaints of citizens with emphasis on the municipal districts to fix the complaint numbers on each mechanism of Baghdad Secretariat and to call to account the mechanism drivers who extort citizens and demand money from them for the services provided.

    The meeting discussed various important topics related to the implementation of projects and the problems and obstacles that may stand in their way, as well as listening to the appropriate solutions to overcome these problems and the advancement of our service and repair the infrastructure of the city of Baghdad to make it look in a proper way worthy of being the capital of all Iraqis.

    One and a quarter billion dollars to implement Baghdad Secretariat projects during the next 4 years | Iraq Updates

  2. #35102
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    Iraqi-Jordanian technical committees consider the suspended financial problems
    An attempt to put an end to the whole file
    27 December 2006 (Iraq Directory)
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    The Secretary-General of the Ministry of Finance, Dr. Ahmed Al-Kasasa, said that a joint Iraqi-Jordanian technical committee has finally been established to consider all aspects of the suspended financial file between the two countries since the Iran-Iraq war, in preparation of its closure.

    The statements of the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Finance coincided with the statements made by the Commercial Counselor at the Iraqi embassy in Amman, Adeeb Agha, on claims presented by Jordanian exporters to Iraq under the contracts that had been implemented outside the framework of the commercial protocol between the two countries which continued until 2003, and they were estimated at about 450 million dinar, pointing out that Iraq will deal with it in a positive manner. He stressed that the concerned authorities in Iraq will conduct the required value of the receivables to their owners after the submission of documents and verifying them.

    The Iraqi Ministry of Trade has asked the Iraqi Central Bank to provide data on claims by Jordanian exporters which shows receivables implications on the Iraqi side under the Iraqi-Jordanian conventions.

    A statement released by the ministry recently said that it is now reviewing the claims of some Jordanian traders and their financial entitlements on Iraq, pointing out that the Iraqi Ministry of Trade is preparing a broad program to address requests for the material benefits of some traders and businessmen.

    The statement pointed out that the Iraqi-Jordanian committee, which was held in Baghdad recently, discussed the issue of some Jordanian merchants' money owed to Iraqi banks and traders as a result of transaction concluded away from the trade protocol between the two countries and the food-for-medicine program.

    The Committee referred to had emerged from a meeting between a Jordanian delegation headed by the Prime Minister, Dr. Maarouf Bakhit, and an Iraqi delegation headed by the Iraqi Prime Minister, Dr. Nouri Al-Maliki, in the course of a one-day visit made by the Jordanian delegation to Baghdad last July.

    As for the Trade Protocol, it is a Jordanian-Iraqi agreement that has been signed on annually by the two countries since the year 1992, following the end of the first Gulf War in the previous year, including commodities needed by Iraq from Jordan over the full year in return for oil granted to Jordan from Iraq at preferential prices.

    The oil-for-food program is a Convention concluded in 1996 between the United Nations and the Iraqi regime at that time, in which the United Nations allowed Iraq to sell part of its oil to finance the import of food and medical supplies to the Iraqi people under the control of the United Nations.

    But Jordanian traders had entered into trade agreements with the Iraqi government or with their counterparts in Iraq outside the framework of the Protocol and the Convention referred to.

    But the Iraqi-Jordanian financial file is much larger than that. It includes Jordanian debts, of 1.3 billion dollars, owed by Iraq since the days of the former Iraqi regime, accumulated over more than two decades. The debts began by about 50 million dollars during the Iraqi-Iranian war, which ended in 1988, but increased after the Jordanian government had bought the private sector's debts owed by the Iraqi government in 1991.

    The file also includes Iraqi funds in Jordanian banks where the previous Iraqi government had deposited in the form of guarantees for the commodities exported by the Jordanian company to Iraq. Following the fall of the former Iraqi regime after the American coalition invasion to Iraq in 2003, Jordan took a decision to impound these funds which are estimated at 650 million dinar to guarantee the rights of the Jordanian merchants, and distributed a portion of this amount estimated at 40 million dinar to about 500 Jordanian traders and industrial who had dues on Iraqi merchants.

    Iraqi-Jordanian technical committees consider the suspended financial problems | Iraq Updates

  3. #35103
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    Cool Hummmm,

    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    Just wondering if anyone else saw the article about 50,000 extra troops heading to Bagdad? What a coincidence it is happening right now. Good time to lock it down to disperse the lower demons. JMHO.

    Only thing I have seen is a purposed 35,000. What are you talking about cig. You got some inside on some movement again?

  4. #35104
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    Municipality to implement 1st part of Baghdad Metro
    27 December 2006 (Al-Sabaah)
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    The Engineering and Technical staff at the Baghdad Municipality is ready to implement the 1st part of Baghdad Metro project which started from al-Ameen quarter passing from Al-Sadar city and arriving to adhimiya by the end of 2007.

    The spokesman of the secretariat stated to as-Sabah, that metro project will contribute in transferring one million persons daily and include 23 stations distributed in various areas of Baghdad.Notably, the Iraqi cabinet had agreed on referring the implementation of this project which is part of Transport's Ministry responsibility to Baghdad Municipality, due to the serious stand of Baghdad Municipality.

    Municipality to implement 1st part of Baghdad Metro | Iraq Updates

  5. #35105
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    50 b yens as easy loans to develop oil ports in south
    27 December 2006 (Al-Sabaah)
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    The Japanese government has approved to grant the Iraqi Ministry of Oil one million yen as an easy loans to upgrade crude oil installations in the southern ports while the ministry had decided to appoint 581 graduates of Oil institutes for the academic year 2003-2004.The Oil Undersecretary, the Eng.

    Ahmed al-Shama'h stated that the Japanese government had approved in 10th December to grant Iraq 50 billions yen to upgrade the oil export installations via southern ports.

    50 b yens as easy loans to develop oil ports in south | Iraq Updates

  6. #35106
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    Just wondering if anyone else saw the article about 50,000 extra troops heading to Bagdad? What a coincidence it is happening right now. Good time to lock it down to disperse the lower demons. JMHO.
    While "dispersing lower denoms" sounds real good, it might also be for keeping things setteled down while Sadam and company "gets stretched".

    About two inches

  7. #35107
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    Quote Originally Posted by mountaingirl View Post
    Ministry of Finance Expects Exchange Rate Hike in 2007

    A ministry of finance source revealed the government anticipates a 13 percent gain for the dinar against the US dollar early in 2007 after a raise of the bank interest rates to limit the use of dollars in the economy and to fight inflation, the Iraqi Media Network Southern Region (IMNSR) reported

    Isn't this a long way from 1:1? Not being a smart--- but 13% doesn't seem like much or am I wrong? Thanks

    My version of what this might be about.

    Lets say they start with the 1465 rate less 13% equals 1274, and with the remaining time at 10 pips a day you are right on the mark.

    The percentage refered to (13%) is what we have been wittnessing since the first of Nov. The CBI is on schedual to what this release is telling us. We get to this point then the RV 75% of real rate.
    What say you........

  8. #35108
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    i havent been disappointed once in the last 2 and a half years. its all been a forward progress in those 2.5 years. the disappointment for some came when they staked everything on the rumors that came and went. if you wanted to be realistic the time to do that was when all the rumors were circulating and it would have saved you the misery. yes i got excited with each and every one but that was part of the thrill of it all.

    see, it all depends on how a person looks at the overall picture. personally i think its been an easy several million to earn as all ive really had to do was sit in a chair and access the internet with a few phone calls thrown in here and there. no back breaking shoveling, no mind boggling equations, no paperwork to fill out, no miles to walk. it cant get much easier than this for earning money and LOTS of money at that.

    the outside world has been more than sufficient for me to keep my feet on the ground and if it wouldnt have been for the promise and hope of the dinar i might have gotten very seriously depressed with all the sickness and death ive had to face in the last 2 years. so yes, it does indeed depend on your attitude and how you look at things.
    Susie I want to thank you for that testimony.It is people like you that has
    made this and exciting trip.I am sorry for your loss and tragdy,I know how you feel,I just lost my last brother. Ronnie

  9. #35109
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    so warka said investors can hold stock in thier name in april 07. Now if they do in fact need a traded currency then now would be the perfect time to r/v and show they can can hold that rate for 4 months. Then open with forex and open ISX.
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  10. #35110
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    Default Hey Neno!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    Bush, advisers to huddle at Crawford on new Iraq strategy
    Updated 12/26/2006 7:46 PM

    CRAWFORD, Texas
    (AP) — President Bush went to his ranch Tuesday to rethink U.S. involvement in Iraq while a leading Democratic senator said he would oppose any increase in American troops there.

    Bush, advisers to huddle at Crawford on new Iraq strategy -

    I'll pay for the 4X8 sheet of plywood and the paint to make a sign to put in the back of your pickup truck! You drive to Bush's little meeting (I'll even pay for gas!) and drive by REAL SLOW with this sign in the back of your truck:
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    Last edited by Hardwood; 27-12-2006 at 04:35 AM. Reason: Pic
    Do unto know the rest...

    Here I am getting my Dinar News Fix waiting for that "Bold Adjustment"

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