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  1. #35211
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    Quote Originally Posted by boomcreek View Post
    How do they do that? That's what happened to me first thing this morning.
    This definition is from "Whatis"


    DEFINITION - Hijacking is a type of network security attack in which the attacker takes control of a communication - just as an airplane hijacker takes control of a flight - between two entities and masquerades as one of them. In one type of hijacking (also known as a man in the middle attack), the perpetrator takes control of an established connection while it is in progress. The attacker intercepts messages in a public key exchange and then retransmits them, substituting their own public key for the requested one, so that the two original parties still appear to be communicating with each other directly. The attacker uses a program that appears to be the server to the client and appears to be the client to the server. This attack may be used simply to gain access to the messages, or to enable the attacker to modify them before retransmitting them.

    Another form of hijacking is browser hijacking, in which a user is taken to a different site than the one the user requested. There are two different types of domain name system (DNS) hijacking. In one, the attacker gains access to DNS records on a server and modifies them so that requests for the genuine Web page will be redirected elsewhere - usually to a fake page that the attacker has created. This gives the impression to the viewer that the Web site has been compromised, when in fact, only a server has been. In February 2000, an attacker hijacked RSA Security's Web site by gaining access to a DNS server that was not controlled by RSA. By modifying DNS records, the attacker diverted requests to a spoof Web site. It appeared to users that an attacker had gained access to the actual RSA Web site data and changed it - a serious problem for a security enterprise. This type of hijacking is difficult to prevent, because administrators control only their own DNS records, and have no control over upstream DNS servers. In the second type of DNS hijack, the attacker spoofs valid e-mail accounts and floods the inboxes of the technical and administrative contacts. This type of attack can be prevented by using authentication for InterNIC records.

    In another type of Web site hijack, the perpetrator simply registers a domain name similar enough to a legitimate one that users are likely to type it, either by mistaking the actual name or through a typo. This type of hijack is currently being employed to send many unwary users to a pornographic site instead of the site they requested.

    LAST UPDATED: 04 Apr 2005

  2. #35212
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OU812 View Post
    Question for anyone who has purchased direclty from Chase recently

    can you tell me what you paid for 100,000 and 250.000 dinar

    Thank You
    ohhhhhhhhh, NOW youre interested huh.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #35213
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post
    I read this article today on Al-Sabaah, about the State stressing to only use Iraqi dinars.


    "An official source in the Ministry of Finance that the ministry called on all government departments, whether centrally or self-funded or public companies need to deal exclusively with the Iraqi dinar."
    جريدة الصباح الجديد - ”المالية“ تدعو الوزارات بضرورة التعامل بالدينار العراقي حصرا والسماح بمنح الاجازات الطويلة الامد لموظفي الدولة

    Now, I read a statement by "future millionaire" on the other forum about this, which I think is noteworthy, because it's very simple but true.

    "o.k. now that the iraqi gov,t. is telling businesses in banks to only except dinars as payment, & here is my reason for a high reval. say the average iraqi has a dollar in his pocket and we get a reval @ say .30. if he exchange his dollar for a dinar he is losing .70. so in order for this to work for the iraqi's a 1 to 1 reval or higher must happen. are the average iraqi will say screw it i'll continue to spend/buy with my USD's. this is where smarter people then me post to explain to us the whys & why not."

    If they are stressing and urging to use the Dinar only then the Dinar has to be a reasonable value.

    I think they also have to raise the dinar to a 1:1 level to de-dollarize or else no one will exchange dollars for dinars and will go on in paying with dollars!
    It occurred to me as I was reading your post that this may be another way for the CBI to get dinar out of circulation. The businesses make deposits at the end of the day, don't they? If that is the case, then that gives them more room for a higher revalue. Thanks for you post!

  4. #35214
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    Originally Posted by Alphamystic
    Hi Gang,

    Wow, we are finally over the 10% mark at 1325 with todays auction. When the news came out about the CBI getting to the 1260 mark by the end of the year it got our blood pumping with the prospects of the 1260 turning into $1.26. This seemed to go along with other news that has been found.

    Now someone correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I understand it, there is only one auction left in the year. In order to get to the 1260 mark the CBi would have to make a 65 point increase in the next auction.

    Is this possible? Well it IS Iraq.... But is this likely? That would be the biggest rise so far. They are either going to do something radical in the next auction OR the 1260 mark is just more spin thrown out by the CBI again.

    What are the thoughts as to how they might get to the 1260 by the first of the year or what it seems they might do instead?

    Quote Originally Posted by Alphamystic View Post
    No takers on this earlier post? Too tough a question....? I'm sure this has to be in the back of everyone's mind.

    Or are the one's who could best add some input still on holiday. LOL
    I don't know for sure but I'll take a stab at it. Personally, I don't think they have to hit exactly 1260. It was stated as a goal several years back. I think they may be trying to get everyone thinking in that direction and pull a suprise around Jan 1st. I know there were some articles several days back about talking about hitting 1260 by Jan 07 and their budget being based on 50 dollar a barrel oil, 1,7 mbd, 41 billion usd etc. Now if you take all of these numbers and try to convert all of their publically stated plans into dinars, then you come up with I think somebody said around 54 trillion dinars.

    How in the __________ are they going to do that? That is far more than has been ever reported printed!!! Are they going to print more? If so then the cbi has wasted months of removing trillions of dinars from circulation. Speak about inflation. If you think 70% is bad, you ain't seen nothing yet if they introduce 30 - 40 trillion more dinar into their economy in less than a year!!! Are you kidding me??? They would have to go beyond hyper-inflation and they would have to come up with an entire new word to describe it!!!! IMO

    I know there are those among us that are drooling all over ourselves with the current increases in the rate of the dinar. While it is a positive step have you even noticed we haven't even increased the value 1/10 of 1 us cent yet? How on earth are these miniscule moves going to combat 70% inflation? How about de-dollarization? One Iraqi says to the other Iraqi "I can hardly wait until the cbi raises the rate of a dinar to 1260 dinars = 1 usd so I can stop going to the store with 3 wheel barrels of dinars and only have to take 2 1/2!!. I sure am going to dump those old nasty usd's in my wallet so I can get back to wheelbarreling my dinars!!!!???" You have got to be kidding!!!!

    I can't say with certainty because this is Iraq we're dealing with but come on, they are either storying to us about the 1260 dinars = 1 usd for the 1rst quarter of 2007 or they are storying to their own people when they keep promising the moon (concerning all of the proposed handouts plus salary increases) and failing to deliver. They can't keep this up forever, something has to give. If they r/v at a decent rate (1/1 or higher) then they can deliver on their promises, reduce inflation, de-dollarize their economy, pat themselves on the back and commend themselves on how smart they are!!! Now what do you think an Iraqi (or any) politician is the most likely to do?

    We know they have the oil, natural gas, agriculture, gold, debt forgiveness, the IMF, World Bank, Federal Reserve, US govt, European Union, China, Russia, Japan, S Korea, Brazil, most of the Middle East etc. What more do they want or need? They have everything. Now all they have to do is act !!!!!

    What are they going to do? Who knows? this is Iraq we are talking about. It is as if they are playing in a championship poker game with a royal flush and everyone else doesn't even have 2 of a kind. How can they lose????

    The only way they can lose if they don't act and act decisively in a big way (r/v above 1/1). If they keep facking around they could lose it all by way of run away inflation plus their own people saying enough is enough I have to feed my family, to ___________ with the present govt we want an new one or else it is full blown civil war. The time clock is ticking, the bell is about to ring, what are they going to do?????


    PS All of The above is IMO
    Are we there yet? I'm getting really tired of waiting and I am getting wet from all of the dribbling. Come on you know it is the right thing to do for your country. R/V the thing in 1 large dramtic move to over 1 usd at least (1 sdr will be fine for a start) will ya?

  5. #35215
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    Quote Originally Posted by worf View Post

    What are they going to do? Who knows? this is Iraq we are talking about. It is as if they are playing in a championship poker game with a royal flush and everyone else doesn't even have 2 of a kind. How can they lose????
    I completely agree!

    Don't forget we hold a hand in this poker game too and we're not as dumb as they think. We'll call their bluff.
    Please, somebody shoot the messenger!

  6. #35216
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    3-declare the Iraqi Central Bank made buying and selling rates of the dollar for that today, Wednesday, day 27 / 12 / 2006 in the days subsequent to the end of office hours on Sunday, which falls on January 7, 2007 and pledged to meet the demand for foreign currency without limit and regardless of the quantities required and all its customers and is committed to purchase all the quantities offered by banks for the same prices posted above "and maintained without change for subsequent days.

    im wondering if anyone seen this announcement i just posted. basically says no change in the rate until the 7th, MAINTAINED WITHOUT CHANGE.

    what will they do the 7th? reval and stop the auctions maybe???

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #35217
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post

    3-declare the Iraqi Central Bank made buying and selling rates of the dollar for that today, Wednesday, day 27 / 12 / 2006 in the days subsequent to the end of office hours on Sunday, which falls on January 7, 2007 and pledged to meet the demand for foreign currency without limit and regardless of the quantities required and all its customers and is committed to purchase all the quantities offered by banks for the same prices posted above "and maintained without change for subsequent days.

    im wondering if anyone seen this announcement i just posted. basically says no change in the rate until the 7th, MAINTAINED WITHOUT CHANGE.

    what will they do the 7th? reval and stop the auctions maybe???
    Do you think this means no change in tomorrows auction, if they have one?
    Please, somebody shoot the messenger!

  8. #35218
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    Quote Originally Posted by worf View Post
    Originally Posted by Alphamystic
    Hi Gang,

    Wow, we are finally over the 10% mark at 1325 with todays auction. When the news came out about the CBI getting to the 1260 mark by the end of the year it got our blood pumping with the prospects of the 1260 turning into $1.26. This seemed to go along with other news that has been found.

    Now someone correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I understand it, there is only one auction left in the year. In order to get to the 1260 mark the CBi would have to make a 65 point increase in the next auction.

    Is this possible? Well it IS Iraq.... But is this likely? That would be the biggest rise so far. They are either going to do something radical in the next auction OR the 1260 mark is just more spin thrown out by the CBI again.

    What are the thoughts as to how they might get to the 1260 by the first of the year or what it seems they might do instead?

    I don't know for sure but I'll take a stab at it. Personally, I don't think they have to hit exactly 1260. It was stated as a goal several years back. I think they may be trying to get everyone thinking in that direction and pull a suprise around Jan 1st. I know there were some articles several days back about talking about hitting 1260 by Jan 07 and their budget being based on 50 dollar a barrel oil, 1,7 mbd, 41 billion usd etc. Now if you take all of these numbers and try to convert all of their publically stated plans into dinars, then you come up with I think somebody said around 54 trillion dinars.

    How in the __________ are they going to do that? That is far more than has been ever reported printed!!! Are they going to print more? If so then the cbi has wasted months of removing trillions of dinars from circulation. Speak about inflation. If you think 70% is bad, you ain't seen nothing yet if they introduce 30 - 40 trillion more dinar into their economy in less than a year!!! Are you kidding me??? They would have to go beyond hyper-inflation and they would have to come up with an entire new word to describe it!!!! IMO

    I know there are those among us that are drooling all over ourselves with the current increases in the rate of the dinar. While it is a positive step have you even noticed we haven't even increased the value 1/10 of 1 us cent yet? How on earth are these miniscule moves going to combat 70% inflation? How about de-dollarization? One Iraqi says to the other Iraqi "I can hardly wait until the cbi raises the rate of a dinar to 1260 dinars = 1 usd so I can stop going to the store with 3 wheel barrels of dinars and only have to take 2 1/2!!. I sure am going to dump those old nasty usd's in my wallet so I can get back to wheelbarreling my dinars!!!!???" You have got to be kidding!!!!

    I can't say with certainty because this is Iraq we're dealing with but come on, they are either storying to us about the 1260 dinars = 1 usd for the 1rst quarter of 2007 or they are storying to their own people when they keep promising the moon (concerning all of the proposed handouts plus salary increases) and failing to deliver. They can't keep this up forever, something has to give. If they r/v at a decent rate (1/1 or higher) then they can deliver on their promises, reduce inflation, de-dollarize their economy, pat themselves on the back and commend themselves on how smart they are!!! Now what do you think an Iraqi (or any) politician is the most likely to do?

    We know they have the oil, natural gas, agriculture, gold, debt forgiveness, the IMF, World Bank, Federal Reserve, US govt, European Union, China, Russia, Japan, S Korea, Brazil, most of the Middle East etc. What more do they want or need? They have everything. Now all they have to do is act !!!!!

    What are they going to do? Who knows? this is Iraq we are talking about. It is as if they are playing in a championship poker game with a royal flush and everyone else doesn't even have 2 of a kind. How can they lose????

    The only way they can lose if they don't act and act decisively in a big way (r/v above 1/1). If they keep facking around they could lose it all by way of run away inflation plus their own people saying enough is enough I have to feed my family, to ___________ with the present govt we want an new one or else it is full blown civil war. The time clock is ticking, the bell is about to ring, what are they going to do?????


    PS All of The above is IMO
    Exactly! This is pretty much what I've been thinking (And I'm sure I'm not the only one). With only one auction left this year and all the excitement about the 1260 rate, the two pieces don't fit.

    Based on the announced budget and the new rate of 1325 Iraq is either going to raise 65 points tomorrow and then move the decimal over on the 1st to $1.26 OR the have something sneaky planned for the 1st OR we are all waaaaay off and will have to remain in a holding pattern - still. JMO
    “Don't be distracted by criticism. The only taste of success some people have, is when they take a bite out of you.”

    Got woOOot?

  9. #35219
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    ohhhhhhhhh, NOW youre interested huh.
    Wish i knew what you are talking about.

  10. #35220
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar Cha Ching View Post
    Do you think this means no change in tomorrows auction, if they have one?
    i think it means they are closing the auctions until the 7th. probably go ahead and have the one tomorrow and it will go up of course but that will be the rate until the 7th. might shake a few out that bought low thinking it wont go up any more, maybe thats what they are hopin. but i think it means they are stopping the auctions period after this year. they wont need them if they set the rate now will they?

    franny, were almost there!!

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