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  1. #35441
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    Default Speech on Government site!

    In a speech on the anniversary of the formation of an Arab Parliament
    Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies :

    the Iraqis are moving steadily towards the consolidation of the new political system and strengthen our national independence

    The First Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Sheikh Khaled al-Attiyah : that the many risks and challenges and the great people, which is faced with rebuilding the nation and its political system has not Tthenh of gains and significant achievements in a short time.

    This came in a speech celebrating the anniversary of the formation of an Arab Parliament in Cairo yesterday, and comes with the text of the speech : The name of God the Merciful Mr. Mohammed Jasim Al Saqr Prime Arab parliament Ladies and gentlemen Member Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings Let me starting to express my great pleasure to participate in this forum Koran, and I am pleased to convey to you the greetings of brothers and sisters, members of the Iraqi parliament, and wish you continued success. Ladies and gentlemen present This meeting is being held in conditions of political and security difficult and complex, social and economic conditions minutes reflected their repercussions on our reality directly, and today we face risks and challenges in light of rapid developments and new facts that cast a shadow over the Arab reality, in general, what we are witnessing today imbalance political and security in Iraq, Palestine and political crisis situations in Lebanon is only a result of such consequences that require us to stop and reflect and review of the diagnosis of the new reality accurately and objectively.

    Ladies and gentlemen present We in Iraq in the midst of these challenges, significant fluctuations, and after the democratic transition, which we have seen after the fall of the totalitarian system in the past, are steadily moving towards the consolidation of our new political undone on the basis of combining our national identity and belonging to our nation and our surroundings and the principles of democracy and human rights and on the basis of the federal government in which it has a collection of the people of Iraq and other regions of equal rights and equal opportunities.

    At the time we move forward step by step, we take great care to ensure that those steps are based on strong national, according Zawabatt constitutional legitimacy and work to strengthen the ******* and national independence and liberation from all forms of foreign presence on our territory and our capabilities.

    Ladies and gentlemen present The risks and the many challenges and large faced people and is rebuilding the nation and its Statute on the above basis not Tthenh of gains and significant achievements in a short time. The crowd came out that people Almlioneh own free will and under the conditions of security and economic extremely difficult and complicated to exercise their right to elect their representatives and put the legitimacy of the new political order in Iraq.

    It has succeeded in expanding the scope of our political participation of the bench to stop all its ethnic, religious, sectarian and all trends and political trends. This has been wonderful for fabric paints a microcosm of Iraq under the dome of the new parliament, which has the lead in the emergence of the national unity government, this government that the co-most parliamentary blocs representing various segments of society and influential in the Iraqi scene and in accordance with the entitlements and the national election, which today plays an important role in supporting the political process as well as the exercise of its legislative power and control. Ladies and gentlemen Attendance We have exposed experiment young democracy in Iraq to the savage attack in involving the terrorist groups obscurantism thinking, outlaw constants of Islam and ethics Arabism allying itself with the remnants of Saddam Hussein's regime ousted regime and the remnants of of its departments repressive established in some armed gangs, which are aimed at the killing of innocent people and raise the security anarchy and destruction of infrastructure and the theft of funds the state and the people, the hindering the efforts of the government the colossal which worked day and night in order to build and reconstruction of Iraq, and taken from Iraq a center for assault on its objectives and its nefarious designs and seek to make it arena for settling accounts and contesting the battles on its land and between the sons of the Division.

    Ladies Sirs That it on the occasion of the blessing and a precious opportunity that the we call on the common Arab position to for the adoption of policies cultural springs from sources of thought the Arab and Islamic creative to face the culture of violence, murder and rein in racial discrimination and sectarian, sectarian and a stop to the forced eviction of innocent citizens from their homes, etc. the contents of items and document Mecca. Tzafart on the liquefied and got out the efforts of Arab and Islamic Khaira and noble only an expression of the tender-Huda, and goodness which a rich endowment the sources that Islamic thought Al-Khalid Al-'s proposal to of brotherhood, tolerance and renunciation of Party and of Prohibiting the loss of humanitarian spirit whatever the Antmaouaha only the right. At a time when we are facing the challenges of dealing with the forces of evil will start to invite all the national people of Iraq to participate in building the homeland, through national reconciliation initiative launched by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, which aims to reunification and strengthen ties and access to male and female national push towards political stability and the creation of a security and quiet living.

    The Iraqi people, which ever seen fit to raise the efforts and mobilize energies in repelling terrorist attacks and acts of violence and waging a fierce war against it on behalf of the world and humanity, and provide for the enormous sacrifices, looked forward to the support of his brothers and his friends and stand with him in the same trench to face the forces of evil and shadows, and we know that the situation in Iraq stabilizes and the establishment of security in which the goal is not for Iraq alone, but would apply implications and ramifications on all the countries of the region Abrabih and regional strength of Iraq force to his brothers and neighbors.

    From this standpoint, we must find common solutions in order to lay the groundwork for solid understanding of the Arab and regional scale would pave the way for lasting peace based on the deal transparent and respect for human rights, will not be stability only convergence efforts and wills of Arab States and friendly countries seeking to defeat terrorism and the liquidation of the epicenter of the drying go. The foregoing reinforces the vision of Iraq in the Arab world, the need to create a concerted manner, integrating the efforts of the Arab States and the right of development and progress in various spheres of life for the advancement of the Arab reality and advancement forward.

    The pace of reform, reconstruction and reorganization destruction of life sought by Iraq calls us to utilize them within the areas of joint Arab cooperation particularly in the implementation of plans of construction and reconstruction explosive to be implemented in 2007. ,

    Which represents the Thor major urban contributed to the strengthening of the House and the Iraqi government recently, and that Ptchriahma new investment law in the Iraqi bid to encourage investors from the non-Iraqis to secure their money exclusively in investments in Iraq and thus achieving sustainable development and economic integration of the Arab region in general and in its regional, and based on strategic partnerships based on the foundations of economic cooperation and integration between our sister without the competition and the scramble among them.

    In spite of difficult circumstances undergone by and the ordeals plaguing us non - that all this did not affect the our commitment to the direction of our brothers and our sense of of concerns of our nation whether in Palestine and Lebanon, Darfur, or Somalia, where are following conditions with great interest and keen stressing the Our standing by the side of our brothers in Palestine in order to obtain their independence and building their independent state with holy Jerusalem as its capital, and we regret what is happening otherwise there between brothers and which negatively affects their legitimate in order to establish their independent state, and we also hope that the two brothers in Lebanon to the compromise solution that will among them the injectable shed, supports and stacking their unity.

    We call for a peaceful settlement to the Darfur problem in cooperation between the Sudanese government and the tribes, and also call for a peaceful solution between our Somali brothers and maintain the unity of their country. Ladies and gentlemen present From this rostrum, I am. I invite all the Arab Parliaments to the identification of experiment parliamentary in Iraq and Taidha, and support in all possible ways to be the Iraqi Parliament an essential and effective inside the Parliament Arabi which seeks a closer linkages Arab and the establishment of Arab regime that achieves Amani position themselves decent between nations and the reform of their political, economic and social, as we call upon the international community, Arab and international condemnation all criminal acts committed against the Iraqi people and stand clear and frank against what is happening of killing and expelling the Palestinians and the abduction of order feels the Iraqi people that he is part of this society To still in was nurtured.

    The nation Abrabih, Islamic and part him entitlement to the international community, and in this context renew our emphasis, and we were careful great concern for the unity of Iraq and maintenance of sovereignty and independence, and we also underline the keenness of all the political forces various orientations and affiliations build an Iraq that and one united, where all are equal in rights and duties. We are determined to support the national government and the rule of law and countless arms in the hands of the security services, which operate under the law and the Constitution, and the termination George militias and all armed manifestations that threaten the security of the homeland and would confuse the work of the State Let me in conclusion to congratulate you on behalf of the Iraqi people and extending my sincere congratulations on the occasion of the passage of one year since the establishment of the Arab Parliament, this entity Boy which we hope will be a real breakthrough towards closer ties and achieve the aspirations of the Arab peoples who look to upgrade evolution, development and prosperity.

    It is also a good opportunity to extend thanks and appreciation to the Arab Republic of Egypt, government and people for the hospitality of this conference, and the League of Arab States and its Secretary-General, Mr. Amr Moussa, for his tireless efforts and the efforts to serve the interests of our Arab peoples and the fateful issues and commendation to Mr. Speaker Urabi for his tireless work to make this project purposeful Shinafiyah and Muwaffaqiyah wish him every success.

    Every year, you are fine May peace and God's mercy and blessings ...

    الحكومة العراقية
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  2. #35442
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Precocious View Post
    We do NOT want a gold standard! If you divide 17 Trillion Dinar into $8.4 Billion worth of gold you get an exchange of .000494 which is lower than the current exchange rate.

    i surely didnt mean exclusively. all their assets assist in backing the dinar. the more the merrier.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #35443
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    Default Newspapers!

    In the newspapers!

    [B]5-Oil : the opening of all kerosene distribution outlets in the feast and increasing quantities to three million liters per day

    Four-tax revenue of 250 billion dinars

    2-Law of the new retirement takes effect next month.

    3-IMF : Promises write off $ 21 billion of Iraq's debt.[/B]

    Iraqi Presidency

    IMF write debt of $21 billion of!!

    I don't know about you guys, but:

    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  4. #35444
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    What I highlighted above is what makes me think there will still be auctions but the rate will not change and they expect to continue this until January 7. Also just a reminder that the Gazette is still down.
    dns problem my patooty!!

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #35445
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jola View Post
    Who thinks here that Bush will let them peg to Euro?

    I have read an article a few days ago that this is one of the reasons Bush would not leave Iraq, besides oil. I don't think they will peg to Euro as long as Bush is calling the shots.
    actually, wouldnt it be the smart thing to do? i mean if your economy is in euro and your oil income is in dollars then if one goes up the other goes down. it balances out and you dont lose. however, if you have your oil AND general economy in dollars and the dollar bottoms out youre S.O.L.

    i think the oil in iraq being as plentiful as it is, if they keep their oil income in dollars the dollar will not crash as it will be maintaining the largest oil reserves in the world.

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #35446
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    Quote Originally Posted by wciappetta View Post
    There is nothing that says Iraq has to follow a mathematical formula if they peg to the euro 1:1. After all it is a peg not a formal regimented appreciation. A peg is a political decision for an economic benefit.

    For example: Many Middle Eastern Countries who peg to the dollar are undervalued today, yet they didn't adjust the values yet. why? shouldn't be automatic? It is a political decision to hold for the moment.

    I like Kiko's take on this.
    You're correct,

    Quote Originally Posted by wciappetta View Post
    There is nothing that says Iraq has to follow a mathematical formula if they peg to the euro 1:1.
    but it's the way Kiko arrives at this conclusion that is in error.

    Quote Originally Posted by wciappetta View Post
    I think its interesting the way the numbers line up.
    Moving decimal points does not achieve anything like a 1:1 result,
    whether that is dollars or euros, unless the iqd rate is 1000.

    The iqd rate will change to whatever the Iraqi's have already decided,
    regardless of what it is showing on the CBI at the time.

  7. #35447
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post
    HERE WE GO!!


    Maliki : three important laws experiencing new year
    Dargham of Muhammad Ali
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    He said Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki at the conclusion of a meeting of the Council of Ministers today, Thursday, that the new year would witness a three important laws will have a significant impact in the wheel of development is the law of the retirement and investment law and the law of oil.

    The Maliki at the end of the meeting televised today that the three laws task "has been completed and will be out next year."

    He added : "We will also activate the work of the care of the families of martyrs and the welfare of prisoners who have been arrested and tortured at the time of the former regime, in addition to the commencement of the implementation of the housing project, which soon will be in the first stage of some categories of people."

    Al-Maliki did not mention those categories, however, said that "the second phase will include all the sons of the Iraqi people through soft loans from the Land Bank of Iraq

    المالكي- <THORN>وانين :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

    I would expect they will annouce these laws all at the same time. Even though we know they are completed. Its as if they intend to annouce a bold economic program to get the economy going. I wonder what else they will annouce along with these laws? Sounds like they intend to do it very soon. Any comments?

  8. #35448
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    Quote Originally Posted by laurenr View Post
    You're correct,

    but it's the way Kiko arrives at this conclusion that is in error.

    Moving decimal points does not achieve anything like a 1:1 result,
    whether that is dollars or euros, unless the iqd rate is 1000.

    The iqd rate will change to whatever the Iraqi's have already decided,
    regardless of what it is showing on the CBI at the time.

    You are right about the calculation and shifting the decimal isn't 1 euro indeed. Miscalculation of me.

    Only to me it's too much of a coincidence that it ends up like this 1325 and especially now the CBI is closed the message about the laws are coming out.

    I know it's only speculation, but I am still convinced that the 1 euro is a possibility!

    But thanks for your correction!
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  9. #35449
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post
    HERE WE GO!!


    Maliki : three important laws experiencing new year
    Dargham of Muhammad Ali
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    He said Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki at the conclusion of a meeting of the Council of Ministers today, Thursday, that the new year would witness a three important laws will have a significant impact in the wheel of development is the law of the retirement and investment law and the law of oil.

    The Maliki at the end of the meeting televised today that the three laws task "has been completed and will be out next year."

    He added : "We will also activate the work of the care of the families of martyrs and the welfare of prisoners who have been arrested and tortured at the time of the former regime, in addition to the commencement of the implementation of the housing project, which soon will be in the first stage of some categories of people."

    Al-Maliki did not mention those categories, however, said that "the second phase will include all the sons of the Iraqi people through soft loans from the Land Bank of Iraq

    المالكي- قوانين :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq
    WOoT!!!! GRAB YOU UP AND KISS YOU RIGHT SMACK ON THE FACE!!!! (no offense to the mrs.?)

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #35450
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    Live mid-market rates as of 2006.12.28 14:56:17 UTC.
    WARNING: Beware investment scams involving IQD Iraq Dinars. More info
    1.00 USD
    United States Dollars = 1,324.05 IQD
    Iraq Dinars
    1 USD = 1,324.05 IQD 1 IQD = 0.000755258 USD

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