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    Default Policy - America : Oil prices rose for the sale of Iraqi oil

    Read about oil not only Iraq!

    Policy - America : Oil prices rose for the sale of Iraqi oil
    By Aliraqnews In the 29 / 12 / 2006 2:15:21

    Surprised researcher Belkacem Madi present in the discussion of the doctoral thesis by the end of the last week in this calendar year in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Annaba, Algeria, on the problems and prospects of oil proceeds likelihood that the weighting

    The United States of America is behind the curtain and behind the crazy rise in oil prices, not for love of Arab and other developing countries, but to sell the maximum possible quantity of oil Iraq before the Golan withdrawal, compensation for losses from this major military occupation.

    While noting with Professor Khair of religion factor God dean of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Guelma and the supervisor of the student Madi the usefulness of studies petroleum address the problems of the Algerian economy associated essentially the goldsmiths the Black, had been criticized and the members of the Commission on debate neglect of researchers Algerians for such topics sensitive and important in the course of the development of the national economy, the grounds of Petroleum which is essential in its financing, he emphasized the Chairman of the Committee Professor, Iraqi in origin, Moussa the Emir of Al-Saad from the University of of Anaba that the of petroleum prices did not and will not go down whatever changed conditions in the future, since the needs of the world Atomic Energy, will increase, while ascribed the Dr. Abdel Wahab Ben Brekke dean of the Faculty of Economics the University of Bskrh southern Algeria the real reason for the retreat of the national economy in the mid-1980s, the change in the economic policy applied by the decision makers new the then after the departure of Boumedien.

    It is backed by Dr. Mubarak Bouacha University or province east of Algiers, as the 1980s witnessed a change in the strategic orientation of development of Algeria, despite the fact that the researcher Madi had indicated in the course of his letter to the decline of oil revenues by the dual crisis of the collapse of oil prices and the dollar, and its impact on the national economy, which had always according to the researcher forced to resort to the International Monetary Fund.
    As the researcher Madi in his message that Algeria has noticed since the independence of the importance of oil in the economic development and social welfare, then adopt a comprehensive strategy to use in achieving comprehensive development, which could not be conducted without state control over the oil wealth and invested effectively, with the consolidation of the oil sector in the national economy, and the removal of barriers which prevent influence in various areas of economic life.

    The creation of subsidiary industries for the production of oil and gas, as well as industries and companies that provide services to the oil industry that it needs the tools, equipment and services, to enable the oil industry to become a main engine and the main axis of the national economy.

    Algeria has Accordingly, the nationalization of the oil wealth in the February 24, 1971 for recovery of the oil wealth, which was monopolized by foreign export companies, thus depriving the state treasury of huge oil revenues they could be converted to finance economic development projects.

    After carried out extensive nationalizations 1971 become Algeria control 80% of the crude oil production, and on the sector as a whole, the pipeline transportation and refinery operations, natural gas production, and the industries of the Petrochemical It also based itself through her firm national Sonatrach, marketing direct in external markets for all oil returns of them and to all the their production of the gas, and thus became by sensationalist at all proceeds arising from exporting of fuels, and convert them into a permanent source of our national income and done through exploited for the construction and development of the activities of and new production facilities for the purpose of giving dynamic in move to the next stages of the post-cold-oil.

    The researcher, in the first chapter the oil Algerian looting French to nationalization in 1971, as referred to the colonial French oil Algerian, and the various oil agreements Algerian-French after independence, Marja after the founding of Sonatrach and starting 89-238, and then price policy before the nationalizations that influenced much of the proceeds of oil, where the price per barrel OPEC states other nearly 2.7 dollars per barrel, while in Algeria does not exceed 1.7 million.
    While focused in chapter II on the the recovery phase oil earnings before the crisis of 1986, highlighting Principal subjects of the Declaration of price one-sided, and conveying the most important features of the rules of the petroleum in Algeria after the nationalizations, with the breakdown the talk about flourishing of proceeds-petroleum after carried out extensive nationalizations 1971, which enabled the Algeria from doing - sized industries. - Qa'idist Africa, which was represent the solid basis to establish light industries, has Algeria attached great importance to the petroleum sector to spearhead its each operations desired development in the country, considering that the proceeds-petroleum main source of funding and essential for all projects, as well as the grounds that the evolution of the industry and rapid transport requires an expansion of investment programs pertaining to the Gaza fuel and energy, in view of of the tasks before it in supply to the agricultural sector with fuel and energy, and the implementation of programs electric in all cities and the villages of the country and financed with gas.

    With broached through the Chapter III to the stage of the 1980s and 1990s another a century in the last millennium, since the contribution of proceeds-petroleum considerably Following the crisis of collapse dual oil prices and the dollar 1986, where the effect of this on the the world economy as a whole and especially economics fragile associated wholly or partly to vicissitudes the Journal slums, price of petroleum, along the lines of the Algerian economy, in which the shaken to the power of this crisis and surrendered repercussions, after resistance short if not prevent from aircraft and eventually and when the aggravation of financial strangulation has not been spared Algeria from the grip of the international financial institutions - oriented Liberal the free.

    In the fourth and final chapter, having addressed the outlook for oil revenues, it should be remembered that, in looking at the future in the fields of oil and energy should be dealt with cautiously studies and estimates of future West, particularly with regard to the putative geo-strategy for the current sources of energy (oil, gas, coal, nuclear ... Etc.) or precautions for the future of these resources.

    Foreseeing the future of oil in the world
    Estimates varied growth rates of demand for oil during the next 15 years from one place to another, while its OPEC about 1.3% annually during the period 1997 to 2020 to hit demand for oil to 99 million barrels a day by 2020.
    I went the Energy Information of America EIA noted that around 1.8% annually during the same period, to reach the volume of demand to 105 million barrels per day, the International Energy Agency IEA noted in its report issued in 1999 that the demand for oil will climb from its current level (77 million barrels per day) to 115 million barrels a day by 2020, growing at an annual average of 2.2% during this period.

    Meanwhile, the Ministry of Energy in a report issued in April 1999 that the demand for oil will increase from its current level (75 million barrels per day) to 110 million barrels a day by 2020.
    That is what was agreed by the most prominent Arab experts in the field of energy, when stressed that the global demand for oil will grow during the next 15 years at a rate of between 1.8% and 2.2% to hit this demand by 2020 from 110 million barrels a day and 118 million barrels per day (12), but that the International Atomic Energy Agency in accordance with the definition of a composite oil (traditional and non-traditional) comprehensive natural gas liquids, and the surplus of refining and liquids derived from the Child oil and from tar sands and coal ... Etc., are estimated to increase global demand of different types of oil to 111 million barrels a day by 2020, while the global supply will not exceed 92 million barrels a day, which means a shortfall of 19 million barrels per day, should examine the world from now on non-traditional sources to be provided is not known so far.

    The future of coal and nuclear energy
    Despite attempts to develop technological intensive use of coal, especially after 1973 and the success of some of these technological innovations, the high cost of such scientific research led to the postponement of consideration to mobilize efforts Western scientific ways to maximize benefit from it, possibly until the uninterrupted supply of oil and gas for geologic reasons, political or otherwise.
    On the other hand, the end of the era of oil cheap in 1973 and the beginning of an economic forces between OPEC one hand and the industrialized nations of Western on the other hand, and the establishment of the International Energy Agency in February 1974 as a management mechanism confrontation collective, the pillar of energy strategy Western search for alternatives to oil and gas allows pruning finger OPEC states in general, and Arab countries in particular, nuclear power is one of these pillars, especially as they possess scientific expertise, technical and financial resources for the construction and building of such power stations and nuclear reactors.
    However, the nuclear reactor accidents have increased so concerned then hit the world into a state of panic, after three major nuclear accidents in the United States of America in 1979 and Ukraine in 1986 and Japan in 1999, as well as the escalating power of environmental groups in Europe and America, and moved to the political and social forces of a wide-ranging impact.
    Is the future of Algeria will go OPEC?
    Since the early 1990s, and closely vast transformations in the global economy, oil income as a qualitatively new stage, in a serious attempt to adapt to the capitalist globalization Euro-American model of liberal economic free, which made it imperative to address the various challenges of the new global petroleum.
    In this context, facing OPEC in the light of developments in the global oil market, a radical task became more direct impact on the oil market, specifically with regard to global demand for oil and future trends.
    They can secure a pivotal role for the good of OPEC in the third millennium to the following suggestions :
    First synchronized strategy return of global petroleum companies to participate in the search for and production of oil in the oil-exporting countries with the advanced industrial nations and their attack on OPEC oil and labeling disability by the Department of the global oil market and the fact that the reason for the dislocation in the market.
    Secondly requires OPEC to ascertain the nature of speculation in the futures dealings in the World Petroleum Exchange in London, and analysis of the reality of the global market for oil to understand the nature, and conflict management with producers in the best interests of their economies and the well-being of their peoples away from the economic interests of the oil.
    Thirdly must also OPEC oil in the face of the new world to stand more serious when the subject of the movement of strategic stocks, formula remains incomplete if the producing countries alone by the waiver and accept losses, taking into account the calls of the major industrialized countries harm the global economy.
    Fourthly as OPEC assume its responsibilities in providing the needs of the global economy of oil supplies, the OPEC countries other hand is not enough to achieve economic interests illegal for the industrialized countries more advanced, but not enough to misinformation campaigns with regard to the doctrine of petroleum, and it is not enough profit of the petroleum companies, accounts and plans as they are capable of maintaining the stability of oil markets and the real value of this resource is depleted in the sovereign decisions of the OPEC states.
    Can the countries of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEC OPEC producers protection from the exploitation of major industrial countries, which represent the majority of consumers of oil without addressing the challenges of globalization, and the positive adjustment smart with the new global oil.
    We must focus the efforts of OPEC in the next stage stop on the media campaigns of sabotage carried out by the advanced industrial nations and petroleum companies sometimes attack on the OPEC describing disability by the Department of the global oil market, and accusing other times as the main cause of dislocation in the market.
    As experts OPEC must strive to exploit all available academic studies and field for the compilation of proposals for its future in the third millennium, in order to maintain its centrality good in the world market for oil.

    At the end of this letter, the researcher Madi, a set of recommendations for the promotion of the Algerian petroleum proceeds from the perspective of a future in the sector of hydrocarbons, by :

    First : requires upgrading reserves, especially in the field of oil, and this requires many levels and many forms : "Participation in direct investment, the partial privatization" in the framework of a strategic blueprint clearly defined in the field of reserves, to compensate for the gap dwindle and prolong the oil wealth.

    Second : the promotion of export strategy shift from the export of crude oil to export products and oil derivatives, particularly the industrialized countries and advanced towards the hardliners in the broad policy establishment and development of oil refining plants one hand, on the other hand, it can enter the type of joint projects or investment in the construction of refineries geographical areas may be appropriate to the level of Algeria geographical markets and export of such products to the petroleum.

    In this regard can enter Algeria projects, refineries, for example, whether Tunisia, Mauritania and some other countries in West Africa as a transit for the purpose of exporting petroleum products to a group other African nations, where more likely that the competitiveness of the Algerian petroleum products in those areas will be available on the level of cost and quality.

    Third : the promotion strategy for the file of natural gas, especially with producers-the major exporters, such as Russia, Iran, the Caspian Sea, Qatar ... Etc., we believe that Russia currently has an effort that is action-polarizing of the producers-exporters of natural gas that the establishment of the natural gas has a role similar to OPEC and believe to be in this file.

    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

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    Default Iran's one-billion-dollar aid to Iraq delivered

    Iran's one-billion-dollar aid to Iraq delivered
    Source: Iranian

    On Iran's one-billion-dollar aid to Iraq, Larijani said Tehran had already started forwarding the assistance. It had been decided to provide Iraq with necessary credit for spending on the development and educational projects whose implementation was deemed necessary by the Iraqi government, said Larijani in an interview with reporters on the sidelines of his meeting with Iraqi Minister of Economy Bayan Jabr on Wednesday.

    Larijani said there are good economic ties in fuel and power exchange and cargo transit between the two naturally united neighbors of Iran and Iraq.

    Larijani also thanked the Iraqi officials for readiness to secure release of the two Iranian diplomats detained by the American forces.

    He criticized the Americans for their 'unworthy' behavior which runs contrary to the international norms and regulations and hoped the diplomats would soon be freed.
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  3. #35533
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    I like to read this Iraqi forum it shows what the I raqies think about whats going on. the following was posted the other day but it is a very very interesting opinon
    Response : Iraqi dinar is traded on the exchange in 1360
    Quote :
    Originally sent by Nawrs55
    I mean, when crashes dinar rate
    Brother nawrs55
    News issued by the Central Bank and published in a number of locations, including this says that our goal to improve the Iraqi dinar will be in phases and the first phase started by the Central Bank aimed at improving the rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar by 13%. That is the first objective will be at the borders of 1290. The next goal would be the limits of 1260 and then to the 1000 dinars per dollar. These objectives are expected to be reached during the first three months of next year 2007. And this improvement of the Iraqi dinar Central Bank may be able to improve the per capita income and to fight inflation, which reached a very high figures, these factors lead to the improvement of the Iraqi economy in general.

    I hope that I have answered your question.

    you can go to the website to read all of the articals
    ÇáÏíäÇÑ ÇáÚÑÇÞí íÊã ÊÏÇæáå Úáì ÓÚÑ 1360 - ãäÊÏì ÇáÚÑÇÞ ááÃæÑÇÞ ÇáãÇáíÉ

  4. #35534
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    # مشنقة صدام نصبت والإعدام سينفذ في غضون ايام قليلةS addam himself and the penalty will be installed in a few days
    مستشار رئيس الوزراء المالكي : المئات طلبوا المشاركة في تنفيذ الإعدام Translated version of

  5. #35535
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    Quote Originally Posted by michael16 View Post

    The cabinet has passed the budget to the parliament for approval.
    The problem is half of the bums in parliament left their job to go on the hajj instead of staying home to get the work done that's needed to help their country and it's citizens.
    Please, somebody shoot the messenger!

  6. #35536
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    Quote Originally Posted by motomachi View Post
    U.S. preparing for Saddam's execution - Yahoo! News
    U.S. preparing for Saddam's execution
    By LAUREN FRAYER, Associated Press Writer
    24 minutes ago
    U.S. preparing for Saddam's execution - Yahoo! News
    BAGHDAD, Iraq - As Saddam Hussein's lawyer made a last-ditch effort to impede his execution Thursday, the White House was preparing for the ousted dictator to be hanged as early as this weekend, a senior administration official said. The timetable was based on information that U.S. officials in Baghdad received from the Iraqi government. But, there were differing accounts.

    The plea from Saddam's attorney came as the U.S. military reported the deaths of eight more troops and announced that Iraqi forces, backed by American forces, captured an al-Qaida in Iraq cell leader believed responsible for the June kidnapping of two soldiers who were found tortured and killed.

    Iraq's deputy justice minister, Bosho Ibrahim, said Saddam shouldn't be hanged for another few weeks. "The law does not say within 30 days, it says after the lapse of 30 days," Ibrahim said.
    U.S. preparing for Saddam's execution - Yahoo! News
    Thanks for the article Moto but I thought this part was more important:

    "Iraqi forces, backed by American forces, captured an al-Qaida in Iraq cell leader believed responsible for the June kidnapping of two soldiers who were found tortured and killed."

    I remember when that happened. I'm glad they got these slimes!
    Please, somebody shoot the messenger!

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    Hello all, It was all over the news here in the U.S that the slime ball would not see the new year!! He is all done for, they said that it would happen within 48hr. I am wondering how this will be taken in Iraq, I know that a lot of people there want to be the one pulling the hangman's lever.

    Great luck to all!!!

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    Default Iraq’s 2006 crude sales at 1.65mn/d

    Iraq’s 2006 crude sales at 1.65mn/d

    Published: Friday, 29 December, 2006, 12:51 PM Doha Time

    BAGHDAD: Iraq’s oil minister said yesterday the country has exported an average 1.65mn barrels per day of crude this year, nearly 150,000 bpd higher than estimates from shipping and industry sources.

    Hussain al-Shahristani told the cabinet in an annual review meeting that insurgent attacks idled the main export pipeline in the north for most of the year leaving Iraq dependent on the south for urgently needed oil revenue.

    "If we had managed to pump oil through the northern pipelines we would have produced around 3mn bpd and exported around 2.25mn bpd," he said. Production this year averaged 2.3mn bpd, according to Shahristani.

    Industry sources say Iraqi exports of some 1.5mn bpd this year are up 100,000 bpd on the average volume in 2005.

    Iraqi officials are aiming for a bold production target of 4.3mn bpd within the next four years, but sabotage and lack of foreign investment may make that goal unachievable. They hope Iraq’s oilfields pump 6mn to 8mn bpd by 2015.

    Iraq desperately needs foreign investment to revive its shattered economy, which relies heavily on oil export revenues. The country straddles the world’s third largest oil reserves.

    Shahristani said Iraq’s long awaited oil law that sets policy to help lure foreign investment will be presented to the government at the start of January. Iraqi officials have said the law would be before parliament before the end of this year.

    Senior sources said last week a tentative deal would allow the regions to negotiate contracts with foreign investors but give the central government the final say.

    The contract issue is vital to Iraq’s future as a solution favouring the regions would devolve power over its most valuable resource to the majority Shias and the Kurds whose regions are home to the country’s most coveted oilfields. – Reuters

    Iraq’s 2006 crude sales at 1.65mn/d
    Last edited by kiko; 29-12-2006 at 01:06 PM.
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  9. #35539
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    Quote Originally Posted by ordinaryseawoman View Post
    Hey Y'all--I need to ask for a favor--

    My sister is going to have back surgery today (friday) at 0545. The doctors will install some hardware to fix a broken vertebrae and re-align her spine. The goal is pain reduction--she's on methadone and vicodan.

    If you are inclined, please take a moment to pray for her or send good thoughts to her and the surgeons...

    Thanks to my Rolclub family in advance (and Neno, I know, but this is the thread that gets the most hits...move my post if needed.)

    Yes prayers and best wishes for a speedy and noneventful surgery and recovery

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    Shahrastani, stresses the high oil exports

    Baghdad December 28 December / Reuters / - The Iraqi Oil Minister said that his country today, Thursday, issued an average of 1.65 million barrels a day of crude this year at about 150 thousand barrels per day up to the expectations of Transport sources and sources from the oil sector.
    .Hussein Shahrastani told the Cabinet at a meeting of the annual audit that the attacks by armed men blocked the main export pipeline in the north, in most times of year, which was adopted on southern Iraq in much-needed oil revenues.
    .He continued that if Shahrastani enable Iraq to pump oil through the pipeline to the northern produced about three million barrels per day was about 2 g 25 million barrels a day. He added that the production of this year amounted to about 2.3 million barrels a day on average.
    يوميا في .2005Sources from the oil sector exports, amounting to about 1.5 million barrels a day this year rose by one hundred thousand barrels per day, on average, from the level of .2005
    عامAnd Iraqi officials aimed at the level of large production of 3,4 million barrels per day within four years but sabotage operations and the lack of foreign investment may prevent the achievement of this goal. And hoping that the coming Iraqi fields of the six million to eight million barrels a day by the year
    .Iraq needs strongly to foreign investments to revive its shattered economy, which relies heavily on oil export revenues. The territory of Iraq, the third largest oil reserves in the world.
    وقال.Shahrastani said that the Iraqi oil and the long-awaited, which determines the political help to attract foreign investment, which will be submitted to the government at the beginning of January to January. Iraqi authorities said that the law will be submitted to Parliament before the end of this year.
    .Sources milestone last week that the proposed bill would allow regions to negotiate contracts with foreign investors but the central government gives the final word.

    Translated version of

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