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  1. #35741
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Chosun Ilbo - Dec 28, 2006

    Korea Missing Out on Opportunities in Iraq

    Irbil in northern Iraq is a hive of building activity. Since February, a large tourism complex has been rising on an 830,000 sq. m. Named Empire World, it will accommodate a five-star hotel, four residential areas, a shopping center, theaters, a fitness center, a casino, a man-made lake and swimming pools, all overlooked by a 70-story high riser.

    The US $350 million worth project is led by companies from Turkey and the Middle East. Two km west of downtown Irbil, Dream City, a large complex of luxurious apartment buildings is under construction on a 1.09 million sq. m site. It will consist of 1,200 districts where apartments will be worth between W200 million (US$1=W930) and W2 billion, complete with a mosque to accommodate 1,000 worshippers and a 1,200-seat cultural center.
    Guys, we are seeing a better Dubai being build in front of us.

  2. #35742
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    Saturday, December 30, 2006

    1 Iraqi Dinar = 0.0007921 US Dollar
    1 US Dollar (USD) = 1262.40 Iraqi Dinar (IQD)

    Learn about the new Iraqi Dinar
    Median price = 0.0007226 / 0.0007921 (bid/ask)
    Minimum price = 0.0007226 / 0.0007921
    Maximum price = 0.0007226 / 0.0007921

    FXTrade: Online Currency Trading with OANDA FXTrade.

    FXConverter - Currency Converter for 164 Currencies164 Currency Converter 1997-2006 by

  3. #35743
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    Nuri Kamal Al-Maliki Iaabina-Aziz, the Iraqi people

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-30-2006
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    The name of God the Merciful
    The Republic of Iraq

    Prime minister
    Media Bureau

    Saturday, 30 / 12 / 2006


    The name of God the Merciful
    You justified the lives Yaole minds
    Ratified God Almighty

    Iaabina Aziz, the Iraqi people
    You, you took the agony of years and Aanitm injustice and tyrants Almetjbrin throughout the odious dictatorship, that yours pious converged and had eliminated forever from the Conception dictator and ended a black page in the history of Iraq subsided and the breathing tyrant. Justice has carried out the death sentence on behalf of the people against the criminal Saddam faced determination that such tyrants panic panic on the day of Asir not to be reckoned with.

    Dear Iraqi people Quran
    The execution of Saddam is the end of each unsuccessful bets on the return of dictatorship and the one-party system. Gone and irrevocably policy of exclusion, discrimination and marginalization suffered by Iraq over thirty-five years of disastrous wars and the reckless adventures bloody hundreds of thousands of innocent people of Iraq and returned tens of years back.

    O noble Iraqis, Iaabina Tigris and the Euphrates
    That tyrant Saddam got his hands kick Maaghtrft one of the most heinous dictators disregard of the lives of the people, has enacted laws unfair penalty, which affected various social strata and political forces and religious leaders, scientists and the academic and military, and committed crimes against humanity, is the only ruler who used chemical weapons against his own people and the laying of mass graves in the length and breadth of the country. The dictator who deprived the victims of any trial, provided him with the Iraqi judiciary and his defense team full opportunity in a fair and impartial trial unprecedented in the history of modern Iraq counterpart.
    Iaabina Iraqi people Quran

    The execution of a tyrant is an eloquent lesson for all dictators who commit crimes against their people and the repression, persecution and killing will not useful to remain in power and Ayosham only to the black destiny suffered by their predecessors in violating human rights.

    Saddam was not elected legitimately, it took power a military coup and personally supervised the bloody executions, which affected all the political forces and different political and intellectual trends. The method of power was stained with blood and based on the plots and conspiracies that it is not only the leader of the gang crime and has mastered the art of wreaking havoc. You Iaabina Iraqi people who Aanitm cruelties of this gang you know their names, which Atsthaq above.

    Dear Aziz, the Iraqi people
    As we stated in previous speeches, we categorically reject Saddam as a representative of any group or sect of the components of the Iraqi people, Valtageh represents only himself evil.

    I call upon the name of the people and all of them Those henchmen of the former regime to reconsider their position, the door is still open for all those who do not Ttltkh caught the blood of innocent people, to participate in the process of rebuilding Iraq will be for all Iraqis, without exception or discrimination, the new Iraq will be governed after today's party or sect.
    The imposition of the death penalty with the former regime did not emanate from political motives, the Iraqi judiciary has proved during the trial efficiency and fairness in the trial of Saddam and his aides and to attach to the law are the ones who provided irrefutable evidence of non Hiaidthm and they were defending a dictator committed the most heinous massacres against the people.

    I say to all of the object to the execution of Saddam the criminal, you Tsthenon martyrs for Iraq and their families of the former regime who arbitrary as enemies and deprived of the most elementary rights. It defends the dictator can be a real defender of human rights and the Iraqi people will not be condoned those who renewed defense of the nation tyrant dead - and-buried.

    Iaabina our armed uprising

    Today you should defend Iraq and its people which faces fierce attack from the terrorists and their allies from Sadamiin and Altkverein and your responsibility significant and serious and you deserve the help of God, the armed forces of the army and police were no longer in the new Iraq, however, a person or a party or repressing the people. Alajehzhalameneh and that the military should be ready to hit the iron hand all those who would harm the citizens and property of the state. We are fully confident that our armed forces that ongoing support of the government and people will be dealt with full force and vigor anybody who tries to undermine security and stability in the country.

    Iaabina Iraqi people Quran; together to turn this dark page in the history of Iraq and look forward to build Iraq together, and your government, the government of national unity is determined to continue its efforts in the process of reconstruction in all areas and that the doors are open to all sincere wants to serve his people and homeland.

    Glory and eternal life for all of Iraq's martyrs, and to the families of the martyrs Tekaraion Iraq of the victims of mass graves and the Anfal and Halabja and who, in the cells and cellars of the former regime and rejoice widows and orphans, widows executed Aldktatouramegbor

    The fall of the former regime tumbled argument commander necessary, and the execution of a tyrant, will not remain in Iraq to the rule of the individual.
    He will enough to defend their security and sovereignty and the victory of Mtakin.

    Nuri Kamal Al-Maliki
    Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq
    30 / 12 / 2006

  4. #35744
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    Families of Abu Dashir distributing sweets to celebrate the execution of Saddam

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-30-2006
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    Families of Abu Dashir distributing sweets to celebrate the execution of Saddam
    From the hushed Abdulamir
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    Distributed Aboudecher people of the region south of Baghdad Saturday morning sweets and shouted chants in the revival of the region to mark the execution of deposed Iraqi president Saddam Hussein.

    The Iraqi authorities had announced in the early morning of the day the execution of the death sentence against the deposed Iraqi president.
    Despite these celebrations but some citizens were still doubt the fact of his execution, and believe that the penalty is symbolic, as he said the citizen's loyalty Nassif (35 years old), "in fact, I question of the abilities of the health of the execution because it was supposed to be executed, the process of the citizens."

    He continued Nassif, in a statement to the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today, "and I think even if they offered some pictures of his execution, I think it would be Madbljeh."

    He said another citizen is Mohamed Hamza (26 years old) and he questioned the validity of the execution "because I follow me through to the statements by officials who attended the execution and found a contradiction between their respective descriptions of the process."

    He added, "has found national security adviser Muwaffaq Rubaie says that there had been an altercation between Saddam and one of the participants in the execution of the sentence, with no mention MP Sami military of this scuffle while describing the operation of the death penalty."

    The Court of Cassation, Iraq had ratified on Tuesday the execution sentence of the deposed Iraqi President, with his brother-brother, Barazan Al-Takriti, and head of the Revolutionary Court dissolved Awwad Albandar, after being found guilty of committing crimes against humanity in the town of Al (north of Baghdad) in 1982, and executed 148 citizens against the background of a failed attempt to assassinate Saddam.

    The execution was postponed in Barazan Al-Takriti, Albandar did not specify the day, despite the fact that the death sentence passed against the three on the same day.

  5. #35745
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Saturday, December 30, 2006

    1 Iraqi Dinar = 0.0007921 US Dollar
    1 US Dollar (USD) = 1262.40 Iraqi Dinar (IQD)

    Learn about the new Iraqi Dinar
    Median price = 0.0007226 / 0.0007921 (bid/ask)
    Minimum price = 0.0007226 / 0.0007921
    Maximum price = 0.0007226 / 0.0007921

    FXTrade: Online Currency Trading with OANDA FXTrade.

    FXConverter - Currency Converter for 164 Currencies164 Currency Converter 1997-2006 by

    Well o well, are those sneaky Iraqis dropping that rate like a brick here for the next week!!

    We have to continue to watch this!

    Thanks Charmed!
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  6. #35746
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    A few headlines from Dec. 29

    Al-Bayyinah al-Jadidah carries on the front page a 150-word report saying that the cabinet has approved the new Pension Law that will be valid from 1 January.

    Ishraqat al-Sadr carries on page 3 a 470-word article by Ghazi al-Manshidawi commenting on the role of foreign investments in the economic reform in Iraq.

    Ishraqat al-Sadr carries on the back page a 260-word article by Diya al-Sayyid Safi commenting on the important role of economy and its effect on political decisions in Iraq.

    Al-Adalah carries on the front page a 150-word report citing Talib Muhsin Abu Ju'aylah, director of the General Department for Taxes, saying that his department has achieved revenues worth 250 billion Iraqi dinars this year.

    Al-Adalah carries on the front page a 200-word report citing a source at the Labor and Social Affairs Ministry saying that the ministry will distribute Social Protection Network allowances after 'Id.

    Al-Adalah carries on page 6 a 120-word report citing officials from the Oil and Natural Gas Establishment saying that the establishment is conducting talks with two Indian companies to rehabilitate Al-Tubah oil refinery in southern Iraq.

    Al-Sabah carries on the front page an 80-word report citing the Planning and Development Cooperation Minister Ali Ghalib Baban saying that the International Monetary Fund Paris Club has pledged to write off $21 billion of Iraq's debt.

    Al-Bayyinah carries on the front page a 120-word report citing the Labor and Social Affairs Minister Mahmud al-Shaykh Radi holding the different constitutions of governorates responsible for the confusion in implementing the Social Protection Network project.

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  7. #35747
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    Maliki : 2007 will see a new start and turned into a phase of much of the economic gains

    Prime Minister said Mr. Nuri Al-Maliki that the in 2007 Gregorian the new would witness an a new start and turning to the stage of achieve much of the economic gains that have accomplished by the government of National Unity and on the people that elected it to remain being a monitor of the performance so that achieve his wishes and aspirations emphasized the Prime Minister the resolve of the government to move the initiative national reconciliation and prescribing of the barge proper, which will inform in the new year the shore of safety came during the preside over the sovereignty today for a public meeting of the Council of Ministers - Ateya satellite channels local and global discussion during which the Messrs. of Ministers the government's achievements during the last six months of the year 2006 and plans for the new year and announced Mr. Prime Minister about the government's plans for the completion of the transfer of security functions in the governorates which will be in the fifth month of the new year 2007 and launch large projects in various areas, including employment the law of the new retirement and amend the salary scales for State officials and the investment law and draft law oil and gas and the Law of the National Housing which will be implemented on two phases and where the Iraqis take advantage from it and from real estate loans and Housing Project professors the university and the provision of thousands of career opportunities, in addition to the two draft Authority Law the martyrs, prisoners and ordered sovereignty the allocation of financial aid of the Auel our emigrant to assist them in the face of the living conditions, and revealed sovereignty on the decision under the lesson regard to the securing of rights of those affiliated to the former army and the absorption of its members in army a new Iraq.

    وکالة الفرات العراقية للانباء

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  8. #35748
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    Sorry if posted date

    Official Iraqi Central Bank is expected deficit in the budget next year

    An official at the Central Bank of Iraq in the budget deficit next year, by the process of pumping dollars into the local market, in order to maintain the stability of the dinar exchange rate. The Chief of the Statistics and Research appearance Mohamed Saleh, "The new budget will exchange allocations to the dollar," pointing out that "the high value of the dinar positively impacted by limiting expenditures, to reduce inflation in the Iraqi economy and reduce the costs to the prices." Saleh added that "95% of the revenue budget depends on oil revenues, as a basic resource for the country, pointing out that" the future will be encouraging the conditions for lifting the value of the dinar against the dollar. "

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  9. #35749
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    Sorry if posted date

    Official Iraqi Central Bank is expected deficit in the budget next year

    An official at the Central Bank of Iraq in the budget deficit next year, by the process of pumping dollars into the local market, in order to maintain the stability of the dinar exchange rate. The Chief of the Statistics and Research appearance Mohamed Saleh, "The new budget will exchange allocations to the dollar," pointing out that "the high value of the dinar positively impacted by limiting expenditures, to reduce inflation in the Iraqi economy and reduce the costs to the prices." Saleh added that "95% of the revenue budget depends on oil revenues, as a basic resource for the country, pointing out that" the future will be encouraging the conditions for lifting the value of the dinar against the dollar. "


    At this moment the Dinar doesn't have a high value!

    This mister is the same in my siggie that was telling us to improve the rate to 75% of the real exchange rate.

    I got the feeling that as soon as they start the new year the currency will be revalued!
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  10. #35750
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    it's a couple days old, but the first i've seen this, sorry if already posted

    الـــعـــراقThe Republic of Iraq
    مجلس كوميةCouncil of Ministers-the governmental communications
    العلاقات الإعلاميةMedia Relations
    Press Release بيانحفيPress Release Press release

    فوزفضلWinning the Iraq Program Award financial review of international best
    2006A restructuring program for 2006

    .Iraq ended in an efficient and prompt restructuring of $ 20 billion of its debt to commercial creditors.
    .It came off from the criticism of the claimants, bonds, loans, in line with the broad framework set by the Paris Club.
    مورغانJP Morgan EMEA .The republic gained shattered by war impressive creditors speedy solution to issue a new standard bond process led by Citigroup City Group Je me مورغانJP Morgan is in the eyes of the international financial review journals and Europe, the Middle East and Africa Highness.
    ئيةThe slow start to restructure $ 20 billion of commercial debt Iraq could be contrary to the speed with which the agreement was concluded. On the basis of credentials issued in January 2005, each of Citigroup Je me Morgan Basic Agreement, which the majority of holders of various earthly special debt

    Translated version of

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