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  1. #35951
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    Cool Hang-on Now.

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysDreaming View Post
    Thanks Neno, I agree with you 100%. With the statement "Under this order
    (13303) and the Coalition Provisional Government Order 39, a US Citizen has the same rights to investments as an Iraqi citizen. And then when I saw the statement that the Coalition Provisional Government dissolved on June 28, 2004, I questioned whether this would also dissolve these orders. Sorry for any confusion. So what you are saying is that the CPA dissolved, but the orders are still in effect. Thank you for your clarification.
    I didn't say that the CPA disolved. I said that the Article clearly states that the CPA's Inception was disolved on June 28, 2004. My Point was thatwas what the Article States and says nothing of the Presidential Order:13303 being Disolved.

    Funny how phrases of words can have so many different meaning with just one word moved around.

  2. #35952
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    Default Central Bank Anticipates Deficit in Iraq’s 2007 Budget

    An official at the Central Bank of Iraq has predicted a deficit in next year’s budget as a result of pumping dollars into the local market to maintain the dinars exchange rate, reported Al-Hayat. | IRAQ


  3. #35953
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    Quote Originally Posted by mountaingirl View Post
    Wonder if this is the reval date? 1/17/07
    This Wednesday is the 3rd.

  4. #35954
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    The Iraqi dinar rose 12.5% after penalty

    :Mohamed thanked wrote :
    .The exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar in Kuwait during the last two days, he developed against the background of the execution of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, where the exchange rate grew from 200 million Iraqi dinars to 225 million of which is a growth rate of 12.5% during the short period of time. .He said dealers in the exchange market to 'Al-Qabas' to make sure that as soon as the execution of Saddam initiated many of the exchange to speculation in the Iraqi dinar has reached the rate of one million when the execution on satellite channels to 260 million Iraqi dinars to one.

    Translated version of


    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #35955
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    Default obviously being nice wasnt one of his

    Quote Originally Posted by ozizoz View Post
    someone needs to read these again . . .please take note of number 6.
    New Years Resolutions. What a shame. BaBye.

  6. #35956
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wm.Knowles View Post
    "So, the money will be globally traded in a short time with many international banks in many countries. One of their (GOI & CBI) goals stated many times is to have a transparent economy fully intregrated into the global economy. So, we are in good shape..."

    I have been on the forum for nearly a year now and would like to know the answer to a question that has been bugging me for the past few weeks. Whither there is a big "jump" in the value- what we have always refered to as the "Revalue", or a continuation of the positive, smaller increments in value, what will actually happen that will suddenly "allow" the other banks that already exchange other foreign currencies to include the NID to their list of world currencies? Will there be some "official recognition" by the Worldbank or the IMF that gives the go ahead to these other banks? Will it suddenly just pop-up on the FOREX some day and all the banks will "see" that and then include it, or what? Thanks in advance!
    Blessings On YOU! AL

    Nice post Al. I have worked in banking and commodities, years ago. My estimation is that U.S. federal banking regulations prevent banks from having much Dinar on hand because there is currently no real way for them to hedge their risk, should the Dinar drop in value. There is no real way to hedge the risk since there are no real foreign currency exchanges that deal in Dinar.

    Foreign exchanges act as the buyer to a seller and a seller to a buyer. These exchanges also deal in forward, or 'futures' contracts. If a bank had for example, 10 million dinars on hand, it could then sell 'short' on the forex by a like amount and thereby hold those Dinars risk free. Particularly, if the Dinar value went down, it would hurt the bank's physical holding of Dinar, but, in like amount its forward short contract would appreciate.

    My guess is that when Dinar is traded on a substantial currency exchange, the U.S. banks will deal with in it as the market for Dinar dictates.


  7. #35957
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    Cool Check this out. People will be People..............

    Rush to Hang Hussein Was Questioned
    Published: January 1, 2007

    BAGHDAD, Dec. 31
    — With his plain pine coffin strapped into an American military helicopter for a predawn journey across the desert, Saddam Hussein, the executed dictator who built a legend with his defiance of America, completed a turbulent passage into history on Sunday.

    Like the helicopter trip, just about everything in the 24 hours that began with Mr. Hussein’s being taken to his execution from his cell in an American military detention center in the postmidnight chill of Saturday had a surreal and even cinematic quality.

    More Info Here:

  8. #35958
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    Quote Originally Posted by pipshurricane View Post

    An official at the Central Bank of Iraq has predicted a deficit in next year’s budget as a result of pumping dollars into the local market to maintain the dinars exchange rate, reported Al-Hayat. | IRAQ


    it is an EDITORIAL so who knows if they have a real line on whats going to happen
    Oh the drama....

  9. #35959
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    Quote Originally Posted by pipshurricane View Post

    An official at the Central Bank of Iraq has predicted a deficit in next year’s budget as a result of pumping dollars into the local market to maintain the dinars exchange rate, reported Al-Hayat. | IRAQ

    ÌÑíÏÉ ÇáÚÏÇáÉ ÇáÚÑÇÞíÉ - ÇáÈäß ÇáãÑßÒí ÇáÚÑÇÞí íÊæÞÚ ÚÌÒÇð Ýí ãæÇÒäÉ 2007

    The Iraqi Central Bank is expected budget deficit in 2007

    Justice / follow-up to the authorized source at the
    Central Bank of Iraq, it is expected that there will
    be a deficit in the budget next year, by the process
    of pumping dollars into the local market.

    To preserve the stability of the dinar exchange rate. The Chief of Statistics and Research appearance Mohamed Saleh, the new budget will exchange allocations to the dollar, pointing out that the rise in the value of the dinar positively impacted by limiting expenditures, to reduce inflationary pressures in the Iraqi economy and reduce costs on prices.

    He pointed out that 95% of the revenue budget depends on oil revenues, as a basic resource for the country, pointing out that the future will be encouraging the conditions for lifting the value of the dinar against the dollar, but could not determine the rate of exchange to proceed only after the real budget.

    So, the dinar has risen against the dollar on speculation, "Central", and the sale price of the dollar last Sunday 1352 dinars, compared to 1360 dinars last Thursday. He expected the expert in the "Central" Majed picture, a marked improvement in the rate of the dinar, by the low dollar exchange rate, over the next couple of months.

    The latest rise in the rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar exchange rate in 1995, but the exchange rate stabilized after that between 1400 and 1700 dinars to the dollar. He attributed the "central" reasons for the high rate of the dinar against the dollar, the stability in the sale of one dollar below the rate of real exchange rate. He explained that the picture of inflation suffered by the economy now is price inflation, and not monetary inflation, pointing out that the goal of "Central" is to limit the effects of inflation. T

    he price inflation Vaspaph known, and among lower commodity presentations, and some greedy exploitation of the circumstances through which Iraq, and expected significant improvement in the rate of the dinar, and the drop in prices at this improvement

  10. #35960
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    Default Have deployed : 2007 budget means theft of public money to the pockets of power

    Have deployed : 2007 budget means theft of public money to the pockets of power
    By Haider al
    Najaf - (Voices of Iraq)

    Sheikh Mohammed have deployed spiritual leader of the Virtue Party, today, Monday, to increase the budget for Iraq in 2007 as an increase in the suffering of Iraqis and the beneficiaries of these funds are autocrats and the decision because of the spread of financial and administrative corruption.

    He added, have deployed in a statement issued today, and received the news agency (Voices of Iraq) independent copy of which, against the background of the government to allocate more than $ 40 billion earmarked for 2007, said : "The government described the budget set by the 2007 as explosive."

    He said that "this news is a human Sarah in many countries of the world because it means more construction projects, reconstruction and improvement of the standard of living of the citizens."

    He added : "But in Iraq, such news bears more of the pain and bitterness and rejection of the revolution and that means more of stealing public funds, and filling the pockets of power sources who dominate the resolution and illicit enrichment at the expense of the disadvantaged people."

    He pointed out that have deployed "the Iraqi people defy the government to provide him a list regardless part of this amounts to find strategic projects on the ground and not imaginary projects and on paper."
    He said, "strange that the government would convene the end of 2006 and shows the Prime Minister at a press conference to express the acceptance and satisfaction with the performance of the government and is described as better than expected" and said "despite the devastation crawl in the State facilities and vital installations and infrastructure."

    The Virtue Party 15 seats in the House of Representatives, which is one component of the United Iraqi Alliance bloc region in the parliament (130 seats out of the total 275 seats in Parliament)
    The first deputy chairman of the Iraqi parliament, Khaled al-Attiyah said earlier that the presidency of the parliament over the budget in 2007, amounting to 41 billion dollars, an increase of $ 11 billion from the budget in 2006.

    The absence of a quorum without holding any meeting of the House of Representatives over the past month because of the suspension of Al-Sadr trend (30 seats) for membership in the parliament and the government, as well as the tendency towards the 176 members of the council to Saudi Arabia to perform the Hajj.

    Prior to Sheikh have deployed to the campus issued an advisory opinion which the members of the House of Representatives perform Hajj who had already perform this ritual before, they will dedicate themselves to their duties in Parliament in a serious stage in the country.

    ÇáíÚÞæÈí-ãíÒÇäíÉ :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

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