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  1. #35961
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    Default Adnan Al-Dulaimi discuss with the President of the Parliament of Kurdistan reconcilia

    Adnan Al-Dulaimi discuss with the President of the Parliament of Kurdistan reconciliation process
    From Hamid Zebari
    Arbil - (Voices of Iraq)

    A statement by the National Council of Iraqi Kurdistan today, Monday, Adnan Al Dulaimi, head of the Iraqi Accord Front visited today the National Council of Iraqi Kurdistan and discussed the process of national reconciliation.

    The statement added that received news agency (Voices of Iraq) independent copy of today, "Adnan Mufti, head of the Kurdistan Parliament discussed with Al-Dulaimi and his accompanying delegation developments on the Iraqi political scene and Almahalawat conducted for the success of the process of national reconciliation and reunification of the Iraqi political forces."

    The statement pointed out that "the two sides said that such meetings would continue to ensure the success of the political process in Iraq."

    The delegation of the Iraqi Accord Front yesterday visited the city of Sulaymaniyah and met with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani.

    الدليمي-كردستان :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  2. #35962
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    Default The extension of the filing period for the proposals to amend the Constitution to the

    The extension of the filing period for the proposals to amend the Constitution to the middle of this month
    From the hushed Abdulamir and Adel luxurious
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    Hassan said Shamari, a member of the Iraqi constitution amendment that the committee decided to extend the period of receipt of proposals to amend the Constitution to the middle of this month, instead of the end of last month, and that has been divided points of contention in the Constitution into three sections, namely political, editorial and complementary.

    Shamari added in a statement to the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today, Monday, that the Commission has set schedule for receiving proposals to amend the Constitution ends the end of last month "now that the Commission has extended this ceiling to the middle of this month to give the opportunity to those who want to submit new proposals."

    He pointed out that the committee had received many proposals for amendments to some articles of the constitution of civil society organizations and political parties into the political process, such as Accord Front and parties outside the political process, in addition to other proposals from independent legal personalities and the Commission are currently being considered.

    The committee was formed recently to amend the Constitution and includes 29 members and is chaired by Sheikh Humam Hammoudi from the United Iraqi Alliance list in order to make amendments to the articles of the constitution not agreed upon.

    He pointed to Shamari said that the Commission had divided the points of difference in the Constitution into three sections, namely political, editorial and complementary and include political points on the question of federalism, the division of wealth between the sons of the Iraqi people and to reconsider the eradication of the Baath.

    The editorial did not include any of the articles in line with legal standards, such as the issue of repetition and excess words which appeared in some of the articles, and supplementary include the formation of the European study of the final versions of the constitution and it is hoped formed after the end of the second session of the House of Representatives.

    Shamari said that the most important issues going on in the debate, different opinions and interpretations is the issue of federalism and the formation of regions in the center and south and the issue of the division of wealth among the people and to reconsider the relationship between the central government and provincial governments and the question of abolishing the Baath Party.

    For his part, Abbas Al-Bayati said a member of parliament on the Iraqi Coalition and the decision of the Commission to amend the Constitution that there is the issue of 14 going on around the dispute highlighted the issue of federalism and the identity of Iraq and the division of wealth and reconsider the eradication of the Baath.

    He added Bayati told (Voices of Iraq) that the committee includes members from various political blocs and sects and components, which have no representation in Parliament and this reflects its base among the Iraqi people.

    For its part, MP facilitate Almshahadani list Front national dialogue that the Commission amend the Constitution began in the discussion to amend articles 111 and 112 of the Iraqi Constitution on the oil and gas wealth, noting that Article (111) of natural gas and oil and natural wealth.

    بغداد-الدستور-تعديلات :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  3. #35963
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    Default The President stressed the need to support the provision of government-Maliki and the

    The President stressed the need to support the provision of government-Maliki and the ministers of qualified

    January 1, 2007

    The President of the Republic, Jalal Talabani, that the way best to exit Iraq from the current situation is to strengthen the government of Maliki and supported by all the political forces that have contributed to the formation and instructive ministers competent, as he emphasized that it stands in defense of the rights of the Sunni Arabs with equal force to defend the rights of Arab Shiites, stressing the need and importance of the unity of the two communities and avoided spreading posed by terrorists and Altkverion calling at the same time all the forces participating in the government to be true partners and actors in the performance of governmental functions.
    This came during a meeting between President Jalal Talabani, Ziveh Vice President Tariq Hashimi, head Accord Front Adnan Al-Dulaimi on Sunday, 12-31-2006 at the resort of Dokan, in the governorate of Sulaymaniyah.

    And during the meeting and agreed to stress the need to unify the media, which would contribute to the promotion of brotherhood among all components of Iraqi society.

    And conferees pointed to the need for joint action for the implementation of the agreements signed between the allied forces in the government of National Unity led by Nuri al-Maliki, and that all parties national duties of maintaining the unity of the Iraqi people and to fight all attempts to incite sectarian subversion and counter terrorist acts and criminal assault on the Shiite Arabs and Sunni Arabs in Iraq, both by terrorists or Altkverein or by militias berserk.

    Iraqi Presidency
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  4. #35964
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    Thumbs up ICI final signing!

    XXXXXXX on XXXXX had a great find about ICI. All credits to this one!

    Quote from document:

    "The Council of Ministers unanimously endorsed the International Compact with Iraq (ICI) November 26. The ICI aims to reform subsidies, implement fiscal federalism, and strengthen the oil, agriculture and other key economic sectors.

    Also included are goals for improving governance, rule of law, civil rights and civil society. Implementation of the ICI will be tracked by Iraq’s international partners against specific benchmarks and timelines.

    A final signing event, where as many as 70 international partners will pledge their support for Iraq and the Compact, is expected to occur in early 2007."

    Link: Click to edit Master title style

    Now, we know ICI=HCL/FIL and we know this is done, so IMO HCL will be enacted in beginning of January with FIL and once done this signing will be done!

    Next week will be awsome!
    Last edited by neno; 01-01-2007 at 09:19 PM. Reason: Your Post. Names and Forums Removed....
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  5. #35965
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    Cool Rolclubs TOS Rules Must be Followed.........

    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post
    XXXXXXX on XXXX had a great find about ICI. All credits to this one!

    Quote from document:

    "The Council of Ministers unanimously endorsed the International Compact with Iraq (ICI) November 26. The ICI aims to reform subsidies, implement fiscal federalism, and strengthen the oil, agriculture and other key economic sectors.

    Also included are goals for improving governance, rule of law, civil rights and civil society. Implementation of the ICI will be tracked by Iraq’s international partners against specific benchmarks and timelines.

    A final signing event, where as many as 70 international partners will pledge their support for Iraq and the Compact, is expected to occur in early 2007."

    Link: Click to edit Master title style

    Now, we know ICI=HCL/FIL and we know this is done, so IMO HCL will be enacted in beginning of January with FIL and once done this signing will be done!

    Next week will be awsome!
    You will have to take the credit of the posting here. Part of the TOS Rules for rolclub. If you dont want the Credit, then dont post it. This is not directly pointed at you kiko, this is for all future posting by all members. Rolclub dosn't Really care what is at other Boards. So In Short if you Post it here. Then you posted it here. No more statments that this came from other forum posted by ???????.

  6. #35966
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    Originally Posted by Wm.Knowles View Post
    Hello everyone. I am not worried about this article. Based on the President's authorization, major banks dealing in dinar, and dealers having to file with the US treasury, I not concerned. Too many outsiders, individuals (referred to as indirect investors) countries, and corporations have dinar. The cat is already out of the "bag". When I left Kuwait in Jan. '05, US customs officials told us we could take a maximun of $10,000 USD out with no problem. So, the money will be globally traded in a short time with many international banks in many countries. One of their (GOI & CBI) goals stated many times is to have a transparent economy fully intregrated into the global economy. So, we are in good shape and it looks like this 10% increase in the value of the dinar is being seen in less supply many places. I just took a look at e-bay and there are few large blocks of dinar for sale and most are around 1000$ per million. A very good increase in price. There are still many reports of dinar being unavailable at banks that previouly sold them. One minute Safe Dinar has dinar and then the next day they don't. Expect this supply problem to continue and this will effect price. In summary, you can have the dinar and you will be able to transact this currency at a major banks for USD or some other currency soon. (if you like the price) Take care. Thank You
    Exactly what my husband was told......and so far not one thing on the cbi site has stated what that article states, still looking, but nadda so far.

    So, at an exchange rate of 1470: 1, would that mean 14,700,000 dinar?

  7. #35967
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    found this intersting read. You posted it. Leave it at that please.-neno

    Risk, Opportunity, and the Future of Iraq @
    Last edited by neno; 01-01-2007 at 09:33 PM.

  8. #35968
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysDreaming View Post
    I remember first reading this several months ago while researching the dinar, prior to making my first purchase. IMO, this was just another piece of information that was someone's opinion published to show the risks of investing in the dinar. Thinking back, I may have seen it on dealers website (and that it ws ok to buy it from them). But the facts remain, there are so many "official" publications that say different, so this was not a concern to me and I invested. It's all good and no worries here.
    This may have been a regulation that was written for those in the armed forces as they might have wanted to deposit their funds locally and then transfer home. If you think about it, that ability would make sense on a timeliness scale for a family emergency or something.

  9. #35969
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    Default Thanks for the info

    Quote Originally Posted by Wm.Knowles View Post
    Hello everyone. I am not worried about this article. Based on the President's authorization, major banks dealing in dinar, and dealers having to file with the US treasury, I not concerned. Too many outsiders, individuals (referred to as indirect investors) countries, and corporations have dinar. The cat is already out of the "bag". When I left Kuwait in Jan. '05, US customs officials told us we could take a maximun of $10,000 USD out with no problem. So, the money will be globally traded in a short time with many international banks in many countries. One of their (GOI & CBI) goals stated many times is to have a transparent economy fully intregrated into the global economy. So, we are in good shape and it looks like this 10% increase in the value of the dinar is being seen in less supply many places. I just took a look at e-bay and there are few large blocks of dinar for sale and most are around 1000$ per million. A very good increase in price. There are still many reports of dinar being unavailable at banks that previouly sold them. One minute Safe Dinar has dinar and then the next day they don't. Expect this supply problem to continue and this will effect price. In summary, you can have the dinar and you will be able to transact this currency at a major banks for USD or some other currency soon. (if you like the price) Take care. Thank You
    I believe there be one other way of looking at it; I may be wrong. There is another side, as I am reading this, i am thinking of ebay through a privite party. That they maybe selling the Dinar to help fund the terrorist. When I went to ebay and I made an oopps and some one very nicely corrected me cause I am not that good with computers yet and I then saw all of the other auctions and some were by privite parties. I sometimes get very suspicious and see where they were from. It is buyers be ware, and they could be supporting the bad guys. I think may be they are thinking on the same lines.

  10. #35970
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    Exclamation Just an opinion!

    I was looking around on the Internet and I bumped into something.

    An article about Islamic Revolution on some congress I think held on
    12-14 november 2006.

    It was in Iran and also mentioning Irans currency (one I am reading more and more in, maybe nice investment).

    It was also mentioning the Iraqi dinar with some history.

    I quote:

    "Although Iraq has supported by west and Arab countries' enormous aids until the first Persian Gulf War (1990) and Iraq was not faced by main economic problems but after the invasion of Kuwait and west sanctions in 1990 Iraq faced by different problems as its currency value decreased to 800th as much.

    An Iraq dinar that was about 3/5 dollars before June 1990 (Beginning of Persian Gulf War) decreased to a dinar for 0/0005 US Dollar before march 2003 (At the beginning of Iraq invasion by US and UK forces).

    In other hand, Iraq dinar value decreased to 7000th as much after second war in Persian Gulf but decreasing the Iraq currency value after its invasion on February 2003 is not countable."

    Link: :: AAPP2006 :: - Islamic Revolution

    I find these statements awsome!

    They are telling that this whole rate is just a game and not countable (program rate).

    So they are currently increasing the rate of a not countable decreased Iraqi Dinar???!!???

    Only thing that I can think of is that it is must to withdraw as much money as they can from circulation.

    After that we must see the real exchange rate and with HCL/FIL/ICI it must be very very very soon and in my opinion this month!

    Just another beautiful statement that we are sitting on gold!
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

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