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  1. #35981
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    Iraq on the right path
    Jan 01 2007

    Generally speaking, the media worldwide report predominantly about the sensational, catastrophes, deaths, controversial statements by international personalities, wars, celebrity stories, gossip, rumours and the abnormal.
    News about socio-economic success, development and progress is scantily tackled. A veteran German reporter told me this kind of news is boring for media consumers. People prefer the sensational. Hence, media providers fiercely compete to get hold of dramatic events. This is the kind of news that mesmerises people to the media. Commercial media, above all TV channels rejoice in reporting about wars and killing, the sooner the better. They rush to the scene of events and report live. "Thank God! At last something sensational is happening. Now we can make money (through commercials of course)." Commercial TV owners celebrate joyfully. Sensational events overshadow normal, ordinary, effective, humane achievements.
    Had Mohammed Yunus not won this year's Nobel Prize for peace, no body would have taken notice of his great Mini-Loan Bank in Bangladesh which helped eradicate poverty for seven million people. International media used to report almost only about floods and poverty from Bangladesh. Yunus's work was ignored. It was not sensational enough. Commercial media live on the sensational, the weird, the bloody, the negative, the abnormal, and the controversial.
    All this seems to apply to Iraq. We only hear and read bad news from Iraq: suicide and car bombs. Random killing, sabotage, and destruction are the only news we get from Iraq. Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary General describes the situation in Iraq as "worse than a civil war." Obviously he watches only CNN. But is Iraq really only killing and destruction?
    An American businessman with links to major parts of Iraq told me another story of Iraq. While he admits that there is daily killing and destruction in Iraq, there is also construction, development, progress and freedom. Here are some of his facts: Slowly but steadily, "80 per cent of Iraqis are creeping (back) to (normal) life."
    "Um Qasr, in the southeast extremity of Iraq on the Persian Gulf" which was deserted by the spring of 2003 is back to normal. "It is back in business as a port with commercial and military functions. "Hundreds of families have returned - joining many more who have come from all over Iraq."
    "The boom in Um Qasr is part of a broader picture that also includes Basra, the sprawling metropolis of southern Iraq"
    Very few media report about good news from Iraq. "Newsweek has just hailed the emergence of a booming market economy in Iraq as "the mother of all surprises," noting "Iraqis are more optimistic about the future than most Americans are." The reason, of course, is that Iraqis know what is going on in their country while Americans are fed a diet of exclusively negative reporting from Iraq."
    The growing dynamism of the Iraqi economy is reflected in the steady increase in the value of the national currency, the dinar, against the three currencies in direct competition with it in the Iraqi marketplace: the Iranian rial, the Kuwaiti dinar and the US dollar, since January 2006."
    "No doubt, part of the dinar's strength reflects the rise in Iraq's income from oil exports to almost $40 billion in 2006, an all-time record. But oil alone does not explain all, since both Iran and Kuwait are bigger exporters than Iraq."
    "The fact that civil-servant salaries have increased by almost 30 per cent, with a further 30 per cent due to come into effect early next year, also has helped boost demand.
    But a good part of the boom is due to an unexpected flow of foreign capital. This has been facilitated by the prospect of a liberal law on direct foreign investments, which exists only in such free-trade parts of the region as Dubai and Bahrain . None of Iraq 's six neighbours offers such guarantee for the free flow of capital to and from the country."
    "Since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003, the number of private companies in Iraq has increased from a mere 8,000 to more than 35,000 this year. Each week an average of 60 new companies spring up in Iraq 's booming areas. A good part of the investment in southern Iraq , including in Um Qasr, comes from Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates."
    "Whatever happens, Iraq is Iraq ," says a Kuwaiti businessman, building hotels in the south. "Iraq will always remain the country with the world's largest oil reserves and the Middle East's biggest resources of water."
    "One hears similar comments from local and foreign businessmen investing in real estate in Najaf and Karbala. Over 200 million Shiite Muslims regard the cities as holy. Najaf and Karbala have always been dream destinations for pilgrims. Under Saddam Hussein, however, few foreign pilgrims were allowed. With the despot gone, pilgrims are pouring in-and with them the fresh money."
    "That good business is possible in Iraq is reflected in the performance of new companies, most of which did not exist three years ago. One privately owned mobile phone company is expected to report revenues of more than $500 million this year, a sevenfold increase in three years. Another private firm marketing soft drinks has seen profits double since the end of 2003. The number of luxury cars imported has risen from a few hundred in 2002 to more than 20,000 this year. The leading export of Iraq is producing nearly $41 billion in revenues."
    But what about continued attacks of insurgents and terrorists?
    "Most foreign investors coming to make money in Iraq shrug their shoulders. "Doing business in any Arab country is always risky," says a Turkish investor who has set up a trucking company and a taxi service. "In some Arab countries, you risk nationalization or straight confiscation by the ruler. In other Arab countries, you must give a cut to one of the emirs (and princes). Here, you face possible terrorist attacks. But such attacks are transitory."
    "The relatively low cost of labour is another attraction to investors. Wages in Iraq , where unemployment is (still) over 30 per cent, are less than a quarter of the going rates in Kuwait . Nevertheless, the Iraqi boom appears to be attracting some Iranian labourers from areas close to the border-people who come in for a few days to make some money before returning home."
    "Although Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki's government has slowed down the pace of privatisation, the foundations of the command economy created by Saddam continue to crumble."
    "The transition from a rentier economy-in which virtually the whole of the population depended on government handouts-to a free-market capitalist one entails much hardship for some segments of society. Many pensioners and some civil servants find it hard to make ends meet as prices rise across the board. The end of government subsidies on virtually everything-from bread and sugar to gasoline and water-is also causing hardship."
    "But, judging by the talk in teahouses and the debate in Iraq's new and pluralist media, most people welcome the switch to capitalism and regard it as an exciting adventure.
    "Since 2003 the salaries of average Iraqis have risen in excess of 100 per cent. In addition the Iraqi government has slashed the income tax rates from 45 per cent to just around 15 per cent. That has resulted in the average Iraqi family being able to develop long term nest-eggs (we call them IRAs)."
    "Gasoline is only .56 cents a gallon. It wouldn't be that high except that Iraq decided to payoff some of its debt to the World Bank and are using energy profits to do so.
    In addition much of the formerly centralised organisation of the economy has been turned over to private sector endeavours and while some government sectors have seen a spike in unemployment, private sector unemployment is hovering around 30 per cent. High to you and me, but still better than in the Saddam era."
    The more and more Iraqis are taken on the board of development, the less they would listen to warlords and terrorist groups. Insurgents are not recruited among the 70 per cent of peaceful and diligent Iraqis; they are recruited among the 30 per cent jobless and retainers of the old regime. I'm confidant and millions of Iraqis with me that the course of development will prevail.


  2. #35982
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    Default I thought all debt was settled? From todays ARAB TIMES Kuwait Edition

    Iraq must honour global rules, return Kuwait loans
    KUWAIT CITY,: MPs demanding the settlement of Iraqi loans recently pointed out that Britain paid the final installment for its debts amounting to billions of dollars within six months without demanding the cancellation of these loans.

    MP Adel Al-Sarawi had earlier appealed to Iraq to follow the example of Britain in paying loans obtained from international organizations and some countries which provided them assistance during the war.

    Urging Iraq to comply with international agreements and regulations, Al-Sarawi said Iraq should pay its debts to Kuwait as stipulated by the international laws on granting loans in addition to paying war compensations specified by the United Nations.

    Abdullah Al-Roomi stressed all countries should comply with international laws on granting loans to other countries. He said Iraq must respect the agreements signed with other countries on such loans.

    Indicating the downfall of a dictatorial regime is not a valid excuse for Iraq to demand the cancellation of its debts, Al-Roomi said Iraq should honor international agreements especially those concerning financial transactions with other countries.

    Al-Roomi added all governments are compelled to settle loans obtained from other countries to protect international agreements. He warned refusal to pay these loans will lead to global instability which might eventually prompt concerned international authorities to dissolve its financial assistance policies to the detriment of several countries. He added this will also have a negative impact on the international budget.

    Pointing out that the money loaned to Iraq belongs to the citizens, MP Ali Al-Deqbasi vehemently opposed to the cancellation of the Iraqi loans. He said "Iraq should pay these loans under any circumstances. We cannot accept any excuses on their part as it is their responsibility to settle their debts."

    Al-Deqbasi lamented "in spite of the assistance Kuwait has extended to Iraq, the country went through the most difficult times when Iraq betrayed Kuwaitis during the war. It would be absurd for us to write off Iraqi loans and leave the citizens engulfed in debts."

    Instead of writing off these loans, Al-Deqbasi said the government should put pressure on Iraq to settle its debts to Kuwait.


  3. #35983
    Investor ozizoz's Avatar
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    I cant see them removing an excessive amount of currency from circulation. The CBI are star pupils of Alan Greenspan. But if they had we would see many more signs of an economy over heating . . .interest rate adjustments and then a move to adjust the circulation against our favor.

    With oil production at or above 3 million bpd, they could also adjust things with the sale price of oil. The GoI has many relief valves at its disposal.

    I quit trying to guess their next move a long time ago. Im just sitting here debating adding another 3 mil to my collection to put me just under 15 mill holding. I can afford it if the rate will pay out inside of six months otherwise I find myself getting stretched thin again.

  4. #35984
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wm.Knowles View Post
    Only thing that I can think of is that it is must to withdraw as much money as they can from circulation.

    After that we must see the real exchange rate and with HCL/FIL/ICI it must be very very very soon and in my opinion this month!

    Just another beautiful statement that we are sitting on gold![/COLOR][/B]
    I have asked myself one question over the last couple of months over and over. Since economics is the "dismal" science, and not an exact one, "What if they have removed too much money from the economy"? Any comments?
    wouldnt that result in a deficit of sorts?
    asking here coz i am far from an economy major.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 01-01-2007 at 11:49 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #35985
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Shiite cleric: FY 2007 budget to add more suffering to Iraqis
    By Haider al-Kaabi
    Najaf, Jan 1, (VOI) – The Shiite cleric Mohammed al-Yaqubi criticized on Monday the Iraqi government’s proposed $41 billion budget for 2007 as the spiritual leader of Fadhila party expected a large part of the proposed money would most likely line the pockets of corrupt officials and the Iraqis would only get much suffering.
    “The government aired the news of a proposed $41billion budget for fiscal year 2007 as a good tiding to the Iraqis but in fact it would only double their suffering,” sheikh Mohammed al-Yaqubi said in a statement received by the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).
    Sheikh al-Yaqubi, spiritual leader for the Shiite Fadhila (Virtue) party, accused corrupt officials in the government of squandering public money and let people suffer much difficulties.
    “The Iraqis challenge the government to give figures showing where the public money was spent as most projects announced by the government were mere ink on paper,” sheikh al-Yaqubi said.
    Last week, the Iraqi government proposed and referred a $41 billion budget to the parliament for ratification.
    The Shiite Fadhila (Virtue) party is a main component of the Unified Iraqi Coalition,130 seats out of a total of 275 member-parliament.
    Yaqubi-Budget :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  6. #35986
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    الاقتصاديIn reading obedience to the economic reality. The basic principles of economic reform

    The name of God the Merciful
    مقدمةIntroduction ير..Not least, but does not know the things of the country, that Iraq will go easy comfortable circumstances, if the fall of the former. But many books and many leaders pointed out that the task of change, no matter how difficult and tough but the task of reform will be more complex and difficult.

    ..This is normal for all those who know the devastation and destruction that befell Iraq during recent decades : despotism, corruption and internal wars ongoing, and three major regional wars and the internationalization of the Iraqi issue, the sanctions and blockade. The change comes, and put the country under occupation. It committed serious errors, in addition to the mistakes made by the Iraqis themselves. Add to all of the vicious war waged by terrorists and Altkverion and Sadamion, which targeted the Iraqi society and the rest of the builders and institutions. The disruption of the process of reform, the political process and all that would move from this tragic situation to the conditions of salvation that was sought by the Iraqi people.

    Despite these circumstances could test of the Iraqi people and sacrifices and mobilizing the support of friendly countries, a great display of arms, and identify priorities which identify the restoration of the country's sovereignty, and elected representatives who are empowered to speak on his behalf and that it is important for Iraq constitution agreed upon by Iraqis, all Iraqis. And already made the political process successfully impressed the world and the government of national unity, convened in the House of Representatives all of those Iraqi forces and the large task that represent the Iraqi people in all their components. It developed the security and the Iraqi army. Once many of the issues that were Dreamlike few years ago. Achieve all this, which is great, very great.

    This must be proud of all of us. But we still feel that the country has not taken off and the fact many risks still surround them. And our President that the reason for this is that through economic reform and the provision of services remains stalled. One of the fundamental reasons for that is certainly the terrorism and sabotage. But we preferred in this paper not only that but we have to stress that the reason for the disruption was not this factor, but that the reform and the provision of services could have achieved much more important progress achieved, to achieve something great little suits funds disbursed and the tremendous efforts that have been made. The political process has advanced the center of terrorism and sabotage, but they have one of the means to confront it. It would have been possible for economic reform and the provision of services that also bring forward not only in the interest of the people and give to change its meaning and its real purposes, but also called for the tremendous momentum that can be of the regions and governorates safe

    The stable population and the particular act militarily and politically and economically, to form one of the most important means to get out of the suffocating and strengthen the country against all risks that could threaten. These factors and others were present paper. The paper did not directly prompt Cha postponement to avoid loss of time and loss of blessings and virtue this holy month, approved the principle of the word to understand the reference, note that all references and concepts mentioned in the paper with numbers and detailed evidence we believe it enhances what we have and the vision of diagnosis and treatment, which would incorporate detailed examination of this paper is an introduction to them. We are confident awareness and sense of responsibility enjoyed by our brothers who Servdon these visions and currency correction and development for the interest of Iraq and Iraqis

    It is necessary to agree first of all decision-makers and actors and mumbling the House and the Bloc region and the state, regions and provinces, and forces actors and the forces of the various natural that the country needs and what is the policy of starting and residential areas and the disbursement of funds in service projects and productivity. Most important in the economic policy of any country and nation is how to double the value-added tax and accumulate gains and gains and building the infrastructure that allows all of this and worsens.

    The agreement is necessary to remove anything that might impede that. Losing profit machine, and the disruption of production from the turnover is the largest corruption and the loss of Great Britain will not prosecute offset errors and excesses added. Begin the process essentially go ahead and drainage systems, control and protection and rationing and the fundamentals of contract and integrity and others are protections must go to the longitudinal line and the starting line is not accidental, as is the case in most cases Menhalia. Caught in the country and the assets to the erosion not only because of the corruption and theft and Hoasm State, but mainly due to the delay and retreat, but sometimes stopped wheel production and the generation of values for work and this is the greatest disaster. Nothing protect and Nhasph and organize and observe the rules of fairness that the process has not taken off already. Regulations control and restraint come and already tested its effectiveness after launch. They do not come only after it takes off as if that process is cumulative and progressive successive sessions and each session should give way for a more superior than the further production of surpluses and added value and profits. And everything from the laws, procedures and controls must be respected in the service of this objective aims near and far, partial and comprehensive, does not survive at the limited or short
    Therefore, we removed the brakes to their rightful place in the first, and then the diagnosis policies starting Secondly, the diagnosis of implementation tools and policies to encourage some to get out of the closed circle of isolation.

    اولاً: عوامل الحجز والكبحFirst : factors seizure and restraint
    1- في.1-in laws, regulations and procedures : This overcomes the legal obstacles because of the welter of laws and regulations or on the contrary, the absence of law required leaving the matter to predict different and changing.

    أ- .A blurry-laws and regulations which makes arbitrary acts opposite often contradictory.

    ب- .B-many of the committees in the Council of Ministers, ministries and take many decisions and not intended as acts of policy addresses the problems studied in the framework of the partial solutions Assembly.

    ج- -committees of the Chamber of Deputies and the failure to address the many laws that have accumulated over the life of the Iraqi state, particularly those conflicting, or in the absence of a number of necessary legislation

    د- به.D-assurance to the speed and good work of the presidency and does not become disruptive of the efforts and the terms of reference when making legislative or executive branch. The role defined by the Constitution of the Presidency Council, in no way means to stay within the limits of personal opinions in the work and decisions of the government and the House of Representatives but carries members individually and collectively responsibility in the expression of the collective awareness of representativeness and compromise their assignments.

    2- .2-providing job security and a sense of responsibility. Negative behavior of the official (Altlkoe and reservists and frequency) tends to conduct positive (resolution and initiative and responsibility). Because of the growth of such behavior-in addition to public education-to the prosecution and punishment after every political change or cabinet reshuffle Arafa Iraq throughout history past and present. This requires the protection of the decision of craftiness and media exposure, accounting Random and anger administrative and political antagonisms. And that the work of accounting and control and integrity as assets that can correct acceptable nails done without causing a malfunction in the biggest disruption of the public interest.

    أ- .A-provide physical protection and material and moral interests of officials and their families to which they were terrorists and saboteurs and Altkverein primarily, but also from many groups and the forces of political and Mavioeh within or outside the enterprise.

    ب.B-hasty decisions and not just from the higher ranks. And endured ministerial changes usually changes threaten to generate efficiencies and embarrassments and concerns persist.

    ج- من الفائدة.C-Measures to control the integrity both in haste or in the defamation in the media or in the nature of the procedures and no hasty accusations except in accordance with procedures several filters to ensure that no harm is more of interest.

    د- .D-chopping and the importance of dealing with him with a similar outlook on the theme of integrity required, in accordance with the constitution.

    3- ظهر.3-emerged on many occasions there is no serious discussion precedes decisions in the House of Representatives, or within the government, or the Presidency. But there is no serious discussion of key issues in the meeting between the different parties or even one block. Often take some officials or some of the decisions or propose amendments on the advice or Msttalaah-depth views of the various policies and thereby disturb others made a good effort in the preparation. The examples are many. Not to mention the different interpretations and spiritual uncertainty and skepticism exist even within one block due to the political situation which causes many of its decisions and actions.

    4- في :4-responsibility and signature :

    أ.A clear-granting powers to negotiate and sign and streamlining procedures (and special paper attached figure 1). Creating stability in the level of deputy ministers and directors-general to represent are permanent and substantive element in the work of the ministry, but the minister is the person political and administrative change that does not affect the stability of the Ministry's work and achievements.

    ب- .B-to facilitate the work of the assignment, whether to negotiate with the selected or through tenders or other means of ensuring the rights of the country and speed of delivery and quality.
    ج- -simplify procedures opening credits

    5- .5-payment charts for both points of executing internal or external, often leading administrative and procedural obstacles to delay the payment, which generates strong reluctance in such a rush to sign a contract with the government.

    6- Best available من التحرفيExact match .6-Adoption of the policy of the best existing Best available from contractors, companies and bidders in the implementation of projects, rather than matching الحرفيExact match, especially if the damage delay of more than damage the high price or lack of certain conditions, especially non-core.
    ثانياًوالاصلاحSecond : the starting and reform policies
    :The definition of the motives rights :

    The accumulated confiscations, laws and regulations and state monopoly since the end of the Ottoman Empire and multiplying actions and decisions rapidly, especially in recent decades. A State gradually hands either on the right or appointed the fundamentals of work ... In the area of agricultural land has become difficult to define property and various forms of investment, which form continued to decline for this sector dangerous. As in the areas of real estate, commercial, industrial and service has extended to other State monopoly to become the largest owner and expel all rivals and turning those who were still merely agents and affiliated revolve in its orbit. All this without talking about the seizure of the extractive sector, especially in the areas of oil and gas, which turned ownership of the property to the people of the State and of the individual

    To steal is not appointed to the right, but the bulk of the areas of work in all phases of its manufacturing sector ascending, descending. It therefore fully controlled at all the huge resources of this sector. And turning right at the end of the reconstruction and protection of the future generations the opportunity to use this wealth in the development of the country and to the armies of internal and external wars did not stop. At best, and hybrid industries to the caring and empty palaces where everything except the sovereignty and interests of the people and society. It is serious and very dangerous. Valestebdad political grew with these developments. When State dominated the meeting, the King and become a totalitarian dictatorship is the natural outcome, which does not remain in the range of superior infrastructure, but also to bring the reality of life and all elements of the policy, in which case Iraq is undergoing today. But the absence of a state or weakening means chaos and that the proper equation

    That must have good work is a product of a strong government and the people and strong society, and not vice versa State draws on the people and society and their role canceled. And a strong central government and the remaining players with the powers and functions of local governments and strong players not delay or cancel the first two in the first two. Therefore, the quest to restore water to normalcy Bmohan current State in the right place and the restoration of community and the people and local governments of each session, which the aims of this paper are aimed at inter reform of the State and rid of bureaucracy and responsibilities vanish under which today

    And when we say that the matter is serious, very serious, we do not mean the pure intimidation. When obtain such a situation would mean first-means-Disruption of the motives and interests, which drives the free wills of individuals and groups. Will all the incentives and engines innate instincts and natural instincts and desires move, initiatives and motives of wills and aspirations and dreams, and left with only a system of forced labor and servitude, coercion and fear. So when the system collapsed repression in Iraq has collapsed with The whip visible or hidden, which drives the action and broadcast it, even if the amount of weak vital activity and the economic sense, not humanitarian course.

    .This is our day, we have to either repression and autocracy to mobilize a new tool of oppression and the state monopoly. To return and play a patient in moving the wheel and production, even the lowest levels. Or to start the reform process who fought injustice and despotism, as a tyrant and fought for the Constitution and democratic life and tried to restore rights to the people and the community, that all of us seek to Rebounder rights and the motives to the natural tracks where they can be free wills of the individuals, groups and governments and local administrations to re-industry economic and social life is stable standing on the base and not concern shaky standing on the summit. Therefore, when some say that this country is not suitable for democracy, or when it demands some Iraqis and Westerners and the Americans and the Arabs to the control of the state, even at the expense of the people, this explains that what this means is some special interest for the control of the country and not the interests of the people and the restoration of its role in the life and evaluate things and put them in their context right.

    If the investor and businessman, to the profit and ensure their rights not only in the day but in the future and the future also. And if the real estate or donations to the farm queen or rent. The employee and the worker to a zone and taxi and Hamayath holiday or when his old age. Mills and Al-Serafi to utility and usefulness. The patient, the owner of Invalidity and poor and miserable to care and the introduction of his hand to move from poverty to Equity. If there is the family protection, security and surrounded childhood and youth care. And that these are the essential pillars of the community and its future. And that the right of the public wealth is not to be given to them, but the share of the right to contribute to the manufacture, and did not appear in the economic accounts and the GDP statistics. If the State is no longer playing the role of Natural protector and guarantor to achieve this, and the occupation of their economic and social role as a servant of the people and not the owner is, to develop the concept of public service to the rearing and culture itself is true that the concept of citizenship was in the confines of a mutually Rahim knows his or her duties and rights. If Iraq is to respect fellow sign of the pride and respect for themselves and respect for others, promises and pledges. If we begin to work to make these and other daily realities, we have to review ourselves.

    Because the old system we would win and we will be renewing the area and his hands. The return of tyranny and oppression, there is no difference same characters and symbols or symbols of the old and new figures. It is our duty and the duty of the government, Parliament and the forces that act quickly to a series of historical work that would save Iraq and the most important fact-and not all of the following -

    One-property law : (a special paper) of the Property Act legislation essentially seeks to restore state ownership wide, which today constitute not less than three quarters of property to the citizens and bodies and groups, municipalities and provincial and local governments, etc. State ownership is the product of extensive historic policies of confiscation or seizure or forfeiture of the owner is not for him. They basically ownerships either public, private or religious endowments, private or public commons, or other forms of compensation will be : do the historic, as a general and not specifically Specifically, the following :

    - :- The liquidation of property and real estate, which inherited the State of Saddam's regime and its men through the sale of bodies or of the citizens or institutions, or converted into museums or academic institutions or different social, all in order to prevent tampering and illegal exploitation optimal. And that money could be used to :

    أ*- .ا*-compensation affected by the actions of the former regime and compensation for property disputes in order to alleviate the burden on the budget as a result.

    ب*ب*-could be the nucleus of the proceeds of a fund to finance small and medium-sized enterprises in the private sector to stimulate and soft.

    - منه.Land-distributed free of charge, or about the minimum to the people and the population to build housing in selected locations outside congested cities after providing supplies with the grant conditions Tsliveh simple. The paper acknowledges Tabo or title after the end of construction or part of the President.

    - .The distribution of land-use or direct ownership to the owners of industrial projects, agricultural and service within or outside the municipalities according to the conditions and specific controls. Although known patterns of real estate or land and the conditions that residential land or agricultural, industrial or historical or establishments or government or public, municipality or other types.

    - .- Owning Arsat or bodies of the terms and prices of thought, especially given that the rents paid in the case of some Arsat had exceeded the real value of the property which allows as payment of premiums. In any case, take into consideration the introduction of the determinants require reform and renewal in King, or both, which is more correct.

    - .- The liquidation of remnants of the old laws settlement and the agrarian reform law and the ownership of the attachments did not own the exploiters, investors and farmers land distributed to them or by contractors, and are already using. And unless re-distributed, or deployment has been invested or used to pay no owners and investors peoples. Other formulas or did not respond to define concepts of ownership, leasing and exploitation is clearly eliminates the ambiguity and overlap many of the current names, which grew confusingly lost rights and benefits and the motives alike.

    - .- Acceleration in resolving property disputes and restore everything to its owners, raped or compensation of human kind is the same real value at the acquisition.

    - .- Encourage investment contracts, exploitation and ownership in the dead and the prairies and the rural and undeveloped land and swamps, mountains and marshes deployed today in the length and breadth of the country, not only for agricultural investment, but also for the extraction works and services, education, fishing, tourism and various forms of business.

    ان.That does not mean that the State will depend on the exercise of economic activity. But exercise this role must be standards or the standards of market knowledge strategy in a clear and true. What must stand point is that transformed the role of the ministries of Sergeant Shepherd and Guide to the role of businessman and merchant, industrial, doctor and teacher. The necessary that the State plays a businessman or other conditions must be respected competition and the laws of the market, or to intervene in the blank spaces and strategic issues, which is the necessity, if not by the shortage or gap will be present in the country or its future.

    Inheritance system : (a special paper) that the justice system Itosmaha inheritance based on Islamic law as commonly applied in many cases, killed solid ownership, which was one day prosperous and active. The exigencies of Qassam legitimate and distributed in the great contemporary circumstances often lead to delays and inaction especially in the property investment, not to mention the conflict and discord between members of one family, a situation experienced by many of the properties that have become de absent or idle Malkith. Many of the properties that were in the field of industrial or agricultural real estate or suffer today from the disintegration of the stalemate and prevent disruption and prevents the accumulation of wealth and capabilities. We believe that the men of jurisprudence and law to submit meddling to prevent the introduction of a legal vacuum in the administration

    Successful in the interest of the project and owners of the new heirs. The assignment of such properties to the Directorate sponsored until the new owners of heirs-as proposed - is usually the worst of solutions. That replacement replace bureaucratic inertia and the vacuum when what is to keep the efficiency and diagnosis of Malta and the acquisition of rights holders of their rights. We need to find solutions that might have a way out experts meet in practice - and not in theory-purpose. It is the preservation of the rights of the legitimate heirs of hand without disrupting the effectiveness of the King, on the other hand. Solutions begin

    encouragement and education to write a recommendation to clear the capital of the King. Or solutions may begin evaluate the market value of the property by experts estimate these affairs specialists. And converting the heirs designated Qassam legitimate, the kind of a private company or the company's contribution (depending on the type of King that the properties or land or a company or a factory, etc.) and record this title or something like, and so each scion holder of the stock to market value unknown can be sold or retained in accordance with the procedures specified by saying other parties in the Qassam legitimate in the procurement process in order to avoid Exit the King to others. The management company or choose guardian or director of its biggest boys are either, or had already invested or

    already resident or stipulated in the will or agreed to by a majority of shareholders, or any mechanism to eliminate common in the case of a dispute following the death of specific duration for the installation of a new property effectively and properly. , Or other solutions can be presented by the scientists and experts ... . The system ensures the continuation of distributive justice, which will Shara, and guarantee-at the same time - the continuity of the king and not eat and lose and the absence of effective action and the rights of the adult. 3-investment law : (a paper presented in Parliament for discussion and the vote) that the law guarantees a launch economic movement and the ease of leave and respect Malta and

    prevent pounce and the revitalization of the work of institutions The bodies of national and foreign exchange is the state of oversight and accountability in Mangebl and balanced. The law gave the shortfalls and local governments the right of the area and its initiatives to carry out its responsibilities to Astjethab investments and activate the manner activities leading to the benefit of the country because the interest is part of the benefit of each, and the cooperation of officials and the local population with the initiatives and projects and to facilitate the grounds that the effect will benefit everyone part also. 4-energy : energy is a key to the renaissance of nations. Perhaps, the most serious of which suffer in our current situation is precisely the lack of electricity and lack of oil derivatives adequately. Our firm conviction that if these two elements provided for the different economic situation and service orientation, and even security than it is now. Perhaps most important, will the

    ministries of oil and electricity, and the Economic Strategy Paper (especially attached to No. 1) is the necessity to start projectsSerious and capacities required for the submission of radical and final solution to these issues. Terrorism and targeting of these institutions clearly indicates the grave role as Altchribion and terrorists seeking to disrupt the work of God the country to disrupt the work of the two institutions. And it must be sufficient funds to monitor the environment and provide adequate security for the immediate commencement and completion of strategic projects in these key sectors and the continuation of the two

    ministries of oil and electricity in sustaining and developing existing projects and the provision of operation, and to develop strategies combining national solutions to take advantage of the college draft sizes and capacities region, regionalism and solutions to reduce, as much as possible, from transport operations. Any delay, any reason or excuse is no longer acceptable. If the laws and procedures do not allow for rapid delivery, it must find quick solutions to overcome this dilemma. The lives of the people and their final is much more important than all the fears and obstacles that are adherent to the

    ظˆع©ط§ظ„ط© ط§ظ„ظپط±ط§طھ ط§ظ„ط¹ط±ط§ظ‚ظٹط© ظ„ظ„ط§ظ†ط¨ط§ط،

    Have at it people, i can't understand a word, LOL
    Last edited by neno; 02-01-2007 at 12:42 AM. Reason: Alittle Seperation so it can be read easier. Thanks
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  7. #35987
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wm.Knowles View Post
    Only thing that I can think of is that it is must to withdraw as much money as they can from circulation.

    After that we must see the real exchange rate and with HCL/FIL/ICI it must be very very very soon and in my opinion this month!

    Just another beautiful statement that we are sitting on gold![/COLOR][/B]
    I have asked myself one question over the last couple of months over and over. Since economics is the "dismal" science, and not an exact one, "What if they have removed too much money from the economy"? Any comments?[/QUOTE]

    Well, if too much money is removed from the economy, you get deflation. Without enough currency to purchase goods and pay for services, start businesses, etc, the economy goes into a depression eventually. Purportedly the inflation rate was in the realm of 60-70% and reducing the money supply and increasing interest rates would reduce inflation. Given that Iraq is has an 'underdeveloped economy' (lots of potential but not enough structure in place to get the jobs done) and vast resources, imports are more heavily relied upon because there is, simply put, not enough business structure yet in place to meet all of the demands of goods, services, etc with the present supply. Now, assuming that the CBI KNOWS all of this and is not removing currency to cause an economic foray into the abyss, it would seem that they have something far better in mind. Even at the present level, the dinar is priced too low to really help with the price of exports. So, what to do? Bring the dinar into parity with other currencies seems to make the most sense given the willingness of the world to forgive Iraq's debts, develop untold trillions in oil production, substantial gold reserves (alleged?) and agricultural potential. Whadd'ya think WmKnowles?
    " May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the armpits of any infidels who stand in the way of the $1.48 reval of our blessed Dinar."--Some Iraqi guy

  8. #35988
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    One question. Whouldn't the openning of the ISX on the 8th of Jan. make it to late to revalue it? At that point, the money has a world value and would then need to continue to creep slowly, right? I am in no way saying it will or not, just looking for a clarifier. Thank you to all.

  9. #35989
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    On the occasion of the 2007 which we hope to see progress in all areas, especially the political, security, economic, and try now to make a practical plan of the brothers officials in the Iraqi government of central and local governments in the provinces, and this plan seeks to provide job opportunities for the unemployed, through the provision of capital for them to set up projects chosen by themselves according to their potential scientific and professional associations.

    ولا :-She does not deny the importance of providing employment opportunities for citizens that can be mentioned briefly : -

    1. .1. Have a viable contribution to the stabilization of the security situation, which upset because of the circumstances of living and economic plight of the Iraqi citizen, which forced some of them to resort to certain armed groups, to provide a living.

    2. 2. To reduce the gap between the people and the Iraqi government and the elimination of the crisis of confidence between them, which resulted because of poor service and lack of governmental achievements, which in some way excused from the government because of the extraordinary situation through which the country is going, but many of the crises and the government are responsible for the need to reduce the shortened.

    3. التقليل.3. To reduce the burdens on the government, especially the Ministry of Labor to provide job opportunities lost between near and friend because of nepotism abhorrent difficult to control because of administrative corruption in the body Almtsertuna State.

    4. التأثير .4. The positive impact on the mood of the citizen and his family and thus the introduction of pleasure and happiness to the citizens is the responsibility of government officials, and thus reduce the social problems of divorce, murder, rape and other social ills that received at the end of the government, in addition to restoring self-confidence of the citizen in its economic improvement.

    5. .5. Part of the revitalization of the Iraqi economy racked by the presence of the unemployed.

    6. .6. The improvement of the living of the citizens and therefore the government could undertake economic reforms that intend to set up and implemented, such as lifting the subsidy on oil derivatives, and the ration card and health institutions, educational and other reforms. هذا .This short, but if we want to separate it as if these pages to demonstrate the importance of providing employment opportunities.

    .The present study this plan or occasion Gregorian new year and the subsequent financial allocations and a new budget for ministries and provincial and state institutions directly associated with the citizen, this study is based on the allocation of funds given to citizens in the form of advances paid in a given period depends on the objective conditions of the lender, and the citizens of these advances repaid without interest, in order not to lose the credit relevance.

    .But the way the mechanism is not that the Lebanese government for example citizens directly from their budgets because this requires a huge budget, I do not think that the government bear, and the mechanism is the agreement with the Bank of Iraqi or non-Iraqi to lend to the government equal to the total amounts to be advancing to the citizens, depending on the size of the citizens of the foregoing, and the government takes care of the payment of interest.

    جيد :Take the example of a realistic process illustrates well :

    .Had a budget of Basra Governorate for 2006 are (258 billion dinars), the Council of Basra Governorate to distribute this amount on service sectors and sectors suffered the citizen a shortage of labor. Were allocated of the Provincial Part of this amount Let the (10 billion dinars) for the provision of job opportunities for the citizens and therefore through the loans of, the the amount of the advance payment suffice for the establishment of a project suitable every citizen is the (10 million dinars) for the number of who benefit from these advances in the Basra Governorate (1000 people), a small number compared Basrah Governorate the second largest Iraqi cities, and amount of funds pumped into that market from this method are (10 billion dinars) only which is a small sum does not obviously influence on the movement of the market and is booming.

    أما.As if we use the proposed plan is to coordinate the conservation with one Iraqi banks or non-Iraqi citizens advance loans and provide for annual maintenance payment of benefits, for the greater interest. If the proportion of annual interest for these loans is 20% of the amount borrowed for possible lending (5000 citizen) the same amount any (10 million dinars) every citizen requests to the loan or the advance payment and the same amount allocated from the Council of the preservation which is (10 billion dinars), and the amount which will enter the market is the (50 billion dinars) result of the use of amount allocated from the Council of the preservation of the credit for the payment of benefits and not for credit directly, and one year after We have implicitly the provision of (5000) job opportunities in the Basra Governorate, and this of course when allocating (10 billion dinars) for the credit But if redoubled this amount a definite will be compounded to (10000) job opportunities.

    هي :-Take advantage of this method a lot of benefits in addition to the benefits of providing job opportunities mentioned above, these benefits are : -

    1. .1. Developing a new mechanism for the implementation of projects that serve the citizen is the traditional mechanism followed by most officials and that there had been no citizen of this traditional having a clear, in addition to the traditional mechanism.

    2. .2. The events of the movement in the market because of the entry of additional, substantial funds be spent by local governments and the central government in projects to be implemented, and less a result, the economic recession experienced by the country.

    3. .3. Because of the huge sums required by this mechanism, if applied in more than one province as well as the central government, the local banks can not cover all these amounts and thus will turn the central and local governments to borrow from banks, non-Iraqi, and therefore the open foreign investment in Iraq and held that the impact of economic and political relations between Iraq and other countries.

    4. إن.4. This process reduces inflation, which affects the Iraqi economy during this period due to the economic recession in the country.

    5. Because of the availability of capital we will see the development of projects based on scientific grounds because of the presence of scientists within the class of unemployed and thus get on the development of scientific skills in addition to improving the economic situation.

    6. إن .6. This method would ensure that the amount allocated for a full credit to the citizens because it is not affected by the administrative corruption experienced by the entire state government and people when compared with the establishment of traditional project which goes more than half without benefit because of financial and administrative corruption.

    7. 7. Due to the fact that local governments and the central banks, according to the plan, the banking sector will be in full swing, and therefore more competition, especially at the advent of banks others Iraqi, which owns the techniques of modern banking, which has dominated the market for the banks, leading to the acceleration to reduce the rate of interest and this for the benefit of the citizens of the two is that the number of citizens who are covered ancestors will (when the survival of the amount allocated for credit fixed) On the other hand, that the ordinary citizen who did not receive an advance can borrow from the bank and by lower interest rates.

    آليات تنفيذ هذه الخطةMechanisms for the implementation of this plan
    After coordination between local governments or central with one of Iraqi banks or other announce to credit opportunities, provides any citizen need to the advance payment a request for United Nations Headquarters shall be the agency supervising the Credit investigating and scrutiny in the conditions that should be available by the citizen and which placed to benefit from the advance payment the largest possible number of citizens, for example the condition that does not have the citizen submitted to the request staff or officer But his salary less than (200 thousand dinars) and can achieve this through garner support from the Finance Ministry that he shall not receive salary or his salary less than (200 thousand dinars), could also be laying down conditions such as that the highest loan is the example (10 million dinars) and can less than, may not be lending the citizen more than once, and it was within the conditions proposed to be over the age of (20 years old) as the most needy for the work actually is above this age, can also hand the supervisor of the lending develop a plan For the distribution of these advances instead of being distributed randomly to guarantee the establishment of projects of general benefit to or the establishment of projects replenishing extremist organizations especially the hands of working more or projects that provide materials not available in the market or available But car price is on the rise and Thus, or draw up a plan of for assembling such funds and incorporated in the draft and one with capital of large ATTRAcTS labor-and achieves isostatic important economic partner of the country such as the establishment of poultry farm, animals or farm due to crop production consumer task such as rice and wheat, of course this in the case of the lack of appropriate mechanisms for the success of such projects to reimburse loans on schedule, could also be of the facility should be able to shoulder usefulness of one year for these loans Had he wanted citizen taking loan and wants repays during the period of more than a year then it is possible to obtain this but the would directly supervise is the payment of interest implications because of delay reimbursement more than a year and therefore to allow for the establishment of projects may be delayed profits which soared but he fruitful and good without any impact on the supervising body on lending or the bank were There are things belonging to a bank lender such as guarantor and the requisite holdings and other things, not for the supervisor of the lending.

    ال :Obstacles :

    :-There are obstacles to the implementation of such a plan, and these obstacles : -

    *أ- .*ا - obstacles : the legitimacy of the result is due to the interest taken by the banks because interest is therefore proscribed therefore avoid land will not benefit from this advance, as well as officials who refuse to deal with these transactions will be abolished idea of the foundation, in any case could put the issue before the officials who wish to implement this plan, the religious leaders and clergy to give a view of sharia in the matter.

    *ب-might the convergence of local governments and ministries that the wish of the application of this plan lack of liquidity in Iraqi banks because of capital modest funds for these banks, will therefore have these Governments to resort to banks non-Iraqi, and in spite of the existence of benefits from borrowing from these banks and those mentioned only that there other way to fill such a demand on the borrow benefit from the market securities, as it can be the purchase of bonds the benefits of may be less than the banks and consequently, market securities would witness an active and clear because of this turnout on the purchase of bonds and will recover in investors in this market which must be developed and the expansion of its work for the rehabilitation of the Iraqi economy which will be built on the principle of the free market, and all that beneficial on the citizen, and that was accompanying this method some negatives namely know the position of Al-Shar'a from buying bonds and the payment of benefits this way, in addition to the fact that the agency supervising the lending will assume the managing its own lending instead of the bank which are accurate and technical might not fluent, those actors, Nevertheless It considers alternative solution on the banks.
    This is what our brothers officials in the government wish
    to provide to us and to the people they have to show self-what they missed and suffered from the popularity of an angry, but know that the people gave them is a legitimate force, constitutional, they have climbed the support of the people, and remember that the powerless without the people
    موسوعة بلاد الرافدين - مركز أضواء للبحوث - دراسة لتوفر فرص عمل للعاطلين عن العمل برؤوس مال بسيطة
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  10. #35990
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    its never too late to reval. Any price level can be adjusted to reflect a change in stated value. The real difference would be felt more on outside goods rather than internal ones, how Iraq deals with the rest of the world. But then again, I could be way off base :)

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