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  1. #36151
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    [QUOTE=Vipor;155901]Hmmmmm... what if...

    What if Maliki has been given a heads-up that on a certain date or within a certain period, he would be given his pink slip? What if he was given an opportunity to come up with his own method of saving face (as most high rankng political positions do (ie. pursuing other interests, spend more time w/ family, etc) ) and this "I don't want this position" is the best he can come with? It could happen.

    You have a valid point, BUT sometimes the needs of the MANY out weigh the needs of ONE. Like Gerald FORD pardoned Nixon, not a good choice for FORD, but in the long run it was a better choice for the country. Maliki should do what is in the best interest of his country, not himself. He needs to portray the qualities of a leader, assert his authority, and show his people and world that he can and will guide in a positive manner as long as his people let him. He needs to pick up his skirt and attempt to locate his B-lls.

  2. #36152
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Al-Maliki said that he does not want the post of the Prime Minister

    (Voice of Iraq) - 03-01-2007
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    Al-Maliki said that he did not want to assume the post of prime minister for another term

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki that he had no desire to occupy the office for a second and expressed his wish to leave office before the end of the current period, which represents the sectarian violence excessive challenge to the hopes of achieving national unity.

    When asked Maliki, in an interview published on Tuesday in the Wall Street Journal that it would accept a second term replied, "impossible."

    Al-Maliki said, "I wish they would end up before the end of this period. I want to serve the people outside the circle of senior officials and possibly through the parliament or by working directly with the people. "

    He added, "I did not wish to take up this position. The only because I thought it would serve the national interest and will not accept it again. " He said that his term of office is four years of assessments but may be reduced by changing the system of power in Parliament.
    Al-Maliki also criticized the multinational forces led by the United States and the Iraqi army because of the very slow response to the gunmen.

    This interview is part of an on-Maliki and the largest held on December 24 in December, while the American President George W. Bush to consider the American forces in Iraq and other changes in the strategy of war.

    As the interview a week ago from the execution of deposed Iraqi president Saddam Hussein last Saturday, an event that increased sectarian tensions.

    She drew insults to Saddam is on the bench penalty by supporters of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr was leaking video clips of the death penalty. And the effects of penalty charges by the Sunni minority that the penalty was an act of revenge by the Shiite majority.

    Al-Maliki, a Shiite, took the presidency of a coalition government that would include Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds, in the hope of avoiding a sectarian war, three years after the overthrow of Saddam in the United States-led invasion. But the violence continued Maliki said that he did not become a civil war.

    Al-Maliki said "what is happening in Iraq is the guerrilla war and terrorism. There is therefore a need to be very strongly and swift action. "
    He said that Iraqi leaders need more power on the face of the insurgency. He added : "The way in which the Iraqi army and multinational forces far too slow in the decision to move. This gives terrorists the opportunity to attack and flee. "
    Interesting artical, for what it's worth I have heard this would be the case for some time now but haven't seen any evidence to back it up until now. I believe that their is more of a "behind the scenes" feel to this rather then Maliki calling it quits. I would bet that the powers at be forced this action and will continue to do so until they can get things straightened up.
    The coming months are going to be VERY exciting!!!

  3. #36153
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Quote Originally Posted by SimplyD View Post
    2 Jan 2007 19:52:28 GMT
    Source: Reuters

    WASHINGTON, Jan 2 (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said he has no interest in a second term and wished he could be done before the end of his current term, in which rampant sectarian violence has defied hopes for unity.

    Asked whether he would accept a second term, Maliki said in an interview published on Tuesday by the Wall Street Journal: "Impossible."

    "I wish it could be done with even before the end of this term. I would like to serve my people from outside the circle of senior officials, maybe through the parliament, or through working directly with the people," Maliki said.

    "I didn't want to take this position. I only agreed because I thought it would serve the national interest, and I will not accept it again," he said. His term is intended to be four years, but it could be cut short by a power shift in parliament.

    The Iraqi gov't is at such a critical stage in proving to its people and the world that it is ready to lead the country. Maliki is a whimp. It is one thing to have these feelings but to publicly announce it, is far worse. Especially now, when he doesn't even have the control he needs to even justify him being the PM. Hasn't anyone told him that he has just made one huge political blunder. Lord please RV the dinar ASAP, because with Maliki at the helm, I feel like he is navigating the Titanic.

    Don't believe Maliki, he already knows he is out, and is simply making it sound like he will step aside and make it appear he is leaving of his own will. This has been in the works ever since Rice went to Kurdistan, so it is not by his choice, he is being ousted, so stay tuned.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  4. #36154
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    Quote Originally Posted by mewannapeg View Post
    American attempts to capture the wealth of Saddam's secret ability
    (Voice of Iraq) - 02-01-2007
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    American attempts to capture the wealth of Saddam's secret documents ability hundred billion dollars distributed in secret accounts in international banks

    A senior Iraqi official to the position of "Nahrin Net" that the file of the funds stolen by Saddam from the State budget, is still open and closed, "the official added," that these funds are tens of billions will be closing this file unless it is restoring these funds to the country, for use in building the new Iraq. "

    In this regard, the Western sources, reduce the sufficiency of the evidence, however, the Iraqi authorities on the amount and the amount of such funds and the names of the States or the banks that were deposited by those billions, and this evidence is far lower than However, the American authorities at the present time, and go reports on file with the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that the amounts stolen and which constitutes the real wealth of secret Saddam up to one hundred billion dollars collected since 1990 until 2003.
    To emphasize credibility of this impressive figures of the wealth of secret Saddam depend documents U.S. intelligence on the reports, prepared by some experts weapons inspections in Iraq, who had the opportunity to access many of minutes things in Iraq in Saddam's era, where they were Itassevehun secret documents and are photographed and documented to them, and one of the most important of these documents is a report prepared by the Inspector of the United Nations and the weapons expert "Jarls Duelfer," which emphasized that the funds collected by Saddam Metz 1990 to 2003 amounted to approximately one hundred billion dollars.
    There is also a confidential document found by occupation forces during the American entry Baghdad and inspect documents to the Central Bank, clearly indicates that Saddam Jehrsalh and to the Governor of the Central Bank ordered the delivery of Qusai Saddam, and ruled Mzban Ibrahim, the amount (920000000) nine hundred and twenty million, and the amount (90000000) ninety million euros. For hidden in a safe place and protect it from the American of aggression on the country. ! Since that time, these funds disappeared has been found, but was not found this document for the process to remain in the light of concealment and secrecy not disclosed to anyone. And whether the topic did not take adequate attention from the government because of their affairs of of procedure and the security situation crumbling, and preoccupation by repercussion the political process rolling between the participation of Sunni Arabs effectively and between the proclivity for to raise the banner of Almaacoch political and media and military, but that this topic States gave U.S. administrations considerable attention the fact that the these amounts considered figures, imaginary and individually group of persons their disposition poses high risks It would outfit terrorists great potential according to what the Americans confidence, therefore, the US's Treasury Department prepared a special team to follow up this issue as well as its coordinated with the American Central Intelligence Agency,, and has to send delegations to Syria, Oman, Switzerland, Denmark and Japan, and other States for fact-finding and the collection of information on those billions, of dollars are dispersed in a INTERNATIONAL BANKS, license-confidential. There is also information on the men of capital of they were carrying invest the money to Saddam Despite Hun not to mention their these names constitutes a of public pronouncement only that the the multi-millionaire and businessman, the Iraqi, which carries the British citizenship and the Lebanese "Nazmi Ogi", which owns Canal "means that the Bay" the Lebanese, is among the names which highlight in the list of financiers who used to trade the riches of Saddam, including also a man of the Iraqi business who is close to Saddam and which the American forces have released in the past year Saja Alcaud who has manages endowments Jordan and join the force the opposition, which is planning externally to finance operations terrorist Almohah to the to civilians and the Iraqi security forces from the army and the police.
    But such information to Atsttheni daughter of Saddam, "Raghad" from briefing them on the important aspect of the secret accounts of Saddam, where another person of the family met with and talked to at length about his plans for the future, and increasing doubts about the existence of great wealth of money at their disposal, through the disbursement generous to millions and invested to feed the terrorist acts in Iraq and the allocation of funds to the Baathists and the media and possibly Iraqi opponents of the regime and media personalities and political.
    Barazan Al-Tikriti is one of the most important keys to the secrets of the campaign of a few secret accounts, it has been accorded special attention Americans, and the investigation dealt with him secrets of the funds rather than addressing his involvement in the killing and the secrets of the formation of the intelligence service in the era of Alenzlm regime. Did not run any information on the amount of Secrets Avrgha Barazan Al-Takriti, in the quiver of Americans, and there is little indication that Barazan Sitdle fast row, carrying with him the secrets, then attempted to bribe the Americans to save his life from death in the last week, which allowed him to stay after the execution باخيه Altaeih Saddam.!

    Source : Net Nahrin
    Translated version of
    I hate to sound like an *****,but is this artical saying there are finding
    this money or they just think these accounts are hidden somewhere.
    If they find all this money,they could r/v at about any amount they
    want to.Thanks for any help. Ronnie

  5. #36155
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    Quote Originally Posted by aceman View Post
    Where was the statement that the CBI rates will remain the same until Jan. 7 come from?
    Post #35307 in the History Thread.


    3-declare the Iraqi Central Bank made buying and selling rates of the dollar for that today, Wednesday, day 27 / 12 / 2006 in the days subsequent to the end of office hours on Sunday, which falls on January 7, 2007 and pledged to meet the demand for foreign currency without limit and regardless of the quantities required and all its customers and is committed to purchase all the quantities offered by banks for the same prices posted above "and maintained without change for subsequent days.

    im wondering if anyone seen this announcement i just posted. basically says no change in the rate until the 7th, MAINTAINED WITHOUT CHANGE.

    what will they do the 7th? reval and stop the auctions maybe???
    me & da kurds@LEAST $1.20!

  6. #36156
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    Just for your info, I moved the posts from D-E and the rest that replied to the Rumour section. I believe that is were it belong.

    You can find it using this link
    Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes longer time!

  7. #36157
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    Pardon if already posted.

    World should respect Iraqi people, govt''s decision to break with its past -

    World should respect Iraqi people, govt's decision to break with its past -

    Ban UNITED NATIONS, Jan 2 (KUNA) -- New UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday said the international community should respect the Iraqi people and Government's decision to break with a past dominated by heinous crimes committed by Saddam Hussein who was executed over the weekend.

    "Saddam Hussein was responsible for committing heinous crimes and unspeakable atrocities against the Iraqi people and we should never forget the victims of those crimes.

    The united people and government have taken clear steps to address their past and I hope that the international community should also understand this and try to build rule of law nationally and internationally," Ban told reporters on his first day on the job.

    On the issue of capital punishment, he said it is for each and every member state to decide. "As Secretary-General, at the same time, while I am against impunity, I also hope that members of the international community should pay due regard to all aspects of the international humanitarian laws," he said.

    He noted that his biggest challenges during his five-year term will be the Middle East, Darfur, Human Rights and reaching the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015.

    "These challenges and issues need to be addressed collectively, with collective wisdom and collective efforts. Not a single person, including the Secretary-General, not a single country, no matter strong, powerful, resourceful may be, can address these (alone). We need to have some common efforts," he said.(end) sj.


    KUNA 021849 Jan 07NNNN
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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    The President and Vice-emphasize the importance of the success of national reconciliation, and to provide the necessary services for Iraqis

    January 2, 2007January 2, 2007

    2-1-2007 .President Jalal Talabani, at his residence in the city of Sulaymaniyah, Mr. Tariq Al-Hashmi, Vice President of the Republic, on Tuesday, 1 - 2-2007.
    During the meeting, and discussed the latest developments important in the political arena, and to discuss security issues in the country.

    And the two sides agreed on the need to work together in order to consolidate security and stability in the new Iraq and make the necessary efforts to ensure the success of the national reconciliation among the components of the Iraqi people. As President Talabani and Mr. Hashemi on the support of the government of national unity headed by Mr. Nouri Al-Maliki, and the importance of providing the necessary services needed by the Iraqis in their daily lives.
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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    Kamran led temple : President Talabani distanced himself from the decision to intervene in the Special Court and not be aware of the date of execution

    January 2, 2007January 2, 2007

    نفى السيد كامران القره داغي مدير مكتب رئيس الجمهورية جلال طالباني والناطق الرسمي باسمه ما نُسب إلى الرئيس من أن الحكومة استعجلت إعدام صدام حسين لأنها كانت قلقة من احتمال هروبه بمساعدة من قبل الاميركيين، و أشار إلى أن الرئيس لم يكن على علم مسبق بموعد تنفيذ حكم إعدام صدام حسين.Mr. denied Kamran led temple Director of the Office of the President of the Republic, Jalal Talabani, and by his spokesman attributed to the President that the government Astaglt the execution of Saddam Hussein because it was worried about the possibility of his escape, assisted by the Americans, and pointed out that the president was not aware of the date of the execution of Saddam Hussein.
    وشدد القره داغي على أن "الرئيس طالباني نأى بنفسه عن التدخل في قرار المحكمة الخاصة ملتزما بالقانون الذي لا يعطي رئيس الجمهورية صلاحية نقض قرارات هذه المحكمة".He stressed that led to the temple "President Talabani distanced himself from the decision to intervene in the special court committed to the law which gives the President the power to veto decisions of this court."
    وقال القره داغي أن الرئيس طالباني أكد في رسالته إلى رئيس الوزراء "انه ينأي بنفسه عن التدخل في قرار المحكمة الخاصة موضحا ان المادة 27 من قانون هذه المحكمة ينص على قطعية قراراتها التي لا يحق لاي جهة ان تنقضها بما في ذلك رئيس الجمهورية. علما أن المادة 137 من الدستور أيضا لا تعطي الحق لرئيس الجمهورية (أي مجلس الرئاسة) في ان يخفف او يصدر عفوا فيما يتعلق بالجرائم الدولية. وشدد الرئيس طالباني على انه رغم معارضته لحكم الاعدام كمبدأ، لكنه لا يتدخل في اسقلالية القضاء، خصوصا اذا كان القانون لا يعطيه الحق في ذلك كما هي الحال بالنسبة الى حكم الاعدام الذي اصدرته المحكمة الخاصة بحق صدام حسين".He said that the temple led President Talabani said in a letter to the Prime Minister "that it is disassociating itself from the decision to intervene in the Special Court explaining that Article 27 of this Act provides for a final court decisions in which no point to disallowance including the President of the Republic. Note that Article 137 of the Constitution also does not give the right of the President of the Republic (ie the Presidency) to reduce or issue a pardon in respect of international crimes. President Talabani and stressed that despite his opposition to the death penalty in principle, but does not interfere in the judiciary Asqlalih, especially if the law does not give him the right to do so, as is the case for the death sentence issued by the Special Court against Saddam Hussein. "
    وعلى صعيد متصل نفى القره داغي ما نسبته وكالة (ايرنا) الإيرانية للأنباء من أن الرئيس طالباني قال خلال الاتصال الهاتفي مع نظيره الايراني محمود احمدي نجاد ان العراقيين استعجلوا تنفيبذ حكم الاعدام بحق صدام حسين "لاننا كنا قلقين من ان البعض وبدعم من الاميركيين يوفروا الارضية لهروبه من العقاب وان يتآمروا على السعب العراقي".And in relation to the temple led denied by the Agency (IRNA) Iranian news that the President Talabani said during a telephone conversation with his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the Iraqis Astagloa Tnevib* the death penalty against Saddam Hussein "because we were concerned that some of the support of the Americans provide the ground for his escape from punishment and the Asab greedy against Iraq."
    وأكد القره داغي أن الرئيس طالباني "لم يكن أصلا على علم مسبق بموعد تنفيذ حكم الإعدام كي يعلق بمثل هذا الكلام الذي نسبته اليه وكالة (ايرنا)".The temple led to President Talabani, "was not originally knew in advance of the date of execution to attach such words attributed to him by the agency (IRNA)."
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

  10. #36160
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    Sorry if posted already.

    Iraq's PM longs to leave office

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki has made clear he dislikes being the country's leader and would prefer to leave the job before his term ends.

    In an extensive interview with a US newspaper, Mr Maliki said he would certainly not be seeking a second term.

    A compromise choice, his tenure has been plagued by factional strife within both the country and government, and rumours the US has no faith in him.

    "I wish I could be done with it even before the end of this term," he said.

    "I didn't want to take this position," he told the Wall Street Journal. "I only agreed because I thought it would serve the national interest, and I will not accept it again."

    More at the link below...

    BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iraq's PM longs to leave office

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