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  1. #36161
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    Headlines, briefing of Kuwaiti dailies issued Wednesday, Jan 3, 2007

    Headlines, briefing of Kuwaiti dailies issued Wednesday, Jan 3, 2007

    Arab Times ==========.

    -- Iran could quit IAEA ... "Israel could quit" - Tehran will press ahead with nuclear work.

    -- Bangkok beefs up security - Tourists shrug off attack.

    -- Ezzat Ibrahim Al-Douri calls on rebels to reunite - Probe as fury over taunts mounts - Al-Qaeda man killed.

    Rescuers scour sea for ferry missing - Over 200 survivors found.

    Kuwait Times ============.

    -- Cold grips Kuwait - Parks, malls deserted as people stay indoors to keep warm.

    -- MPs slam ungrateful "orphans of Saddam" - Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniya's visit to Kuwait in doubt.

    -- No sign of Indonesian plane.

    -- Ban takes helm at UN.

    The Daily Star (Kuwait Edition) ===============================.

    -- Iraqi civilian deaths hit new "record high".

    -- MPs unhappy with Saddam's sympathizers.

    -- Pentagon approves Kuwaiti navy enhancement.

    -- Britain mulls tougher driving tests.

    Al-Watan ========.

    -- Pilgrims return complaining - Accused Kuwaiti pilgrim groups of bad, inadequate service.

    -- Ministerial legal committee studies three e-government legislations.

    -- Ports authority places budget for deepening channels, constructing piers.

    Al-Qabas ========.

    -- Palestinian Prime Minister, Iraqi Foreign Minister to visit Kuwait soon.

    -- Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki: We were worried Saddam might escape - 16,000 killed in 2006.

    -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warns GCC states: Any move against us will reflect on everyone.

    Al-Seyassah ===========.

    -- MP "bloc of blocs" to reopen files of Kuwait's foreign relations in light of stances of some Arab states of Saddam Hussein's execution.

    -- Kuwaiti pilgrims received with flowers - Efforts of Saudi authorities commended.

    -- Two Iraqi officials filmed hanging of Saddam despite all American security measures.

    Al-Anbaa ========.

    -- MP Ali Al-Diqbasi: Special parliamentary session to discuss employment.

    -- Saudi Arabia: Hajj season successful.

    -- US report: Iran will fail to export oil by 2015.

    Al-Rai ======.

    -- Investigation to determine filer of Saddam's execution - Mourning continues in Tikrit, Yemen, and even Dujail.

    -- Parliamentary national work bloc: It is not in Kuwait's interest to stand silent regarding Saddam "sympathizers".

    -- Lebanese President Emile Lahoud to take "Hezbollah" off the streets by declaring Siniora's government an "independent" one.


    KUNA 030900 Jan 07NNNN
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

  2. #36162
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    Cool I didn't know this

    Posted to the web on: 03 January 2007
    SECOND TAKE: Financial Times

    THE execution on Saturday of Saddam Hussein may have marked the passing of one of the vilest tyrants of the late 20th century. But the way in which the Baghdad hangmen turned it into a public lynching will have profound consequences for Iraq, for the Middle East and for those powers that so recklessly meddle in its politics.

    While President George Bush may hail the dictator’s demise as another “milestone” on Iraq’s path to democracy, it looks just as likely it will turn out to be another paving stone on the road to the sectarian hell into which Iraq is descending.

    With this squalid act, the Shiite-dominated government led by Nuri al-Maliki has for all practical purposes abandoned any pretence that it aims to govern on behalf of all Iraqis.

    At one level, the new, ostensibly democratic administration showed it was no different from its predecessors in needing to dramatise regime change with violent or gory images of dead and defeated leaders.

    At another, this was conceived as an act of vengeance and designed to exemplify Shiite hegemony.

    Among the jeers and taunts hurled at Saddam as he waited for the trapdoor to open, was the name of Moqtada al-Sadr, the young radical who heads the Mahdi army, the largest Shiite militia and the biggest single winner of the 2005 elections. His bloc had demanded the dictator’s head as its price for rejoining the Maliki coalition.

    Maliki gave it to him on Eid al-Adha, or feast of the sacrifice, the holiest Muslim feast day, in the most virulent insult to Sunnis in Iraq and throughout the Islamic world.

    Politically, it looks as if the Maliki government no longer intends seriously to pursue the two paths that offered a glimmer of eventual stability: internal reconciliation, above all between Shiite and Sunni, and external co-operation, above all with Sunni neighbours such as Saudi Arabia.

    The manner of Saddam’s execution was a clear message to Sunnis in and outside Iraq: that the ruling bloc’s primordial goal is to consolidate the empowerment of the Shiite triggered so carelessly by the Anglo-American invasion in 2003. London, January 3

    Interesting....Could be another reason Maliki is tired of office.

  3. #36163
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    Default U.S fund to carry out pioneering projects in Iraq

    U.S fund to carry out pioneering projects in Iraq
    03 January 2007 (PortAl Iraq)

    The Minister of Housing and Reconstruction announced that the Ministry has received $5.2 million from the U.S. Federal Highway Administration to establish a training center for the exchange of information on roads and bridges in Iraq.

    Bayan Dazaie said that the fund is the result of her last visit to the United States which resulted in many other important projects.

    U.S fund to carry out pioneering projects in Iraq | Iraq Updates
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  4. #36164
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    Default New water project in Diwaniya

    New water project in Diwaniya
    03 January 2007 (PortAl Iraq)

    A water project has been accomplished in the Nafar town of Diwaniya at a cost of 629 million Iraqi dinars and with a capacity of one million gallons per hour.

    The head of information in Iraq's reconstruction and development office in the province said that this project would satisfy the needs of the town and two villages with 5,000 residents.

    The new project, which will replace the old project, includes a 4 km pipe network with diameters of 250 mm and 160 mm.

    New water project in Diwaniya | Iraq Updates
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  5. #36165
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    Three Arab nationals to be executed for carrying out terrorist operations

    Three Arab nationals to be executed for carrying out terrorist operations

    BAGHDAD, Jan 3 (KUNA) -- Three Arab nationals are to be executed after an Iraqi court issued its verdict against them for carrying out terrorist operations in the country.

    A government statement issued on Wednesday said that the Iraqi criminal court indicted a Syrian and Saudi nationals for violating article 4/1 of the terrorism law and ruled they be executed later this month.

    The statement added that the two were arrested last June 19 in a raid against some of al-Qaeda members while they were guarding a house used to shelter one of the detainees. Both had confessed they were responsible of guarding the detainee.

    The court also indicted a Sudanese national for violating the same article. He was arrested by the Iraqi soldiers last July 7. He was caught in a bus praising al-Qaeda network.

    The third suspect then later admitted to the Iraqi and coalition troops he was member of the outlawed network.(end) aha.


    KUNA 031133 Jan 07NNNN
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

  6. #36166
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    Default The phenomenon of the absence of members of the Iraqi Parliament on the meetings thre

    The phenomenon of the absence of members of the Iraqi Parliament on the meetings threaten the idleness of the political process
    Al-Hamad of Zahi
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    The phenomenon is the absence of the majority of members of the House Iraqi attend sittings cast a shadow over the reality of the work of the parliament, where most of the issues which require the approval of Parliament stalled because of this absence, which began to increase in frequency for various reasons.

    The failure of the House of Representatives to hold its No. (59) which had been postponed for more than five times during December of last December, due to the lack of quorum judge, in the presence of (138), at least a member of the parliament deputies of the (275) members.

    He says a member of the House of Representatives (Iraqi Accord Front) Harith al-Ubaydi News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent, "I think that it is wrong to continue to be significant members of Parliament in unjustified absences to attend the meetings, the cause due to the delay of most of the projects that need approval of the Council."

    The al-Ubaydi, "What worries members of Parliament is to delay the work of the committees formed Interim to study some of the contentious issues," calling the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies to "take deterrent measures against absentees who are not giving any importance for being members of parliament."

    The body of the House of Representatives last month deducting half a million dinars of the monthly allocations of council member for each day of absence without reason after repeated cancellation of sessions due to
    A quorum.

    The allocations of these (17) million dinars per month, according to one of the deputies.
    The presidency of the Council and threatened to publish the names of members absent in many newspapers and media, and called Katham Bamhaspthm.

    He added Obeidi that "if the security situation is a barrier without the presence of members of parliament,
    I think that that applies to everyone without exception. "
    The deputy (Accord Front) that "all Iraqis, especially members of parliament, should stand shoulder to shoulder to confront violence in Iraq ... For managing to attend some and lose others. "

    And on the travel more than half of the members of parliament to perform the Hajj this year, said Al-Obaidi
    "I would imagine that the discussion of the complex situation in Iraq, which stands in the forefront of the security situation,
    Better and better remunerated in God's going to perform the rites of the pilgrimage every year. "

    According to parliamentary sources, the number of members of parliament who went to perform the Hajj this year about (176) MPs, most of whom have already pilgrimage once or twice before. And this number is more than half of the members of parliament, which interrupt the meetings because of the absence of a quorum.

    The religious authority, Sheikh Mohammed have deployed issued before three Asaiya, opinion prevents Ag deputies to Makkah this year, so as not to disrupt the meetings of the House of Representatives.

    Prior to Sheikh have deployed criticized by the Parliament to lift its one-month, during the month of August (2006) in the past, to the summer recess of deputies. The ills that have deployed at the time that the files and the many issues raised in the House of unbearable granting its members annual leave.

    For his part, showed Nassar spring Prime chest bloc in the parliament censure heavily on the governing body for the delay in Ajrarat not to take action against the member absent without legitimate reason.
    Rubaie said in a telephone conversation with (the voices of Iraq) : "I think the Iraqi citizen began decries the absence of members and frequent travel outside of Iraq continued."

    He added, "This is shirking its responsibilities for which they are elected."
    Between the spring and that "Iraq is suffering from the economic and security crises worsen day after day, and, therefore, it needs support from all its citizens."

    The Chairman of the legal culture and legal expert Tariq war explained that "the rules of procedure of the House of Representatives provided for the presidency of parliament take disciplinary action against absentees least impose fines."
    He told war (Voices of Iraq) "Law No. (6 of 2006) identified the steps that must be taken by Parliament, including the member who did not attend the impeachment, where the law permits the presidency of the parliament to dismiss any member does not abide by the presence of meetings since the vote in Parliament on any matter required to obtain half of the number of members and another member."

    He added, "is up to the impeachment of the House of Representatives itself, which decides if the member deserves impeachment or not," describing Machid absent from the parliament repeatedly by the members that "parliamentary betrayal."
    On the other hand, a member of the House of Representatives on (Virtue Party), a component of the United Iraqi Alliance, blamed the heads of the political blocs who have not reacted to the absence of members from lists of the parliament sessions.

    He said Sharif "must respect the aspirations of Iraqi voters on election day proved that he looked forward to a new Iraq."
    He explained that "the political process needs to have quick decisions in some cases, especially those relating to the security file, which requires a legitimate cover prior to implementation, such as security plan in Baghdad. In addition to the resolutions on the economy and services. "

    The leadership in the (Virtue Party) that the absence of members of parliament at this particular juncture
    "Would impact negatively on moral support, which must be submitted to the government in the face of hot," he said, pointing out that for this reason, "forced from the presidency in the House of Representatives to hold deliberative due to the lack of quorum."

    ÇáÈÑáãÇä- ÃÚÖÇÁ- ÛíÇÈ ( ÊÍÞíÞ) :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

    Unbelievable that these guys don't do their jobs normally.

    Needing the support of the citizens, what about first giving something to the citizens to live for and than asking support!

    Just increase the dinar, open that doors and start creating jobs instead of talking and doing nothing!
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  7. #36167
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    One terrorist arrested by combined US-Iraqi force -- statement

    One terrorist arrested by combined US-Iraqi force -- statement

    BAGHDAD, Jan 3 (KUNA) -- An activist in the Abu Derh terrorist group was detained Sunday by a combined US and Iraqi force, that raided the Sadr city near the Iraqi capital, a statement issued Wednesday by the US army said.

    The man, who was arrested was the "commander of the death brigade," and was involved in the kidnapping and torture of civilians, the statement said.

    The operation, which targeted an armed group in the Sadr City, was regarded as a total success to the policy aimed at combating armed elements, who have been involved in kidnapping and torture of innocent people, the statement said.

    Meanwhile, the US army also said it arrested 23 other terrorists Wednesday. They were linked to Al-Qaeda leaders. The arrests were made in raids on the suburb of Ramadi, West of Baghdad.

    The raids caused injuries to one of the arrested men. But he was given first aid treatment by the US army medical corps, the statement said.

    The man's health stabilized under this treatment, specifically after he was transferred to a neighboring hospital, the statement added.

    It pledged to continue its efforts aimed at "dismantling the Al-Qaeda organization."(end) aao.


    KUNA 031132 Jan 07NNNN
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

  8. #36168
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    Default The arrest of 23 suspects, including armed links with senior Al Qaeda in Ramadi

    The arrest of 23 suspects, including armed links with senior Al Qaeda in Ramadi
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    A statement by the American army in Iraq today, Wednesday, that his forces had arrested 23 suspects, including armed links with senior leaders of Al Qaeda in Iraq and during several operations in Ramadi, the Anbar governorate, west of Baghdad, on Wednesday morning.

    The statement, which received news agency (Voices of Iraq) independent copy of today, "during one of the raids, the coalition forces had identified the three (terrorists), after the blowing up of an explosive device, was tracked to one of the headquarters."

    The statement added : "Upon entry to the coalition forces headquarters, he escaped one (terrorists) through the back door, accompanied by rifle, a hand grenade, and the coalition forces chased the gunman and shot and moderately."

    The statement went on to say that the coalition forces managed during the process of arresting 22 suspects.

    ÇáÑãÇÏì - ÅÚÊÞÇá :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  9. #36169
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    J deportation of 52 Shiite families from the village of Albazul in Muqdadiya

    (صوت العراق) - 03-01-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 03-01-2007
    ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديقThis issue was sent to a friend

    امام وخطيب مسجد بروانه الشيخ خالد الجبوري لاهل قرية البازول: اما ان تتركوا مذهبكم واما سيوفنا تحصد اعناقكم واما ان ترحولوا عناIn front of the mosque imam, Sheikh Khaled al-Jabouri Bruanh to the people of the village Albazul : either to let the Mdkm The swords are harvesting your responsibility and either Tarholoa us
    الثلاثاء 02/01/2007Tuesday 02 / 01 / 2007
    "الاخبار " من مراسلنا في ديالي"News" from our correspondent in Diyala
    اتهم اهالي قرية البازول في مدينة المقدادية (45كم الى الشمال الشرقي من مدينة بعقوبة - مركز محافظة ديالى ) عصر اليوم الثلاثاء 2€7 نائب محافظ ديالى عوف رحومي مجيد والحكومة المحلية والقوات الامنية في مدينة المقدادية بالتواطؤ مع المجاميع المسلحة التي تولت ترحيلهم من قريتهم البازول الى قرية الركية اليوم .Albazul accused the inhabitants of the village in the town of Miqdadiyah (45 km to the north-east of the town of Baquba-center Diyala province) afternoon today, Tuesday, 2 7 we deputy governor of Diyala Auf Rahomi glorious and local government and the security forces in the town of Muqdadiya in collusion with armed groups, which has been deported from their village to village Albazul Rakiyah today.
    وقال ممثل عنهم التقاه مراسلنا في مدينة بلدروز التي جاءها يبحث عن موقع يسع ل52 أسرة تم ترحيلها صباح اليوم"ان عدد من اهالي القرية حاولوا التقاء نائب المحافظ الذي يسكن المقدادية الا ان حراسه طردونا عندما عرفوا هدف لقاءنا ,فيما تهرب القائمقام منا هو الاخر,وكليهما من الحزب الاسلامي العراقي الذي يطبق على المدينة برمتها ".The representative of them met our correspondent in the city, which it received Bldroz looking for a can of 52 families were deported this morning, "The number of people of the village tried to meet with Deputy Governor, who lives in Muqdadiya, the guard Nonetheless, the Russian Jews when they found the goal of our meeting with the Mayor evade us is the other, and both of the Iraqi Islamic Party, which applied to the entire city."
    واضاف " ان مجاميع مسلحة ارهابية من القاعدة بقيادة الارهابي الامير سلمان كاظم روضان (يقيم في قرية بهبسة )يرافقه الشيخ خالد الجبوري امام وخطيب مسجد بروانه والذباح ابن العريف ,اقتحموا مع الساعات الاولى لصباح هذا اليوم الثلاثاء قريتنا البازول الشيعية ,وتحت تهديد السلام جمعونا في ساحة قرب منازلنا , واخذ الشيخ الجبوري (عضو هيئة علماء الضاري في محافظة ديالى )يتلو على مسامعنا شروط بقاءنا في القرية ,وبعكس ذلك تكون رقبنا حصاد سيوف انصار السنة و التوحيد والجهاد لانننا روافض صفويون حسب وصفه لنا ".He added that "the totals for armed terrorist from the bottom under the leadership of the terrorist Prince Salman Kazim Rodhan (lives in a village Behbesh) accompanied by the Sheikh Khalid - Jabburi, Al-in front of and a mosque imam Bruanh and Alfbah Ibn Corporal, who broke into with the the early hours of the morning of this today, Tuesday, our village Albazul the Shiite, and under the threat of peace packed us - in the Square near the our homes, the taking of Sheikh Al-Juburi (member body Scholars Dari in Diyala Governorate) recite the to us the conditions of our survival in the village, and contrary to that be Rqubna harvest swords, Ansar Al-Sunnah f Tawhid and Jihad for Annna Roafeda Safwion as he described it for us."
    وقال ان من جملة الشروط التي تلاها الجبوري هو ان" يترك ابناءنا من الشرطة والجيش العمل وان يلتحقوا بكتائب الامارة الاسلامية في المقدادية مع اسلحتهم ,وان نسلم ما بذمتنا من اسلحة وذخائر الى جيش الامارة , وان نرسل ابناءنا الذين وصلوا الى سن الحلم (تعبيرات لغوية جديدة يستخدمها ارهابيو القاعدة ) الى معسكرات تدريب مقاتلي الامارة في حنبس والعالي والزور (قرى في المقدادية –تعتبر معاقل البعثووهابية ) ,وان تبرأ من حكومة المالكي لانها صفوية رافضية , وان نبارك تاسيس الامارة الاسلامية من خلال كتابة لافتة كبيرة من قبلنا وتعليقها على جدران مصرف الرافدين وسط مدينة المقدادية ".And said that among the conditions which was followed by-Jabburi, Al - is that the "leaves the our children from the police and the army of work and that for joining battalions the Islamic Emirate in the the Miqdaqiyah with their weapons and recognize what B*matna from weapons and ammunition to the army of the Principality, and send our sons who arrived in the age of dream (PHRASES New linguistic used by by Al-Qaeda terrorists) to the the training camps of the fighters of the Principality in Henbes, higher and-Zour (villages in the the Miqdaqiyah-considered the pillars of Albathouhabih), and that disowned the government of Al-Maliki because it elitist Ravzih, and that the attitudes, we congratulate founding the Islamic Emirate by writing a large banner by us and hang them on the walls of the Rafidain Bank the center of the city of the Miqdaqiyah."
    واضاف" ان هذه المطالب ليست بذات اهمية مع عظمة وخطورة الطلب الاخير المتمثل باعلان براءتنا من المذهب الجعفري (الشيعة ) ,منطلقا من فرية تاريخية تقول بان اجدادنا الاوائل لم يكونوا على هذا المذهب , وبعكس ذلك اما ان ترحلوا عن ظهرانينا اونقطعكم اربا اربا ".He added that "these demands are not the same with the greatness of the importance and seriousness of the recent request of the declaration of innocence doctrine Jaafari (Shiite), a platform of the historic mean to say that our forefathers were not on this doctrine, and unlike either of us that Trahloa Aunkotokm pieces."
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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    An opportunity lost to promote human rights in the region

    03 January 2007

    The swift execution of Saddam Hussein following a flawed trial was a blunt reminder that the former dictator's "Republic of Fear" gave way, under Anglo-American occupation, to an Iraqi state of revenge. The fate of Saddam, whose atrocious crimes were reminiscent of those of the notorious Umayyad governor Al-Hajjaj bin Yusif, seemed to have been sealed long before the opening of his trial. The Umayyad governor is still remembered in the Middle East for his chilling speech made in a Baghdad mosque nearly 13 centuries ago, in which he claimed that Iraq was "a land of discord and hypocrisy" and that Iraqis could be led only by the sword.

    Discord and hypocrisy thrive on repression and injustice, whether in Iraq or any other part of the world. Saddam's hanging amid a crowd that included people shouting insults at him, or allegiance to the head of their own militia, was the kind of behavior likely to undermine any move toward genuine national concord and reconciliation.

    Long before they came to power, the architects of the execution seemed blinded by a thirst for revenge - unable to get over the pain and loss inflicted upon them and their people by the Baath. Though their suffering must be acknowledged, they were among the least qualified to help turn a new page of justice, conciliation and democracy in Iraq. Their rush to hang Saddam after a mock trial, during which witnesses and lawyers were intimidated or murdered, reflected a misconception of justice. It also sidestepped the more abominable crimes committed under Saddam's regime. The former leader was executed for ordering the murder of 182 people from Dujail, but this was a tiny percentage of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis whose death he was responsible for.

    Many Arab democracy advocates who denounced Saddam's crimes when he was at the height of his influence saw in his trial, and the American decision to hand the dictator over to his enemies, disregard for international standards of justice. They rightly wondered why Saddam was denied treatment similar to those of non-Arab dictators, including the late Serbian leader, Slobodan Milosevic, who died of a heart attack at a prison in The Hague run by the International Court of Justice.

    The timing of the hanging was meant to humiliate not only Saddam, his relatives, and followers, but also millions of Muslims everywhere in the world. Many Muslims never had the slightest respect for him before the illegal occupation of Iraq. But the use of lies to justify the invasion and the unprecedented chaos, insecurity and suffering the invasion prompted, and the dignified way in which the former dictator faced his jailers and executioners improved his image, even among his former enemies.

    The biggest mistake was the timing of the execution. It came at the dawn of the Muslim feast of Adha, which is aimed at raising awareness about the sanctity of human life. The execution was apparently planned as a humiliation to Iraqi Sunnis and as a "gift" to Shiites on the occasion of the Muslim feast. Those responsible seemed to have forgotten that the act would only spur more acts of vengeance common in Iraq's recent history, which might target them one day or another.

    Given the impossibility that an independent judiciary might emerge under the authority of a foreign occupying power or a vindictive Iraqi government, a fair trial for Saddam and his top aides could have taken place only outside Iraq. This would have helped Iraqis learn from the mistakes that led to so much tyranny, and to discuss ways to avoid this in the future. The responsibility for dictatorship does not rest on the shoulders of Arab despots alone. These leaders often make it to the top and reinforce their grip over society with the help of their countrymen from different walks of life, including intellectuals and political figures who trumpet their commitment to democracy. The lack of willingness on the part of many Arabs to defend their rights and to care about the victims of injustice and repression often results sooner or later in their being targeted, or their loved ones. The reluctance of people to respond to dictatorial practices empowers dictators to pursue their repression.

    The decision to deprive Saddam Hussein of a fair trial and the rush to hang him on the occasion of a religious feast which he and his Arab counterparts have traditionally used as a rare occasion to release some prisoners will make more difficult the struggle for democracy in the Middle East in the years ahead. The trial of the Iraqi leader was a missed opportunity to promote human rights and the rule of law, and to help Iraq and the region make significant steps toward justice and reconciliation.

    Ironically, it also provided an opportunity for the former dictator to improve his image at the expense of his jailers and executioners without having to acknowledge any responsibility for the destruction and chaos resulting from his lengthy tyrannical rule. This should be reflected upon by those yearning for justice and democracy in the Middle East.

    Kamel Labidi is a freelance journalist currently living in Arlington, Virginia. He wrote this commentary for THE DAILY STAR.

    Article originally published by The Daily Star 03-Jan-07
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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