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  1. #36311
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Snow confirms the continuation of the Iraqi government's national reconciliation process in Iraq

    The White House described the execution of Saddam Hussein as a result of a long trial and the public was in two phases, beginning stage and the appeal stage, and the implementation of the ratification of the Court of Appeal on the decision of the Court of Criminal outset.
    He said White House spokesman Tony Snow that the American embassy in Baghdad expressed its concern about the method of execution and that the Iraqi government investigate the details of what happened.
    .Snow and the transfer of the deputy commander of the American forces in Iraq, Lt. General William Cold saying that it is possible to be in a different process.
    لكن.But Snow stressed that Saddam got his hands kick committed.
    ".He said : "It seems that there is considerable interest in the last two minutes of the life of Saddam Hussein and less attention 69 years preceded by the killing of two of Saddam hundreds of thousands of people have been executed for committing such acts."
    .He Snow continued confidence in the Iraqi government's commitment to the process of national reconciliation that will be the cornerstone in building a democratic state in Iraq is able to protect itself and its institutions will continue.
    .Snow said that the Iraqi people in general want peace, security, progress and prosperity, and that the Iraqis are still applying to volunteer in the police, army and security forces and work in government institutions. But Snow acknowledged the existence of groups inside and outside the Iraqi government is interested in revenge than interested in building a democratic state.
    ".Snow added : "But there is still in various parts of Iraq, and even in the most vulnerable areas of the violence, Iraqis stand for the expression of their rejection of such practices and to lie screaming they want what is best, and they certainly deserve better than what their sufferings."
    .Snow said that President Bush kept informed and lasting peace on the details of the situations in Iraq and knows that it must choose a way to achieve progress in Iraq after it has been proven that the latest plan to establish security and stability in Baghdad had failed.
    .Snow added that President Bush was interested in many non-military portions of the work of the American forces in Iraq, especially the reconstruction, and that it will take into account the full picture of the elements affecting the situation in Iraq, while declaring its strategy to achieve progress in Iraq.
    ".He said : "When the President to the situation does not look only to the challenges of military, but also to other challenges, including the role played by the Iranians and the Syrians not to provide any assistance, including other regional factors on the Iraqi situation."

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    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  2. #36312
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    Just a note from Mosul Iraq, we are not able to buy any Dinar for the locals for the past two weeks.

  3. #36313
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    The Wasit agree on the budget for reconstruction in 2007
    / Nina / approved by the Wasit governorate to the budget plan to accelerate reconstruction in the province this year and the amount has been allocated / 148 / billion dinars. This was announced by Ahmed Shehab Hamed council member correspondent

    can't get rest of article.

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    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  4. #36314
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    Default Bush Plans Fiscal 2008 Budget of About $2.9 Trillion (Update5)

    Bush Plans Fiscal 2008 Budget of About $2.9 Trillion (Update5)

    By Roger Runningen and Michael McKee

    Jan. 3 (Bloomberg)
    President George W. Bush plans to send Congress a ``constrained'' fiscal 2008 budget of about $2.9 trillion that would cut some domestic programs, including farm subsidies, his budget director said.

    ``It'll be roughly that, Rob Portman, director of the Office of Management and Budget, said in an interview. ``It'll be under $3 trillion. The administration hasn't settled on a final figure, he added.

    The president sends his 2008 budget proposal to Congress on Feb. 5, and the figure would represent an increase of roughly 4.5 percent over the $2.77 trillion in spending plan he submitted last year.

    Bush, who has two years left in office, said today that his spending plan would lead to a balanced budget in five years. Portman's office projected in July the budget deficit would be $339 billion in this fiscal year, up from $248 billion last year. The OMB estimated that the deficit would narrow to $188 billion in 2008

    Portman said the administration would seek cuts in some spending areas, specifically naming ``the farm programs.''

    Possible Cuts

    While Portman didn't give details, White House budget officers may be targeting government price support payments to farmers because market prices for corn, for example, are near a 10-year high and well above the federal subsidy rate. The administration had projected spending about $13.4 billion on such payments in the current budget, according to Agriculture Department figures.

    Government spending on all farm programs fell to an estimated $16.5 billion in 2006 from $24.3 billion in 2005, according to a November Agriculture Department report. Subsidies are dropping as an ethanol boom raises prices for corn and soybeans.

    Cuts also will be sought in some domestic programs outside homeland security, and the White House plans spending cuts in Medicare and Medicaid ``similar to what we've done in the past,'' Portman said without giving specifics.

    The budget ``will be constrained,'' he said. The proposal covers the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1.

    The spending plan ``will address the most urgent needs of our nation, Bush said at the White House today. ``In particular, the need to protect ourselves from radicals and terrorists, the need to win the war on terror, the need to maintain a strong national defense, and the need to keep this economy growing by making tax relief permanent.

    War Costs

    One factor for this and future budgets is the cost of the war in Iraq, which administration officials acknowledged has been higher than they estimated. The Defense Department is seeking $99 billion more for the war and operations in Afghanistan in the current fiscal year on top of the $70 billion already approved by Congress. Last year's emergency supplemental funding totaled about $120 billion.

    Portman said the president's projections for a balanced budget include estimates for war costs. The administration wants to keep that spending separate from the regular Defense Department budget, which was $448 billion this year.

    White House Press Secretary Tony Snow said Bush will address the war spending in his State of the Union speech, scheduled for Jan. 23. ``We will move toward making expenditures in Iraq and in the war on terror, generally, including Afghanistan, as transparent as possible,'' Snow said.

    Bush is preparing to set out a new strategy for the U.S. in Iraq as soon as next week.


    Representative John Spratt, who will be chairman of the House Budget Committee, said he was skeptical of a Bush's budget balancing pledge as spending for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan tops $500 billion.

    ``With costs like that, he said, ``it's going to be hard to bring the budget to balance by 2012.

    While the deficit dropped to a four-year low of $248 billion in fiscal 2006, it was fed by a booming economy. Tax revenue climbed 11.8 percent in 2006, after rising 14.6 percent in 2005, White House budget office figures show.

    ``Nobody expects that surge to continue, the South Carolina Democrat said. ``As the economy begins to slow down, revenues won't be far behind in declining.

    The president, facing a Democratic congressional majority for the first time in his presidency, today pressed lawmakers to halt the ``dead of night process'' of adding special spending projects to legislation, known as earmarking.

    `Real Reform'

    ``Congress needs to adopt real reform that requires full disclosure of the sponsors, the costs, the recipients, and the justifications for every earmark,'' he said.

    Democratic leaders have signaled agreement with Bush on cutting the number of earmarks, which often are used to fund roads, bridges and other projects in lawmakers' district.

    The Congressional Research Service estimates the number of earmarks has grown from about 3,000 costing $20.2 billion in fiscal 1996 to 13,000 costing $67 billion in 2006. Bush said he wants the number and cost to be cut by at least half next year.

    For their part, Democrats led by incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California and Senate leader Harry Reid of Nevada plan a rush of legislative actions, some of which may collide with Bush's agenda.

    Spratt said Democrats won't have much room for increased domestic spending, and probably will permit increases enough to cover inflation. He said they will reinstate ``this week'' so- called pay-go rules, which require that spending increases be offset by spending cuts elsewhere or tax increases.

    Bush also repeated previous calls for Congress to overhaul the Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid programs to improve solvency and grant him the power to delete provisions from legislative or spending bills, known as a line-item veto.

    On the eve of Congress opening its 110th session tomorrow, Bush was hosting a social reception for about a dozen members of the House and Senate from both parties.

    Bush Plans Fiscal 2008 Budget of About $2.9 Trillion
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  5. #36315
    Junior Member Daniel D509's Avatar
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    Default Local nationals

    Quote Originally Posted by PatKat View Post
    Just a note from Mosul Iraq, we are not able to buy any Dinar for the locals for the past two weeks.
    What are your locals saying about situations? When I was working in Baghdad I tried to keep in touch with the local workers for their opinions.

  6. #36316
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    In response to the news of American preparations to launch a

    (Voice of Iraq) - 04-01-2007
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    In response to the news of American preparations to launch a large-Mahdi Army against «» ... Al-Sadr called on the government to take over the security file and Virtue «» warns of grave consequences
    Baghdad-Wahid taste of life-04 / 01 / 07 / /

    The trend Sadri government to play an influential role in the political and security situation in Iraq «to prevent American forces from the implementation of its plans to strike trends and national forces to preserve the water, addressed».

    He warned the Virtue Party «» «American forces from the disastrous consequences if the attack on the Mahdi Army».

    He urged the leadership in al-Sadr's movement Abdel Amir Abu Sara, the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on «coordination with the trend leaders to discuss how to face the challenge of American military drag the Mahdi Army to armed clash on flimsy pretexts in retaliation for the losses incurred in its confrontations with him during the uprisings in 2004».

    He pointed out that «such schemes would not only stops or prevents the government accelerate the delivery of the security file». He pointed out that his «good trend now to contain the crisis, which assumes continued occupation forces continuing to kill and arrest the leaders and important personalities in the current through peaceful programs on two axes : first, to strengthen the relationship with the government and support its national, and the second bridge the gap between the sectarian components of the Iraqi people in a civilian actors rallied around Sunnis and Shiites».

    He called Ammar taste (of Virtue «») «rejected the government to implement the schemes could torpedo the entire political process». He stressed in a statement to «life» «on the need to place security operations, henceforth, to the decisions and felt the government», «being closest to the scene and more accurate in determining the diagnosis and treatment».

    «The statements of some Iraqi politicians to be paid towards confrontation with the Mahdi Army« »often come from the parties lost government concessions and removed from power, which is now hostage to the concerns of the conspiracy that controls the mindset». Tima said that the militias «two classes : the first armed formations engaged by the people to push the threats that surround their regions and contributed after the fall of the regime, including the Mahdi Army« »in protecting state institutions, particularly health services and educational and maintained the infrastructure task risen up against the occupation forces in several cities and internationally Ahrgth». He attributed the continued survival (militia), after the elections and the participation of references in the government to «not obviate the need for the deterioration of the security situation on the weak performance of the occupation forces and the failure to restore security and the exclusion of the government security file». He warned «submit to the ongoing incitement against these militias because the consequences will be grave for both the political and security».

    The votes of the parties from government in this direction «an attempt to shorten the suspension and failure to take the correct position in the face of the situation». He added that «type II militia is the armed groups and gangs seeking to sabotage the political process by targeting innocent people and launching wars against the cynical public and the community, or those pushing for inciting sectarianism, these militias carried out hidden Foreign Affairs and fights on behalf of the regional parties to settle their accounts with the Americans and the British». The large Shiite official said in a press statement after the execution of deposed President Saddam Hussein «there will be a limited and specific operations against the leaders of the Mahdi Army« »and there is a lot of surprises on the ground». Expected start some operations in the 5th of this month.
    Chen and British forces in the governorate of Basra raid large groups described as groups affiliated to Al-Mahdi Army «», and some of them broke through police units.

  7. #36317
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    Quote Originally Posted by PatKat View Post
    Just a note from Mosul Iraq, we are not able to buy any Dinar for the locals for the past two weeks.
    This is probably one of the best pieces of information I have heard today......WOW!!!

  8. #36318
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    Test oil well produces 8,500 barrels in Iraq


    OSLO, 04 January 2007 (Gulf Daily News)
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    A test oil well in northern Iraq produced 8,500 barrels per day (bpd), the most of three wells tested in the first post-war drilling by a foreign firm, Norwegian oil company DNO said yesterday.

    "We are very pleased with the well and how the project is progressing," DNO managing director Helge Eide said of the results from the Tawke number 4 well.

    Two previous tests of the field had produced flow rates of about 5,000 and 4,000 barrels per day, he said.

    The wells could be put into production during the first quarter of 2007, as soon as a processing plant is ready.

    DNO is the first western company drilling for oil in post-war Iraq under a 2004 deal with the Kurdistan regional authorities. It is uncertain, however, how far the deal will be respected by the central authorities in Baghdad.

    The company said that drilling of the Tawke 4 well began on December 14 and that the test was via a 2-inch choke.

    Oil samples confirmed similar quality of crude as produced in tests of Tawke wells 1/1A and 2.

    The drilling rig would be moved about 1.1km east to drill a new well.

  9. #36319
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    Full handover of control to the Iraqis at the end of year
    (Voice of Iraq) - 04-01-2007
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    Baghdad-Mustafa Hamza :

    Baghdad-News Agencies : spokesman said for the American Army Maj. Gen., William WHEEL, that the leaders of American military in Iraq expect anything the extradition of full control of the security and armed forces the country to the Iraqi authorities the end of the current year, · and said WHEEL in a press conference yesterday that the army and Iraqi police intend to the purchase of hundreds of cars armored as well as the helicopters under an agreement valued at 150 million was signed last month with the United States · and said WHEEL with speaking about 2007 as "the year transformation" that by the the summer seasons will be the all units of the Iraqi army the eleven problem, under the authority of the Iraqi government and by this autumn would be each of Governors of the Territories the Iraqi of eighteen security officials in their areas · and said "the end of this year will be the movement completely different" · and timetable, which was reviewed by WHEEL longer than table that expectation of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki after assume a position in eight months ago when he said that the Iraqi control on each units and governorates might completed by spring or summer · and said WHEEL that Washington would continue to provide support in the areas of logistics and intelligence as well as work to ensure "the loyalty of" some units of the Iraqi forces as it accused the many of the the Sunni Arabs, some units be beholden to the Shi'a sectarian · and said WHEEL "the Iraqi security forces must not be limited to develop their capacities But they also continue to work to gain the trust of the Iraqi people" · and said WHEEL that Iraq intends to purchase 300 armored personnel carrier and 600 patrol car armored kind of Humvees and a number of Helicopter a U · HP-2 Huey in the framework of arms deal with Washington worth $ 150 million · (Again, this better be a revalued currency because that's a lot of military fire power and $150 million isn't going to cut it!)

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    Quote Originally Posted by PatKat View Post
    Just a note from Mosul Iraq, we are not able to buy any Dinar for the locals for the past two weeks.
    I noticed this is your first post to RolClub. Welcome! Your information is very helpful and we appreciate your input. Information from the locals and on whats going on in the "Sand Box" is very useful, so don't be stranger. Thank You

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