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    Under Sistani's failure : the failure of the government to the line Islamic

    (صوت العراق) - 06-01-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 06-01-2007
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    كربلاء ـ أ.ف.ب: حذر الوكيل الشرعي للمرجع الشيعي الكبير آية الله علي السيستاني خلال خطبة الجمعة، أمس، الحكومة من الفشل لأن ذلك يعني «فشلا للخط الإسلامي في قيادة أمور الناس». وقال الشيخ عبد المهدي الكربلائي أمام آلاف المصلين في الروضة الحسينية وسط كربلاء (110 كلم جنوب بغداد) إن «المعاناة اليومية للعراقيين لا يمكن استمرارها، وان فشلكم يعني فشل الخط الاسلامي في قيادة وإدارة أمور الناس»، حسبما أوردته وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية. ودعا الكربلائي الحكومة الى أداء مهامها قبل «فوات الأوان». وطالب «المسؤولين بتذكر مسؤولياتهم (...) واستغلال الفرصة قبل فوات الأوان؛ فقد يأتي يوم يفقد فيه الشعب ثقته تماما بكم وستتحملون جزءا كبيرا من المسؤولية» عن ذلك.A Karbala. P. B : Forensic agent warned the Shi'ah cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, during the Friday sermon yesterday, the government of failure, because that would mean the failure of the «line Islamic leadership in the things people». He said Sheikh Abdel Mahdi Alkerblai before thousands of worshipers in kindergarten Husseinieh central Karbala (110 km south of Baghdad) that «the daily suffering of the Iraqis could not continue, and that means a failure Vchelkm line Islamic leadership and management of things people», according to the French Press Agency. He called Alkerblai the government to perform its functions before «» too late. He called «officials remember their responsibilities (...) The advantage of the opportunity before it is too late; the day comes when people lose confidence in you and Stthamlon quite a large part of the responsibility »for that.
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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    Professionals interested in diplomatic activities »« Qaeda holds the post

    (صوت العراق) - 06-01-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 06-01-2007
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    دبلوماسي محترف مهتم بأنشطة «القاعدة» يتولى منصب سفير واشنطن في بغدادProfessionals interested in diplomatic activities »« Qaeda holds the post of ambassador in Washington and Baghdad

    كروكر سبق أن عمل في العراقCrocker previously worked in Iraq

    واشنطن: طلحة جبريلWashington : Talhah Jibril
    يتوقع ان يخلف ريان كروكر السفير الأميركي في باكستان زلماي خليلزاد السفير الحالي في بغداد، الذي قرر الرئيس الاميركي جورج بوش ترشيحه لمنصب مندوب الولايات المتحدة في الأمم المتحدة. وكان الرئيس بوش قد قرر صرف النظر عن التمديد للسفير جون بولتون كمندوب دائم لدى الامم المتحدة، بعد أن تيقن أن الكونغرس الذي يسيطر عليه الديمقراطيون لن يقر تمديد فترة رئاسة بولتون في المنظمة الدولية، ويعد بولتون من صقور «المحافظين الجدد».Expected to succeed Crocker American Ambassador in Pakistan, Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad in Baghdad, which the American President George Bush, his nomination to the post of representative of the United States in the United Nations. And President Bush had decided to dismiss the extension of Ambassador John Bolton permanent delegate to the United Nations, after it was clear that Congress, which is controlled by the Democrats would not approve the extension of the presidency of Bolton in the UN, Bolton is from the neo-conservative hawks «».
    ويدخل قرار تعيين خليلزاد في موقعه الجديد في إطار التغييرات التي قررها البيت الابيض قبل إعلان الرئيس بوش رسمياً الاسبوع المقبل عن استراتيجيته الجديدة في العراق، والتي تهدف الى تحقيق الأمن في البلاد وكبح جماح العنف الطائفي، في ظل المصاعب التي تواجهها القوات الاميركية هناك. وابرز ملامح هذه الاستراتيجية التي تسربت بعض خطوطها، زيادة عدد القوات الاميركية هناك «بقوات مقاتلة»، بحيث يتوقع ان يصل عدد القوات في العراق الى ما يقارب من 180 ألف جندي.Enter the decision to appoint Khalilzad at its new location in the context of the changes mandated by the White House before President Bush announced officially next week on its new strategy in Iraq, which aims to achieve security in the country and curb sectarian violence, in light of the difficulties faced by American forces there. The most prominent features of this strategy, which leaked out some features, increasing the number of American forces there troop «fighter», so that is expected to reach the number of troops in Iraq to nearly 180 thousand soldiers.

    ويتطلب تعيين كل من كروكر وخليلزاد موافقة مجلس الشيوخ الذي يسيطر عليه الديمقراطيون، وكلاهما من الدبلوماسيين المحترفين، حيث سبق ان عمل خليلزاد، وهو أفغاني الأصل، سفيراً في كابول قبل ان ينتقل الى بغداد، وهو من الشخصيات المقربة من نائب الرئيس ديك تشيني، ويعتبر في واشنطن من الدبلوماسيين الذين يعبرون عن أفكارهم «بصوت مسموع» عكس كروكر الذي يفضل التكتم على آرائه.The appointment of both Crocker and Khalilzad consent of the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats, both from professional diplomats, as had already been working Khalilzad, an Afghan origin, ambassador in Kabul before going to Baghdad, one of the figures close to Vice President Dick Cheney, was in Washington diplomats who express their thoughts «aloud» reverse Crocker prefers secrecy to his views.

    يشار الى ان خليلزاد عمل أيضاَ في إدارتي الرئيسين رونالد ريغان وجورج بوش الأب. وتعد زوجته (اميركية) من أبرز الباحثين في معهد «راند» الذي يعد من أهم مراكز البحث والتفكير في واشنطن القريبة من الادارة الاميركية. ويعد خليلزاد حالياً اهم شخصية مسلمة في الادارة الحالية.It should be noted that Khalilzad also served in the administrations of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush, the father. The wife (American) one of the most prominent researchers in the Rand Institute «», which is one of the most important centers of research and thinking in Washington close to the U.S. administration. Khalilzad is currently the most important Moslem in the current administration.

    وكان كروكر، الذي سيخلفه، قد شغل منصباً دبلوماسياً رئيسياً عقب الاجتياح الاميركي للعراق عام 2003، لكنه نقل من بغداد عقب ما ذكر بأنها «خلافات في وجهات النظر» مع بول بريمر أول حاكم مدني أميركي للعراق بعد الاحتلال.It was Crocker, who will succeed him, had held the post of a major diplomatic following the American invasion of Iraq in 2003, but the transfer of Baghdad following what was stated as «differences in viewpoints» with Paul Bremer, the first American civil governor of Iraq after the occupation.

    وتابع كروكر بحكم منصبه الحالي أنشطة تنظيم «القاعدة» في باكستان وأفغانستان.He continued Crocker ex officio the current activities of the organization «» Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

    الشرق الاوسطMiddle East
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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    A colonel in the Iraqi police guard does not protect us :

    (صوت العراق) - 06-01-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 06-01-2007
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    عقيد في الشرطة العراقية: الحراسة لا تحمينا.. وما كتبه الله ستراه العينA colonel in the Iraqi police do not protect us : receivership. What you will see the eyes of God clerks

    قال لـ الشرق الاوسط إنه عمل أكثر من 20 عاما في خدمة البصرة و«ليس من أجل فرد»He told the Middle East that he worked more than 20 years in the service of Basra and «not for the individual»

    لندن: مينا العريبيLondon : Meena Aribi
    «اذا كان وراءك موكب بمائة حارس، وشاء الله ان يحدث شيئاً، سيحدث». هكذا يفسر العقيد رياض جاسم العيداني، مدير العلاقات العامة في مديرية شرطة المرور في البصرة، قدرته على مواصلة عمله في الشرطة العراقية، رغم التهديدات اليومية لكل رجال الأمن العراقيين. وتحدث العقيد رياض باقتناع وإيمان تام، بأن ما يكتبه الله تعالى «ستراه العين» وانه يأخذ حذره، ولكنه لم يتوقف عن العمل رغم المصاعب والخطورة. وفي حديث خاص لـ«الشرق الاوسط» أثناء زيارة قام بها العميد رياض الى العاصمة البريطانية ضمن وفد مع وزارة العدل العراقية، قال إن رجال الشرطة، وخاصة شرطة المرور، يتعرضون لخطر كبير «لأن عملنا في الشارع وبين الناس». وأضاف انه بحكم عمله الآن المسؤول عن الاعلام في مديرية شرطة المرور في البصرة، يقضي وقتاً في المكتب أكثر من السابق، ولكنه ما زال يخرج ويتجول في المدينة.«If the parade behind you a hundred guard, and God that nothing happens, will happen». Thus explains Colonel Riyad Jasim Abedani, Public Relations Director of the Directorate of Traffic Police in Basra, his ability to continue his work in the Iraqi police, despite daily threats of each security men Iraqis. He spoke with conviction and Colonel Riad complete belief, she writes that God «» eyes and you will see that he takes a cautious, but did not stop work, despite the difficulties and dangerous. In an exclusive statement to the Middle East »« During a visit by Brigadier Riyad to the British capital with a delegation with the Iraqi Ministry of Justice, said that the police, especially traffic police, are at considerable risk because «our work in the street, among the people». He added that by virtue of his work is now in charge of media at the traffic police directorate in Basra, serving time in the office more than in the past, but still leaves and wandering in the city.
    وبما ان دوريات شرطة المرور تنقسم الى جزأين، بين السابعة والنصف صباحاً والثانية ظهراً، والجزء الثاني في الثانية ظهراً الى العاشرة ليلا، يضطر رجال شرطة المرور الى الانتشار في الشوارع حتى بعد غروب الشمس. وأقرّ بأنه ومن يعمل معه يستهدفون من قبل الارهابيين، وأضاف: «الإرهاب يستهدف كل من يخدم البلد، وقد استشهد ضباط يعملون بإخلاص في شرطة المرور».Since the traffic police patrols were divided into two parts, between 7.30am and two p.m., and the second in two p.m. to ten at night, forcing policemen to the proliferation of traffic on the streets until after sunset. He admitted that he was working with him and targeted by terrorists, and added : «terrorism aimed at both serve the country, has been cited officers working sincerely traffic police».

    وتابع: «أكيد أخشى من هذه الحوادث واخذ حذري من المخاطر، ولا أخرج لوحدي أبداً، وتوجيهات الدولة تصر على أخذ الحراس معي». ولدى العقيد رياض سائق وحارسان يرافقونه في كل الأوقات خوفاً من الاستهداف، ولكنه يواصل عمله اليومي ويخرج ليلا من أجل مواصلة حياته اليومية. والعقيد رياض متزوج ولديه 3 أولاد وبنتان، وعلى رغم خوفه عليهم، فلا يفكر بترك البلاد. وقال العيداني ان لديه اصدقاء في دول عربية حثوه على ترك العراق ودعوه الى زيارتهم، ولكنه أكد أنه لا يفكر بترك البلد، قائلا: «كل شخص وحسب إيمانه، كل شخص له حد في الحياة، وحتى لو مرت البصرة بأصعب الأوضاع لن أتركها». ويرى العقيد رياض عمله واجباً عليه، ويؤكد «لم نعمل من أجل أحد، فعلينا العمل من أجل المواطنين». ومن أجل خدمة البلد، دخل العقيد رياض كلية الشرطة في البصرة عام 1982، ومنذ تخرجه عمل في مديرية الشرطة، ولم ينقطع عن العمل حتى بعد سقوط النظام العراقي السابق ودخول القوات البريطانية. وشرح كيف كانت شرطة المرور أولى الاجهزة الامنية التي عادت الى عملها في ابريل (نيسان) 2003، قائلا: «أول رجل نزل الى الشارع كان رجل الشرطة». وأضاف: بعد أيام من انتهاء الحرب، عدنا الى الشارع وعملنا على تأمين المرور من أجل عودة النظام في وقت كان القانون منعدماً في البلد». ولفت الى ان شرطة المرور، تحت إرشاد قياداتها السابقة، حرصت على النظام في البصرة والتزمت بزيها الرسمي. وأضاف: «طلب منا البريطانيون تغيير ملابسنا وعدم الالتزام بزي الشرطة القديم، ولكننا قلنا لهم انه عندما يتم تأمين بدلات جديدة سنلبسها، لكن الى ذلك الحين سنلتزم بملابسنا». وعبر العقيد رياض عن فخره الخاص بالقميص الابيض الذي يرتديه رجال شرطة المرور، قائلا: «نلبس القميص الأبيض وأصر عليه لأنه علامة للسلام».He continued : «Actually, I am afraid of these incidents and take the risk of radically, and I leave on my own, never, and the directives of the State insists on taking the guards with me». When Colonel Riad driver and two guards accompany him at all times for fear of targeting, but continues to work daily and leave at night in order to continue their daily lives. Colonel Riad married and has three boys and girls, and despite the fear them, we think of leaving the country. He said Abedani that he had friends in the Arab countries, have urged him to leave Iraq, and an invitation to visit, but stressed that he is not thinking of leaving the country, saying : «each person according to his faith, each person has a life, and even if passed Basra would not leave the most difficult conditions». The Colonel Riad work and duty, and underlines «not work for one, we work for the citizens». In order to serve the country, entered Colonel Riyadh Police College in Basra in 1982, and since graduating, working in the Directorate of Police, the work has not stopped even after the fall of the former Iraqi regime and the entry of British troops. He explained how the traffic police first security services, which returned to work in April 2003 (April), saying : «first man down the street was a man police». He added : days after the end of the war, returned to the street and worked to secure passage for the return of the law at a time when it was lacking in the country ». He pointed out that the traffic police, under the guidance of the previous leadership, keen on the regime in Basra and committed uniformed. He added : «British asked us to change our clothes and the lack of commitment to the old police uniforms, but we told them that when we secure new Senbesha allowances, but to then'll Bmlabsena». Through Colonel Riyadh about pride Special Balqumis White wears traffic policemen, saying : «wear white shirt and insisted that the sign of peace».

    ويرفض العميد رياض أن تكون التقارير حول اختراق الاجهزة الامنية من قبل مجرمين سبباً لوقف عمله. وأضاف: «بعض المجرمين اخترقوا الشرطة بعدما كانت منفتحة للتطوع، ولكن يبقى هؤلاء أهلنا ولا نخاف من أهلنا». وبالنسبة الى الطائفية، رفض العيداني هذه المسألة وقال «الشيعة والسنة في البصرة والعراق لديهم تاريخ طويل من المعايشة، وأنا شيعي، ولكن لا أنظر الى أصدقائي وأهلي من السنة بطريقة مختلفة». وأضاف: «لدينا مصاهرة وتزاوج ولا يمكن ان ندير ظهرنا على ذلك». وعند الحديث عن الأوضاع في العراق اليوم، يقارن العقيد رياض الوضع بما كان عليه في عهد الرئيس العراقي السابق صدام حسين، ويقول: «وقتها كنتَ اما تترك العراق، او تنتظر ان يفرج الله الوضع»، موضحاً: «الحروب أبعدتنا عن العالم وعن جيراننا».Brigadier Riyad refuses to be reports about penetrate the security services by criminals reason to stop the work. He added : «some criminals penetrated the police after they had been open for volunteering, but keeps these people not be afraid of our people». As for the sectarian Abedani rejected this and said «Sunnis and Shiites in Basra and Iraq have a long history of cohabitation, and I am Shiite, but to see my friends and my family of the year in a different way». He added : «we have a marriage, the marriage can not turn our backs on this». When talking about the situation in Iraq today, Colonel Riyad situation compares with that in the era of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, and says : «then you either leave Iraq or waiting to be released's situation», explaining : «wars us away from the world and our neighbors».

    وأضاف انه وقتها لم يفكر بترك العراق لارتباطاته العائلية، وكان يأمل بزوال النظام السابق. وقال انه في ربيع 2003، وبعد سقوط النظام «برزت تداعيات السنوات الماضية من الحروب». وأضاف «شعرت وغيري بأننا أطلقنا من سجن ما، بأن المستقبل أمامنا، فقد تخلصنا من نقاط التفتيش ومن دفتر الخدمة (في الجيش الالزامي) وكتمان الأنفاس». وأشار الى ان مستوى المعيشة للشرطي تحسن في السنوات الثلاث الماضية، من تسلمه 7 آلاف دينار عراقي شهرياً في عهد الرئيس السابق، الى 500 ألف دينار اليوم.He added that he did not think the time to leave Iraq to family duties, and had hoped the demise of the former regime. He said that in the spring of 2003, after the fall of the regime «emerged repercussions of the years of war». He added «I felt that we, and others of a prison, and that the future ahead of us, it was eliminated from the checkpoints and book service (in the army mandatory), and concealment of breath». He pointed out that the standard of living of the policeman improvement in the last three years of his seven thousand Iraqi dinars a month in the era of former President, to 500 thousand dinars today.
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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    Maliki accuses top Sunni
    Web posted at: 1/6/2007 1:51:1
    Source ::: AFP
    Maliki accuses top Sunni clerics of stoking tension

    BAGHDAD • Iraq’s prime minister accused a leading Sunni Muslim clerics’ group yesterday of stoking tension by saying that militias were preparing attacks on Sunni neighbourhoods in Baghdad.

    The Muslim Clerics’ Association, an umbrella grouping of religious leaders of Iraq’s Sunni Arab minority, said in a statement on Thursday that militias linked to an unnamed political group were planning attacks.

    “The statement from the Muslim Clerics’ Association is totally baseless and raises tension, and we hold the Muslim Clerics responsible for any action that results from this,” said a statement from Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki’s office.

    The clerics’ statement did not identify the militia or say that it was Shi’ite. But the use of the word “militia” and the suggestion of links to government parties is an unmistakable indication to Iraqis that it was accusing Shi’ite groups.

    Sectarian tension has been particularly high over the past week, since Maliki rushed through the hanging of former president Saddam Hussein, a Sunni, and a video circulated showing him being taunted on the gallows by supporters of the Shi’ite cleric Moqtada Al Sadr.

    Rumours and fears of militia activity were reported by residents on Thursday but there were no reports by Friday of anything out of the ordinary in a city where dozens of bodies turn up every day, apparent victims of death squad kidnappers.

    Washington has identified Sadr’s Mehdi Army militia as the greatest threat to security in Iraq. Various other groups in government are linked to militias.

    “We know from well-informed sources that militias affiliated to a well-known political power are intending to attack many districts in Baghdad,” the Muslim Clerics’ Association said in its statement, posted on its Web site.

    “We also know that some officials in the current government are well aware of this criminal plan,” it said.

    It said Sunnis’ patience could run out and they would “respond in an appropriate way that preserves the unity of Iraq”.

    The Muslim Clerics’ Association is headed by Sheikh Harith al-Dari, who lives outside Iraq. The government has ordered his arrest on suspicion of aiding terrorism.

    Sunni Arabs blame the Mehdi Army and other militias for the operations of the death squads and Washington has urged Maliki to crack down on them. But he depends on the support of Sadr’s political movement in parliament and has struggled to act.

    US citizen, two interpreters kidnapped in southern Iraq

    BASRA • An American and his two Iraqi interpreters were kidnapped near the southern Iraqi city of Basra yesterday, Basra police chief said.

    “The three were kidnapped this morning from Al-Haritha area north of Basra,” said Mohammed Al Mussawi.

    Another police officer from Basra said the three were travelling in a black Opel car when three other cars full of gunmen “ambushed them and kidnapped them”.

    US embassy spokesman Louis Fintor in Baghdad said the embassy was “looking into these reports”. It was not immediately clear if the missing man was a security contractor.
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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    Five Iranian agents held in Baghdad: BBC
    Web posted at: 1/6/2007 1:49:46
    Source ::: REUTERS
    LONDON • A British official has said five Iranians arrested in Baghdad last month in a raid by US forces were senior intelligence officers thought to be on a covert mission to influence the Iraqi government, the BBC reported.

    Several Iranians – including two diplomats who were later released – were arrested by US troops in the raid, which the BBC said occurred on December 21 in the compound of SCIRI head Abdul Aziz Al Hakim, one of Iraq’s most powerful Shi’ite leaders.

    “There were five senior officers in various Iranian intelligence organisations,” the BBC’s Newsnight television programme, broadcast late on Thursday, quoted the unnamed official as telling it.

    “It was a very significant meeting. These people have been collared, relatively speaking, up to no good.”

    Three intelligence officers had since been set free but the US military continued to hold two others, the BBC said.

    Britain’s foreign ministry declined to comment on the report.

    “We’ve always made clear it is vital that all Iraq’s neighbours support Iraq as it develops its own security and democracy,” a Foreign Office spokesman said.

    “Anything that undermines the Iraqi government is unhelpful and any Iranian links to armed groups in Iraq are unacceptable.”

    British officials were quoted as telling the BBC that the raid produced some important intelligence in spite of failing to provide a “smoking gun” linking the Iranians to supplies of arms to Shi’ite militants who attack British troops in southern Iraq.

    The US State Department has said “a small number” of diplomats were among those detained in raids last month against Iranians suspected of planning attacks on Iraqi security forces, but they were turned over to Iraqi authorities and released.

    Iran’s foreign ministry has said the diplomats had been invited by the Iraqi government.

    The BBC said the arrested men were in Iraq to hold high-level meetings with Iraqi Shi’ite factions.

    “There was discussion of whether the Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki government would succeed, who should be in which ministerial jobs,” one British government source told Newsnight. “It was a very significant meeting. The fact of who some of the Iranians were is very significant.”
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

  6. #36606
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    Quote Originally Posted by adm View Post

    Updated: 1/5/2007 12/28/2006 Last Official Update

    IQD/curr curr/IQD

    USD 0.00075 1325.000 USD 1325.000

    EUR 0.00058 1720.165 EUR 1739.063

    GPB 0.00039 2553.125 GPB 2592.495

    JPY 0.08969 11.150 JPY 11.157

    CHF 0.00093 1070.562 CHF 1081.368

    This is from NOOZZ.COM Site.

    Take a look; all currencies moving except USD...I wonder why? This as of 1/5/2007 yesterday.
    This is from NOOZZ.COM Site.

    IQD/curr curr/IQD

    USD 0.00075 1325.000

    EUR 0.00058 1719.900

    GPB 0.00039 2553.390

    JPY 0.08965 11.154

    CHF 0.00093 1070.562

    Updated: 1/6/2007
    Last edited by adm; 06-01-2007 at 09:06 AM.
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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    Two interpreters of kidnapped US citizen found murdered

    6 January 2007

    BASRA, Iraq - Two Iraqi interpreters kidnapped along with an American citizen a day ago have been found murdered in central Basra, a spokesman for the British military told AFP Saturday.

    The two were found murdered near a stadium with bullets in the back of their heads, Major Charlie Burbridge said.

    Earlier, US embassy spokesman Louis Fintor confirmed that an American working as a private security contractor was abducted Friday from near Basra, Iraq’s second largest city.

    ‘I confirm the disappearance of the American. He is a private security contractor,’ Fintor told AFP.

    The three were kidnapped from an area called Al Haritha, north of Basra, local police chief Mohammed Al Mussawi said.

    They were travelling in a black Opel car when three other vehicles full of gunmen ambushed them and kidnapped them, police said.

    The American brought to six the number of private security contractors now held hostage in Iraq, after four Americans and an Austrian were kidnapped on November 16 from Safwan, near Basra.

    The latter group was escorting a convoy on behalf of Kuwaiti-based Crescent Security when they were seized by kidnappers wearing police uniforms.

    Their captors released a video earlier this week in which they appeared healthy but showed the hostages asking for the release of all detainees in American- and British-run prisons in Iraq.

    Several Islamist and nationalist resistance groups operate in Iraq, along with illegal militias, corrupt security force units and criminal gangs who seize hostages for ransom.
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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    Default A one-million dollar Iranian loan to Basrah

    A one-million dollar Iranian loan to Basrah
    Source: Translated by

    Iran granted Iraq a loan of one million dollars to accomplish projects in Basrah south of Iraq. These projects include the electricity sector and the improvement of infrastructure in the province. Iranian officials stipulated the participation of some Iranian companies to work on improving electricity network, transportation and other projects related to services sector as one of the guarantees for repaying the loan.

    The decision to grant the loan was taken during the recent visit of the Iraqi Minister of Finance, Baqir Jabr Al-Zubaydi, to Iran within the framework of joint cooperation, and as Iran had promised to provide aid to Iraq. But citizens in Basrah were disappointed of these promises because none of them was implemented, as many think.

    Members of the provincial council mentioned more than once that Iran would link its power network lines to Iraq and provide the Iraqi side with 100 MW, but that did not happen until now. A member of the provincial council, Hamed Alzhalmi, pointed out "to the availability of funds from the Japanese grant for Basrah", revealing the preparations for implementing special projects in the sectors of water, electricity and the development of other industrial sectors at the beginning of this year".
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

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    Default Extending the licenses of two Kuwaiti mobile companies in Iraq

    Extending the licenses of two Kuwaiti mobile companies in Iraq
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    The Kuwaiti Newspapers of Al-Ra'I and Assiasah said on Thursday that both of the Mobile companies working in Iraq: Communications Company and the National Company for Mobile Telecommunication obtained an extension of the licenses, under which they operate, for three months. The extension would apply until next March 31.

    The two companies work under the name of MTC Atheer and Asia Cell in Iraq.

    The Egyptian company Orascom Telecom has obtained a similar extension for its license in Iraq, under which it runs a network of communications with the name of Iraqna.
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  10. #36610
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    Default Source: Iraq may put a tender for selling Kirkuk crude on Friday

    Source: Iraq may put a tender for selling Kirkuk crude on Friday
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    A source at the Iraqi Oil Ministry said on Thursday that Iraq may put a tender for the sale of Kirkuk crude oil, which is the first in months, on Friday after the stores in Turkey had reached about four million barrels.
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

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