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  1. #36781
    Senior Investor $onedaysoon$'s Avatar
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    follow link and go to economy, alot of good things that I posted but are gone from the site now
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    قانون جديد للعقود الحكومية و وثائق نموذجية للعطاءات .. هي مفتاح الحلA new law for government contracts, and model documents for bidding. The solution is the key

    التخطيط تعرض أسباب تأخير تنفيذ المشاريع وتعدها معوقات إعادة الإعمارPlanning the reasons for the delay in the implementation of projects and prepared obstacles reconstruction
    بغداد ـ عمر عبداللطيفBaghdad Omar Abdel Latif
    The expert technical planning in the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation of the most important obstacles to reconstruction. Is the delay in implementing projects financed by grants, loans and the investment budget of the state and Iraq's lack of a uniform law and evolving to meet the basic needs of the beneficiaries and implemented.

    أمنيات إقتصادية في عام 2007Economic wishes in 2007

    Today we begin a new phase has established new economic concepts. Pant on the horizon and the orientations of the country's economic direction of a market economy, whether we like it or not, to deal with this new reality will be in accordance with the requirements of the suit and their economic situation.

    أهمية قطاع الصناعة التحويلية في عمليـة التنمــية في العـراقThe importance of the manufacturing sector in the development process in Iraq

    د.فلاح خلف الربيعيD. Falah behind spring
    The manufacturing sector suffered from neglect in Iraq during the last five decades due to the possession of officials of the decision-making developmental desire and the will and awareness of the seriousness and importance of this sector in the development process,

    أسواق بغداد تعاني ركودا تجاريا و هجرة لأصحاب المالBaghdad markets suffered from recession and commercial migration to the owners of capital

    سببتها الأوضاع الأمنيـةCaused by the security situation
    بغداد - حيدر الربيعيBaghdad-Haider spring
    Witness the largest commercial market in Baghdad, a remarkable decline in the number of Almetbdhaina as well as decrease in the number of shops and stores large commercial markets as a result of those closed or offered for sale or lease. He attributed many of these storehouses reasons for the reluctance of citizens to attend and shopping as well as the reasons for the closure of shops to the poor security situation, many of the vendors
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  2. #36782
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    Default outside the box

    Quote Originally Posted by michaeljordan View Post
    No offense, but I think you are "ALL WET". No matter what the budget is, we are still talking dinars. Keep in mind that it is the "EXCHANGE RATE" we are all wanting to be different than it is today. So, my point is this...if the budget is X dinars, it will be X dinars after an RV and before. It is just that after an RV, goods in Iraq will be a different price, like instead of 1325 dinar, it will be maybe 1 dinar. Therefore, if 50 gallons of karosene costs 66250 dinar before RV, then it might be 50 dinars after. So I guess it all depends on how the coupon is worded. "GOOD FOR 50 gallons of karosene" or "GOOD FOR 66250 dinar worth of kerosene". Big difference!
    Thinking outside the box of "coupon" Karosene is make from OIL - Oil = HCL.
    sorry that I didn't explain in detail were my train of thought on all this.

  3. #36783
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    Quote Originally Posted by Par77 View Post
    As for the possibility of raising the value of the Iraqi dinar. The rise in the value of the dinar will rise by relying on the country could provide a quantity of foreign currency through increased exports, the volume of exports and reduce debt outcome is the economy, which raises the value of the dinar.

    Sounds good to me!!!
    "The expert at the "Central", Majid Assuri, expected a remarkable improvement in the rate of the dinar, due to the low dollar exchange rate, over the next couple of months."

  4. #36784
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    Default I will second that

    The rise in the value of the dinar will rise by relying on the country could provide a quantity of foreign currency through increased exports, the volume of exports and reduce debt outcome is the economy, which raises the value of the dinar.

    I will second that any one else want to join?

  5. #36785
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    Cool hehe

    Quote Originally Posted by bubbajr View Post
    The rise in the value of the dinar will rise by relying on the country could provide a quantity of foreign currency through increased exports, the volume of exports and reduce debt outcome is the economy, which raises the value of the dinar.

    I will second that any one else want to join?
    I will second that. Glad to be able to get here now and catch all up. Looking very Interesting.

  6. #36786
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post

    For what it is worth, just heard from my Kurds and no 10K for the end of this holiday either, so perhaps they are holding silent for a reason yet to be released to the world. Sure makes more sense every day.

    Good luck to all, Mike
    when people ask the higher up officials in iraq, what do they say about the delay, of why the delay, and when it will be given out? and what is there response?

  7. #36787
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    Default Third It!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    I will second that. Glad to be able to get here now and catch all up. Looking very Interesting.

  8. #36788
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    Default / In depth - Maliki vows to restore order in Baghdad

    Maliki vows to restore order in Baghdad
    By Steve Negus, Iraq Correspondent

    Published: January 7 2007 19:14 | Last updated: January 7 2007 19:14

    With George W. Bush, US president, expected to announce a surge in American manpower in Iraq this week in a bid to improve security, the Iraqi government has announced its own make-or-break offensive to contain insurgents and militias in the capital.

    Prime minister Nouri al-Maliki declared on Saturday that he was commencing an open-ended operation to restore security in Baghdad, “regardless of sect or politics”.

    One of his aides has said he would commit some 20,000 Iraqi troops to the operation – roughly equal to the “surge” in US forces expected to be the centrepiece of Mr Bush’s new strategy.

    One key question is whether or not the push will concentrate primarily on insurgents based in Sunni areas or whether the prime minister will risk alienating his support base by tackling Shia militias as well.

    Ever since sectarian violence surged in February, Mr Maliki has been under heavy pressure from both the US and Sunni members of his national unity government to move against groups like the Mahdi Army, nominally loyal to radical Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, which is accused of targeting Sunni civilians.

    Although US and Iraqi forces have detained some Mahdi Army commanders, residents of Baghdad say the militia continues to operate relatively freely in many parts of the capital, including mixed Sunni-Shia areas where it competes with Sunni militias for control.

    “We utterly reject any interference from political parties in carrying out the security plan,” Mr Maliki said, in a possible indication that he would move against politically sensitive targets.
    Both militias and insurgent groups have allies in Iraq’s parliament, whom US soldiers say frequently push for the arrest of detainees. Shia militias are also accused of using government ministries as bases for kidnapping and other activities. Many Iraqis view either insurgents or militias as their allies against the forces of the other sect, and thus any security operation will almost certainly alienate parts of one group, or the other, or both.

    The prime minister had suggested in November that he would move against militias either by the end of last year or the beginning of this one.

    His decision to rush forward the execution of Saddam Hussein and his defiance of criticism from the west and from Iraq’s Sunni Arab neighbours may have given him the political capital he needs to enter Sadrist strongholds. Up until Saddam’s hanging, many Shia were convinced that his former ruling Baath party and Iraq’s Sunni Arab neighbours still exerted a strong hold over Iraq’s future, and might restore Iraqi Sunni historical political dominance.

    Mr Maliki on Saturday lashed out at countries that criticised Saddam’s hanging, saying that such remarks constituted “inciting sedition and flagrant interference in the internal affairs of Iraq.”

    That line will doubtless play well with Shia radicals but it is unclear whether it will offset any serious move to disarm and contain them.

    Meanwhile, some Sunni say they suspect that Mr Maliki’s government has no intention of disarming the militias.

    They say that groups like the Mahdi Army have already driven Sunni out of many formerly mixed enclaves in east Baghdad and are making inroads in more established Sunni neighbourhoods in the west.

    Several Baghdad residents of both major sects, however, said that they did not expect much from the campaign.

    “It’s the same army, the same police,” said one unemployed youth from the Sunni enclave of Adhamiya.

    “For more than two years [the same] police have worked in Iraq, they’ve done nothing to change anything. What can they do now?”

  9. #36789
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    Get those WOOTS ready....!!!!

    Iraq's oil reserves to be thrown open to the West-Rest of World-World-NEWS-The Times of India

    Times of India - 2 hours ago

    Iraq's oil reserves to be thrown open to the West
    [ 8 Jan, 2007 0232hrs ISTPTI ]

    LONDON: Iraq's massive oil reserves, the third-largest in the world, are about to be thrown open for large-scale exploitation by Western oil companies under a controversial law to be shortly introduced before the Iraqi parliament.

    According to a report in The Independent, the US government has been involved in drawing up the law.

    It would give oil companies such as BP, Shell and Exxon 30-year contracts to extract Iraqi crude and allow the first large-scale operation of foreign oil interests in the country since the industry was nationalised in 1972, a media report on Sunday said.

    The huge potential prizes for Western firms will give ammunition to critics who say the Iraq war was fought for oil.

    They point to statements such as one from vice-president Dick Cheney, who said in 1999, while he was still chief executive of the oil services company Halliburton, that the world would need an additional 50 million barrels of oil a day by 2010

    "So where is the oil going to come from? The Middle East, with two-thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies," he said.
    Oil industry executives and analysts told the newspaper that the law, which would permit Western companies to pocket up to three-quarters of profits in the early years, is the only way to get Iraq's oil industry back on its feet after years of sanctions, war and loss of expertise.

    But it would operate through "production-sharing agreements" which are highly unusual in the Middle East while the oil industry in Saudi Arabia and Iraq, the world's two largest producers, is state controlled.

    Opponents say that Iraq is being forced to surrender an unacceptable degree of sovereignty.
    Last edited by CharmedPiper; 08-01-2007 at 04:00 AM.

  10. #36790
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Iraqi law gives companies the right to exploit Western oil fields for 30 years

    Independent newspaper that British Eun Sanday large oil reserves in Iraq, which is the third largest reserves in the world would be put to use on a large scale by Western oil companies under the controversial law is expected to be put to the Iraqi parliament within days.
    1972.The newspaper said in its website on the Internet that the American government is involved in the enactment of this law, which was obtained by 'Independent Online Sandai' on the drafted law, giving oil companies such as the large 'BP' and 'Shell' and 'Exxon' contracts will last 30 years for the extraction of raw and allowing for the first use of the wide-ranging interests of foreign oil in the country since the nationalization of the industry in 1972.
    وذكرتهائية'.The British newspaper The awards potential huge for Western companies will strengthen the position of critics who contend that the real reason behind the war in Iraq was, noting in this regard to the statements made by Vice President Dick Cheney, who said in 1999 when he was the then the position of board chairman of the oil company 'Haliberton' that the world will need 50 million barrels of oil additional daily by the year ,2010 then His' But where will this oil? The Middle East, which is two-thirds of the world's oil, and the least cost in the extraction is still considered the place where the final prize '.
    السبيل الوحيدThe only way
    ات العالم.He says officials and analysts specializing in the oil industry that this law, which would allow for Western companies taking three quarters gains in the first years of the entry application is the only way to ensure the return of the Iraqi oil industry back on its feet after years of sanctions, war and lack of experience, and will this law through sharing agreements production, which is unusual in the Middle East, where the State owns the oil industry in both Saudi Arabia and Iran, are the two largest producers of oil in the world.
    .Opponents argue the new law that Iraq economy, which depends on oil by 95%, would be forced to abandon some of its sovereignty unacceptable.
    والأميركيةBritish and American attitudes
    .The Independent newspaper Online Sanday that British Prime Minister Tony Blair had denied submitting the proposal to the Parliamentary of the war in 2003 that 'the allegation false' we 'want a hands' on the proceeds of Iraqi oil. He said that oil revenues would be deposited in a trust fund administered by the United Nations for Iraq, but the idea has not materialized.
    من.In the same year, the Minister of State at the time, Colin Powell, that 'this war cost a lot of money, but the oil of Iraq owned Iraqi people, a wealth will be used for his own. We have not had this war for oil '.
    .Supporters say that the proposed law allows for the oil companies to take 75% of the gains to the recovery of the initial cost of exploration, and then get those companies to 20% of all profits, according to oil industry sources in Iraq, which is approximately twice the average obtained in such agreements.
    .He said Greg Motet a researcher with PLATFORM, a human rights groups and the environment, which monitors the oil industry that Iraq would be obliged to pay an exorbitant price over the past thirty future of the state of the current instability, and His' they will lose a lot because they do not currently have the capacity to conclude an agreement good '.
    .The newspaper reported that it is expected to reveal Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih, who heads the oil in the country on this legislation soon, pointing out that a number of oil companies, large, it is said, has sent missions to the country in recent months to exert pressure to obtain agreements such as the passage of the law, even though it would not be likely to invest large firms in this industry in Iraq prior to soften the violence in the State.
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    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

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