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  1. #36931
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    Thumbs up Source : Block chest terminate the suspension of its membership in the parliament and

    Source : Block chest terminate the suspension of its membership in the parliament and the government
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    A source close to the office of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki today, Monday, that the bloc chest in the government decided to end its suspension of deputies and ministers to stay in parliament and the government.

    ÇáÊíÇÑ ÇáÕÏÑí- ÚæÏÉ (ÚÇÌá) :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

    Seems to me that they can finalize HCL, budget and other things starting from tommorow!
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  2. #36932
    Senior Member boomcreek's Avatar
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    Default Head 'em up, and move 'em out, keep them doggies rollin'

    Quote Originally Posted by adm View Post
    New US strategy to call for benchmarks for Iraqis: report

    WASHINGTON, Jan 7, 2007 (AFP) - US President George W. Bushs new Iraq policy will establish a series of goals that the Iraqi government will be expected to meet to try to stabilize the country politically and economically, The New York Times reported on its website Sunday.

    Citing unnamed senior administration officials, the newspaper said these "benchmarks" will call for drawing more Sunnis into the political process, finalizing a long-delayed measure on the distribution of oil revenue and easing the governments policy toward former Baath Party members.

    Without saying what the specific penalties for failing to achieve the goals would be, US officials insisted that they intended to hold the Iraqis to a realistic timetable for action, the report said.

    The Americans and Iraqis have agreed on many of the objectives before, only to fall far short, The New York Times pointed out.

    Bush is expected to refer to the benchmarks in a much-anticipated speech this week outlining his new Iraq strategy, including plans to send as many as 20,000 additional troops, according to the report.

    Administration officials plan to make the benchmarks public sometime after the address, the paper said.

    "This is not an open-ended commitment," the newspaper quoted a senior administration official as saying. "We are putting real specific requirements and expectations on the Iraqi government."

    Some of the goals that are to be incorporated on the list of benchmarks have been carried over from an earlier list that was hammered out with the Iraqis, made public in October, but never met, the report said.

    They include, for example, a previously stated promise to set a date for provincial elections or adopt a national oil law that would give the central government the power to distribute current and future oil revenues to the provinces or regions, The New York Times said.

    The benchmarks will also deal with settling a new policy on de-Baathification, according to the report.


    It's about time!

  3. #36933
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    Default Is Showing 1310/$

  4. #36934
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    Default Sadrist bloc decides to return to government, parliament

    Baghdad, Jan 8, (VOI) – The Sadrist bloc decided to return to the Iraqi parliament and government after representatives of the Shiite cleric Maqtada al-Sadr’s movement met on Monday the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, a source close to the Premier’s office said.
    “A Sadrist bloc delegation met today noon the Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki informing him of the Sadists’ decision to end the Sadr movement legislators and ministers’ suspension of membership in parliament and government,” the source told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).
    Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, whose parliamentary bloc garnered 30 seats, had suspended the Sadrists' membership in parliament and government in protest against a meeting Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki had with U.S. President George W. Bush in the Jordanian capital Amman late in November, and failure to hammer out a timetable for the withdrawal of foreign troops from Iraq.
    Maybe we'll have quorum tomorrow

  5. #36935
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    Quote Originally Posted by adm View Post
    US twists civilian arms to fill its Fortress Baghdad Diplomats fear Washington's huge new embassy in the Green Zone will become a focus for local anger. Guy Dinmore reports

    Monday, Jan 08, 2007

    At the heart of George W. Bush's "new way forward" - which the president is expected to announce on Wednesday and involve substantial troop reinforcements - is the plan already under way to expand the US civilian presence across Iraq and complete the world's largest embassy in Baghdad.

    Construction of what critics call "Fortress Baghdad" has led to arguments inside the State Department amid fears that the overwhelming diplomatic presence will perpetuate a sense of US occupation and become a focus of local anger. It's called protecting "your" investment. It seems to me, no country has expended the resources for the nation of Iraq that the U.S. has. Someone else posted a while back, was this all out of the goodness of our hearts, or wasn't there an expectation of a return attached to what our men and women in uniform, along with the civilians working to rebuild have given?

    US diplomats say that just as the armed forces are being stretched to breaking point, the US foreign service is suffering from low morale foot dragging does that to peopleand operations in the rest of the world are being damaged by the diversion of resources to Iraq.

    Officials are also questioning why the Bush administration is sending more civilians into a deteriorating war zone, and the effectiveness of the work they can do.

    The embassy compound being built inside Baghdad's Green Zone covers 104 acres, making it six times larger than the United Nations compound in New York. A city within a city for more than 1,000 people, it will have its own water, sewers and electricity, six apartment buildings, a Marine barracks, swimming pool, shops and some walls 15 feet thick.

    The State Department has told the Financial Times that the US civilian presence in Iraq has "grown considerably beyond the numbers projected for the new embassy compound", which is scheduled for completion by September 1 at a cost of Dollars 592m (Euros 455m, Pounds 307m).

    The department and other agencies, such as the Pentagon and Treasury which also supply staff, are working out how to accommodate the extra numbers that Mr Bush is expected to announce this week. Recruits are being attracted to one-year posts by a mix of cajoling and inducement - an almost doubling of their salary(AMEN!), four trips outside Iraq and guarantees of favourable postings afterwards.

    Condoleezza Rice, secretary of state, and other officials have repeatedly sent cables to personnel around the world saying diplomats have a patriotic duty to volunteer for Baghdad and the expanding "provincial reconstruction teams", where diplomats work out of military bases.

    "Baghdad dwarfs everything else. It is becoming a monster that has to be fed every year with a new crop of volunteers," says one diplomat.

    So far the State Department has not resorted to compulsory or "directed" assignments, a practice last used during the Vietnam war. But it has warned it would put assignments elsewhere on hold "if Iraq and Afghanistan and other priority posts are not staffed".

    Among the many recommendations of the bipartisan Baker-Hamilton report on Iraq, issued in December, was that diplomats and other US personnel should be obliged to serve in Iraq if there were not enough volunteers.

    Steve Kashkett, vice-president of the American Foreign Service Association, the professional body representing US foreign service officers, questions their logic.

    "It makes no sense for the Iraq report authors simultaneously to propose scaling back the US military presence and beefing up the presence of unarmed US diplomats in a combat zone," he writes this month in the association's journal.

    John Brown, who resigned as a US diplomat in protest against the 2003 invasion and now teaches public diplomacy, says the embassy "will be a symbol of the US occupation and the near-total separation of US embassy staff members from the society with which they are supposed to interact".

    "Indeed, the planned embassy reminds me of the huge, cavernous buildings that housed Soviet missions in eastern Europe during the cold war. They were hated by the local population for all they stood for: secrecy, arrogance and domination."

    Of the 1,000 or so US civilians staffing Baghdad at present - not including large numbers of private-sector bodyguards - there are about 200 career diplomats, plus some 70 in the provincial reconstruction teams that are set to expand.

    Many other staffers are so-called "3161s" - recruited ad hoc and, according to the State Department, "fully qualified for their highly technical jobs". Diplomats question this, saying many are incompetent and have been hired for their loyalty to the Republican effort.

    Asked why the US was sending more diplomats into a war zone when such conditions elsewhere in the world would lead to closure or drawdown of embassies, the State Department said such comparisons were "inappropriate", noting the embassy had suffered "minimal casualties".


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    Looks like things are on the move. I like it!

  6. #36936
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    Quote Originally Posted by One Oar View Post
    Maybe we'll have quorum tomorrow

    I think so!

    They have to pass things for the entire nation, if they like it or not!

    Time is running out!

    I think Iraq is at a point where it is all or nothing!
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  7. #36937
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    Default Yeahhhhhh

    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    UPDATE: CNBC SQUAWK BOX reporting the London Independent reporting that Iraq's Hydrocarbon Law becomes a reality this week. This will allow big oil such as Exxon and Shell to stake claims in Iraq's vast oil reserves. Although drilling may not begin immediately foreign investors can secure their future in Iraq. (I can only write so fast, so I tried to catch everything I could). They are running Iraq Oil news every 15-20 minutes.....I have never seen them do this before regarding Iraq. These are hard-nosed financial investors that don't report on speculation. WOOOOOOOOOT!
    Thanks Charmed!! Woooooooott!!! I needed that..Man I am soooo excited

  8. #36938
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    NINA teasers

    اسعBaghdad / Nina / returned Iraqi dinar to rise again against the dollar in an auction after the stability of the Central Bank for more than ten days, according to the Central Bank's decision to fix the scale
    >> More >>>> More

    08 Jan 2007 10:43:0008 Jan 2007 10:43:00
    راقIndustrial large American delegation will fly to Iraq
    صنا�Baghdad / Nina : Sources in the Ministry of Industry said that industrial delegation, consisting of 25 people, an American senior industrialists and analysts will come to Baghdad to assist in the reconstruction work in the lab and 200 establishments صنا�

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    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

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    Default Help On Trans

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    Ok I can not get the Arab Montary Fund report to go to english - can someone please check these documents and see if it may have a clue to Iraq mont. policy thanks chris

  10. #36940
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    Bloc chest terminate the suspension of its membership in the parliament and the government

    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-01-2007
    This issue was sent to a friend

    Source : Block chest terminate the suspension of its membership in the parliament and the government

    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    A source close to the Office of the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki today, Monday, that al-Maliki met at his office today bloc chest delegation consisted of Mr. Falah Chanchal, Nasser Al-Maliki and Alsaidi request of the bloc chest return to the government.
    The source added News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today, "The delegation of chest bloc offered congratulations on the occasion of the owners, and Maliki request of the bloc chest return to the government for the lack of justification for the province as saying."

    He explained that "al-Maliki told the delegation that the stage through which the Iraqis call for greater solidarity and unity and overlooking the reasons separateness and difference."
    He pointed out that "Al-Maliki told the delegation that the government Sadri plan is on the verge of explosive in the area of services and reconstruction and survival Sadrein away from the political action prejudice this plan."
    The source said, "For their part, the delegation welcomed the bloc chest request Maliki and return to the government and parliament."

    A source close to the office of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki had announced earlier today that the bloc chest in the end the government decided to suspend the deputies and ministers in parliament and the government.

    The trend Sadri (30 deputies in the parliament and six Zarat in government) has suspended its membership on November 23 last November in the parliament and the government in protest at a meeting Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki U.S. President George W. Bush in Amman.

    He called Sadri trend improving the security situation and economic situation in the country, and to work seriously on the departure of the occupation forces from the country, and to give powers to the Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki for his security file, as commander-in-chief of the armed forces in Iraq.

    The press reports had stated that the highest religious authority Sayyid Ali al-Sistani has met yesterday in his office yesterday, Sunday, Najaf Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr and believes that the return of the current Sadri were the focus of the deliberations of al-Sistani and Muqtada al-Sadr.
    N p

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