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  1. #37071
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    Default Be careful...Saudi is not too happy right now.

    Posted by: saleem on Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 12:34 PM

    Saudi authorities release Sadrist official
    Baghdad, Jan 9, (VOI) – Saudi authorities released Sheikh Hassan al-Zarkani, director of foreign relations at the Shaheed al-Sadr office, after several hours of his arrest, Zurkani’s brother said on Tuesday.
    “Sheikh Hassan al-Zurkani released after several hours of his arrest by the Saudi authorities,” al-Zurkani’s brother told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI) over the phone from Syria.
    On Monday, an official of the Shiite Sadrist bloc said Saudi authorities detained Sheikh Hassan al-Zarkani, director of foreign relations at the Shaheed al-Sadr office, in the Saudi city of Medina.
    Zarkani was arrested during a visit to Baqee in Islam’s second holiest shrine after performing the annual Moslem Hajj.
    The Iraqi government made contacts to find out why he was arrested and secure his release.
    Zarkani, the Sadr office representative in Lebanon, lives in Beirut.
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

  2. #37072
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    Quote Originally Posted by adm View Post
    Posted by: saleem on Tuesday, January 09, 2007 - 12:34 PM

    Saudi authorities release Sadrist official
    Baghdad, Jan 9, (VOI) – Saudi authorities released Sheikh Hassan al-Zarkani, director of foreign relations at the Shaheed al-Sadr office, after several hours of his arrest, Zurkani’s brother said on Tuesday.
    “Sheikh Hassan al-Zurkani released after several hours of his arrest by the Saudi authorities,” al-Zurkani’s brother told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI) over the phone from Syria.
    On Monday, an official of the Shiite Sadrist bloc said Saudi authorities detained Sheikh Hassan al-Zarkani, director of foreign relations at the Shaheed al-Sadr office, in the Saudi city of Medina.
    Zarkani was arrested during a visit to Baqee in Islam’s second holiest shrine after performing the annual Moslem Hajj.
    The Iraqi government made contacts to find out why he was arrested and secure his release.
    Zarkani, the Sadr office representative in Lebanon, lives in Beirut.
    The Saud's have been taking alot of heat lately over its people slipping into Iraq. I think they have had enough and will detain darn near anyone suspected of terrorist activities. They want stability even more so now, and to shake the "Black Cloud" hanging over them. Zurkani is lucky they let him go, I'll bet lots more we do not know about, were not so lucky.


  3. #37073
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    جريدة الصباح - الموازنة العامة لعام 2007 هل ستلبي الاحتياجات الأساسية للبلد؟

    Economic : General budget for 2007 is met the basic needs of the country?

    Saleh pointed out that the (95)% of the income of public budget depends on oil revenues, as a basic resource for the country. He pointed out that the future will be encouraging the conditions for lifting the value of the dinar against the dollar, but could not determine the rate of exchange to proceed only after the real budget.

    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post
    09 Jan 2007 13:15:00

    Parliament session
    Baghdad (NINA)- The Iraqi Parliament resumed its 59th open session Tuesday morning. The session’s agenda includes a statement by the parliament chairmanship, members’ statements and the first reading of the bill of the federal budget. Tuesday session hosts the minister of finance Baqir Solagh to
    >> More >>

    NINA & National Iraq News Agency
    Get ready to party…. Once they know the budget has officially pass parliament, they will reveal the new exchange rate… Looking Good.
    Freedom isn't knowing your limits, but realizing you have none.

  4. #37074
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    Guys, I was surfing on the Internet and landed on the official website of the Iraq banking and business community.

    Here i found some very interesting articles, some older, but different then we read. I am gonna post them after this one!

    We have heard the 15th of january in rumors, but could be a very important date.

    First of all the Hydrocarbon Law should be ready 31/12/2006 according to IMF.

    We have read today that the USA had set a deadline for that HCL! It's is being pushed now as never before, so I think the deadline is the 15th of January.

    We see small steps by CBI, less then the last month! Could that be that they know they will go back to the 1:1 level on the 15th and keep the rate low to pull out what ever they can and as cheap as they can!

    Budget should start at 1260! Now we read today that after setting the budget the exchange rate can be determined! But they told us it was 1260 so what is to determining then??

    What about ICI! Should have been done. Signing and formal adoption in early 2007 as we have read! Nothing about that, believe me that will also be a point of the economic package of Bush and announced tommorow, I am certain of that!

    We must be sooooooo close!!
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  5. #37075
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    Default Article 1

    Ok, here is article 1.

    We all know the articles about from Zubaidi of lifting of the zeroes to go to 1 dollar:1 dinar!

    Now I found this one! No date of this article, but must be in same period. I think june/sept.

    They are talking about "lifting the value of the dinar" without mentioning any reprint or taking of zeroes!!

    In posts earlier I also mentioned a factor that was overlooked by us and others: National Pride!

    Read the article, they want to go to 1:1 and back to the $3.22 level, but with improving the exchange rate because the iraqis want a strong currency as a national pride.

    Regarding the fact that CBI is increasing the value of the dinar, this study must be done and must be settled. Another point is that is linked to the security.

    Is that why Baghdad is made up with all that security?

    The banking and business community to show considerable interest in the proposal equality dinar dollar

    Finance Minister announced the Iraqi statement Zubaidi, «that the ministry and the Central Bank are considering a proposal to lift the value of the Iraqi dinar, and return to normal».

    And Heymann told the minister to the concerns of the banking and business community, as well as citizens, fear of the Iraqi market due to the pressure of the implications of such a measure might lead to some sort of instability in trade exchanges, in estimating the value of the dinar exchange rate of foreign currencies, including the dollar.

    He described the High Director of the Bank of Credit Iraqi Fuad bono statement by the Minister of Finance «very important», on the one hand the equality of the dinar dollar, pointing out «that is pleasant to the hearts of Iraqis, who are looking to restore the strength of the Iraqi currency, as it was before the 1990s of the last century, he wondered whether the national economy in its current capable of the transition to equal dinar dollar»?

    Bono, however, has often including the Minister Zubaidi on the support and backing of the World Bank proposed this, and said : «The current study data make it wait to give a definitive opinion on the subject. The Director of the Bank of High Assyrian International Investment Zuhair Al-Hafiz, «Zubaidi minister that the proposal needs to pause and carefully take into account the implications of the security situation on the Iraqi economy, which make it unable to absorb any defects that might affect the business dealings in the absence of a proposal under advisement.

    He asked Acting Director of the Bank for International Investment Basra Badi intellectual : «Is the international debt reduction for Iraq and the increase in liquidity resulting from the rise in oil prices, enough to take such a decision, such as»?

    He added, «What is important in this connection to take into account a study that may result from the decision of equality dinar dollar, the repercussions on the local commercial transactions, and how to avoid any disruption to transfers of traders and banks.

    Link: الموقع الرسمي لجريدة الأهالي العراقية - الاوساط المصرفية والتجارية تبدي اهتماما كبيرا بمقترح مساواة الدينار بالدولار
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  6. #37076
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    Default Article 2!

    Here is article 2.

    Is Bush only strengthening forces in Baghdad for violence? I doubt that, they could have done that before also.

    I firmly believe that he is going to announce a hell of a lot tommorow and especially economicly. I think Baghdad will also be secured more, because something is going to happen.

    In this article they are talking about the Marshall plan that must be adopted and they stand behind it! As we know this is the Iraq Compact.

    So this must be done and I think also announced tommorow by Bush!

    He is going to provide opportunities for the millions of unemployed. I think that is only possible with the doors open and a good kickstart of that economy = purchasing power = RV!

    Bush will announce his plan in a few days plan include strengthening the forces in Baghdad and to provide opportunities for the millions of unemployed

    The decision to declare American President George Bush early next year, ahead of his plan to achieve stability in Iraq, Most forecasts indicate that it contains a package of measures first to send thousands of additional troops to impose security in and around Baghdad, the second built a huge economic projects to provide job opportunities for millions of unemployed along the lines of the President Franklin Roosevelt of the United States in the Great Depression in the 1930s of the last century.

    The newspaper «» British Sunday Times and the New York Times »« American sources in the Pentagon, the assurances that the generals and senior military commanders field support the idea of reviving the Iraqi economy to provide jobs for young people as part of the plan for ending the rebellion, in addition to sending up to 30 thousand additional troops to reinforce the efforts to impose security in Iraq.

    The Sunday Times »« that the Bush plan to provide job opportunities for Iraqis, cost about ten billion dollars American military leaders believe that the Americans will be to no avail without military plans, because the problem in their view with regard to unemployment and the difficult economic conditions that drive young people to join the ranks of the gunmen.

    The newspaper said that the Speaker of the American House of former Newt Gingrich, a member of the advisory body provides advice and recommendations to the Pentagon, stands strongly behind the proposal to adopt a Marshall Plan for Iraq as part of the strategic plan will bring prosperity to the Iraqi people.

    Link: الموقع الرسمي لجريدة الأهالي العراقية - بوش سيعلن خطته خلال ايام الخطة تتضمن تعزيز القوات في بغداد وتوفير فرص لملايين العاطلين
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  7. #37077
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    Default Article 3!

    Here is article 3.

    We don't hear anything about the 10K handout and I personally think it won't come anymore.

    Could it be that they have made a study of which people do need aid after a 1:1 revalue and who don't!

    Then only the real poor people could get some money to start their lives again and the ones that have some money are also having a good start only without an aid.

    Read this article. They are starting to give aid to the poverty starting the 15th of January and it covers the months october/november/december.

    Wasn't october not the month when they promised the Holiday Eid!

    The distribution of the money will be carried out in post offices and they will help 2 million people in 2007!!

    Could a RV take place before or on the 15th when people are getting that money?

    Is that why Baghdad is secured all over the place and can it be that the lower denoms will be distributed??

    Subsidies network of social protection available mid-next month.

    Baghdad / on Albidhani
    The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs that it will distribute subsidies between social protection network covered in the January 15 next.

    A source in the ministry (the people) that the protection network will begin in mid-January next distribution of subsidies between the network covered by the protection of poor families and those with special needs and the unemployed, pointing out that the distribution would be for three months and the first months of October and November and December.

    He explained that the process of distribution will be held in postal offices and the Limits of 50 thousand and 120 thousand dinars, as one family member per month for the ministry did not report to the preparation of the subsidies covered by the above three months except to say that the ministry will include two million families during 2007.

    Link: الموقع الرسمي لجريدة الأهالي العراقية - إعانات شبكة الحماية الاجتماعية تصرف منتصف الشهر المقبل

    It's only an opinion, but everything is point that we must be close!
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  8. #37078
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    Default looking good

    to much pointing to Jan. 15 DEAD LINE ON THINGS!!


  9. #37079
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    Default The high demand for dollar auction Iraqi Central

    The high demand for dollar auction Iraqi Central
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    The demand for dollar in the auction the Central Bank of Iraq today, Tuesday, recording 14 million and 245 thousand dollars versus nine million dollars and 305 yesterday.

    He said in a statement the Central today that the purchase orders were distributed at five million and 95 thousand dollars in cash and nine million and 150 thousand dollars in the form of remittances outside the country, the Bank has full coverage at the 1318 dinars, down 2 dinars on the price yesterday.

    He pointed out that the 11 banks participating in the auction today made offers for the sale of three million and 55 thousand dollars bought in 1316 at the Central dinars.

    دولار- (اقتصاد) :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  10. #37080
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    Thumbs up Finance Minister emphasized the need to adopt transparency in the implementation of b

    Finance Minister emphasized the need to adopt transparency in the implementation of budget 2007
    (With the addition of the word, Minister of Finance)
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    The Iraqi Finance Minister Baqir Jabr strike before the Iraqi parliament today, Tuesday, on the need to adopt transparency in the implementation of the budget for Iraq in 2007.

    And the House of Representatives today resumed its regular legislative session in the second round after a quorum and the presence of the President of the Council, Dr. Mahmoud Almshahadani and a number of ministers. The meeting was devoted to the first reading of the draft law on the federal budget for 2007.

    His counterpart in a speech that "there is a paragraph investment within this year's budget provides for the adoption of the Iraqi dinar basis in the 2007 budget."

    The Iraq in the 2007 budget submitted by the government to parliament last month 41 billion dollars, an increase of $ 11 billion in the previous year's budget.

    He added that the fee counterpart exchange policy is the responsibility of the Central Bank for the first time dependent (Central) economic policy and the clear need for investment in Iraq.

    He did not mention the Finance Minister that the political features.
    The meetings of the Council had been postponed more than once in the past month because of the lack of quorum is half the number of members of the 275-member-plus-one, forcing the Council to hold consultative meetings.

    As the meetings had stopped in the past few days because of holiday Eid Al-Adha holiday and travel many members to perform the Hajj.

    البرلمان-جلسة (مقدمة أولى) :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

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