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  1. #37261
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    not everyone is privy to as fresh of information as rolclub is.

    speaking of which, can anyone in canada either confirm or deny that there is no dinar to be had in canada now??
    I have phoned most of the major banks and most say no, but some say 3-5 day delivery. Im scepticle about this, but Im done buying so not sure of validity.


  2. #37262
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    The completion of the procedures for candidates for missions

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-01-2007
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    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    A press statement / Press Release
    Wednesday 1-10-2007

    Minister of Higher Education, stresses the necessity of expediting the completion of procedures for candidates for scholarships
    The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, a. Dr. Abdul Dhiab Al-Ojaili the necessity of expediting the completion of procedures for candidates for scholarships to be able to attend school abroad in the shortest possible time.

    During his reception of a group of were associated with the missions and cultural relations yesterday, that nobody would be able to put spokes in the wheel of progress Iraq and the upswing, pointing out that the ministry has embarked on an ambitious program for development of the higher education and bridge the huge gap separating the developed world, through a series of steps redevelopment and rehabilitation, perhaps the most important openness to the world scientifically advanced technology and intensify activity missions, fellowships, research and training for major universities and institutions and centers of the world.

    He called on the missions to expedite the completion of the special effects candidates for the scholarships, and to provide all possible facilities to them including commissioning cultural attachs in helping the Iraqi embassies in obtaining admission to universities world sober, to enable candidates to enroll in school as soon as possible.

    So it was decided to invite candidates for missions to attend the expanded meeting at the headquarters of the ministry, next Sunday, January 14, 2007 (at the 11th), to deliberate on missions and related matters at all levels.

  3. #37263
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    The reconstruction project of plastic surgery hospital in Baghdad

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-01-2007
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    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    Press Release Press release /
    Wednesday 1-10-2007

    The Ministry of Housing and Construction to complete 75% of the reconstruction project of plastic surgery hospital in Baghdad

    The Ministry of Construction and Housing said that the percentage of achievement in the reconstruction project Hospital plastic surgery were 75% and The Information Office of the Ministry that the total cost of the project (1,787,707,798) billion dinars.

  4. #37264
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    Default Big increase in the demand for the dollar and halt the sale presentations

    Big increase in the demand for the dollar and halt the sale presentations
    Dargham of Muhammad Ali
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    Increased demand for dollar auction of the Central Bank of Iraq in its recording today, Wednesday, 43 million and 517 thousand dollars compared to 14 million and 245 thousand dollars yesterday at around 30 million dinars.

    The breakdown of orders at seven million and 95 thousand dollars in cash and 36 million and 210 thousand dollars in the form of remittances outside the country covered by the bank in full at the exchange rate in 1315 dinars low three points yesterday on the exchange rate of 1318 dinars.

    While he did not make any of the 12 banks (which is the largest number of banks participating in the auction this week) any offers to sell the dollar, as it had yesterday offered to sell three million and 55 thousand dollars.

    He said economic expert Abdul Razzaq as far in a statement to the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent that he expects the volume of sales to maintain a high level as long as the margin of decline in the rate of exchange between points and three.

    He said that this will create some sort of relative safety for the local market with the exception of weekly first serve as a pulse to the amount of the price decline subsequent meetings per week.

    الدولار- (إقتصاد) :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

    Is he saying that he is expecting that the CBI pulls dinars from the market as long as it is cheap???

    Can anybody explain this correct?
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  5. #37265
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    Waiting for real, concrete results
    ةBaghdad-Imad Principality

    Witness the Iraqi dinar improved markedly these days about the dollar's exchange rate, the Central Bank of Iraq to attribute the cause of the recent measures adopted by the task of raising the interest rate

    .In addition to the large amounts of foreign currencies in the market but a number of economists believe that these procedures were inadequate for the recovery of the purchasing power of the dinar is not accompanied by fiscal and monetary policies can achieve the required balance, it is expected expert at the Central Bank for improvement in the value of the Iraqi dinar with the decline in prices is gradually after two months from now.
    .(Morning) followed these variables through exploring the views of experts and exchange of money and inspect the market continuing to determine the extent of the impact of these procedures.
    We note that prices are still stable despite the recovery value of the dinar relatively. The reason that the traders publicly Basaarham old to make up for the losses which they may be exposed by it.
    .There was some question need to answer around what the of actual forces that stands behind the deteriorating situations, or force in the exchange rates the Iraqi dinar on the important factors including, that the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar determined practically in the exchange markets on the according to supply and demand factors Like the other goods and services, but that the demand for the foreign currencies longer a a derivative of the demand for foreign goods and services while the presentation of foreign currencies longer a reflection of a foreign request on the goods and services of Iraq, and considered experts economy reluctance of (monetary policy) on the address the great imbalances particularly in the market monetary and represented local currency liquidity and the increasing menaced and rising inflation rates in an accelerated manner revert undoubtedly a huge impact within the marketplace.
    .These conditions in addition to the Iraqi economy for several strong shocks led to the structural imbalances in the structure of the Iraqi economy emerged as the negative results in the instability of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar and exposure to situations of weakness and deterioration, where it has become difficult to deal with the issues on the horizon, it must be a financial and monetary policy and clear-cut was aimed at stabilizing the country's economic situation

  6. #37266
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    Default The phenomenon of child labor reflects the widespread unemployment and poverty in Ira

    Read this article!

    I hope for those people that they soon can go to a normal job and support their family.

    Let them please RV for these pover people and kids!

    The phenomenon of child labor reflects the widespread unemployment and poverty in Iraq
    By Aliraqnews In the 10 / 01 / 2007 8:27:53 ( 48 readers )

    Iraqi children are exposed to hunger, sexual exploitation, drug
    EARN Prince Khalid of ten years, their daily bread and Hoham on hand in the streets of Baghdad through the sale of sweets at traffic lights, where violence has become an integral part of daily life. Amir says : "Sometimes renal Auigelkon window at the hands of their cars," and scar Hoecher to lie on the page and point where the driver had a pocket knife on the face.

    He added Amir, "People are not interested in us and where we came from." As for the Hushan Prince and his sister Salwa of eight years, filled the streets of Baghdad, hundreds of young children who are struggling in a fierce struggle to extract a living.

    If workers in the area of health services assert that most of these children suffer from malnutrition on a regular basis, the officials of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs say that the Iraqi children who are in such a prince and his sister Salwa usually subjected to sexual exploitation.

    The official in the ministry : "girls are more vulnerable to sexual exploitation, representing 70% of the cases of sexual exploitation, while boys representing 30% of the registered cases, the victims under the age of 16 years."

    But experts on economic affairs contend that widespread unemployment in Iraq, one of the most important manifestations of the imbalances suffered by the Iraqi economy, have many repercussions on the society and lead to the emergence of the phenomena of unhealthy and more difficult to deal with existing problems.

    Says Dr.. Muzaffar Hosni expert at the Ministry of Human Rights (file Press), that the task of phenomena resulting from the current situation in Iraq is the emergence of the phenomenon of child labor, which is pressing problem of the social and economic aspects, as well as direct relation to human rights.

    And Dr. Muzaffar Hosni on that when trying to determine the magnitude of this phenomenon appeared to be no government statistics, and that the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs does not issue any statements on working children, it is only possible to estimate the magnitude of this phenomenon through Viewing direct to children who crowded their streets, markets and workshops, in addition to the children working in agriculture at the rural areas, where even in urban centers, children work in heterogeneous and distributed their activities between trade, services and manufacturing, building and construction.
    In many cases, children with hazardous work, fuller circumstances can be considered dangerous because of their age and vulnerability of their intellectual and physical.

    And Dr. Muzaffar Hosni on the factors that stand behind this phenomenon, pointing out that the main causes lie in poverty and wars experienced by Iraq and the siege imposed on it for a decade and a half and migration from the countryside to the city and the inability of the family to carry out its duties, which encourages children to work to bridge some family needs urgent, in the view of some families that the entry of children into the labor market in the early help the child in self-reliance and develop the capacity to take responsibility, to make decisions, as they reduce the practice of begging and criminal activities on the other.

    One of the main outcomes of this phenomenon is increasing levels of ignorance, illiteracy and widespread poverty in the community and exposed these children to the violation of rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (joined by Iraq in March 1994) on the basis of protected from economic exploitation and acts that could harm Benmoalotfl Autether on education, with Tdi'whth Convention Governments of the States to take legislative measures to ensure the protection of children from all phenomena unwanted, which means that the absence of measures to prevent child labor unequivocally reflects prevent the government from its responsibility towards society and the lives of Rights.

    And called Dr. Mudhafar Hosni on to the need to awareness of the dangers this phenomenon and work on the activation of the right to social welfare to the families of working children, and to provide a database and information to assist in the design policies to confront this phenomenon, as well as on improving the standard of health services in order to guarantee the rights of these children to health, and the activation of the role of trade unions in addressing this phenomenon (since the role of these unions is still negatively Against this problem on the basis of that their laws require that those who they serve and have the benefits of the social security must be the older than 18 years, thereby increasing the wasting rights of working children), in addition to the need for the government to develop Strategies for the development of education institutions so as to be appropriate to curb of this dangerous phenomenon.

    شبكة أخبار العراق - الأخبار
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  7. #37267
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    Iraq's economic strides

    Did you know that Iraqi real-estate prices have gone up several hundred percent since the fall of Saddam Hussein? That Iraqi workers' salaries have increased more than 100 percent in that time?
    That the number of cars in violence-torn Baghdad has grown by 500 percent in the same period?
    That the Iraqi construction, retail and wholesale trade sectors are all growing at a healthy pace?
    Chances are that you are astonished by these facts. I certainly was when I read them in an article by Silvia Spring in the end-of-the-year edition of Newsweek International.

    The piece is titled "Iraq's Economy is Booming" and it's a revelation. It goes on to mention that the number of registered businesses has increased from 8,000 to 34,000 in three years; that the number of cell phone subscribers has increased from 1.4 million to 7.1 million; that the stores are stocked with goods, and that consumers are buying them; that taxes have been cut, government revenues are up and that oil revenues and foreign grants are estimated at $41 billion for the year just ended.

    Moreover, "Iraq's official economic institutions are making progress," the Kurdish region in the north is booming and with the oil fields in the south increasingly secure, oil production revenues are projected to grow substantially. The Global Insight firm,which tracks international economic activity, estimates Iraq's GDP growth at 17 percent for 2005 and projected 13 percent for 2006. The World Bank's estimate is lower (four percent for 2006), but the fact that there is any economic growth at all in Iraq will come as a shock to most people.

    The article does not gloss over the country's many problems-- the raging sectarian violence foremost among them. Unemployment is estimated at a minimum of 30 percent, but even here there is a silver lining as foreign investment from neighboring countries is pouring into Iraq because of cheap labor. The author notes that "there is a vibrancy at the grassroots that is invisible in most international coverage of Iraq."

    You can say that again.

    It is understandable (if deplorable) that the "mainstream" media (with the honorable exception of Newsweek International) would be unaware of these facts or uninterested in publicizing them.

    But what about the Bush administration? Why has the Bush team not put on a full-court press to inform the public about these signs of progress in Iraq?

    The American people are, understandably, demoralized by three and a half years of largely negative media coverage of Iraq. Most do not want a pullout from Iraq, however; they want victory.

    But a daily digest of media coverage focused on American casualties and sectarian carnage in Baghdad is gradually leading the public to conclude that there is no hope of success in Iraq. The economic news coming out of Iraq does give real cause for hope, however.

    It is a matter of the greatest urgency that President Bush -- and his administration -- inform the American people about Iraq's economic strides. The president's upcoming policy address on Iraq is the logical place to begin.

    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  8. #37268
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    Quote Originally Posted by lndmn_01 View Post
    Link to currency page still works... Bank Notes So, the question is, if the currency page is still there why no more link....
    Yes I get the feeling they might be about to update with smaler denoms.

    We all know what that meens:-)

  9. #37269
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    The International Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq has published its latest Iraq Economic Data Sheet.

    The sheet was prepared and funded by the World Bank's administrative budget.

    The December 2006 report includes information on human development, exchange rates, millennium goals and indicators, income levels, oil production, interest rates and other areas.


    link for report, full of graphs and info
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  10. #37270
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    Default Some pretty good numbers today, Wed 1/10/07

    Number of banks 12 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1315 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ ----- -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 43.715.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) -----
    Total offers for buying (US $) 43.715.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) ----- -----

    Goooooooooooooooood Morning RolClub

    3 point change today.

    1. A 3 point change in the dinar today. Was 1318, now 1315

    2. A $43,715,000 (net) worth of dinars, (IQD - 57,485,225,000) out of circulation

    3. 12 banks participating.

    4. 58th auction since the beginning of CBI's reval plan

    5. 102 days into the CBI's reval plan.

    6. 2,961,370,647,000 dinars pulled from circulation !!

    7. 0 Dinars back into circulation today !!

    8. 162 dinar change since Nov 1st (baseline was 1477) 10.968% increase in value of the dinar since beginning of reval plan.

    9. 10 point reduction in the rate so far this week. Was at 1325 at the end of last week, 1315 this week.

    10. 10 point drop so far in the month of Jan. Ended at 1325 in Dec, now stands at 1315

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