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  1. #3741
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    A U.S. soldier holds up a photograph claiming to show recently discovered weapons caches found in... Military Claims Gains on Iraqi Terrorists
    Thursday, June 29, 2006 5:51 PM EDT
    The Associated Press

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    BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) — The U.S. military claimed an advantage in the fight against al-Qaida in Iraq on Thursday, saying raids since the death of its leader have forced many of its foreign fighters out into the open to be captured or killed.

    Iraq's bloodshed continued. At least 46 deaths from violence were reported across the country, including nine bullet-riddled bodies pulled from rivers — apparent victims of sectarian death squads.

    Maj. Gen. William Caldwell, spokesman for U.S. forces in Iraq, acknowledged Iraqi civilians were suffering most from the insurgency, accounting for 70 percent of all deaths and injuries, while the number of U.S. casualties did not appear to be on the rise.

    But he said the Americans gained momentum in their fight against al-Qaida in Iraq after killing Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and have devoted a lot of resources to targeting his successor as leader, Abu Ayyub al-Masri.

    "There is no question, if we can take him down, that will just disrupt the organization ... to the point where it would be ineffective for a long period of time," Caldwell said. "It is very disorganized right now. And it is very disrupted right now."

    He said coalition and Iraqi security forces had captured or killed 57 foreign fighters this month.

    "The reason we were able to pick up and track some of these mid-level people ... in the last few weeks is because they've been forced to conduct meetings, to get out and be more visible, because their system has been so disrupted," he said. "And that has given us the opportunities to find them, track them and go get them."

    On Wednesday, Iraqi authorities said they had captured an al-Qaida suspect from Tunisia who allegedly bombed a Shiite shrine earlier this year, setting off a spasm of violence between Sunnis and Shiites.

    Caldwell said Yousri Fakher Mohammed Ali, also known as Abu Qudama, was captured May 20 after he was seriously wounded in a clash with security forces north of Baghdad. Haitham Sabah Shaker Mohammed al-Badri, the alleged Iraqi mastermind of the Feb. 22 attack on the shrine in Samarra, remains at large.

    A Web statement in the name of Iraqi insurgents on Thursday denied Iraqi National Security Adviser Mouwafak al-Rubaie's claim that al-Qaida in Iraq was responsible for the bombing.

    The Mujahedeen Shura Council, an umbrella organization for Iraqi insurgents that includes al-Qaida in Iraq, said al-Rubaie "lied in claiming that those arrested belonged to the al-Qaida in Iraq organization." It was not possible to verify the authenticity of the statement.

    While cracking down on terror groups, the Iraqi government has offered an olive branch to the Sunni-dominated insurgency, with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki announcing a national reconciliation plan and reaching out to militants with an amnesty proposal.

    The amnesty would not absolve those who have killed Iraqis or American coalition troops. But proving which individuals have carried out fatal attacks would be a difficult task in many cases. The issue is extremely sensitive in the United States, which has lost more than 2,500 uniformed men and women in Iraq, many to insurgent bombs and ambushes.

    Insurgent and government officials told The Associated Press on Wednesday that 11 Sunni militant groups had offered an immediate halt to all attacks — including those on American troops — if the United States agreed to withdraw foreign forces from Iraq in two years.

    On Thursday, Iraqi presidential security adviser Wafiq al-Samaraie said he received an e-mail Wednesday with an offer of cooperation from a person describing himself as a member of "one of the most dangerous violent groups abroad."

    "We answered him immediately by e-mail and welcomed him, and he replied to us that there are ammunition piles at point X, go and find it, and there is a criminal in such a place ... so this is a blessing of the reconciliation initiative," al-Samaraie told state-run al-Iraqiya TV.

    He did not discuss whether the information was accurate.

    Shooting and bombings Thursday killed 12 people in Baghdad, including a Shiite trash collector, a university security chief, a baker, two merchants and an electrical worker.

    In the northern city of Kirkuk, a suicide car bomber struck the funeral of a Shiite soldier in the northern city of Kirkuk, killing four people and wounding 27, police and hospital officials said.

    Police in Kirkuk also found the body of a 15-year-old girl who had been kidnapped five days ago in the oil-rich city.

    Seven bullet-riddled bodies were found floating in the Tigris River in Suwayrah, 25 miles south of Baghdad, while two men who had been shot to death and showed signs of torture were found in the Euphrates River in Musayyib, 40 miles south of the capital.

    Highlighting the government's efforts to rein in the violence and take over control of its own security from U.S. forces, Interior Minister Jawad al-Bolani led a celebration at the police academy in Baghdad to swear in 560 newly graduated recruits.

    He said al-Maliki's reconciliation plan "is evidence of the government's intention to restore stability and promote reconstruction."

  2. #3742
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    Cool Iraqi Investment Club

    Quote Originally Posted by clueless
    Please accept my apology. I don't know how I managed to get it in my head that the post that I was talking about was yours. It was not.

    No need for that cause. EW has taken the lead and made a thread for Negative Post. Probably Good I never have Banned anyone and it was driving me crazy as well. Thanks EW I still have a clean record.

    Now where are all the Women and the Guns of the Dinar Club.

  3. #3743
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    Default "Remarkable" decline within multinational forces losses in Iraq - US

    "Remarkable" decline within multinational forces losses in Iraq - US

    BAGHDAD, June 29 (KUNA) -- The US-led multinational forces in Iraq have observed a remarkable decline in its losses and that 74 percent of terrorist attacks have its focus on innocent civilians, said on Thursday the spokesman of the forces, Maj.Gen. Willian B. Caldwell IV. Addressing a news conference, Caldwell said at least 60 to 70 foreign terrorists are killed in Iraq every month. He noted that 57 foreign fighters were killed at the hands of American and Iraqi forces since early June.

    At least 587 terrorist suspects have been detained in the week ending June 28, the spokesman said, expressing believe that most of the foreign fighters who are taking part in armed operations in Iraq were of Egyptian nationality. "Most of the foreign fighters taking part in attacks in Iraq are Egyptians, followed by Syrians, Sudanese and Saudis", he said.

    He said the objective of the multinational forces is to arrest the number one suspected terrorist "Abo Ayoub al Masri", who took over control of al Qaeda in Iraq after the killing of Abu Musaab al Zarqawi earlier this month.

    On the mission of the border guard force, Caldwell said the force was operating well in suspending terrorist infiltrations into Iraq. (end)

  4. #3744
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    Cool Iraqi Investment Club

    June 29, 2006
    Demand up for dollars in Iraqi central bank auction

    By Dergham Mohammed Ali

    Baghdad, June 29, (VOI) – Demand for U.S. dollars rose on Thursday as more banks took part in the daily auction of Iraq’s Central Bank.
    Eighteen banks, the highest number in two weeks, bid for a total of $43.690 million, up from $35.980 million on Wednesday, the central bank said in a statement.
    The bank covered all bids, including $35.955 million in cash and the rest in transfers abroad, it said.
    The dinar’s exchange rate was 1,476.262-1,477.000 to the dollar. No banks offered to sell dollars.

    Quoted rates for major currencies were as follows:
    Euro 1,850.051-1,850.976
    Sterling pound 2,680.743-2,682.084

  5. #3745
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno
    I took this from pipshurricane's post. I also Bolded it above, hope that is cool ph. Anyways, as we all have been reading this artical and that one. Look at this. It is all said right here in one part of ph's post. Great Find ph. This talks about the three 0's (0.00068 to 0.68) the equevalent to the American Dollar (1:1) the future value (3.33:1) in four years which is 2010. All this right here rolled up in one paragraph. Read!! Read!! Read!!.


    Question. Dont mean to sound stupid. But I dont know what IMF means. Is it Iraqi Ministry of Finance?
    IMF stands for International Monetary Fund.

  6. #3746
    Senior Investor flockstar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno
    June 29, 2006
    Demand up for dollars in Iraqi central bank auction

    By Dergham Mohammed Ali

    Baghdad, June 29, (VOI) – Demand for U.S. dollars rose on Thursday as more banks took part in the daily auction of Iraq’s Central Bank.
    Eighteen banks, the highest number in two weeks, bid for a total of $43.690 million, up from $35.980 million on Wednesday, the central bank said in a statement.
    The bank covered all bids, including $35.955 million in cash and the rest in transfers abroad, it said.
    The dinar’s exchange rate was 1,476.262-1,477.000 to the dollar. No banks offered to sell dollars.

    Quoted rates for major currencies were as follows:
    Euro 1,850.051-1,850.976
    Sterling pound 2,680.743-2,682.084
    The FlockStar

  7. #3747
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    flockstar, basically means not yet.

  8. #3748
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodney ewalt
    IMF stands for International Monetary Fund.
    Never mind, sorry. I've been behind.

  9. #3749
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno
    flockstar, basically means not yet.

    ...But closer!

  10. #3750
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    I just saw this on another forum. Looks interesting.
    ive rang an exchange compnay in edinburugh and the guy there agrees that lifting of 3 zeros means to move the decimal point 3 places so 1476 would then be $1.476 this guy has been trading currency for years and they also sell the dinar , if it going to be 1.476 then illl take you guys round the world looking for me
    the time is now
    he who dares rodders wins

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