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  1. #4581
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    Cool Iic

    United States Helping Rebuild Iraq Despite Terrorists' Efforts

    U.S. general provides progress update on restoring key Iraqi infrastructure

    By David McKeeby
    Washington File Staff Writer

    Washington – Coalition forces are working closely with Iraqi authorities to rebuild the country’s schools, energy infrastructure and water and sanitation systems.

    Before Saddam Hussein came to power in Iraq, the nation “was the second-most prosperous country in this region. But during his tyrannical regime, the nation fell to one of the poorest in the region,” said U.S. Army Major General William McCoy at a July 10 press briefing in Baghdad, Iraq.

    McCoy, commander the Gulf Regional Division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which has played a major role in efforts led by the U.S. State Department to revitalize Iraq, attributed the sharp decline in living standards to the lack of attention given to proper maintenance and operations standards for Iraq’s key facilities.

    The extent of this neglect and its effect on the Iraqi people was not appreciated fully by the international community until the dictator was ousted. The World Bank estimated in 2002 that reconstruction of Iraqi infrastructure would cost approximately $60 billion, but McCoy said the a more accurate long-term estimate – following 30 years of minimal upgrades and deterioration -- is closer to between $80 billion and $100 billion.

    Increasingly, he said, the world is recognizing “what a devastating effect Saddam Hussein had on the lives of the people here.”

    To date, the United States has provided more than $21 billion toward Iraq’s reconstruction, said McCoy. More than 2,700 projects already have been completed and an additional 3,400 are under way.

    The key to success is sustained investment to repair Iraq’s long-neglected infrastructure, McCoy said. The U.S. military is working ever more closely at national and local levels “to ensure that the people of Iraq have what they need,” he added.


    “Everything imaginable has been undertaken in every sector,” said McCoy, including the construction of new power plants and transmission systems, water treatment and sewage systems, schools, police and fire stations and medical clinics.

    Specifically, McCoy reported that coalition forces have:

    Completed refurbishment of many of the 3,000 schools across the country slated for repair by the United States;

    • Installed the Advanced First Responder Network, a high-tech data and voice communications system linking police, fire and emergency services across 14 provinces;

    • Initiated a series of major capital projects to build new water purification and distribution systems, including a plant scheduled to open in Erbil in August that will provide drinking water for 300,000 area residents; and

    • Worked with the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity to complete 150 separate projects to improve consumer power deliveries.


    Equally important to Iraq’s future, the Army Corps of Engineers has helped upgrade oil production and transportation networks to facilitate long-term economic prosperity for the new Iraq, McCoy said

    As a result of a $1.7 billion U.S. investment, Iraq now is producing 2.5 million barrels of oil per day and is on track to increase production to 3 million barrels per day by the end of the year, he reported. In addition, the Corps is helping the Iraqis rehabilitate 20 neglected gas oil separation plants, which will be able to capture an additional 3,000 tons per day of natural gas that currently is being lost in the production process.

    In addition, the United States recently completed a two-year project to build a new underground pipeline for Iraq’s North Oil Company. The pipeline runs beneath the Tigris River and allows oil to flow north for easy export from Kirkuk, Iraq, or southward for refining.

    McCoy said that the country’s three successful elections send a message that “Iraq is moving towards its own form of democracy and self-reliance.” With security improving as the government’s institutions mature, he said “The facilities that we are building with the Iraqis today are but the beginning of the great future this country has.”


    In a July 6 report to Congress, the State Department said refurbishing long-neglected systems and building new ones will provide the new government a firm base for future economic growth.

    The report states that 2,000 megawatts of electricity now are flowing through Iraq’s electrical grid, 3.7 million Iraqis now enjoy better access to clean water and 5.1 million Iraqis have access to upgraded sewer systems. The report also states that all large-scale infrastructure projects are scheduled for completion by the end of 2006.

    “It has cost the United States billions [of dollars], and it will cost Iraq tens of billions before it is over. But it is yielding tangible results every day, and every day, as projects are completed, the lives of individual Iraqis are slowly improving,” McCoy said.

    A transcript of McCoy’s briefing is available on the Multi-National Force – Iraq Web site.

    The full text of the State Department’s report to Congress is available on the department’s Web site.

    For more information, see Iraq Update.

    (The Washington File is a product of the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site:

    United States Helping Rebuild Iraq Despite Terrorists' Efforts - Source

    Iraqi Dinar News Article List

  2. #4582
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    No lop guys, put this out there couple of weeks ago, read it again for the faint hearted!

    The Zero lopping argument
    From IraqiWiki

    Baghdad - Assistant general manager of external exchande in the Iraqi central bank Abd AlSami Alani announced the automatic continuation of the central auction and in daily form and that its balance of the foreign currencies in continuous increase, in spite of rise size of dollar sales through the auction.

    In a special meeting with ( Al Sharq Al Awsat ) he added that there is a new directions accomplishes in charging the active branches of the central bank in the northern and the southern areas, to process the auction operations within the defined mechanism, with the preservation on stability of exchange rate in Iraq, especially that the operation of selling in the auction have achieved the purpose, which is the stability of exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi Dinar, which is considered the main goal for managing monetary policies by the bank. He added that it is not necessary that the bank continue selling, because it assumes that the auction can be practiced by the under supervision of the central bank, by considering it as one of its instruments, through which its monetary policies executed by its intervention in the sale and purchase and in the occurrence of any shake that can effect the exchange rate. About formative reasons of continuation in the monetary inflation, from which Iraqi economy suffers, Al Ani clarified that the real problem which stands behind that is the stop in the operations that contribute to withdrawal of the monetary block or that it is weak in the time being. Part of it is the fees, taxes, customs, and returns from the services and other resources, It is possible to activate this operations after releasing the constitution of the country on its basis the laws and the instruction will be built. As for time being ,there is only one mechanism to contribute in a big withdrawal of the monetary and have an impact on the inflation averages towards the drop ,that is the auction mechanism of selling of the currencies. While in regard to how the needs of the ministries secured, he cleared the the government offices needs of the dollar will be fulfilled through ministry of finance , were it should allocate a share for each ministry from the Dinar and the dollar within the general budget each year, therefore the central bank ordered all banks to not entering the auction operations with the aim of purchasing for the offices, that is not to aid the inflation of the sales. About entering other currencies beside the dollar for auction assistant manager of the exchange clarified, that the central bank avoids in the time being introducing other currencies for auction (in exclusion of the dollar), for the unavailability of the balance from those currencies, the dollar is chosen to be considered as the currency of the measure for price-setting, for all foreign currencies, just as that the future of the Dinar in the external dealings is still limited, and it is now considered as an intermediary currencies as for Kuwaiti Dinar ,Jordanian Dinar and the Emarati Dirham, and likewise eastern currencies, like Russian and Romanian. The bank in the time being is working on the measures taken to make the Dinar as a convertible currency in the future. Naseer Ali Al Sharq Al Awsat


    Ask The White House (addressing zeros)

    Hugh Tant III

    "It is terrific to be with you. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to address your questions this evening. I am talking to you from the ICE (Iraqi Currency Exchange) project room in one of Saddam's palaces. We like to call it the ICE box. Around the walls are various colorful pictures of the old currency (featuring Saddam) and the new currency (without Saddam). In addition to the currency posters around the room, there are various maps and charts that help us map the delivery of the Iraqi currency throughout the country."

    JoJo, from Farmington, New Mexico writes:

    "How Much is the New Currency Worth in American Dollars?"

    Hugh Tant III

    "The new Iraqi currency's rate is currently stands at 1,955 Dinar to one US dollar. A 10,000 Dinar note is worth approximately $5 US. To give you an idea of what 10,000 Dinar can buy, here are a few examples. Iraqis can buy a pair of child's shoes for 10,000 Dinar, 2 pounds of bananas for $.75 (1500 Dinar), a can of Coca Cola from the market costs $.25 (500 Dinar) and the Iraqi equivalent of a sandwich lunch (pita bread with meat and salad) for about $0.63 (1250 Dinar)."

    Andrew, from Roseville, California writes:

    Who designed the new Iraqi currency and why was it designed that way? Where is it printed? In the USA or in Iraq? Thanks

    Hugh Tant III

    "The Central Bank of Iraq decided on what the new currency would look like. De La Rue based in England was the company chosen to print the new Dinar.

    This company printed the Dinar used by Iraq prior to the Saddam Dinar and actually still had some of the old printing plates which were updated for the new money.

    De La Rue used 5 factories around the world to print the new Dinar - in England, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Malta and Germany. The Spanish Government generously donated resources too - printing the 250 Dinar denomination notes at its print works in Spain." (*note to those who been going on about Spain )

    Dave, from Roseville, CA writes:

    "Will the Iraqi people eventually take over control of their money supply? Also, what is the collateral for their currency?"

    Hugh Tant III

    "The Iraqi people already have control of their money supply. Their collateral, like in the US, is based on foreign exchange, precious metals (like gold) and Treasury bills."

    Raul, from Boston, MA writes:

    "Mr. Tant, How does your office determine the correct rate of exchange for the new Iraqi currency, that for all intents and purposes, is virtually worthless in the world's markets?"

    Hugh Tant III

    "The Central Bank of Iraq conducts a 'foreign exchange auction' process about 3 times per week to help ensure the new currency is stable. This process helps determine the exchange rate.

    At the moment, due to Iraqi exchange controls, the currency is not exchanged outside Iraq. This is likely to change in the future as Iraq continues to be welcomed back into the international financial community.

    As oil exports increase and more funds are invested in Iraqi goods and services from outside the country, it is expected that the new Iraqi Dinar will appreciate in value over the long-term."

    Given this article, I would have to say that Washinton DOES NOT intend to "revaluate" the Iraqi Dinar.... Rather, let the existing New Iraqi Dinar "appreciate" in value.

    An appreciation of .30 is not unheard of seeing as how the Iraqi Dinar went from 4000 to 1500 to the dollar. The fact that the dinar has been choked at 1460 the past 2 years inspite of all the money invested and steps the country has taken foward warrents appreciation.

    Just something to consider...


    I hardly think this currency was printed to ever lop off any does not seem to be the way our President does things either..It appears when he sets a goal for something.....that is what he wants. I don't think, lopping off zeros this far into the development of Iraq, would be an option he would have wanted to agree to. Remember: What happens for Iraq, also happens for the USA.. (my personal thought)..

    and after re-reading this: They put in alot of thought as well, to what the currency future was aimed at becoming...internationally.. ml

    USA : Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs remarks on one-year anniversary of Iraq Currency Exchange Wednesday, October 27th 2004

    John B. Taylor, Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs, recently commented on the one-year anniversary of the Iraq Currency Exchange.

    Taylor, on October 22, stated:

    "One year ago this week the Iraqi people, working with the United States and our coalition partners, embarked on a difficult economic mission: to replace completely Iraq's deteriorating and easily counterfeited currency and to restore economic and financial stability to their ravaged economy.

    Now, one year later, a new currency is circulating throughout Iraq and the Iraqi currency exchange is hailed as a success. The exchange rate is steady, price stability has been restored, and economic growth this year is 50 percent, one of the highest rates in the world.

    Demand for the new currency has been so strong that the Iraqi government has earned an amazing $5 billion in seignorage during the past year just supplying it.

    The successful introduction of a new currency--one of the crucial first steps in the stabilization of Iraq's economy--did not occur by accident. It was the outcome of extensive and careful advance planning and close international cooperation begun in 2002 and culminating in the final approval by President Bush in the spring of 2003. I remember putting the plan forward in the White House situation room with the President asking tough questions of all of us--Treasury, Defense and State--about the economic significance, market acceptance, security, and logistics. Only after all his questions were fully answered did he give the go ahead.

    Then the plans were put into operation with the Iraqis and the Coalition Provisional Authority working together. To make this all happen, twenty-seven 747 planeloads of the new currency were printed in record time at seven different locations around the world. The currency was then flown into Baghdad, and distributed to over 250 distribution points all over the country.

    A retired U.S. general, who had been running a bank in the United States, volunteered to oversee logistical operations. He sent situation reports from Baghdad to Washington and other coalition capitals everyday. Each report concluded with his motto "Teamwork That Works!" And it did work."

    That team work had a vision and they have been determined, to see it reach it's highest potential..(my note).

    President Bush, appears to be a man that sets a vision and does not stop until the "Mission is Accomplished".....It is how he handles things.

    Tinydancer : 07-05-2005

    Afghani currency

    Torek Faradi in an interview with MARGARET WARNER of PBS dated Jan 14th 2003explained the inception of the New Afghan currency.

    Here are a few excripts...

    New currency helps eliminate confusion

    MARGARET WARNER: "For more on how Afghanistan pulled off this money exchange and what the new currency will mean for the country, I'm joined by Torek Faradi, a senior advisor to the governor of Afghanistan's central bank. Born in Afghanistan and educated in France, Faradi came to the United States in 1990. He's been a vice president at a number of U.S. Banks, including Wells Fargo Bank and Bank of the West. And welcome, Mr. Faradi."

    TOREK FARADI: Thank you. Good evening.

    MARGARET WARNER: "Good evening. When you think about all the things that this new government had to do, why was replacing the old currency so high on the list?"

    TOREK FARADI: "It was high on the list because there were at least four types of currency in circulation in Afghanistan, and as a result of the civil war, the regional leaders had issued their own currencies, and they didn't know how much they had issued. And for the new government to conduct economic policy, this was a very difficult situation. Also for the people it was a confusing situation. The currency kept losing its value. Twenty-five years ago, 35 Afghanis were equivalent to a dollar, and recently, 50,000 Afghanis and sometimes 65,000 Afghanis were equivalent to a dollar. So the currency had lost its value. We needed something credible that the Afghans could use as means of transaction."

    MARGARET WARNER: "So in other words, if people wanted to go out and buy something, they had to take an awful lot of money with them."

    TOREK FARADI: "Yes, exactly. To go out and buy something or to pay your rent-- because there are no checks and credit cards in Afghanistan; everything is cash-based-- you needed to transport sacks of money with you. And people had abandoned the currency for large purchases to the benefit of foreign currencies, actually, because of ease of transaction."

    (*Sounding Familiar So Far?)

    (*Further down the article)

    TOREK FARADI: "The new money has three zeros less, so it's... with a few bills, you can make your purchases, and people are happy with that."

    The point being made here is simply that upone release of the New Afghani Currency, the Central Bank shaved off the zeros.

    In Iraqs case the currency has already been released. They can adjust prices in Iraq internaly as stated in this article in Al Sabah...

    Baghdad, June27. p3

    Poor people

    By: Muhammed Abdul Jabbar

    Reader Mousa Eisa was too upset of my article 'Electricity privatization' and I do not blame him. He understood that it was a call to eradicate all poor people in Iraq so as to make them sell their honor and then he misunderstood that I told electricity companies should impose taxes on poor people and that is not right because the state should impose them on companies and not the poor. He finally called me to retreat my proposal saying "if you are honest enough, you should that apologize on what you have written and hand over the issue to the specialists".It was impolite reply but I shan't block the way of discussion.Let's reorder the problem again: the country is suffering lack of power crisis, while means of operating are not available as we are in need of new means since we want electricity and there is no difference between purchasing power from the state under installments or from private companies under government and limits observation whereby we have ability to adjust prices.....

    The link is now dead since they have updated thier site with no archives. However it is archived on our beloved forum here...

    [Internally Iraq can do anything. What does that mean externally?

    It means a .30 can give Iraq purchasing power to aquire things in the outside world such as goods for farmers ect. which we see in this article here..

    Land of Tycoons

    June 19, 2005

    June 27 issue - Amman is booming. Property prices in Jordan's capital city are soaring, new luxury cars fill the streets, hotels are booked solid and the stock market is surging. Welcome to Iraq's private sector.

    (*further down the article)

    Al-Bunnia & Sons uses warehouses in Amman to stockpile farm supplies and spare parts safe from the threat of sabotage or theft in Iraq. The group often flies in engineers and managers from Baghdad for training, most recently with representatives from New Holland, a subsidiary of the Amsterdam-registered agribusiness conglomerate CNH Global N.V. While in Jordan, Al-Bunnia lobbies international donors based there. Farming and animal husbandry employ more people than any other industry in Iraq, he argues, and should be cultivated as a way to reduce joblessness and drain sympathy for the insurgents. He also urges a dramatic appreciation of the Iraqi dinar to help farmers pay for imported goods. "The Iraqi economy is made up of two parts," Al-Bunnia says. "There's the oil economy and the people economy. The government has to start lending to farmers. Why spend $100 billion on security when you can make a huge difference investing $1 billion into the economy?"

    Ahhh.... theres that word again... "appreciation"

    Another Example Of Lopping Zeros- Russia

    the year- 1998

    russia had denominations of 5k,10k, 50k,100k, and 500k replaced with 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 hyperinflation was running at 200-400%

    Iraq roughly 20% inflation Largest note 25k - last sentence

    "Revaluing Russia's currency seen as sign of economic confidence."

    IRAQ A new currency was launched shortly after the fall of the former regime.

    While Iraqis had no trust in the former currency, confidence is growing in the new dinar which is currently changing hands at about 1,400 for one U.S. dollar.

    “The adoption of new monetary policies by the Central Bank … has led to higher confidence locally, regionally and internationally in the new currency,” said Khazraji.

    Imad Ali, professor of fiscal economics at Baghdad University, said many Iraqis were even turning to have their savings in the new dinar instead of foreign currencies.

    “The issuing of the new currency has been very important for the Iraqi economy … it has offered Iraqis their first chance in nearly two decades to have their savings in the dinar rather than other hard currencies,” he said.

    Ali also praised Central Bank policies and its attempts to stabilize the currency

    look at the other countries that lopped zeros- those denominations were replaced with same size notes and same markings just different value

    iraq has 25 and 100 dinar coins 50, 250, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, & 25000 notes

    lopping zeros would give you some denominations THAT ALREADY EXIST

    Lopping off zeros could never be an option for the iraqis as they need a sustainable currency to gain relevance in the world market for goods and services.

    A tell-tale sign of this certainly not happening would be the volume of notes printed thus far. THese are smart folk with a well thought-out plans. To cut zeros off after producing tons of notes not only would be insanity defined but destroy what they want to achieve, wealth for the country.

    I suspect the only time this talk will be relevant is in about 5 years when they join the fray in the GCC, possibly taking lead in this avenue.

    AS they begin the process of online banking and debit/credit card use, you will see the CBI start to pull back the larger notes.

    I also suspect that the revaluation after this first one will see the production and supply of the smaller denoms people are curious about. This shouldn't be surprising at all.

    re:turkey take a few minutes to understand the reasoning scroll down to page 20

    I would suggest you look at the rest of this article....

    You will see that...

    "While in Jordan, Al-Bunnia lobbies international donors based there. Farming and animal husbandry employ more people than any other industry in Iraq, he argues, and should be cultivated as a way to reduce joblessness and drain sympathy for the insurgents."

    With the continuation of this statement...

    "He also urges a dramatic appreciation of the Iraqi dinar to help farmers pay for imported goods. "The Iraqi economy is made up of two parts," Al-Bunnia says. "There's the oil economy and the people economy. The government has to start lending to farmers. Why spend $100 billion on security when you can make a huge difference investing $1 billion into the economy?"

    It so happens the World Bank is in Amman, himself and others lobby the World Bank and Washington hears them loud and clear.

    Why do you suspect coincidently the U.S. and Iraqi Forces have stepped up their offense in reguards to all the "operations" currently being carried out.

    The country has been under Marshall Law for over a year and never has the pressure to quell the insurgency been so high.

    If the dinar were to appreciate to .20 or better, that would fuel the insurgency when it came to funding. The boarders are pretty well taken care of now they are working from the inside out to minimise the insurgency.

    Titles such as "Operation Free Market" are not just a pun, they are an agenda.

    That is the most I can say about that.

    So my point is commentary made in general is one thing... commentary to international doners and World Bank (who are all funding Iraq) is quite another.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  3. #4583
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    Cool Iic

    Great to see you Bro. But are you posting this old news for a reason... Oh yea I get it..............One more time folks. Is this right?

  4. #4584
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    Don't have the link as it was posted on another forum. Sounds good!!!

    11 July 2006 (Baghdad: Al Sabah newspaper)

    The Iraqi Government has formed a Committee chaired by the United Nations for the preparation of an international contract, which is to be supported by the World Bank, in coordination with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and regional financial organizations, as well as the original donor states.

    The statement explained that the intended contract, apart from helping progress in political, economic and social fields over the next 5 years, would also concentrate on the development of mechanisms to serve the economic transformation of Iraq by offering the opportunity for integration in regional and international economies.

    The statement said that the Iraqi Government considers this International Contract to be an important step towards the future development of the country.

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    adster - what are your thoughts on the email sent by bruce and other dinar delaers???
    Dear Member - We are aware of Iraqi finance minister statements of a recommendation of a change of the currency and a possible imminent 20% re-valuation of the currency . If this happens , for a fee will will exchange any of the Dinars you have for new ones and there should be a good time period during which this can be done , I will keep you posted if we get more concrete details on this. We see this as highly positive for the Dinar and maintain our BUY recommendation

  6. #4586
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    This post ought to ease your minds. This post agrees with what Mike's been saying all along. It was on another forum.

    the odds are? whos odds? ive been reading all the news from baghdad and so far the only indication of a is in ONE ARTICLE that has been rehashed by a million other news sources, AND was misinterpreted originally.

    the best thing for you nellys to do is to ask what the term for 'lopping' would be in arabic and how it would be used in a sentence that indicated such. NOT FROM YOUR DEALER OR YOUR NEIGHBOR BUT SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY SPEAKS ARABIC FLUENTLY. then you show me any iraqi news feed that is using that particular term in that context.

  7. #4587
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno
    Great to see you Bro. But are you posting this old news for a reason... Oh yea I get it..............One more time folks. Is this right?
    Not really neno, there are so many posts on this thread now, so many new people and a lot of negativity. Folks need to read there will be no lop and the reasons as to why.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  8. #4588
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    Quote Originally Posted by prettyctk
    adster - what are your thoughts on the email sent by bruce and other dinar delaers???
    Dear Member - We are aware of Iraqi finance minister statements of a recommendation of a change of the currency and a possible imminent 20% re-valuation of the currency . If this happens , for a fee will will exchange any of the Dinars you have for new ones and there should be a good time period during which this can be done , I will keep you posted if we get more concrete details on this. We see this as highly positive for the Dinar and maintain our BUY recommendation
    They're just covering themselves in case it happens which it won't IMO.

    We're still looking good here folks, keep the faith a bit longer.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  9. #4589
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    This post ought to ease your minds. This post agrees with what Mike's been saying all along. It was on another forum.

    the odds are? whos odds? ive been reading all the news from baghdad and so far the only indication of a is in ONE ARTICLE that has been rehashed by a million other news sources, AND was misinterpreted originally.

    the best thing for you nellys to do is to ask what the term for 'lopping' would be in arabic and how it would be used in a sentence that indicated such. NOT FROM YOUR DEALER OR YOUR NEIGHBOR BUT SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY SPEAKS ARABIC FLUENTLY. then you show me any iraqi news feed that is using that particular term in that context.

  10. #4590
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    Quote Originally Posted by haydenh
    Hi Again,
    Has any body bought from or know of anyone else that will accept e-gold for dinar. I have figured out how to trf DXInOne credits to there, so if i can buy dinar with egold i may as well put it to use!!!
    i have bought several dozens millions there in many different orders, paid all by bankwire. and all orders are ok. but they don't deliver the next day. sometime i have to wait about 1 or 2 weeks. sometime just some days. but i'm in switzerland. maybe it's about that.?
    anyway, i think why-buy-dinar is ok

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