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  1. #5701
    Senior Investor Raditz's Avatar
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    Hmm, not sure if this has been posted or not, cant remember it has been

    Kurdistan Regional Government enacts investment law

    25 July 2006 (PortAl Iraq)
    On July 4 the National Assembly of Kurdistan - Iraq enacted an investment law which, among other reforms, allows foreign investors to own and lease land.

    The law also provides for the equal treatment of foreign and national investors, as well as a quick 30-day project licensing period.
    Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes longer time!

  2. #5702
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Arrow Top leader of al-Qaeda killed in Baiji

    Posted by: nadioshka on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 - 11:06 AM
    Top leader of al-Qaeda killed in Baiji – cabinet
    Baghdad, July 26, (VOI) – The Iraqi government announced on Wednesday that a top leader in al-Qaeda in Iraq group was killed in Baiji, north of Baghdad, while three other members were arrested.
    “The joint security forces were able to kill a prominent leader of the terrorist al-Qaeda group and arrest three others during a raid on a district near Balad town yesterday morning,” said a cabinet statement received by the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).
    The statement did not give the name of the dead Qaeda member and only said that he was recently appointed as the group leader in Baiji.
    “He was one of the foreign terrorists and a member of the Mujahedin Shura Council in the same area,” the statement added.


    (Voice of Iraq) - 26-07-2006

    Special media communication center

    The Iraqi army, with the support of multinational forces storming operations in the area in the district Aldhlkeh Bldroz Diyala Governorate.

    As a result of raids to arrest 72 terrorist Notably, the province of Diyala witnessing large movements of terrorists in spite of the large operations Iraqi army.
    Last edited by pipshurricane; 26-07-2006 at 09:04 AM.

  3. #5703
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Default More info on the interest rate

    "ICB" lift interest rates from 10 to 12%
    Inflation reached 132.3% compared with 2002
    Source: Dar Al-Hayat

    The Iraqi Central Bank confirmed the monetary inflation situation through which the Iraqi economy suffers, amounted to 52.5% at the end of May 2006 compared to the same month last year. A statement for the bank said that this situation is dealt with by "amendment of the approved interest rate from 10 to 12% as of mid-July present", to enable interest rates to perform their role in optimal levels of saving and maintaining the level of revenue deposits at banks, taking into account its impact on the rates of cash surplus to serve the purposes of monetary policy, priorities and economic stability in general ".

    The statement added that the results of undesirable phenomenon of economic inflation are, "reflected the gradual decline of purchasing power of income that are exchangeable, what led citizens to bear burdens and expenses are deducted from the consumers income to compensate the rise in value of consumer goods assets, at the same time pointing to a continued deterioration in level of savings and effect of adverse on growth in the long run ".

    Fuel prices

    The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance Kamal Al-Basry assured that the high consumer price index in 2005 by 36.9% compared to 2004, and by 132.3% compared to 2002, where the index increased from 8815.6 and 5196.6 during 2004 and 2002, respectively, reaching 12073.8 in 2005, refers to accelerated movement of prices and their direct impact on the level of inflation in the Iraqi economy during the past year 2005.

    He attributed the causes of superiority of increase in the monetary supply to the increase in size of gross domestic product estimated for 2005 as 60758 trillion dinars. He said that the volume of monetary supply increased by 52% in 2005, is equivalent to increasing volume of the gross domestic product increased by 26.7%,this means that the volume of money supply in circulation outside the banking system is larger than the volume of goods and services offered in the local market. He pointed out the significant increase in prices of some main commodities in calculation of the general index, notably fuel prices, rents, foodstuffs and services.

    He noted that fuel prices during the year 2005 witnessed a rise is the highest percentage change in the general index of consumer prices and by 99% which contributed in the inflation rate prevailing in 2005 about 8.9%.

    He pointed out that the high fuel prices is due to growing domestic demand because of increasing consumption of petroleum derivatives, with the decline in volume of supply in local market, and the existence of many intermediate links affecting the commercialization of fuel until it reaches the ultimate consumer. These links are doubling fuel prices, In addition to the deteriorating security situation, which increases the difficulties of transporting imported oil derivatives and oil pipeline exposure to sabotage and indirect impact of increased consumption of gasoline and fuel for generators used because of the scarcity of electricity.

    Rent and food

    Al-Basry refers to the result of the continuing and significant increases in rents, which contributed up to 209% in the level of inflation of 36.9% in 2005. The reasons attributed to the growth of demand for commercial and residential real estate because of the continuing exodus of families from some cities and towns into large cities. As well as the numbers of immigrants from abroad. In addition to the rise in construction costs, including raw materials, wages and the high cost of transport and the imbalance of real estate market because of superiority of demand over supply from size of the housing units due to the decline in volume of investment, as well as the launch of laws allowing the property owner to increase rent allowances.

    According to the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance that the results of increasing foodstuffs prices, are contribution to the high rates of inflation hits 59.9% and ranked first in comparison to contribution of the rest groups. He explained that the factors that affected the prices of foodstuffs are due to delay in distribution of ration cards items and the high transport fares. The relative improvement in the income for category of employees in government sector, and the economic openness that has contributed to convergence of domestic prices with the prices of those in neighboring countries, as well as increased demand for foodstuffs offered locally.

  4. #5704
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    Default GARTHSTAR DINARS purchased.

    Garth star I am on the East coast of USA , Just got up (i'm a priveleged Late sleeper) LOL. I PM'ed You a Reply to this post. I want you, and all that read your Post, to know that My friend Is NOT a Person to Try to Purpposely Fraud YOU OR anyone else. He is Truastworthy and IF the Note id counterfit It just slipped in there by accident.
    I have notified "joe" I am waiting for an answer,. It is a little early in SAN Diego California. He will let me know and contact you also. If it is counterfit YOU will get a fresh new REPLACEMNT. Garth, I would not Put any fake BS in my posts! at least not Knowingly so. I believe I am trusted by Most everyone in here. Don't jump the Gun. HE WILL MAKE GOOD for any Mistakes.

    I know That it is a lot of DINAR and a LOT OF Money that you paid, But I, and My friend are not here to SELL, or Promote anything that will harm any one in anyway. TRUST ME YOU WILL BE SATISFIED> BOB

  5. #5705
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    Garth, I know you are nervous, about purchasing Your DINAR from members here. In all FAIRNESS to my contact, and I Please use the PM's FIRST to announce, and accuse Fraud, and FAKE. When YOU are satisfied With the DD, and the service, and end results of this mishap. I would appreciate a Retraction of your Accusation OF My friend being called NAMES. and this being announced In a POST. It is very damaging to a person who, like you, is Just trying to make a living, and Provide a service to you. His Prices are cheap ,and shipping was included in that low price.

    I will let it ride that my character was also put in Jeopardy. I do not Place FALSE ads, or provide information that I feel is FALSE. If You believe Differently that is YOUR Problem. BUT I AM A MAN OF MY WORD.

  6. #5706
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    Default I Thought This Was Interesting

    Media Note
    Office of the Spokesman
    Washington, DC
    July 25, 2006

    President Bush Announces Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program

    President George W. Bush, in a joint press conference with Iraqi Prime
    Nuri al-Maliki today, announced a new program for the rising generation
    young Iraqis, who represent the future leadership of the developing
    nation. The program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, will
    serve two
    hundred male and female students from all regions and sectors of Iraqi
    Beginning summer 2007, the initiative will bring high school and
    students to the United States for two innovative programs designed to
    mutual understanding, leadership development, educational
    transformation, and
    democratic ideals.

    The Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program for high school students will
    one hundred Iraqi young people, ages 15-18, to the United States for
    four weeks
    to participate in two-week period of home stays, a civic education
    workshop in
    Washington, D.C., and a week at a camp or other site. The students will
    participate in activities focused on leadership development, conflict
    resolution and structured interaction with American youth. The workshop
    include briefings, simulations, and discussions on citizen
    participation and
    the fundamentals of democratic government.

    The Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program for undergraduate students
    will bring
    one hundred young Iraqi men and women at the university level (recent
    school graduates and those completing their first and second years of
    university), ages18-20, to participate in six-week summer programs on
    five U.S.
    university campuses. The program will be specially designed to enhance
    leadership skills, develop an understanding of U.S. institutions and
    provide a
    stimulating educational experience centered on subjects such as
    science, math,
    media, entrepreneurship and public policy. The campus programs will
    cultural enrichment activities and will engage American student peers
    co-learners with the Iraqi students.

    U.S. Department of State exchange programs, administered by the Bureau
    Educational and Cultural Affairs, are committed to empowering the
    generation of leaders and establishing long-lasting ties between the
    people of
    the United States and the people of other countries. For further
    please contact Nicole Deaner, 202-203-7613 or Catherine Stearns,


    Released on July 25, 2006

  7. #5707
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    Default Sorry for the double post

    That was by mistake. Hpoefully the mods can just erase one.

  8. #5708
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    Rodney. It makes for great reading and good news that the president presents this program to Iraq. It is need for future development and understanding between the foriegn (Kristin Please correct my spelling!) nations. Double Posting is good LOL reading it twice it gets imbedded into our thoughts. LOL BOB

  9. #5709
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    HEY KOZMAR< i need some real tutoring on that FP. I'm just up the road a piece from you LOL area code is the same I think. LOL

  10. #5710
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    PEG PEG PEG GO PEG! looks like we may be closer than we all think. todays meetings look very good. BOB

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