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  1. #5771
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiffany

    Iraq and UN launch Compact to boost foreign aid
    (Reuters) Jul 27 2006 13:53

    Go to it Sherlock! lol! :-)
    Just find the full article its short!!!

    Iraq and UN launch Compact to boost foreign aid
    Jul 27 2006 13:53

    BAGHDAD, July 27 (Reuters) - Iraq and the United Nations said on Thursday they had launched a fresh initiative to build international support for the country's reconstruction, under a five-year plan also backed by the World Bank.

    In a statement to formally launch the International Compact with Iraq, they said Baghdad was committed to tackling corruption and remaining a united, federal and democratic nation that would be well on the way to economic self-sufficiency in five year's time.

  2. #5772
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    Thumbs down Security

    Iraq struggles to keep up flow of oil
    Associated Press

    BAGHDAD, Iraq - Pipelines carrying crude oil through Iraq's unguarded desert suddenly collapse after weeks without disruption - a single bullet puncturing a line, halting Iraq's main source of revenue.

    At the same time, daily bloodshed is pushing the country closer to a civil war. These two dynamics at work in Iraq - the quest for prosperity amid an endless struggle for security - tug firmly on Iraq's future and the U.S. involvement here.

    Since resuming petroleum exports after the U.S. invasion in 2003, Iraq has struggled for lasting security of its pipelines and refineries. It sits atop the world's third-largest reserves, but saboteurs routinely disrupt the 4,300-mile system of pipelines.

    For weeks in June, Iraq exported millions of barrels to Turkey. But during the second week of July, flow to the country's largest refinery in Beiji stopped when pipelines were attacked. Such topsy-turvy progress is symbolic of the delicate balance between oil and security.

    The irony, military and U.S. government officials say, is that oil is both the quickest fix to rebuilding Iraq's infrastructure and a source of considerable violence.

    More than 250 Oil Ministry officials, workers and security guards have been assassinated since the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003, according to the ministry.

    During a recent visit to Baghdad, Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said frequent attacks on oil workers and infrastructure have kept Iraq from moving forward. International investors won't come, and Iraq continues to struggle, he said.

    Back in 2003, then-Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz told Congress that Iraq's oil could bring as much as $100 billion in the two years immediately following the invasion.

    But continual attacks, including some in the last week, have kept Iraq's largest refinery in Beiji, about 155 miles north of Baghdad, from producing amid an oil shortage.

    Iraq's oil ministry estimates about $6.25 billion was lost in damage to oil infrastructure and shortfalls in revenues that could have been generated from crude oil exports in 2005. That money, if funneled back into the country, could change the face of Iraq.

    "It's critical. What else do they have to export? It's such a huge source of revenue for them. And until they get any type of secondary industry developed, that's all they have," said Lt. Col. Craig Collier, deputy commander of the 3rd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division.

    Military commanders have struggled to understand the system of long-practiced corruption surrounding the country's oil industry.

    Under Saddam Hussein's regime, various government and provincial leaders quietly skimmed from the country's oil revenue. It was a way to secure a vulnerable system of unguarded pipelines by paying off those who might otherwise attack it, officials said.

    Officials say the U.S. mission in Iraq hinges on the future of the country's oil. Iraq has the capability with its resources to sustain itself but it cannot prosper without selling its oil.

    Oil has always been an albatross for the U.S. in Iraq. Some alleged it was the reason behind the invasion; the White House promised it would be the key to rebuilding Iraq.

    Before recent attacks crippling the country's northern oil flow, Iraq exported millions of barrels from the oil-rich region near Kirkuk to Turkey. Of the three lines running south from Kirkuk, at least two have collapsed, officials said.

    The cause is an ancient pipeline system Westerners compare to the former Soviet Union's oil industry. After the fall of communism, world leaders were astonished to find an industry believed to be booming in rust and ruin.

    More than three years after the fall of Saddam's regime, the fight to resurrect Iraq's industry continues.

    "Due to the former regime's wars and its foolish, disastrous policies, the country is totally dependent on oil," Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki told parliament earlier this month. "Iraqis are suffering."

  3. #5773
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    Quote Originally Posted by readytogo
    smarty pants.
    that's me

  4. #5774
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman
    They pushed it back one month, my question is do we need it before reval? I understand that it needs to be done but I thought it would reval before it's implemented. Any thoughts Mike or Adster?

    investment law pushed


    haven't seen this posted yet


    Baghdad, July.26 p3
    Council of Representatives agreed in its session yesterday headed by Sheikh Khalid al-Attiya to extension emergency law a month from 2nd August in spite of accordance members objection, on the other hand, the first reading of investment law and guests depositors fixing had read while postponing high elections commission after Kurdistan front demanded.

    Since this law was already passed for Kurdistan, perhaps it is the same thorns in the side of Parliamant decisions which are about to be bounced if Maliki has his way. Should be interesting to watch democracy in inaction. (g)

    As to whether it will delay revalue, I don't think so, and I think it is more in line with the increased bombings and maybe they want to get more control so as not to minimize investment potential which is being hindered by increased violence.

    Good luck to all, MIke

  5. #5775
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    Cool Dinar Gang

    Quote Originally Posted by pipshurricane
    No Tiff don't worry august will be the time for the biggest party
    ever for all of us.Another year for a r/v its not in option right here
    believe me :)))
    Yes Tiff, and I just went thru that window with 2 million more just now. Be back later as I need a cool swim from this Hot Day at work. hehe Got some reading to do to.

  6. #5776
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno
    Yes Tiff, and I just went thru that window with 2 million more just now. Be back later as I need a cool swim from this Hot Day at work. hehe Got some reading to do to.
    Yes neno the only delay we see right now like Mike have already
    said its because the increase of bomb in bagdad area.They have to control
    this part of Iraq before doing something.Its why we will seen more
    soldats and police to control again all the country!!!

  7. #5777
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    Default Citizens' Tips Help Foil Baghdad Attack, Lead Soldiers to Weapons

    American Forces Press Service

    WASHINGTON, July 27, 2006 – Tips from Iraqi citizens led coalition and Iraqi soldiers to foil a terrorist attack and find weapons caches in Baghdad yesterday, U.S. military officials in Iraq reported.

    A concerned Iraqi citizen's tip led Iraqi army soldiers to a shop south of Baghdad last night, where they found a munitions cache. Soldiers from 4th Battalion, 4th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division, investigated the carpentry shop and seized 58 homemade bombs, three rocket-propelled-grenade boosters, and two improvised explosive devices attached to batteries. Iraqi soldiers also detained a suspected terrorist at the site and seven others suspected of plotting an upcoming attack on a traffic control point.

    Elsewhere, Multinational Division Baghdad soldiers searched three houses last night and seized weapons and a large amount of money in central Baghdad after acting on a tip from an Iraqi citizen.

    At the first house, soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, discovered ammunition and two body armor vests. As the soldiers continued to search the house, they found a false wall that contained mortar rounds and more ammunition. In an adjoining house, the soldiers found AK-47 rifles, bloody clothes and terrorist propaganda. In a third house that appeared to have been used as a sniper position, the soldiers found spent shell casings and $17,000 in U.S. currency.

    When the raids concluded, Multinational Division Baghdad troops seized a 60 mm mortar tube with base plate, 100 60 mm and 81 mm mortar rounds, four AK-47s with magazines, a rocket-propelled-grenade launcher, two 102 mm rockets, two hand grenades, five cases of 7.62 mm ammunition and various bomb-making materials. Soldiers removed the smaller weapons and an explosive ordnance disposal team conducted a controlled detonation to destroy the larger munitions.

    In another operation, Multinational Division Baghdad soldiers and Iraqi police seized explosives last night after searching a building north of Baghdad. While conducting a dismounted combined patrol, soldiers from 1st Battalion, 66th Armor Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, and Iraqi police were attacked by terrorists using small-arms fire from an apartment complex.

    The soldiers and police searched the building and found five blocks of explosives, an AK-47 and ammunition. Six suspects were questioned and taken into custody in connection with the incident.

  8. #5778
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    Yes - YES - YES People!!! Work together! Awesome PH!

  9. #5779
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiffany
    Yes - YES - YES People!!! Work together! Awesome PH!
    Yes Tiff thats a great news for us and all the citizen in Iraq :)))

  10. #5780
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    Default British trade teams to visit Kurdistan soon

    Posted by: nadioshka on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 08:50 PM
    British trade teams to visit Kurdistan soon
    By Chiman Salh
    Erbil, July 27, (VOI) – Two British trade teams will visit Erbil soon to discuss commercial cooperation and investment in Kurdistan province, a source in Kurdistan trade ministry said on Thursday.
    “The trade attaché in the British consulate in Kirkuk informed Mr. Mohammed Ra’ouf, the minister of trade in the Kurdistan cabinet of the visit during a meeting,” the source told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).
    “She told the minister the two delegations plan to meet senior officials in the province to discuss investment opportunities in Kurdistan,” he added.
    The source said that Ra’ouf asked the trade attaché to study setting up a joint trade center in Erbil with Britain to promote trade relations and open investment opportunities for British companies in Kurdistan.

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