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  1. #5791
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Default The Iraqi Ministry of Defense confirmed the death of lead in al-Qaeda

    (Voice of Iraq) - 28-07-2006

    Baghdad : Numan Alhimus Basra : Jassim inside
    Killed 31 Iraqis and wounded 115 wounded, including women and children, in a series of explosions shook the area Azzaman central Baghdad yesterday. according to security and medical sources.
    On the other hand, the Ministry of Defense announced that the Iraqi leader in the Al-Qaeda Organization and 7 associates killed in a raid on security in the capital. A source at the Ministry of Defence, preferred to remain anonymous, said that "31 people were killed and 115 wounded in a series of explosions. including a car bomb explosion in the area of Azzaman (central Baghdad) ". Attributed to him by the Agence France-Presse as saying that "the explosions started about ten o'clock local time (00 : 6 GMT) in a car bomb explosion in the middle of a Azzaman, inhabited by the Shiite majority, followed by a fall of six mortar shells at the isolated, One fell near the fuel station in the same region ".

    Meanwhile, the medical source son in a hospital located in a region rich Azzaman also, "The hospital received a large number of children and women who were injured in the explosions". The eyewitness of the blasts, bringing together the two apartments were damaged in the explosions.

    He said a government statement yesterday that security forces had arrested Tuesday. "Eight terrorists linked to the leaders of terrorist organizations are involved in the killings of members of the Iraqi police. and the destruction of police stations, are accused of killing more than 20 elements of the National Guard, during a raid on positions north of the town of Ramadi, west of Iraq ". The statement confirmed the death of a "terrorist" leaders of the al-Qaeda and responsible for the attacks by car bombs against innocent citizens and the Iraqi forces and the multinational forces. In addition to its satisfaction and terrorist organisations in the city of Baghdad. The statement pointed to the arrest of 10 suspects during raids carried out by "terrorists" Lokar in the city of Ramadi, as well as the arrest of five suspects in the firm (Diyala, Salah al-Din, Kirkuk), 8 categorically Euphrates (Central and South).

    In Basra survived Ghali star is a member of the Provincial Assembly of the attempt on his life. He said in a press statement that six unknown armed men in military uniforms stopped his car in the street, Saadi, It is on the way to the headquarters of the National Accord bloc, "in an attempt to Aghtadoni Lakhttavi. However, escorts fired several shots at the hijackers and opposed by way of passing citizens, which forced them to flee in a car-type pickups were accompanied by ".

    Middle East

  2. #5792
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    O.K. I have tried really hard to figure out what this said, I know it is probably not a very good translation, but I have also tipped a few back tonight, so can someone try to sum this up for me?

  3. #5793
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by choochie
    O.K. I have tried really hard to figure out what this said, I know it is probably not a very good translation, but I have also tipped a few back tonight, so can someone try to sum this up for me?
    If the mods want delete the post its ok for me or i can delete it :)

  4. #5794
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    Default update from freedinar

    Just received this from Freedinar for those who may not get their updates.

    To all our FreeDinar Members and Customers,

    Unfortunately tonight’s call will again be a repeat. Most of our corporate staff is in Jordan with the Dr and his wife celebrating their son’s wedding. The reception is still happening as you read this, so needless to say they will not be able to make the call.

    However don’t let this lead to you believe that there is no movement regarding the Dinar revaluation.

    As many of you know the Prime Minister of Iraq, al-Maliki, recently met with President Bush and addressed congress.

    This information, along with the new laws being formed in Iraq to protect foreign investors, and the Iraqi Stock Exchange soon to open up to foreign investors, leads us to believe that we are looking for a revaluation to happen soon. Al-Maliki has been quoted as saying he has a plan to bring Iraq back into the world market economy instantly. Is this by revaluating the Dinar?

    We know that many of you want to know “How soon?” and that is an answer that we can not give you. We are also investors in the Dinar and look for any information regarding “when” and “how much”. Many of the rumours from people claiming to be “in the know” state anywhere from .06 cents to $1.12. per Dinar.

    Our President, Bob Bogue, our Chief of Operations, Dustin Nelson, and our Executive Vice President, Jeremy Lilly have arrived in Jordan to attend the wedding. They will be there on business for the next two weeks. In that time they will send any new information that they hear back to our US office and we will send it out immediately. They will also be inquiring into the lower denominations that have been rumoured to have been printed in anticipation for the revaluation. We have also heard that new coins have been minted (fils) but have not been release to the general public but a few have slipped out. If that is the case we hope to get our hands on a few and post them on the site.

  5. #5795
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    Please don't delete it. It may just be me. Feeling a little loopyfrom.

  6. #5796
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    Al-Maliki has been quoted as saying he has a plan to bring Iraq back into the world market economy instantly. Is this by revaluating the Dinar?

    That's the great part!!!

  7. #5797
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    Cool ph check this

    Quote Originally Posted by pipshurricane
    Posted by: nadioshka on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 08:50 PM
    British trade teams to visit Kurdistan soon
    By Chiman Salh
    Erbil, July 27, (VOI) – Two British trade teams will visit Erbil soon to discuss commercial cooperation and investment in Kurdistan province, a source in Kurdistan trade ministry said on Thursday.
    “The trade attaché in the British consulate in Kirkuk informed Mr. Mohammed Ra’ouf, the minister of trade in the Kurdistan cabinet of the visit during a meeting,” the source told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).
    “She told the minister the two delegations plan to meet senior officials in the province to discuss investment opportunities in Kurdistan,” he added.
    The source said that Ra’ouf asked the trade attaché to study setting up a joint trade center in Erbil with Britain to promote trade relations and open investment opportunities for British companies in Kurdistan.
    ph , to me this sounds like they will be dealing in Euro. How about you?

  8. #5798
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno
    ph , to me this sounds like they will be dealing in Euro. How about you?
    Yes neno that sound this way maybe Mike can elaborate more on this with
    his contact with the kurds!!!

  9. #5799
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    Cool ???

    Quote Originally Posted by pipshurricane
    Posted by: nadioshka on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 06:33 PM
    Investors welcome to open up shop in safe areas in Iraq – MP
    Baghdad, July 27, (VOI) – An Iraqi parliamentary committee has drawn up a list of safe areas across the country where investors can start their projects, a Unified Iraqi Coalition (UIC) legislator said on Thursday.
    “The government will protect these projects and the investors,” Haidar al-Abbadi told a news conference in Baghdad referring to the parliamentary committee for the economy and reconstruction.
    “The cabinet alone will shoulder responsibility for all (security) violations in these areas as part of a security plan devised by the committee,” he added.
    Incentives offered to investors will include a one-stop shop where they can handle their applications.
    “An investor will only deal with one department which is the investment department,” Abbadi said, adding that this would help prevent corruption.
    The parliament had been due to discuss a new investment law on Thursday but explosions in the Karadah district prevented the discussion, he said, explaining that the house went through an initial reading of the draft on Wednesday.
    What I am not understanding is it seems alot of area in Irag is so called safe haven. Why does everything seem to be waiting for Bagdad to cleared before the country can move on? Like Ewalt said, If anyone of power like the US wants to stop something they can. So why dont the Officials incharge run a sweep from south to north in Bagdad and be done with this. Does something are some kind of War Law prevents this I asome. If Generate Patton was here it would be over and all the Bad Guys would of been shot are captured along time ago.

  10. #5800
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    Al-Maliki has been quoted as saying he has a plan to bring Iraq back into the world market economy instantly. Is this by revaluating the Dinar?

    That's the great part!!!

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