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  1. #5871
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    Default Statement of Deputy Treasury Secretary Robert Kimmitt

    July 27, 2006

    Statement of Deputy Treasury Secretary Robert Kimmitt
    on International Compact for Iraq

    I welcome the announcement today by the Iraqi government and U.N. on the International Compact for Iraq. We strongly support this important initiative, and look forward to working with Iraqi leadership, the United Nations and other members of the preparatory group to help Iraq realize its vision of a united, stable and prosperous nation underpinned by a self-sustaining economy. We endorse the priorities that have been identified to achieve these goals, and especially welcome the attention to good governance, the rule of law, a solid budgetary framework, the development of a transparent and efficient oil sector and strong, credible institutions.

    At President Bush's request, I recently traveled to Europe, Iraq and the Gulf with State Department Counselor Philip Zelikow in order to discuss the Compact. In Baghdad, I had the opportunity to meet with the Prime Minister and other senior Iraqi officials. They are already undertaking the hard work necessary to bring this initiative to a successful conclusion by the end of this year. We look forward to reviewing their progress at the UN General Assembly and World Bank and IMF meetings in September.

  2. #5872
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    Posted by: nadioshka on Saturday, July 29, 2006 - 12:39 PM
    Leading foreign Qaeda fighter caught in Iraq
    Baghdad, July 29, (VOI) – A leading foreign fighter of the militant Qaeda in Iraq group has been arrested in Tikrit in an operation by the Multi-National forces, a coalition forces statement said on Saturday.
    “Coalition forces announce the capture of 'Umar Hasan Al Rashid Al Dusuri, aka, Ja’far ‘Abdallah Jasim ‘Abdallah, an alleged al-Qaida in Iraq foreign terrorist originally from Saudi Arabia,” said the statement received by the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).
    “Ja’far ‘Abdallah was captured during a raid in Tikrit announced earlier in the month that also resulted in the successful capture of another senior al-Qaida leader in the region,” the statement added.
    The statement did not reveal the name of the second detainee.
    “Ja’far ‘Adballah admitted to being a member of al-Qaida, and claims he illegally entered Iraq through Syria in July 2005,” it added.
    “He provided extensive information of the foreign militia network targeting innocent Iraqi civilians, with the goal of encouraging sectarian violence through Iraq,” it said.
    “The lower-level terrorist leader admitted to participating in the Peshmerga checkpoint attack on May 21 in Al Dhuluiya, where he was shot in the neck during the attack,” the statement said.

  3. #5873
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    It's starting to sound like September is the month to watch for a revalue in. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

  4. #5874
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Symposium: Proving Saddam’s WMDs
    By Jamie Glazov | July 28, 2006
    Despite the antiwar Left's favorite mantra about how Bush lied regarding WMDs in Iraq, the evidence now proves there were WMDs after all.

    According to recent announcement made by Senator Rick Santorum and Rep. Peter Hoekstra , approximately 500 weapons munitions, containing degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent, have been discovered in Iraq since 2003. Saddam, therefore, had the means to put WMDs into terrorists' hands.

    So what is the primary significance of these revelations? And why are these developments not front page news in our media? Where are all of Bush's critics who called him a liar? Where are their apologies? And why isn't the administration using this information to legitimize itself?

    To discuss these and other questions with us, Frontpage has assembled a distinguished panel. Our guests are:

    Michael Ledeen, a resident scholar in the Freedom Chair at the American Enterprise Institute. An NRO contributing editor, he is most recently the author of The War Against the Terror *******.

    Interesting how so much is suppressed if even the slightest bit positive.

  5. #5875
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    Someday, there will be politicians and those anti WMDs crying foul will be kicked OUT OF OFFICE by the very constituency these people had mocked the sanity and wisdom of their own community, people and Nation when facts with details are presented...perhaps Peace would by then become more of a daily rejoice however, these large groups of loud mouths needs to be silenced and sent off without any paychecks to their remaining lifespan in retirement!!!

    Whether it was Bill or Bush or even Carter if he ever gets back (completely remote as we can see... ) into office, when those WMDs are eventually inventorized.... the French and the Germans needs to "payback" some thing both in kind or deeds... and Israel would be better aided for best behaviour for staying out of the way since 9/11.

    Next to finish off are those Hamas and Hezbollahs with Syria and Iran, esp. with that president of their very own people, the West shouldn't help them clean up their own mess and choice they gamled wrongly in wanting those Mullahs and the holocaust denyer, to ruin their 21st century outlook with mediaval wishful prayers and dilemma thinking. Al Qaeda will be marginalized on its own decaying performance... so that in itself is not a major concern.

    For the current situation, if Bush steps down or voted out of office, America is a far safer ally with the Brits and the Aussies as clear partners to secure global security!

  6. #5876
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    Cool Totally Agree

    Yes, totally agreed Yogi. Great Post from Mike (OSW) too. I always wonder why the News dosen't say this. Well as always it wouldn't be news unless it was Bad News. Revalue come on!!

  7. #5877
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    Default 2nd reading tomorrow!!!!

    might wanna take a look at this folks ...! 26thold%3D0
    Safe version of translation.

    Voices of Iraq : investment-Law wrote : nakr2004 On Saturday, July 29, 2006-1:48 PM UK net :

    The House of Representatives is the second reading of a bill to invest tomorrow, Kawthar Abdul Amir Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    Abdel-Wahab net is a member of the House of Representatives on the list of the Coalition of Iraqi Consolidated meeting of the Council tomorrow, Sunday, will see the second reading of the draft Law on Foreign Investment, which was read the first week of the Unlike past witnessed on the foreign investor owned land. He told Net News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today, Saturday, "will be devoted to meetings of the House of Representatives tomorrow for the second reading of a bill to make investment with a number of statements." He pointed out that the objective of the law is to encourage investment, support the establishment of investment projects in Iraq and the expansion of various levels of economic development and the payment process and to determine the privileges and exemptions to these projects. It also aims at transferring modern technologies and to encourage the Iraqi private sector and foreign investment through the provision of necessary facilities for the establishment of investment projects and to enhance the competitiveness of the projects covered by the provisions of this law in domestic and foreign markets. He said that the net bill granting projects covered by the provisions of the privileges and guarantees for the continuation and development, and to treat foreign investors invested in the Iraqi treatment of all rights and duties except land any way. The advantages enjoyed by the investor "removing capital introduced to Iraq and dividends and convertible currency in accordance with the Law of the Central Bank of Iraq. After the payment of all debts and obligations of the Iraqi government and others. " The law gives investors the right to own stocks and bonds in accordance with the law, and the rental of land crisis investment project based on the Latzid for fifty years, renewable Alheih consent should be taken into consideration in determining the nature of the project and its national economy. The bill requires insurance to the investor on the project with any insurance company or a foreign national deems appropriate, and the opening of the Iraqi currency accounts or foreign or both with one of the banks in Iraq or abroad. He pointed out that the net bill provides safeguards for investors, "giving foreign investors the right to stay in Iraq and to facilitate the entry and exit to and from Iraq. it also facilitates the entry and exit of workers in the investment projects of non-Iraqis from Iraq, to stay in accordance with the law, and the lack of confiscation or nationalization of investment project under the provisions of this Act or any part except as a right verdict Bata. It also allowed "for professional and managerial non-Iraqis in a project to transform their salaries and compensation out of Iraq after the payment of debts and obligations towards the Iraqi government and other Alg Puspa other. Regarding waivers Menhth investor law provides that the project is happening on vacation investment from the investment enjoy exemption from taxes and duties for a period of five years from the commencement of commercial operation in accordance with the areas of development of four levels according to the degree of economic development and the nature of the activity. The development zone has (a) 100% exemption, and the development of the region (b) be relieved by 75%, and the development of the region and (c) shall be exempt grow 50%. The cornerstone of the region (d) P relieved by 25%. These areas of development modifiable system issued by the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the investment. With respect to the obligations of the

    " Abdel Wahab net member of the House of Representatives from a list of Iraqi coalition Consolidated meeting of the Council tomorrow, Sunday, will see the second reading of the draft Law on Foreign Investment, which was its first reading last week and saw a disagreement regarding the ownership of foreign investors lands.
    He told Net News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today, Saturday,
    "The meeting will be devoted to the House of Representatives tomorrow for the second reading of a bill to make investment with a number of statements."

  8. #5878
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    Default Another Thought

    Hi Friends!
    Just thinking: we've seen news report after news report of various groups of Iraqi government officials clamoring about the need for foreign investment monies and how they are going to bend over backward to make it safe, profitable, worthwhile, POSSIBLE for this to happen as soon as they are able. We read reports giving us updates on all the different things they are working on or know they need to work on to make this a reallity; things like new offices for the opening of the ISX, modernization of the the banking institutions... which brings me to my point (finally ). With the big rush to get this foreign "Investment Thing" rolling, IF there was NOT going to be a Revalue soon, making the dinar a convertable/exchangeable currency, one might expect at least a little encouragment, directing the investment community on how and where to open an Iraqi bank account and- etc... to get those important steps taken care of NOW- AHEAD of time so that when the exchange opens in (presumably) September, these anticipated foreign investors would be ready to buy, buy, buy! IF however, there is going to be a Reval soon... it would be a moot point.!?
    Blessings On YOU! AL

  9. #5879
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Thumbs up National reconciliation bid going in the right direction

    Posted by: nadioshka on Saturday, July 29, 2006 - 02:34 PM
    National reconciliation bid going in the right direction – MP
    By Kawthar Abdul-Amir
    Baghdad, July 29, (VOI) – The national reconciliation initiative launched by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malki is going in the right direction, legislator Nasser al-Sa’edi of the Shiite Unified Iraqi Coalition (UIC) said on Saturday.
    “The national dialogue committee made wide contacts with parties outside the political process,” Sa’edi told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI) by phone.
    He declined to name those parties and said: “They would be named during the coming days when contacts with all sides are completed.”
    Malki’s national reconciliation bid was launched at the beginning of July and a national dialogue committee was formed to contact tribal chiefs and clerics.
    Asked whether the tribal chiefs were contacted, Sa’edi said: “Yes, they were contacted and conferences for the tribal heads would be held during the coming days.”
    “We hope this is a step towards stopping the Iraqi bloodshed, on condition that honesty prevails among all parties,” he said.

  10. #5880
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    Default Baghdad calms as US troops go back on patrol

    The Sunday Times July 30, 2006

    Baghdad calms as US troops go back on patrol
    Hamoudi Saffar, Baghdad
    HEAVILY armed American troops have returned to some of the most violent areas of Baghdad, patrolling the streets and setting up checkpoints in an attempt to regain control of the city and quell increasing sectarian violence.

    Their return sparked fierce criticism from opposition leaders but was welcomed by many ordinary Iraqis desperate for peace after months of murderous violence between rival militias.

    US soldiers in tanks and armoured vehicles have moved back into many parts of the capital handed over to the Iraqi police last March after the opening of the country’s new parliament.

    Yesterday proved to be one of the most peaceful days in months with no deaths reported in the capital by late afternoon, although two Sunni mosques were raked by gunfire which injured a guard. In contrast, an average of 100 people have been dying in sectarian attacks every day in Baghdad.

    The increased American military presence represents the first stage of a plan to send up to 5,000 extra troops to the city, which is beset by car bombs, kidnappings and suicide bombers.

    Last week Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, ordered 3,500 soldiers to stay in the country up to four months beyond their scheduled departure.

    American officials had tried to place more responsibility for policing Baghdad on Iraqi forces but the policy unravelled as death squads fought for control. The movement of US troops back on to the streets is a tacit acknowledgment that the strategy of Nouri al-Maliki, the prime minister, has failed.

    Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, one of Iraq’s most influential Shi’ite leaders, delivered a fierce attack on the Iraqi government’s policy at a rally in Najaf last week.

    He accused the government of “carelessness” and “wrong policies” and said that Iraq’s security forces should be in charge of stabilising the country. He added that the violence was due to “being lax in hunting down terrorists and upholding the wrong policies in dealing with them”.

    His remarks, made to a rally of thousands of supporters, seemed intended to destabilise Maliki and whip up opposition to US troops. But on the streets yesterday it was clear that ordinary Baghdad residents welcomed the relative security that the US forces brought with them.

    In Jihad, a suburb in the west of Baghdad notorious for clashes between Sunnis and Shi’ites, residents say they feel safer since the American soldiers returned last week. They have set up checkpoints which are moved every few hours for safety and carry out regular patrols in armoured vehicles.

    Many of the mainly Sunni residents say they were frightened of the police and have welcomed the return of the US army.

    “We used to say we wanted the Americans to leave because we could look after ourselves; now we want the US army back to stop people being killed,” said one.

    Another said: “We can see the American convoys again. For the first time in months I feel that it may be safe to leave home.”

    A Sunni resident said that they had spoken to the soldiers who had promised to protect them.

    Outside Baghdad the violence continued. A car bomb exploded in a residential district of Kirkuk, about 180 miles north of Baghdad, yesterday, killing four people and injuring another 13, police said. It was the fifth car bombing this month in the city, where tensions are rising among Arabs, Kurds and Turkomen for control of the area’s vast oil wealth.,00.html

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