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  1. #5981
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    Hmmmm.....I wonder what this press conference is going to be about? The mind sure does wonder!

  2. #5982
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    Quote Originally Posted by choochie
    Hmmmm.....I wonder what this press conference is going to be about? The mind sure does wonder!

    You took the words right out of my mouth. LOL As the contact phone number is in my area code for embassy office, I rang them up to see if I could get a handle on what was going to be topic of press release. As expected, just a general statement involving trip to U.S., new military strategy and economic news. She would not go into it any further when I asked about the economic issues. LOL Well, we can all hope and dream, right? (g)

    Good luck to all, Mike

  3. #5983
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    Well, if it is open to credentialed media only, we can assume that it will be posted somewhere, right? We just need to wait until it is.

  4. #5984
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    Hey cigarman,

    Is that Iraq time or U.S. time? Would be nice to know when to start looking for the scoop.

  5. #5985
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    Iraqi time

  6. #5986
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman
    2006 media advisories
    Press Conference-Signing Ceremony with Senior Official
    Baghdad, Iraq
    July 31, 2006

    WHAT:Press Conference and Signing Ceremony

    WHO:Senior U.S. and Iraqi Officials

    DATE:Tuesday, August 1, 2006

    WHERE:GCD Auditorium (High Rise adjacent to the Prime Minister’s Office)

    TIME:12:25 P.M. (Arrive before and no later than 12:00 noon)

    SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: This Press Conference/Signing Ceremony is open to CPIC-credentialed media only. Translation will be provided.

    CONTACT: U.S. Embassy Spokesman’s Office – (914) 360-6395 or (914) 360-6452, Iraqna 07901-819-314, or [email protected].
    Good find, just reading this elsewhere.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #5987
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    Well, that would be about 4:30a.m. for me, so about the time I get up, at around 7:00a.m would probably be the time to start scouting. Hopefully someone will have some transcripts, or some kind of story somewhere.

  8. #5988
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    I still think the FI law is passed for Iraq or will be tomorrow. Think about it, Iraq is already behind the Kurds and plying catch up, so do you think they will let the Kurds get a month head start on FI? I wouldn't if I was them.

  9. #5989
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Secretary General of OIC speaks: Hold next ministerial at Baghdad
    Mon, 31 Jul 2006, 10:14:00

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    All participant countries in this forum are members of the OIC. Therefore I am aware that the Distinguished Ministers are all well-informed about the recent important decisions of the OIC aiming at highlighting the importance of Iraq for the Muslim world and formulating active policies to assist Iraqi government in its quest for a better future for its people which they deserve.

    In the aftermath and spirit of Makkah Summit, the First Ministerial Meeting of the OIC Executive Committee of Two Troikas, the internal rules and regulations of which has just been approved at the 33rd ICFM in Baku, was convened in a consultative and ad hoc manner in Jeddah, on 15th March 2006 at the OIC General Secretariat. On of the three agenda items of this extraordinary meeting was situation in Iraq.

    The Ministers called upon various Iraqi spectrum, on the basis of the relevant provisions of the OIC Ten Year Programme of Action, to proscribe any recourse to accusing others of infidelity or blasphemy. They recommended the establishment of an OIC Ministerial Contact Group on Iraq, a visit by the Secretary General to Iraq and submission the proposal to open an OIC Coordination Office in Iraq for consideration by the 33rd ICFM.

    I am happy to note that the above-cited OIC Executive Committee recommendations have been adopted by the 33rd ICFM held in Baku on 19-21 June.

    Meanwhile various OIC resolutions on Iraq call for close coordination and cooperation between the OIC and Arab League. The OIC General Secretariat was invited and actively participated in the preparatory meeting on the Iraqi National Accord held by the Arab League in Cairo in November 2005. In my various meetings with His Excellency Amr Mousa, furthering this cooperation was discussed. Similarly in my various meetings and telephone conversations with His Excellency President Talabani and His Excellency Foreign Minister Zebari, I took up the ways of increasing OIC involvement in Iraq. I have received an invitation from HE Amr Mousa to attend the National Accord Conference which is expected to be held in Baghdad in August. We support this important and timely launched initiative. It is also our desire, in line with the expectations from the member states for a close coordination and cooperation between the two organizations, to be able to participate, as a guest, at the preparatory meeting of the National Accord Conference to be held this month in Cairo.

    After Baku Conference, due to the urgency and crucial importance of the issue, I have taken immediate action for the implementation of the Ministerial resolutions on Iraq by sending a high level delegation to Baghdad headed by my special envoy Ambassador Mehdi Fathallah. Ambassador Fathallah and members of his team who visited Iraq have just successfully completed their 4 days mission in Iraq and joined me here in Tehran.

    The delegation was in Baghdad to make the first and preliminary attempt for a visible and long term presence of the OIC on the ground in Iraq as well as to prepare my imminent visit.

    I am pleased to share with you brief information regarding their mission and their assessments. A detailed report of this mission will be circulated to all OIC Member States very soon.

    The delegation met a wide-spectrum of Iraqis, official and non-officials and left Iraq with the following assessments:

    Despite very remarkable and praiseworthy political achievements, namely the constitutional referendum, elections, establishment of the government and the latest initiative by Prime Minister Maliki, which we have all wholeheartedly welcomed, existing security situation in Iraq continues to be at intolerable and volatile levels and is getting worse. The escalation of violence has become a threatening phenomenon for the future of Iraq.

    If unchecked, it might lead to unforeseeable consequences with a spill-over effect for the neighbors. Sectarian rift is being incited by radical elements from both Sunni and Shiite segments and deteriorating already volatile situation caused by terrorists elements with external sources.

    This is not the only problem in Iraq. However this multidimensional security problem is negatively effecting everything else. Sectarian Sunni-Shiite dispute, imbalances and unsettled positions in the power structure of different segments of the population as well as existence of militias and militia based structures in the military and security forces are components of this multidimensional problem.

    The delegation concluded that all segments of Iraqis are welcoming and looking forward to the assistance of the OIC and the Islamic countries including the neighboring countries to come together to devise a comprehensive initiative to solve this package of problems. And all sides are unified that a proactive role of the OIC will be very useful and would be much appreciated especially vis-Ã*-vis overcoming newly emerged sectarian rifts between Sunnis and Shiites. Almost everybody met by the delegation, in a uniform manner, highlighted that the OIC is very eligible and relevant organization to play a strong role in bringing Shiite and Sunni segments together and disseminating moderate and passionate messages of Islam inside Iraq. In this framework, all Iraqi sides requested the swift implementation of the OIC ICFM resolution to open an office in Baghdad.

    The delegation also noticed that almost all Iraqis were believing that interference from outside, especially by certain elements in the neighboring countries was playing a negative role in exacerbation sectarian disputes.

    Finally from here, in line with the findings of the delegation, I would like to make a call to all OIC Member States to increase their visibility in Iraq by engaging more with the Iraqi authorities and by paying high level visits to this country.

    As for this Ministerial Forum of Neighbors of Iraq, with all due respect to my presence here as a guest, I would like to simply and humbly suggest to hold your next Ministerial Meeting in Baghdad to make a meaningful and concrete gesture to the Iraqi people by boosting their morale and resilience with your eminent presence in Baghdad.

    Thank you for your attention and may Allah the Almighty render the efforts of our Iraqi brothers and sisters to live in peace, harmony, security and welfare.

    (Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Secretary General, OIC, delivered this speech at the ninth conference of the ministers of foreign affairs of the Iraq's neighboring countries in Tehran 8-9 July 2006)

  10. #5990
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    Quote Originally Posted by bob1940
    Interesting stuff on here. but for some reason I am begining to get worried, and getting an ulcer waiting for the news we all want. REVAUE! I know it is not If , but the BIG Question we all want to Know is when.
    Tiff , I think I will stay away from here Untill I hear ONE United CHEER! I will go back to Promoting ---or as YOU put it "Being a car salesman!" LOL (That is your interpetation of my Promoting sites for commminssions, and refferal credit) ROFLMAO! Any how ----Off to try to sell some more Dinar, and relax. Have a great day. BOB

    Yes Bob that's the way to go. While everyone is buying you are selling.
    I like it. A great strategy. Yes trading is the way to make money in Dinar like in anything else. When will it peg? we can make a lot more trading the dinar then waiting for when it pegs. Long term is good but daytrading is better and more profitable. I go daytrading too - not in Dinar though!

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