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  1. #6221
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raditz View Post
    Yes i agree Adam, but i know alot of people have bought more dinars because of rumors from other people with nothing solid to back the rumors up with.

    I think its good that you have sometime in august instead of a date in your signature. Because i know and you know that alot of people in here trust you and Mike alot and so do i. But time will tell wont it, i feel like you and most in here that hopefully it will happen before August.
    What I've posted has always been what I've thought and heard. In hindsight and I thought this at the time I shouldn't have put a date out there, but people want to know what you're hearing datewise. I will never do this again.

    I've thought all along it's a question of time and this will happen one day soon.

    I have never posted anything I've not believed myself.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #6222
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    I think I'm beginning to be bi-coastal. No no! That's bi-POLAR. I watch a little news on CNN or ABC, and by golly, civil war is imminent, the whole thing is going down in flames, and if civil war does fully erupt, the US is pulling out. depressed part. Then, I come to this forum, and knowledgeable people are still saying August for the peg! GEEEEEEEZ! Which is it? Does one thing preclude the other? I need a shrink. I need a drink and it's not even noon.
    God bless us all,
    Kristin the mad woman of Pueblo

  3. #6223
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    Talking US won't pull out

    The US will not pull out our troops, there's to much at stake (oil). Trust me on this, that won't happen until Iraq is settled down and the dinar is pegged.

  4. #6224
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    Cigarman, I agree it is all about the oil. I had an argument with a friend that thinks she knows everything. She had had enough to drink so she was really was out of hand when I repeated some of the info I had acquired from the forum. Not many people have access to all of this kind of info.

  5. #6225
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    The US will not pull out our troops, there's to much at stake (oil). Trust me on this, that won't happen until Iraq is settled down and the dinar is pegged.
    Thank you sir, I feel better.

  6. #6226
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    Default latest news on the iraqi dinar


    As we all know they only report bad news, on U.K. TV last night the main news was a piece on a report made by the outgoing Amb to Iraq to Tony Blair that civil war was likely and then they followed with an interview with some high up american soldier saying the same thing.EVERY BODY KEEPS SAYING THIS SINCE THEY BOMBED A MOSQUE IN FEBRUARY, they are only interested in reporting bad stuff, you actually wonder if the media want Iraq to succeed or for that matter things to improve in the middle east.

    On BBC they actually mentioned Iraq before the israel/lebanon situation.

    As I have just said things have not changed since February re civil war, what about all the improvements.

  7. #6227
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    Abbey, they dont care about the improvements and that is what disturbs me!
    I havent read one good article about Iraq and the situation there and how much that have been improved!

    The only good news i have found myself or from other on this forum. I never watch the news anymore! I learn 100 times more on this forum
    Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes longer time!

  8. #6228
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    "Force will be used in fighting terrorists" -- Iraqi PM

    BAGHDAD, Aug 3 (KUNA) -- Iraqi Prime Minster Nouri Al-Maliki said while receiving Japanese foreign minister Taro Aso on Thursday that his government would use force against terrorists with backing of foreign states.

    He added that bilateral relations between Baghdad and Tokyo must develop, especially in the investments field.

    The Japanese foreign minister said that his country will play a major role in the rebuilding process of Iraq, by offering huge grants and loans. He also delivered a formal invitation to Al-Maliki to visit Japan.

    Kuna site|Story page|"Force will be used in fighting terrorists" -- Ira...8/3/2006

  9. #6229
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club


    I know some will blame others because the expected dates don't materialize, but the facts are the facts, and everything that has been disseminated with tidbits from here and there gathered by Adam, myself and others is in good faith, not for any other reason. Granted, a little wishful thinking is always there, but what everyone has to realize is all the pieces needed to allow revalue have come to pass on target.

    What we have all got to realize is the issue of security is just as important as all the other factors we have discussed, yet this is one that is a variable, not quite the same as seeing debts reduced, investment law passed, ISX in place, etc. these have all come to pass, but security is the variable holding up the announcement at the last moment, and it was not forseen that sectarian death squads are now worse than insurgents. We saw the latest news, our soldiers are not being attacked as much as innocent citizens are for the first time. Now who would have forseen this?

    Everyone here knows we simply try to post the best possible news we can verify from the most reliable sources we can. No one here is trying to mislead anyone and very few are actually selling dinar at this point, including myself. We are so close and we all want the same thing, so I for one appreciate everyone's effort in posting the best information possible, good or bad, it all helps define what a truly difficult situation this is. But let us not forget, the major problem is restricted to Baghdad, and this is where the major banks are all located, so it only makes sense that the focus has to be on restoring security here.

    So many conflicting articles are out there, and not a one points the finger at Baghdad, they paint the whole country as if it was all as bad as it is in Baghdad, and this is just not true. I talk to my contacts in Kurdistan and investors are flooding into region in last week with no fear of bombings like in Baghdad. Baghdad is the cancer, and if these sectarian a$$holes want to blow these poor children and woman up, then this is sick, and I feel this is a bigger issue than insurgents are at this point in time. Attack this issue, and problem solved, so no civil war as media would love to see for their own agenda of bashing Bush administration, so give it another couple weeks, I am sure these *****s will soone realize no one wins when you kill innocent children and woman.

    Peace, Mike

  10. #6230
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    Thanks Mike. I agree. All your info and efforts are much appreciated.

    Let's be sure and be specific in our prayers concerning peace in Baghdad. God is very much into WIN/WIN situations and solutions. The people of Iraq WIN, the dinar gang WINS, everyone WINS. Except of course the terrorists/insurgents loose. When the wicked perish, the righteous will flourish.


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