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  1. #6361
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    Default agreed Cigarman.

    I think that is most peoples feelings . But not all. The world Leaders I am sure would agree. death, and destruction of property does not help any one! But It contnues. even in the USA there are deaths daily. Innocent people, and children being gunned down in the streets as they play or carry on their daily peaceful duties. Hate is the work of the devil. hatefull deeds are the works of the devil and hateful words are the devils VOMIT. But to some religions Killing in the name of their Gods Is honorable, and Death for their religious beliefs is the ULTIMATE In Honor with false Promises of the hereafter. They have been raised that way from childhood . the same as others have been raised to Respect, Honor the Living, and abide by the laws of the country. so the Peoples in the middle east are of Many religions , with each trying to RAM the Others DOWN the others throats. thus Killings in dispute and wars and terrorism. If they would RESPECT each other . there would not be the 16th century Problems that excist today. Just my 2 DINAR on the subject.

  2. #6362
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club


    I am hearing that there was a military coup against government a few days ago, but thankfully it failed. It was Saddam's old bathist party, so a good reason why things have been quiet as investigation is showing they were behind Shiite mosque bombing in Feb that started all this tit for tat infighting. Maybe now things will get back under control in Baghdad as people see who was really responsible for causing all this sectarian vilonce of late. The sooner the hang Saddam the better.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  3. #6363
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club


    The Kurds are also coming under threat from Turkey, backed my Iran and Syria forces, as they see the oil rich region as their own, so this game of chess is getting interesting. I would suspect the Israel persistance bombing Lebanon is causing more issues than it is solving with Hezbollah, so I wonder if Iran should not have been bombed instead of Lebanon for that seems to be the heart of the problems in middle east all along.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  4. #6364
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    Quote Originally Posted by readytogo View Post
    Hmmm, don't know much about Islam, but I sure would not want to serve a god who was only satisfied by suicide bombings and the bloodshed of innocents. Sounds like the enemy to me.

    To keep this about the dinar.........Let it Peg!
    I'm guessing that the predominance of the Iraqi people just want peace and security. If you look at history, most religions (which can have very little to do with God, in actuality...) have had their bloodthirsty, violent and oppressive eras. Christianity included. "my way or the highway", you know, believe what I believe or I'll kill you. In the name of God of course. Perhaps we will evolve to the "one God, one people" era soon. It all starts with the individual, be peace for your family, your town, your country, the middle east, the planet. I don't think there's fence sitting. You help, or you hinder. JMHO

  5. #6365
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    Cool Dinar Gang

    This is old...,But thought it would would be a good hear. About 2 minutes long.


    Listen to the full version of the question and answer now
    Audio Postcard

    Question: Will a new Dinar develop after the final President of
    Iraq is choosen?

    Darren XXXXXXXX

  6. #6366
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    Here's Dream City Iraq. So where is the media coverage of this? Why not show that the majority of Iraq actually lives in peace? The Sunni triangle is actually shrinking in size!!!! Dream City shows a vision of what the entire Iraq has potential to be. Guys, the bottom line is this. If we can achieve security in the Baghdad area, combined with the Iraqis continuing to take over more and more Provinces we (and more importantly the Iraqis) will become rich. It's amazing how fast a peacefully rich place can turn around. We'd be rolling in the dough within one year. It's time for leaders to make this thing happen. We have the capability within our grasp. Time to face the music and take our tough medicine. MAKE IT SO!!!!!!!!!!
    Dream City Erbil {News: Developers to build Iraq dream city}

    Here are some great first hand photos of Dream City
    Michael J. Totten: The Dream City of the Kurds

    It is only when watching the promotional film that the future of this particular site is revealed as a complex of 1200 luxury homes, a shopping mall, parks and schools: in short, a slice of Western suburbia grafted on to an Iraqi city.

    The US$300 million project, the brainchild of an Iraqi exile businessman, is quickly rising on the outskirts of Irbil, one of the boom towns of the Kurdish region of Iraq. The skyline of the region’s other main city, Sulaimaniyah, is also a web of cranes and semi-built apartment blocks, the main street is a long building site of hotels, offices and houses rapidly shooting up to accommodate the sudden flood of workers to the area.

    Much of the muscle going into the building boom is provided by Iraqi Arab companies and labourers from the south who have moved to this once war-torn region of northern Iraq to escape the horrors of the rest of the country.

    A bubble of relative security, with a quasi-democratic, quasi-authoritarian government, the Kurdish region of Iraq is benefiting from the dilemma of businessmen wanting to invest in an oil-rich country that is also one of the most dangerous places on earth. “Of course it is better to invest here than in Baghdad,” said Talib Ali Ahmed, head of Sulaimaniyah’s Chamber of Commerce.

    Many international investment companies seem to agree. In Sulaimaniyah alone, there are 48 Turkish and 30 Iranian companies, as well as contractors from China, Singapore, the Gulf states and several European countries. They blast new roads through the mountains, build bridges, tunnels and underpasses and create endless housing developments.

    Around 100 Arab companies have moved here from other parts of the country. The fact that the region — impoverished and attacked under Saddam Hussein, then racked by civil war after gaining de facto independence in 1991 — has no infrastructure provides investors with a blank sheet for vast building projects. The surge of investment is lifting the rugged region out of poverty and rushing it into the 21st century.

    Next to the ancient souk in Irbil, where merchants sell honeycombs, goat’s cheese and pistachio nuts in a hive of crumbling alleyways, a vast shopping mall of four 30-storey buildings is going up, with 6000 retail spaces inside. On the road between the boom towns, peasants still live in Iron Age villages of stone and mud-brick huts, grazing sheep and travelling by donkey. Even in the centre of Irbil, people live in hovels carved out of the ruined facades of Ottoman mansions on the Qalal, a hilltop fortress that has been lived in for 7000 years, the oldest continuously inhabited site in the world.

    There is little trace of sentimentality for the passing of the old ways. “We feel really happy watching our city being rebuilt,” said Ahmed Abdelhadi, a retired teacher working at his son’s shoe shop in the winding alleys of Irbil’s souk. “It used to be just sewage in the streets.”

    Halor Sherkar, a member of the Sulaimaniyah Chamber of Commerce, has lost track of how many projects are rising from the foothills of the Zagros Mountains, close to the border with Iran. “In five years’ time, it’ll look like Paris,” he said with a laugh.
    Last edited by pluginprofits; 09-08-2006 at 08:09 PM.

  7. #6367
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    Quote Originally Posted by ourhouse37 View Post
    I'm guessing that the predominance of the Iraqi people just want peace and security. If you look at history, most religions (which can have very little to do with God, in actuality...) have had their bloodthirsty, violent and oppressive eras. Christianity included. "my way or the highway", you know, believe what I believe or I'll kill you. In the name of God of course. Perhaps we will evolve to the "one God, one people" era soon. It all starts with the individual, be peace for your family, your town, your country, the middle east, the planet. I don't think there's fence sitting. You help, or you hinder. JMHO

    I agree. I believe you are correct in stating that the majority want peace. It is those that want to kill, steal and destroy that make the loudest noise, so in turn get the most attention. And when the world's attention is focused on the wrong things, it is very hard to move that focus to the right thing. You don't know, what you don't know. Revelation is key!

    You are also correct in your statement concerning "one God, one people", this is happening even as we type.

    Black or white, right or wrong, no gray areas. I agree. Absolutes are wonderful! I rejoiced when I found that they do indeed exist. I would like to say that there is no room for interpretation, only quidance. But most would disagree. Interpretation apart from the Holy Spirit is what birthed religion in the first place.

    No legalism here, only freedom.

    And yes, I also agree that peace and love have to start on the individual basis, with just one person, and His name is Jesus. It is a relationship and not a religion. God hates a religious spirit. Man invented religion, not God.

    Well, all righty then...... Let it Peg!!!!!!!


  8. #6368
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    This is old...,But thought it would would be a good hear. About 2 minutes long.


    Listen to the full version of the question and answer now
    Audio Postcard

    Question: Will a new Dinar develop after the final President of
    Iraq is choosen?

    Darren XXXXXXXX
    Thanks Neno!

  9. #6369
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    Monica: So well spoken from the heart and is meant for ALL God's children. With that said, we are not ready for the dinar to do it's thing; BIG TIME. How about next week this time CELEBRATING

  10. #6370
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    Default New IMF document!!!

    A lots of good information so happy reading :)))

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