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  1. #6801
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Default Hmmm.If iraq do the samething then the Koweit we are in business :)

    Translation are not good but i post:

    Parliament calls on Iraqis to benefit from the experience of Kuwait

    (Voice of Iraq) - 18-08-2006

    Baghdad-Kuna : The Deputy Speaker of the House Iraqi Khalid Attiyah that the Iraqi Parliament will discuss a draft federal prior to the end of the deadline set by the Constitution and that the project will be put to MPs Iraqis with the beginning of the Legislative Chapter II in early September next.
    Attiyah revealed yesterday that the Legislature will be in Chapter II and the enactment of legislation to independent bodies such as the High Commission for Elections and the Office of Integrity and the Office of Financial Supervision, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. He said, "We look forward to the Iraqi Parliament to take advantage of the Kuwaiti experience in the Kuwaiti National Assembly and that there was a body of friendship and parliamentary twinning between the two countries and gaining in both the legislative and oversight in the interests of both countries." He added that Kuwait is a neighbor and brother are linked by economic ties and that the relationship with Kuwait to privacy was being proactive with the blessing of the change that happened in Iraq and they embraced some political leaders have provided them with many facilities. He stressed that the positions of the political processes of positive and provided economic assistance to Iraq It continues to support the diplomatic and political.


  2. #6802
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    Cool Interesting Story Today.

    I was on a trip this morning and was listening to KERA. It is a Documentary News Station here in Dallas and I am sure alot of other places as well.

    Micheal Gordon the Militarys Top News Corespondant was on a Hour long today giving all the details of the Irag and War Updates on the Middle East. Long Story Very Short. It all has to do with Security in Bagdad. Bush is looking Bad and want stand for it. Things are really fixen to get going.

    I am going to catch up on the thread Now.

  3. #6803
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    Wink Any news from Dr. Q on free-dinar tonight?

    Just curious if anyone is listening to the conference call tonight? I'm curious to see if Dr. Q is still standing firm on reval dates. My gut is still saying August BTW.

  4. #6804
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    Quote Originally Posted by FloridaFirm View Post
    Are you sure we can cash in OUTSIDE of Iraq

    What do you base this knowledge on

    This one is "Simple". They are moving from a Central Market to Global Market.

  5. #6805
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    Neno, funny you should say that. The Air Force guy that said his friend saw a Russian cargo take off from Bagdad heading for the world bank. Well, instead his friend said the plane filled with dinar was heading for the world market. So, I'm wondering if it will make multiple stops throughout the world to off-load dinar getting ready for the reval.

  6. #6806
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    Cool Call Tonight

    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    Just curious if anyone is listening to the conference call tonight? I'm curious to see if Dr. Q is still standing firm on reval dates. My gut is still saying August BTW.
    Cigar my number to this is tucked away in my pm folders. And we can not get to them at the moment do to the server change and some minor tech issues. Can you list it here are send it to me at [email protected] tks I want to hear him tonight and just see how good that gut of yours really is.

  7. #6807
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    Neno, I don't have his number either. Maybe Tiff or Flygirl will listen and update us.

  8. #6808
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    Neno, funny you should say that. The Air Force guy that said his friend saw a Russian cargo take off from Bagdad heading for the world bank. Well, instead his friend said the plane filled with dinar was heading for the world market. So, I'm wondering if it will make multiple stops throughout the world to off-load dinar getting ready for the reval.
    Funny you say this,

    I was also talking to some freinds out in Northern California today as they were calling asking for some updates on how to exchange. As we were going thru that, they were saying that the exchange offices and banks will need alittle dinar to get started for the ones cashing in under $10,000.00 at a time with a 25,000NID. Made perfect logic to me.

    Also as I figure 100% of every one will be cashing in some if not all as soon as it r/v's that the Institutions will have plenty of dinar on Hand in a very short period of time.

    I also figure if they are unable to make change for the Dinar Holder, that they will not have a problem with just taking the cash for all now instead of waitng for them to have change. What do you say to this?

  9. #6809
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    I've never listened in...just got the info from you all...sorry....I haven't seen Flygirl on yet either. :-)

  10. #6810
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    I have one word for Neno, SPLENDID!!!!

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