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  1. #7061
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    Quote Originally Posted by pipshurricane View Post
    (Voice of Iraq) - 22-08-2006

    Baghdad D. B. A : The Iraqi Trade Minister, Abdul Hassan Sudanese farmer said that his ministry had prepared a working paper of the Council of Iraqi unity Arab Economic and Social Council held in Cairo on the first of next month. The minister said in a statement, said the Iraqi paper containing proposals and recommendations and instructions for activating the joint relations between the Arab countries in addition to the new prospects that it can create an atmosphere economically and socially gives joint relations batches forward and contribute to the solution of economic and social problems ".
    Well if this one is right. Cigarman owes Adster dinner.

  2. #7062
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    Wink Neno, not so fast!!

    The last time I checked the date it said August 21st. Plenty of time left this month.LOL.

  3. #7063
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    Cool I am the Ref..

    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    The last time I checked the date it said August 21st. Plenty of time left this month.LOL.

  4. #7064
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    Default Iraq to build more refineries, start exporting byproducts by 2010, says minister

    Iraq plans to build several new oil refineries and upgrade existing ones to start exporting gasoline and other byproducts by 2010, the oil minister said Monday, but acknowledged that insurgent attacks on pipelines remain a serious problem. | IRAQ

  5. #7065
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    Quote Originally Posted by danny51 View Post
    I love Beaverton...I have attended church services there at the ACROPOLIS and the STARS!!! hehehehe. Praise Allah!!
    Now THAT's funny. The sort of secular worship I can relate to.

  6. #7066
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    Adam: You can inform the person on the other forum that the reason I don't get information from my contacts at Treasury because I don't have any. I was fortunate to be given a buy-out for $25,000 and my retirement at the age of 52; some 13yrs ago. The people I knew are no longer there. I am waiting on Iraq for how much and when:-) Since we can't PM, I did not know how else to inform you with an answer for that person:-)

  7. #7067
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    I've been trying to wrap my brain around some of this, mainly the argument that even a r/v won't help the people of Iraq. If their currency is worth more then prices and wages will adjust accordingly. Well I just read this on another forum and now it's clear as can be

    You're just not grasping this at all. If Iraq is importing most products and assuming the products are priced in dollars (not at the Iraqi store but off the ship). If it costs Iraqi's 1476 or 1350 dinar to buy one dollar worth of rice how much more rice can Iraqi's afford to buy if the the dinar is now 1:1, 2:1 or 3:1. Now it will take only 1 dinar versus over 1,300 to buy $1 worth of rice or 1 dinar to buy $2 worth of rice or 1 dinar to buy $3 worth of rice. It's not like their dinar magically turned into gold bars for them but it just takes less of them to buy more of the products they need. This reduces inflation and doesn't give any merchants the incentive to jack their prices up. Gabeesh?

  8. #7068
    Senior Investor $onedaysoon$'s Avatar
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    they r/v,they open the stock exchange, they bring investers, they bring in new company which in turn brings jobs, as jobs rise pay will rise. they need to do all of this soon

  9. #7069
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    Quote Originally Posted by Weston View Post
    Now THAT's funny. The sort of secular worship I can relate to.
    I had a feeling that you would like it!!

  10. #7070
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    Default Dr Dinar report

    I read this from Dr Dinar newsletter


    This is going to piss off some of the critics who read this
    newsletter. I finished a short research report that proves the
    zero chopping media scare is an absolute hoax which is backed by
    nothing but 'perceived truth'.

    You may recall a few days ago I released an email about the
    chopping of the 000's off of the Dinar. Many emails came back to
    me with feedback from around the world including my key authorities
    in Iraq. Enough is enough and I am going to lay this rumor to rest
    right now. Zero's are NOT coming off of the Dinar.

    In fact, one of my loyal readers wrote me telling me I am full of
    s--t and that the zero's must come off!! Well, he's been wrong
    before and that's what I told him and here is why...

    People have been saying 1, 2, even 3 zero's are going to come off
    of the Dinar to increase it's value 'over night'. First thing that
    humored me is which one is it, 1, 2, or 3?? This is what is called
    'speculation' Well, it's 0, nada, No zero's are coming off.
    Listen up, here is the clincher.

    Iraq's former Minister of Finance Al Talibani had been arrested by
    the Marines. This was the culprit who started the rumor when he
    made the claim that the zero's are or should come off of the Dinar.

    Everything got out of hand after that and I will be doing a full
    scale press release on this. The first press release since spring
    time. This is HUGE, so many potential and current investors are
    having their dream crushed because of the negative crap about the
    dinar on this issue.

    Iraq's new Government has agreed on the Dinar's new banknotes which
    have already brought much faith into Iraq's growing economy.

    Your loyal source of truth on the Dinar's progress,
    Darren Chabluk

    P.S. If you have not done so yet, you can pick up your DrDinar
    Report here

    Good luck to all

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