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  1. #7081
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    Well, I have read Mike's post over and over for about an hour. I can't believe how much it hurts me to see that this is what is taught in their culture. Reading it, I actually feel like I have a pit in my stomache. Didn't realize that it would affect me this way.

    A little background on myself. When I was growing up, we did not talk about God or religion in our house. I never attended a church with my parents, and they never had me baptized. Not that they thought God was bad, or didn't believe in him, but they left me to explore, and find for myself my own beliefs.

    I never gave God much thought until after my first child was born, and my first marriage failed. To make a long story short, my oldest daughter and I were both baptized on the same day, during the Easter Vigil in 2000, and now I can't imagine living my life without Jesus in it. I married my 2nd husband in Oct. 2000, we raise our 3 children to know the love of the lord.

    I guess this story got a little off track, but like I said, I can not describe the emotions I felt reading Mikes post. I just don't understand it. Why kill each other? I can't understand believing in Mohammad, who wants you to cause death unto others. It makes no sense to me.

  2. #7082
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    Hello Mike,

    Thanks for your post. I am happy to say that there are more muslims coming to Christ than ever before. Love conquers all!


  3. #7083
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    Choochie...I watched an entire program on the Muslim religion. I COULD NOT believe the things that these people were saying. They WANTED to die. They wanted everyone around them to die...then they would go to where it is beautiful. It appears that the more horrific the act when they die, the "better" or more beautiful it is when they are dead. Tears in my eyes I asked my husband "How" and "Why..." they thought like this, and he said "You're not supposed to understand, that's not how you were taught...just like they don't understand OUR beliefs because that's not how THEY were taught."

  4. #7084
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    Quote Originally Posted by choochie View Post
    Well, I have read Mike's post over and over for about an hour. I can't believe how much it hurts me to see that this is what is taught in their culture. Reading it, I actually feel like I have a pit in my stomache. Didn't realize that it would affect me this way.

    A little background on myself. When I was growing up, we did not talk about God or religion in our house. I never attended a church with my parents, and they never had me baptized. Not that they thought God was bad, or didn't believe in him, but they left me to explore, and find for myself my own beliefs.

    I never gave God much thought until after my first child was born, and my first marriage failed. To make a long story short, my oldest daughter and I were both baptized on the same day, during the Easter Vigil in 2000, and now I can't imagine living my life without Jesus in it. I married my 2nd husband in Oct. 2000, we raise our 3 children to know the love of the lord.

    I guess this story got a little off track, but like I said, I can not describe the emotions I felt reading Mikes post. I just don't understand it. Why kill each other? I can't understand believing in Mohammad, who wants you to cause death unto others. It makes no sense to me.
    Hey Choochie! Good Morning!

    I'm glad to have you as my sister!

    This is my take.......These people are deceived. The key to deception is that you do not know that you are deceived. Our enemy is the father of all lies, not the father of death or hate or fear, but the father of lies. His number one tool is deception. If he can deceive you then he can defeat you. That is why it is so important to renew your mind on a daily basis. Just think, on the most part, the Iraqi people have not had access to the Word. Apart from the Word you can do nothing. Jesus is the Word. The Iraqi people have been brainwashed from birth into thinking that they are pleasing god. You don't know what you don't know.

    I pray Ephesians 1:17-23 for the Iraqi people and especially their leaders. Revelation is the ticket.

    The word wicked means to twist. That is what the enemy does, he takes the Word and twists it ever so slightly where it still sounds like the truth but with a little twist. This twist will always appeal to our fleshly desires, making it very desirable. The devil knows that if he were to tell us a big fat lie right off the bat that we would recognize it and reject it, but if he twists it little by little it is more effective.

    Kinda like how do you cook a frog? Put him into lukewarm water and slowly turn up the heat and before you know it.....cooked frog! Do not put him into hot or boiling water for he will jump out.

    Have a wonderful joy filled day!


  5. #7085
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiffany View Post
    Choochie...I watched an entire program on the Muslim religion. I COULD NOT believe the things that these people were saying. They WANTED to die. They wanted everyone around them to die...then they would go to where it is beautiful. It appears that the more horrific the act when they die, the "better" or more beautiful it is when they are dead. Tears in my eyes I asked my husband "How" and "Why..." they thought like this, and he said "You're not supposed to understand, that's not how you were taught...just like they don't understand OUR beliefs because that's not how THEY were taught."
    Yes Tiff, that was me this morning after reading this. I was tearful, and gut wrenched. And trying to reason the "How" and "Why". But then decided, I didn't need to know the "How" or "Why", as I probably still wouldn't understand it. I just sat back and decided to be grateful for the Lord being in me and my family's life. That is all I can do. And trust that.

  6. #7086
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Funny Tiff,

    This has not been an easy deal to bet on, as we all know, so given all the security issues which are holding things up a bit, I would say Sept. along with Adam. We have seen progress, and tons of weapons have been seized in Baghdad, so who knows, we could still see August revalue. Sorry, but I take the arbitrage hedging on all bets these days. LOL

    Good luck to all, Mike
    Interesting Mike! So even if this waits until September...Ramadan begins on the 24th...some rather big meetings on the 2nd....Yah? Logic would put the big day between those two dates....IF it hasn't already happened in August! ....pretty much HAS to happen before Ramadan, doesn't it? ....heck...should've happened a month ago, the Iraqi people would have been all situated by now!

  7. #7087
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    How true that is Mike! And your right about how different we all are in our own individual ways and yet some of us are so alike in many ways also! Thank You for yopur post. LISA

  8. #7088
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    Quote Originally Posted by readytogo View Post
    Hey Choochie! Good Morning!

    I'm glad to have you as my sister!

    This is my take.......These people are deceived. The key to deception is that you do not know that you are deceived. Our enemy is the father of all lies, not the father of death or hate or fear, but the father of lies. His number one tool is deception. If he can deceive you then he can defeat you. That is why it is so important to renew your mind on a daily basis. Just think, on the most part, the Iraqi people have not had access to the Word. Apart from the Word you can do nothing. Jesus is the Word. The Iraqi people have been brainwashed from birth into thinking that they are pleasing god. You don't know what you don't know.

    I pray Ephesians 1:17-23 for the Iraqi people and especially their leaders. Revelation is the ticket.

    The word wicked means to twist. That is what the enemy does, he takes the Word and twists it ever so slightly where it still sounds like the truth but with a little twist. This twist will always appeal to our fleshly desires, making it very desirable. The devil knows that if he were to tell us a big fat lie right off the bat that we would recognize it and reject it, but if he twists it little by little it is more effective.

    Kinda like how do you cook a frog? Put him into lukewarm water and slowly turn up the heat and before you know it.....cooked frog! Do not put him into hot or boiling water for he will jump out.

    Have a wonderful joy filled day!

    Thank you for your response. It made me feel better. But I have to ask,
    "Who the heck cooks frogs?!?" I have heard of people eating frog legs, but the Whole frog? While it's alive? All I have to say is ....eeeewwwww.

  9. #7089
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    Quote Originally Posted by choochie View Post
    Thank you for your response. It made me feel better. But I have to ask,
    "Who the heck cooks frogs?!?" I have heard of people eating frog legs, but the Whole frog? While it's alive? All I have to say is ....eeeewwwww.


    You are hilarious! Waiting for the day to meet ya!

  10. #7090
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    Hey Monica, I can see that i'm going to have something to razz you about on those frog legs. more than likely on all of the family holidays! ha!!

    auntie lisa

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