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  1. #7271
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    Sounds like our Dinars can be referred to as floating balloons.....

    UP...UP...and AWAY!!!!!

    Fly HIGH my friends~! Sky's the limit, huh Adster?

  2. #7272
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiffany View Post
    Sounds like our Dinars can be referred to as floating balloons.....

    UP...UP...and AWAY!!!!!

    Fly HIGH my friends~! Sky's the limit, huh Adster?
    Sounds like fun tiff!!!! Reminds me of that song Up Up and Away in My Beautiful Balloon!!

  3. #7273
    Member kevinsw's Avatar
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    Default Tax information

    Hi Everybody,

    I found some good tax stuff that one of you experts might wish to check out, it will be in 3 posts. I hope this is in the proper thread if not then ummm sorry?


    This is stuff I found on the net. It caught my eye & I thought I would share it with every one. ******PLEASE DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE AND CHECK YOUR STATE & LOCAL LAWS BEFORE DOING ANYTHING*******



    Utilizing E-currencies with debit cards is a way to fly below the radar and have full access to funds when you need them. To really get the full benefit of this newly acquired wealth, you need to utilize structures such as the rich use. We are expecting a substantial amount from this first SP and we intend on using the the chosen setup of the elite - a series of entities that operate at 3 levels AKA The KITE Structure. Learn to fly a kite and operate at the elite level.

    ONSHORE: We will use an LLC or better still a series of LLCs. All with EINs to interface with government and other public entities that want a tracking number to engage in commerce.

    COMMON LAW: The LLCs mentioned above will be owned wholly by 2 or more CLTs or Common Law trusts. These vehicles have NO REPORTING REQUIREMENTS AT ANY LEVEL OF GOVT. The LLCs will issue 1099s and K1s etc.. to the CLTs to meet their statutory requirements, but the CLTs can wad those reports up and "round file" them. The point of 2 or more CLTs as owners, it makes the LLCs passthrough entities for tax purposes.

    OFFSHORE: The CLTs will be wholly owned by a PIF or Private Interest Foundation. This will allow for all LLC and CLT equities to flow straight ino a secure zone with a minimum of taxes taken out. Also essential to this plan are IBCs that will allow for you to conduct business in other parts of the world and access opportunities that may otherwise be off limits to you (Offshore Hedge funds, Forex trading accounts, bank and brokerage accounts). The IBCs would be wholly owned by the PIF.

    The essential element is that YOUR NAME IS ON NONE OF THE DOCUMENTS CREATING THESE ENTITIES. You will have removed yourself from the equation and limited your exposure, yet at the same time you will have access to and use of all of the wealth. The beautiful thing about the PIF is that the owners of the PIF are.....YOUR UNBORN GRANDCHILDREN!!!! The TRUE owner is never alive at the time you are managing the assets for them through the PIF.

    The Wealthy and Elite created this protocol for themselves BEFORE they implemented the INCOME TAX SYSTEM that American and Canadians are stuck with at present. They had to leave themselves an escape route, less they be caught in their own snare.
    Opens at $1.69 because I said so?

    Best Regards

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  4. #7274
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Default Abi Zaid commended the progress of security in Baghdad

    (Voice of Iraq) - 25-08-2006 shall Sent this topic friend

    Baghdad (Reuters) - praised General John Abi Zeid, the largest US army officer in the Middle East on Thursday, the campaign a major security in Baghdad, said that Iraq is far from civil war.

    He said Abi Zeid reporters in Baghdad on the day reported that witnessed the explosion of three cars filled with explosives and two bombs on the roads, killing four people and injuring 24, "I think that there has been significant progress on the security front in Baghdad in recent times. We are optimistic that the stable situation. "

    The army sent reinforcements to the American forces in Baghdad to assist the government in regaining control of the streets from sectarian militias and death squads that disqualify blamed for the death of thousands of acts of violence has raised fears of the outbreak of civil war.

    He said Abi Zeid, who met with General George Casey commander of the American forces in Iraq, said that the statements made earlier this month before the United States Senate and said that sectarian violence in Iraq in the worst case seen misinterpreted.

    He added : "No less that Iraq never goalkeeper stone of the civil war. It is astonishing how one says things sometimes and then carried reports in a different form. I think that there is a danger of a civil war in Iraq, but it is just a risk. I believe that Iraq is far from this. "

    He said the leaders of American military actions stringent security, which included the deployment of 12 thousand soldiers and Iraqi additional US in the streets of the city resulted in a sharp decline in violence in some neighborhoods Sunni and Shiite troubled.

    In an article published in the newspaper Wall Street on Wednesday reiterated US ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalil further statements by Iraqi and American leaders that the process of restoring peace to Baghdad is a crucial task.

    And wrote "Battle of Baghdad will decide the future of Iraq, which will go a long themselves to determine the future of the most critical areas in the world."

    Khalil pointed out that Baghdad has witnessed in July July "increased by 10% on the average monthly high for the" incidents of violence which left 2100 people dead.

    He said that 77% of the dead and wounded have fallen as a result of sectarian violence, "which has increased fears of an imminent civil war in Iraq."

    The violence resulted in the deaths of more people on Thursday, the American army announced the killing of two soldiers in Baghdad in a few hours and forty-eight years.

    The two civilians were killed and nine were wounded, including two police officers when a car bomb driven by a suicide bomber in the Baghdad neighborhood inhabited by the new mix of Sunnis and Shiites in the east of the Iraqi capital.

    Police said that two other civilians were killed in the explosion of a car bomb targeted a police patrol in the neighborhood, which overlooks Pashtun majority Sunni.

    He denied a spokesman for the Interior Ministry on Thursday, media reports that the Home Minister survived an assassination attempt on Wednesday in the neighborhood which was inhabited by Sunnis and Shiites.

    The spokesman said that an explosion occurred in the neighborhood of 10 minutes after the passage of parade Ministry of the Interior, but the minister was not among behind.

    In southern British forces retreated from its base in Maysan governorate in southern Iraq, which are attacked almost every night and decided to break in the marshes along the Iranian border tracking arms smugglers.

    It will relinquish soldiers and 600 tanks - the regiment and armoured fighting vehicles even employ Land Rover vehicles armed with machine guns guns only. The force will remain in a permanent state of the movement.

    And accusing American officials and British arming Iran is a Shiite militias blamed for most of sectarian violence in Iraq is the attacks on coalition forces.

  5. #7275
    Member kevinsw's Avatar
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    Default Post 2

    The stuff I put here is NOT my knowledge. I am NOT a tax advisor. Its just stuff I found on the net! ****** DUE YOUR DUE DILIGENCE BEFORE DOING ANYTHING. MAKE SURE YOU KNOW YOUR STATE & LOCAL TAX LAWS*****

    In order to accelerate your movement along the wealth
    building curve, you absolutely MUST have your own
    business. I don’t care if its real estate investing,
    a sales company or a service business. But you must
    own it yourself or with a partner. Why, because the
    tax laws are tilted in favor of people who are in
    business for themselves. Let’s take a closer look.

    If you are not in business for yourself, you are
    earning your money as a W-2 employee. Unfortunately,
    this is the highest tax form of income that there is.
    In fact, the average American gives up between 42% and
    55% of his or her income in the form of taxes. Sound
    high? Well, consider this:

    Currently we have a Federal tax rate of approximately
    39%. States can charge as much as 9.6% and some of us
    even have to pay a City income tax as high as 3%.

    Then, there is the Invisible Killer tax known as FICA
    or Social Security. Why do I say that it’s the
    Invisible Killer. Please let me explain.

    Social Security tax is broken down into two
    components. The first component of 7.65% is paid
    directly by the employee. Its taken directly from
    your paycheck before you even touch it.

    In addition to that, your employer must “match” your
    contribution by paying another 7.65%. And this all
    happens BEFORE you see a nickel of your paycheck. Its
    like the government is playing a game of now you see
    it, now you don’t with your money.

    And isn’t it true that if your employer has to pay
    that money to Uncle Sam, its less money that he can
    pay it to you?


    Can you see how hard it is to get ahead when you are
    paying out roughly half of your earnings in taxes?

    Decades ago, a Supreme Court Justice named Learned
    Hand made the following observation:

    To paraphrase, he said “there are two income tax
    systems in this Country; one for the educated and one
    for the uneducated”

    Here’s your chance to get a powerful education.

    The following two diagrams hold the secret to tilting
    the tax laws in your favor.

    The first one illustrates the tax system for the

    -Pay taxes

    Both systems start, of course, with earning income.
    However, in the UN educated tax system, your taxes are
    immediately deducted from your paycheck – BEFORE you
    ever see it. Then, you have to live on what’s left

    Lets apply some numbers to this:

    $100,000 Income
    $ 50,000 Taxes

    $ 50,000 What
    you have left to Live on.

    Now, contrast this with the EDUCATED system.


    Again, we start with earning income. But look closely
    at the next line. In the EDUCATED system, you get to
    spend your money BEFORE you pay taxes. Can you see
    how this could have a HUGE impact on your financial

    This is the first step. This is one of the strategies
    that people like Ross Perot, Donald Trump and Bill
    Gates use to reduce their taxes from the 50% that the
    average American pays all the way down to 4%-5%!
    That’s right: 4% - 5%.

    Now you know the first step, you MUST have your own

    Thanks to Drew Miles Esq. for this.
    Opens at $1.69 because I said so?

    Best Regards

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  6. #7276
    Member kevinsw's Avatar
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    Default Post 3 final post?

    The stuff I put here is NOT my knowledge. I am NOT a tax advisor. Its just stuff I found on the net! ****** DUE YOUR DUE DILIGENCE BEFORE DOING ANYTHING. MAKE SURE YOU KNOW YOUR STATE & LOCAL TAX LAWS*****

    I’d like to start with a question: At any
    point in your life, did your accountant make it a
    point to do a comprehensive review of the tax
    deductions that you can put to work for you. If you
    are like most people, the answer is probably not.

    That’s not meant as a slam against accountants. Its
    simply a wake up call to the fact that most
    accountants and C.P.A.’s are income tax preparers, not
    income tax planners. They may do a fine job of
    preparing tax returns but the information that you are
    now learning is simply outside the scope of their

    With that as a background, let’s take some time to
    highlight a few of the more powerful, yet lesser-known
    deductions that are available.

    When I speak at seminars, I often teach people about
    my Top-Ten favorites or what I sometimes call “The
    Golden Tax Secrets”. They are:

    1) Achievement Awards Sec. 74: Each year, your
    company can give away to its employees three separate
    awards. Each of these awards is worth $1,600 per year
    in kind. That means that you can’t write the employee
    a check for $1,600, but rather, you can present him or
    her a gift (in kind). Examples include shi equipment,
    a plasma T.V., golf clubs, cook ware, etc. You get
    the idea. The gift can really be anything other than

    The first gift is for longevity. This is reserved to
    companies in existence for five years or more. You
    can present the gift to your longest standing employee
    and if you are the ONLY employee of the company, then
    this would definitely be YOU.

    The second is gift is for safety. This gift is
    typically reserved for companies in a risky business
    like construction or a factory. I suppose rehabbing
    real estate would qualify.

    The third gift is for sales excellence. You can award
    your best salesperson this award based on their
    outstanding performance during the previous year.

    2) Your Annual Corporate meeting. The law requires
    you to update your formal corporate documents each
    year. This includes keeping accurate financial
    records, corporate resolutions and minutes, etc. So,
    as the owner of your business, you can combine your
    annual meeting with a vacation, kill two birds with
    one stone and make the entire trip deductible. And
    you can bring your family, too.

    3) Your Corporate Gym Sec. 132 (h). Unfortunately,
    the IRS won’t let you directly deduct the cost of your
    gym membership. However, under this code section, you
    can deduct the cost of the Gym equipment. So that
    Nautilus set, your Bow Flex machine, even the Gazelle
    Trainer that you’ve seen on television – not to
    mention free waits, a work out bench, etc – are all
    tax deductible through your company.

    4) Business Gifts. Your company can give gifts to
    individuals of up to $25.00 per year. Often, these
    gifts are given as year –end or holiday bonuses.

    But a little known nuance is that your company’s
    gifts to other companies are unlimited. So I suppose
    your company could give a corporate gym membership
    away to your friend’s company. I I can’t see any
    reason for your friend’s company to provide a
    corporate gym membership to your company in return.

    5) Meals and Lodging – Sec. 119. Your company can
    cover the costs of meals and hotel expenses required
    for overnight stays. These trips might involve
    researching new products, better sources of supplies,
    new real estate deals, etc.

    6) Put Your Kids on the Payroll. Instead of paying
    your kids an allowance, hire your kids and put them to
    work. They’ll learn first hand, the importance of
    having their own business, and their salary is fully
    tax deductible.

    7) Seminars – Sec.162 Your company can pay for the
    cost of educational seminars- even if they have
    nothing to do with your current business. So, for
    example, if you want to learn how to invest in
    foreclosures, your comapy can pay the freight.

    What about things like golf lessons, ski lessons,
    dance lessons or ski diving? These can all be

    8) Dependant Care Plan Sec. 129. The code allows you
    to deduct up to $5,250 for the costs associated with
    caring for dependants This includes young children
    and our adult parents who, nowadays often have to turn
    to us for help.

    9) Moving Expenses. Your company can pay the cost of
    an executive move – whether it is across town or
    across the country.

    10) You Retirement Plan. Your company can establish
    its own retirement plan. It can include you, your
    spouse and even your kids. There are MANY different
    types of retirement plans to choose from, and a
    retirement specialist can help you choose the best
    types of plans for you and your family.

    Imagine hiring your child, grandchild, or niece/nephew
    to work for your business and paying them a tax
    deductible salary which they place into a tax
    deductible retirement fund from the time they are age
    7. You might also want to self-direct that plan into
    your favorite investments. Just imagine the financial
    head start that would give them.

    And those are just ten of my favorites.

    Thanks to drew Miles ESQ. for this
    Opens at $1.69 because I said so?

    Best Regards

    Computer help on my website: HERE
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  7. #7277
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Huge news the below, I know the folks I've spoken to are very excited about the below......In a nutshell, Mahdi and Shabibi are saying a r/v is in the works.....

    The investment is not a country but a financially and administratively, as well as securing complement domestic investment in order to increase GDP. And the possibility of raising the value of the Iraqi dinar ... The rise in the value of parents t rise through reliance on that the country can provide the quantity of foreign currency through exports, increase exports and reduce debt is the result of the economy, which raises the value of the dinar.
    praise God and pass the champagne. thanks Adster!

  8. #7278
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Quote Originally Posted by abbey56 View Post

    This must the quietest day on this thread for ages so I thought I would come up with a question to keep us awake- why is that Saudia Arabia and Kuwait appear to be the only two countries that have not forgiven Iraqs debt??.
    Good question,

    But I am still half asleep. LOL Seriously, this is a good question, and it has been agreed to forgive debt, but it was tied to agreement to remove oil subsidies, and this has already started, so it is just a matter of time when the technical forgiveness is finalized. It will happen, and it may be announced soon, along with all the rest of the news we have been waiting to be announced.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  9. #7279
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Huge news the below, I know the folks I've spoken to are very excited about the below......In a nutshell, Mahdi and Shabibi are saying a r/v is in the works.....

    The investment is not a country but a financially and administratively, as well as securing complement domestic investment in order to increase GDP. And the possibility of raising the value of the Iraqi dinar ... The rise in the value of parents t rise through reliance on that the country can provide the quantity of foreign currency through exports, increase exports and reduce debt is the result of the economy, which raises the value of the dinar.
    This is Great, but already posted a week are two ago. So with that time frame of this, they may very well be getting closer.

  10. #7280
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    This is Great, but already posted a week are two ago. So with that time frame of this, they may very well be getting closer.
    Thats right just good to read again this news.Can you smell it Tommy hmmmm...

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