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  1. #7351
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    Hey cigarman
    I have been reading all the loving and encouraging messages posted toward you. I agree fully. But here is another thougt...maybe nothing ugly or personal was intended by Erics post. Maybe it was just an off-handed comment or even intended in a joking way. Can't we please not take such offense towards one another. Can't we please stay together (eric included) and support one another? You know, if Eric did just make a silly off-handed comment, not meant to hurt or offend anyone...then he must feel as hurt over some of these comments as you did when you saw his. We need love here, not separation. Please stay with us, show a caring and forgiving heart, and lets all be together again.

  2. #7352
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    Quote Originally Posted by readytogo View Post
    Whatever posted: Walter Updegrave may soon find his dinar-less portfolio Indegrave...

    :thumbsup TOO FUNNY MONICA!! YOU GO GIRL!!

  3. #7353
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    Default First post for me....hope I did good.

    I know this is from the end of July but I don't remember ever reading an article that talks about what the FIL will contain. There is one part that talks about convertibility of a currency & I know that thats part of what we all want. It's a long article but there is a lot of good stuff in it. Here is one part about currency & if this has been posted before....sorry.

    Translated version of

    Law allowed the possibility of removing capital introduced to Iraq and the dividend is not inconsistent with the provisions of laws and procedures Alkamrkeh, tax and currency convertible currency after the payment of its obligations and debts of all the Iraqi government and others. How has allowed workers in a project to transform their salaries and compensation out of Iraq.

  4. #7354
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    Oops! Sorry About The Two Posts. The Three Year Old Grandaughter Kinda Sidetracked Me. Lisa

  5. #7355
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    Quote Originally Posted by pipshurricane View Post
    BTW sorry if my post are always short is just because my first language are french and want to make sure you understand the word when i post a opinion etc LOL...
    Hey PH, your written English is better than most of us in here who have English as our first language, LOL!!

    I have always regretted that our USA school system does not require us to take a second language (usually French or Spanish) from the 1st grade on up to 12th grade. It would be the smart thing to do in the USA.

  6. #7356
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiffany View Post

    Happy Birth-day to MEEEEEE!!!

    Cigarman, I'd like to point out that there is a "Power Team" of sorts here on our little forum...A team that you are most DEFINITELY a MAJOR PLAYER in! Please don't let a person with "69" in his username ()piss you off THAT BAD that you don't post! Come-on-now! I've grown rather fond of your gut...don't end it like this....after all that we've been through! I've grown to ignore the "nillies" ...what's funny is that some probably think that I'm one! lol ~! Luv-to-the-belly~~Tiff
    Hey ummmmmmm....whats so bad about "69"? hehehe

  7. #7357
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    That could have been taken a couple of different ways Danny~!

    And for the record....nuthin'!

  8. #7358

  9. #7359

  10. #7360
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    Cool This is Good...Very Good. They Reconize it now.

    Shiite Leader Urges Iraqi Politicians to Stay Home and Work Harder .

    Published: August 25, 2006
    BAGHDAD, Iraq, Aug. 24
    — In a rare political statement, Iraq’s most prominent Shiite religious leader has urged government ministers and members of Parliament to refrain from taking trips abroad and to focus on improving the lives of ordinary citizens, a spokesman said Thursday.

    Also on Thursday, the top American commander for the Middle East, Gen. John P. Abizaid, told reporters in Baghdad that recent American and Iraqi security sweeps through some of the capital’s most dangerous neighborhoods had made the city noticeably safer. His comments came on a day when two American soldiers were killed in or around Baghdad and when three car bombs and a fourth bomb here killed at least four people and wounded 23 others.

    The Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, who maintains a broad following of Shiites in Iraq, Iran and other Middle Eastern countries, delivered his message to a prominent Iraqi politician who visited him recently and asked the man to pass it on to other leaders, a spokesman for Ayatollah Sistani said Thursday.

    “His eminence asked the officials not to travel abroad and to stay in touch with the people who elected them,” said the spokesman, who agreed to be interviewed only if his name was not published. “We know that there is a considerable amount of danger in this,” he added, referring to the violence that has plagued Baghdad. “We thanked them for holding the responsibility in this difficult security situation,” he said, “but they have to fully fulfill their responsibilities.”

    Ayatollah Sistani or his spokesmen do not routinely make public statements, though the cleric has repeatedly called for Shiites to refrain from revenge attacks after killings. Most recently, he condemned Israel for its raids on Lebanon. Four weeks ago, in a written statement, he said he was heartbroken by the widening divide between Shiites and Sunni Arabs.

    General Abizaid was in Baghdad on Thursday to meet with Gen. George W. Casey Jr., the American commander in Iraq. Speaking to reporters afterward, he said Iraq was not near civil war, in contrast to comments he made in Senate testimony in Washington this month, in which he said that sectarian violence in Iraq was the worst he had seen and that a civil war was possible. “I think there has been great progress on the security front in Baghdad recently,” General Abizaid said Thursday, according to Reuters.

    Attacks in Baghdad killed or wounded dozens of people on Thursday. At 11:30 a.m., a roadside bomb detonated in the Bab al-Sharji neighborhood in central Baghdad, wounding four people, an Interior Ministry official said. Less than an hour later, a suicide car bomber blew himself up in the Mashtal district of southeast Baghdad, killing two civilians and wounding nine others, including two policemen, the official said.

    Twenty minutes after that attack, a car bomb blew up in the Adhamiya neighborhood near a government security complex, killing two people and wounding four policemen in the mostly Sunni Arab area.

    An hour after that, a parked car rigged with explosives went off. It was apparently aimed at a convoy of a Baghdad district police chief, wounding five officers.

    Three American soldiers were killed in fighting in and around Baghdad during the past 24 hours, American military officials here said. One soldier was killed in Baghdad on Thursday when his patrol came under fire around noon, the military said; a second soldier died after a roadside bomb detonated near his vehicle south of Baghdad. On Wednesday, an American soldier was killed south of Baghdad.

    In Iraq’s south, the British military announced the transfer of a military base to Iraqi control in Maysan Province. At noon, 1,200 British soldiers permanently left the base, which is in Amara, near the Iranian border, a spokesman for the British military said. The base had become a frequent target of attacks by Shiite militias; more than a dozen mortar shells were fired at it on Tuesday, the spokesman, Maj. Charlie Burbridge, said in a phone interview from Basra.

    Half the 1,200 soldiers at the base will be redeployed “to focus more on the rural areas east of Amara,” he said. “We’re moving throughout the region into long-range desert patrols” to prevent weapons-smuggling across the border with Iran. The other 600 soldiers will move to encampments in Basra.

    Khalid W. Hassan, Ali Adeeb and an Iraqi employee of The New York Times contributed reporting for this article.

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