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  1. #7471
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    Thumbs up Security blockade on the overlooks in the second phase of the Plan of Baghdad

    (Voice of Iraq) - 28-08-2006 shall Sent this topic friend

    Touk security overlooks on the second phase of the plan within the Baghdad security

    Security official told Al-Asharq Al-Awsat : calm in the last session is the result of the reconciliation of the population

    Baghdad : Al Rahma
    Baghdad began the day yesterday to the sound of several explosions after the relative calm in the security situation in the past few days, What events contributed to the state of stability in some areas of Baghdad and the most important area and the people and Amiriyah, especially after the immediate implementation of the plan of security of Baghdad, where the participation of multilateral forces nationalities positive impact on security, according to the statements made by Iraqi officials.
    The security forces imposed a siege around the town overlooks majority Sunni, The people who refuse to take the government security forces to control for several reasons that the loyalties of these forces is the ruling party and certain partisan bodies, What gave ground broadcast fear in the hearts of Iraqis in the deterioration of the security situation in regions that have experienced a new series of acts of violence and killing and bombing. Abdel-Aziz al Ubeidi Director of Operations at the Ministry of Defence, l Asharq Al-Awsat that "the issue surrounding area overlooks Within the second phase of the plan the security of Baghdad. which was similar to the operations that have been Tvaliha in areas such as the torch and the Amiriyah. which is considered one of the hot spots in Baghdad ". He continued, "We have been encircling the city and a ban riding, and will draw Bmalomatna intelligence to arrest terrorists, who is playing the security of the city.

    Ubeidi said that the plan "compels us to search all the houses in the neighbourhood, especially since there are some problems that occur in an area overlooks, It is a normal process with the aim of imposing control of the security forces and the withdrawal of the carpet from terrorists, There will be other areas will include the same process that we have in the "overlooks. And the areas controlled by the American forces, which are safer than ever before, "said the American forces did not control individual areas that have experienced an improvement in the security situation, But there are areas controlled by the national police forces, such as the US and Amiriyah neighborhood, and the flame ". And the attacks yesterday. "He believe that the majority of the incidents occurred outside the (concentration) that is not covered by the joint forces, the terrorists seek Lthin opportunities to carry out acts of terrorism, for the purpose of giving the impression that the situation could flare up, refusing to see the reality that improvement in the security situation ". He added "there will be improved security situation during the coming period. We particularly on the way to impose control on all areas ".

    In the same context, Major General Adnan Thabit, commander of the Baghdad police, l Asharq Al-Awsat that the security conditions in the quiet hot spots Finally, not through military action, "but we have a reconciliation among the people of the region for example, where we gathered the most prominent personalities in the region, The discourse regarding the security plan and develop services, There was a real peace thus leading to a situation of calm in the region recently, It will be hot areas Mmathll other way to preserve the security situation ".

  2. #7472
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    Default Baghdad plans to boost spending in 2007 budget

    BAGHDAD: Iraq's government is considering an expansive budget for next year to stimulate its ravaged economy in a finance bill that should go to parliament by the end of next month, a senior government official said. Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih, who oversees economic affairs, said he and others were pushing for a less cautious view of revenues than those projected by the Finance Ministry and said capacity for spending was improving after a hiatus during the lengthy formation of the government this year.

    "The Finance Ministry is erring on the side of caution in terms of budget revenue projections," he said.

    "There are those of us in cabinet, including myself, who believe that the projections are too conservative. Iraq needs a budget that should be more ambitious and we need to stimulate the economy by providing the funds necessary for investment in key areas of services and infrastructure.

    "I expect that this budget will be crucial to Iraq and should demonstrate to the Iraqi public and to the international community the seriousness of the government of Iraq to utilise effectively the resources available to us."

    Fostering economic growth at a time when unemployment is calculated at 50 per cent and inflation has accelerated to 70pc presents a major challenge for the government, but Salih said economic development was a vital component of efforts to stabilise Iraq and reduce frictions among various communities.

    He said a final budget would probably take longer than a couple of weeks but that the government was conscious of its constitutional obligation to present a bill to parliament by the end of September.

    Despite sabotage and crumbling infrastructure capacity, Iraq's revenues have been increasing as oil exports grow and oil prices rise, making expenditure rather than income the main problem for the government in carrying out its budget plans.

    Salih said the lack of a functioning government for the first five months of this year following December's election had been the main difficulty and spending was now picking up - though he declined to say how much of budgeted 2006 expenditure had now been implemented.

    "We are working hard at developing capacity, certainly at local levels, for the implementation of budget programmes," he said.

    "Budget execution was significantly short of where we hoped it would be but that was in large measure because the government formation took longer than expected."

    Gulf Daily News

  3. #7473
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    A lot of posters on the IIF believe there will be no R/V now until 2007

    What are the thoughts here?

    Me I am praying for september got new house going through baby on way around the 4th september

    Will bwe the icing on the cake for me if it does happen in september

    Go Dinaaaaaaaaars


  4. #7474
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    They're talking out of their anal passage. We're closer than ever. Don't listen to pyshcopathjerm or ordinary on IIF, they're both stirrers. I don't know why if you were so anti something you'd not offload and move on.

    Big things are in the pipeline, September is looking better than ever. The FIL will be passed early/mid September and a r/v will come at the same time IMO.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  5. #7475
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    This is what we want to see. Convinced the security has held up a r/v to now but with news like this then nothing will stop it happening. Hang onto your hats folks, it's a coming, yeeeeeeee hhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

    HeraldNet: Iraqi tribal chiefs promise to fight civil violence

    Iraqi tribal chiefs promise to fight civil violence

    BAGHDAD, Iraq - Hundreds of Iraq's tribal chiefs Saturday signed a "pact of honor," pledging to support the prime minister's national reconciliation plan on wiping out sectarian strife and terrorism tearing the country.

    In another boost for Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's efforts, a Sunni lawmaker was released nearly two months after she was abducted in an attack that had stoked sectarian tensions and led to a boycott by the minority in parliament.

    "Realizing the gravity of the situation our country is undergoing, we pledge in front of God and the Iraqi people to be sincere and serious in preserving the unity of our country," said the pact signed by tribal leaders and sheiks at a national conference.

    The chiefs also pledged to "work hard to stop the bloodletting and ... sectarian killings that have nothing to do with our values." A representative read out the agreement, which he described as a "pact of honor," on live television.

    Tribes wield considerable influence in Iraqi society, especially among rural people for whom bonds of the clan are vital.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  6. #7476
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    "The chiefs also pledged to "work hard to stop the bloodletting and ... sectarian killings that have nothing to do with our values." A representative read out the agreement, which he described as a "pact of honor," on live television."

    I particularly like that part! Do you know how HUGE it is for such a DIVERSE group of people/leaders to come together for something?!?!

    Sent a shiver right through me when I saw it on the news channels!

  7. #7477
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    All coming together nicely. Bring it on Shabby baby we're more ready than ever, lol.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  8. #7478
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    Unhappy I don't want to sound negative, but.....

    Quote Originally Posted by tiffany View Post
    "The chiefs also pledged to "work hard to stop the bloodletting and ... sectarian killings that have nothing to do with our values." A representative read out the agreement, which he described as a "pact of honor," on live television."

    I particularly like that part! Do you know how HUGE it is for such a DIVERSE group of people/leaders to come together for something?!?!

    Sent a shiver right through me when I saw it on the news channels!
    With the way these people seem so intent in killing and blowing each other up, what difference is a piece of paper going to make? On the very day of their meetings, over 30 people were blown-up/killed. What is it going to take for these people to realize blowing themselves up isn't going to make things better? Pride?, Honor?, Where is the pride and honor of blowing up your neighbor and their kids? Sorry, the wasteful killing and slaughter gets to me. All without purpose, all without merit. I truly hope for their sakes they can "get a life" and stop killing each other. Maybe the reval/peg of the dinar will help. Hopefully their currencies' value being raised will give them something to hope and live for.... a better life.

    Last edited by worf; 28-08-2006 at 01:46 PM.

  9. #7479
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    Quote Originally Posted by worf View Post
    With the way these people seem so intent in killing and blowing each other up, what difference is a piece of paper going to make? On the very day of their meetings, over 30 people were blown-up/killed. What is it going to take for these people to realize blowing themselves up isn't going to make things better? Pride?, Honor?, Where is the pride and honor of blowing up your neighbor and their kids? Sorry, the wasteful killing and slaughter gets to me. All without purpose, all without merit. I truly hope for their sakes they can "get a life" and stop killing each other. Maybe the reval/peg of the dinar will help. Hopefully their currencies' value being raised will give them something to hope and live for.... a better life.

    Hi-ya Worf

    It all has to do with their Beliefs. They are RADICALLY different than anything here in the U.S. This is how some worship and believe...they think that if they kill and are killed themselves, they will go to a better/beautiful place. I watched a whole show on tv about it and it really upset me...I don't understand it, you don't understand it...because that's not how we were TAUGHT. When you are taught a certain way, that's how you believe it should be.

    "What difference is a piece of paper going to make"? Well I live close to a few different Indian Reservations. I went to school with many American Indians...and they have different beliefs and conduct different ceremonies. With them, among them, a handshake "seals the deal".

    I agree with your last sentence. Hopefully the violence will dramatically decrease...don't know if it will EVER stop completely...only if it's weaned out of the generations yet to come...People CAN live together in peace, even though they have different beliefs. I also hope that the Iraqi Citizens will see this in time.

  10. #7480
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    Quote Originally Posted by mogo View Post
    A lot of posters on the IIF believe there will be no R/V now until 2007

    What are the thoughts here?

    People at IIF say a lot of stuff cause there are a lot of people there (over 6000).

    I remember a few months ago when certain people there wanted there to be a zero lop as absurd as that is.

    You got people at IFF with 10, 20, 30 + (you name it) million dinar, with "investor" as there title, talking about, "it might hit in 10 or 20 years if this thing plays out right"

    OK< you got all this stuff going on at IIF, and then you have reality, you have the ME news. You have Shabibi saying that something it strengthen the economy is coming "soon", you got the FIL about to go into effect, ect, ect, ect.

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