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  1. #7971
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    Default Beckett arrives in Iraq for talks

    Mon Sep 4, 2006 10:18 PM

    LONDON (Reuters) - Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett arrived in Baghdad on Monday to discuss security and economic recovery with the Iraqi government, the foreign ministry said.

    It was Beckett's first visit to Iraq since Prime Minister Tony Blair appointed her foreign minister in May.

    Beckett said in a statement she looked forward to talks with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and other Iraqi political leaders on building security and prosperity in Iraq.

    She noted that Dhi Qar province, currently policed by Italians in a British-led force, was judged ready to be handed over to full Iraqi control. "More provinces will follow as the Iraqi security forces become more capable," she said.

    Security and the political process would top her agenda but she would also discuss the economy, which had suffered decades of under-investment and mismanagement under ousted President Saddam Hussein, she said.

    "Hard decisions are needed to promote economic recovery and provide reliable services to the Iraqi people," she said.

    "We do not underestimate the challenges ahead. But we must not forget the progress made in the last 12 months in bringing the first democratically elected national unity government to the country, with a constitution voted for by the people.

    "This government has made a good start over the past three months. Continued hard work and determination is required to help build a stable and peaceful future for Iraq," she said.

    Earlier on Monday, a roadside bomb blasted a British patrol near the southern Iraqi city of Basra, killing two soldiers and seriously wounding a third, a British military spokesman said.

  2. #7972
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    Default Iraqi forces kill 14 armed and arresting 200

    (Voice of Iraq) - 05-09-2006

    Iraqi forces kill 14 armed and arresting 200.
    And finding 33 unidentified bodies in Baghdad

    Baghdad and Washington news agencies :

    Iraqi Inthab the killing in the death of one Aghtrbh
    In an attempt to alleviate the statements made by Masoud Barzani, head of the Kurdistan flag-raising on the PKK on the bodies and government interests in the region instead of the Iraqi flag, The Presidency of the Territory in a statement of commitment to the upliftment of the Iraqi flag, after being passed by the House of the Iraqi Parliament in Baghdad, but the statement did not refer to removing the flag of Kurdistan now.

    The statement said that the presidency Kurdish Barzani attributed to talk in the media biased and distorted transmission format partial and tendentious. The statement added that Barzani said the Iraqi President Jalal Talibani said that the province is committed to leadership Kurdish unanimous decision to lift the Iraqi flag throughout the country , including the Iraqi Kurdistan. He said : that way, which emerged after the toppling of former President Saddam Hussein directly represented in determining what is the Iraqi flag, which relies lifted, and that was the discussion of this issue in the former regime, was the adoption of a new flag had not taken place, This means that legally, constitutionally, there is a vacuum on the official flag to be adopted, because they did not approve yet determined, and this is what made the Kurdistan Parliament to address this imbalance and the constitutional void adopt the flag of the Republic of Iraq, Republic of July 14, to lift it in the Kurdistan region, pending the adoption of a new flag for the country, according to the new Iraqi constitution.

    For his part, said Hoshyar Zebari, the Iraqi Foreign Minister that the House of Representatives Iraqi parliament will contradict design a new flag for the country. Zebari downplayed the importance of non-re-raise the Iraqi flag on the territory of Kurdistan. He added that in the new Iraqi constitution is a demand that Iraq's flag and anthem new national. on the other hand, he said peace Alzobai Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister for Security Affairs, that there clauses in the Constitution to regulate the flag-raising, All blocs unanimously agreed, pointing out that Barzani, son of Iraq and the Kurdish people is part of the country.

    And on the security front, A statement issued by the office of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki that Iraqi forces killed 14 terrorists and arrested some 200 yesterday in a military operation south of Baghdad.

    The American army announced in a statement the killing of two marines Marines yesterday in the province of Anbar in western Iraq, thus raising the number of American soldiers killed in Iraq since the invasion to 2647 dead.

    In Basra, the British Ministry of Defense and the killing of two Britons and wounded another after their patrol was attacked the city yesterday.

    As announced by Iraqi security sources that were found 33 unidentified bodies killed their dead in different areas in the capital.

    In Baghdad, met three civilians including a woman were killed yesterday and injured eight others, including elements of the Iraqi police in separate attacks.

    In Kirkuk, A security source announced that he had been found in a mass grave site of the former Iraqi army city. The source added that the remains were discovered 18 persons, all Kurds, women, children and men, buried the regime of former Iraqi president alive as found on the clothes of Kurdish with corpses.

    On the other hand, Democrats have strongly criticized yesterday the first statements made by some officials in the administration of President George Bush, he said : The opponents of the war in Iraq defeatists resemble those who tried to calm the Nazis in the Second World War.

    A number of Bush's top aides, including Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said on the statements characterized by acute last week that the conflict in Iraq is a crucial part of the war on terror and touched on the Second World War and the cold war. He said Democrats that the White House was trying away the critics questioned the brush across the patriotism and their determination to combat terrorist threats. The Senator Marty Meehan Attorney for the state of Massachusetts CNN. that. The news that these American statements insulting.

  3. #7973
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    Default My 2 cents worth

    Just my thoughts?

    I must say that at first I was in this only for the money being broke and all. But now I find myself cheering them on and wanting them to have a normal life. I will cash out some of my Dinar but just enough to get out of debt and have a little padding to work with. The rest I will hold onto for who know how long but I believe that the Iraq people are worth giving a chance to live a free life.

    But being out of debt would be really Really nice.

    Opens at $1.69 because I said so?

    Best Regards

    Computer help on my website: HERE
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  4. #7974
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccgideon View Post
    They are NOT ignornant and they are NOT dumb bas____s as some would post. How sad that some are satified to make profit on the pain and suffering of others. I am sure this will get me BOO's and HISSED but so be it
    No need to worry about being boo'd and hissed have the right to state your position...and I have the right to state and stand by my position.

  5. #7975
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    Quote Originally Posted by karinc View Post
    Have everybody (almost) changed their minds? I think "everybody" before thought of holding on to part of their dinars in expectation of its value rising (raising?)...maybe up to 3$...but now it seems that a lot will cash in everything immediately?
    Hi Karinc... well being so many have posted their views.. guess I'll just clarify mine.. first.. I have no bad will to the poor people in Iraq.. I want them to have freedom to enjoy the things in life that make us all happy, security, health, happiness for them and their families, and a chance to have a economy that will help them find & enjoy these things.
    I view this opportunity we all have more than a investment... but a event in history that hopefully will result in for everyone.. there and here..

    I have learned alot of life in the mid east because of my interest in the dinar..
    It has resulted in an education for me and compassion for the people there.. wanting a better quality of life and I wish this for them. I have also learned about their history which involves years and years of conflict and abuse. I have learned that not all people & factors there want the same thing due to their cultures and religious beliefs.. and some are willing to die and kill for it. It is frustrating to me that their values are diffferent then mine but that is our right and freedom. This is the main reason I have decided to cashin the majority of our dinar.. tho I will keep some for acouple reasons, (suvenior and curiosity of how high it will go...) but my nature to want to "play it safe" will be to cashin and "re-invest" in something less risky in the event things do not last over there due to the uncontrollable instability. I personally will be in better position to care for my loved ones and others...knowing I at least have something in hand that I can control.. then to take the risk of losing it .. I totally respect everyones choices of what will work for each and everyone here. We are all different and come from dif. situations that make us view this opportunity differently.. I've lost my share of $ along the way and .. this is hopefully my chance to win see the reality of some of our dreams..

    Well thats my take... wish everyone here success and happiness and dreams that come true!!! ez

  6. #7976
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    hi guys...i think everyone on this forum wants whats best for the Iraqi people and that their sufferings are made better....if we can make a little money on the side from this,so much the better....the problem seems to lie with the newly elected cabinet in Iraq...for some reason,they don't seem to be in a hurry to stop their own people's suffering....for the most part,everyone on this forum seems to think by reveling the damn thing would stop a lot of their suffering....but for some unknown reason,the Iraqi cabinet or their parliament don't seem to be in a hurry to revel this thing to stop the hurting.....they seem more worried about which flag they will fly or which flag they won't fly is more important.....i'm not the smartest guy in the world....and i can assure u i don't know eveything about Iraq...but i have learned a lot from Adster and Mike over the past 9 months...these cabinet ministers and the parliament seem to be the my opinion.....trivial stuff is more their concern then easing the problem of their inflation rate or the suffering of their people......IMHO....Pat

  7. #7977
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Default Iraq far from civil war, situation under control

    Baghdad, Sept 4, (VOI) – Iraq is far from civil war and the situation is under control, an Iraqi defense ministry spokesman said on Monday.
    Spokesman Mohammed al-Askari rejected a U.S. defense department report that Iraq was in a critical situation.
    “The situation is under control by the security forces and we are far from a civil war,” he told a news conference in Baghdad.
    He noted that the second stage of a security plan had already started in the eastern and western districts of Karkh and Rasafa in Baghdad.
    There were tips that gunmen started looking for other areas outside the districts included in the security plan, he said.
    Askari said similar tight security measures would be taken in the provinces of Diala, Babel and Kirkuk.

  8. #7978
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Quote Originally Posted by ezcash View Post
    Hi Karinc... well being so many have posted their views.. guess I'll just clarify mine.. first.. I have no bad will to the poor people in Iraq.. I want them to have freedom to enjoy the things in life that make us all happy, security, health, happiness for them and their families, and a chance to have a economy that will help them find & enjoy these things.
    I view this opportunity we all have more than a investment... but a event in history that hopefully will result in for everyone.. there and here..

    I have learned alot of life in the mid east because of my interest in the dinar..
    It has resulted in an education for me and compassion for the people there.. wanting a better quality of life and I wish this for them. I have also learned about their history which involves years and years of conflict and abuse. I have learned that not all people & factors there want the same thing due to their cultures and religious beliefs.. and some are willing to die and kill for it. It is frustrating to me that their values are diffferent then mine but that is our right and freedom. This is the main reason I have decided to cashin the majority of our dinar.. tho I will keep some for acouple reasons, (suvenior and curiosity of how high it will go...) but my nature to want to "play it safe" will be to cashin and "re-invest" in something less risky in the event things do not last over there due to the uncontrollable instability. I personally will be in better position to care for my loved ones and others...knowing I at least have something in hand that I can control.. then to take the risk of losing it .. I totally respect everyones choices of what will work for each and everyone here. We are all different and come from dif. situations that make us view this opportunity differently.. I've lost my share of $ along the way and .. this is hopefully my chance to win see the reality of some of our dreams..

    Well thats my take... wish everyone here success and happiness and dreams that come true!!! ez

    Nice take EZ.

    Yes, most of the people are not like the terrorists and do care about the quality of life, and likr many of us, we have all learned a lot over the time this thread was started. We are all different, but overall I think we are all better off now knowing what the people are going through in Iraq.

    My only early knowledge was of Kurds as I had some dealing with them ten years ago and I can tell you, they are to be admired for what they had to suffer through and how they are light years ahead of Baghdad for it. I was pleased to hear Barzani put pressure on Baghdad over flag as I knew how he was looking at it and how frustrated he is with delays caused by security issues in Baghdad.

    He has the respect of Kurds and as some may know, their region has been stable even with the threats of Saddam over the past ten years. I admire them and would hope that his voice is being heard loud and clear for he knows what he is talking about and has demonstrated this for years as a very savy economics expert. All we have to do is be patient for I think the Kurds pressure is going to push these issues to the front and get this revalue issue moving ahead. It won't be long as the response Barzani got was respected understanding, and I liked that.

    As for as exchanging immediately, everyone is different in this respect as well, but I will be holding on for the long term as I know what will happen once revalue is announced. There will be a huge investor influx just like is happening in Kurdistan, so look there to see the future of Iraq, and it looks brighter than ever. As well, there will be many Iraqi investment opportunities which will provide huge returns, and you will be glad you had dinars in your possesion to invest. All in good time, so hang in there, I am hearing we are close.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  9. #7979
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    Default Iraq-Currency

    Posted by: saleem on Monday, September 04, 2006 - 01:38 PM

    Dollar demand sharply up in Iraqi central bank daily auction
    Baghdad, Sept 4, (VOI) – Demand for dollars jumped more than $14 million at the Iraqi Central Bank daily auction on Monday to $75.905 million compared to $61 million on Sunday.
    The bank said in its daily statement it covered all bids which were $35.235 million in cash and $40.670 million in foreign transfers.
    The dollar exchange rate was 1,476 dinars, one tick down from Sunday’s.
    Ali al-Yassery, owner of an exchange office, said the higher demand for dollars was due to the increase in dollar foreign transfer, the highest over the last four months .
    It is the first time in several month in which the bids covered in foreign transfers grew higher than bids covered in cash due to the huge number of Iraqis leaving Iraq to other countries, Yassery added.

  10. #7980
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    Default "posting under pressure".

    Yes, this does describe my previous post, and if i have come off like I think that all of Iraq are dumb----es, I must clarify that this is not the case.
    Before I invested my money in the Dinar, I debated whether I thought is was right to do, due to all the negative news and of coursse our US troops being in Iraq and wanting to come home. Although what made my decision is that we all have FREE choice as granted by GOD. All those currently in Service are in the service by choice-and i feel for those (I am sure there are many- that have changed their minds about the military in general)

    I state again, that there will always be violence and especially in this region. it may lessen but reality is that this is a way of LIFE and Culture even for them, Sorry but this is the truth!
    About a week ago, I read an article by the retired General ( forgot who posted it ) but it was very informative on exactly what we are dealing with in this War.
    I must say that few of the articles have opened my eyes as this one and the one about Accession through the Back Door POST 6130 on Pg 613 fo the previous thread.
    Many of my opinions have not only been change but have been formulated through my education on this forum. Especially my opinions about Bush. I now choose to look at the good he is accomplishing - a bittersweet choice as I can not close my eyes to the extent of how I see our government works when called into action for ITS"OWN. Sorry if I come off strong but there are others who feel the way that I do- I AM JUST expressing my feelings.
    I wish everyone peace, my comments do not negate this! My profession is in helping people- and especially there I know what frustration there is in trying to help people- they must be willing to help themselves. We are dealing with a violent culture. Thats the way it is!

    Unfortunately, SOME OF the citizens of Iraq, the ones like you and I are as helpless over the decisions of their government as we are over ours, or anyones for that matter, unless you are the government. And like I said again, it is of NO consequence to the IRAQI government what the price of gas or Bread is, and although I feel for them, there are still others homeless and hungry in the US. The Attention is $$$ and oil, not people, qualltiy of life and such. So pardon if my frustration comes out now and again - I will try not to post when in a mood in the future - I will try to keep it light and airy.
    I have not mastered self-actualization YET- but beleive I AM working on it!

    Peace and Love to you all

    Marlene in NY
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