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  1. #8211
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    Default The participation of 70 businessmen from Iraq's Kurdistan region

    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-09-2006

    The successes fair and conference development and reconstruction of Iraq in Cairo

    Unexpected visit to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Iraqi International Hollanda

    Cairo - The Voice of Iraq - Ibrahim Mohammad Sharif

    The exhibition Menmer development and reconstruction of Iraq is being held at the International Fair Ground in Nasr City, Cairo, for the period from 6 to September 9 September 2006 under the auspices of Mr. Amr Moussa, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States a great success during the Arab participation, which amounted to eight Arab countries, namely (Egypt-Iraq - the articles friendly-Libya-Qatar-Kuwait-Sudan - Oman), represented the 80th company attended the figures from the political, economic Arab and foreign countries in order to stand and identify products, companies and institutions and detailed information about ... From those events we stand with this professor Omar Al manager Chamber of Commerce and Industry International Iraqi who told us about the plans and objectives of the chamber and future projects are saying ...
    The current involvement of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Iraqi and international, is the first part where some 70 businessmen from the Iraqi Kurdistan region representing the importers and exporters headed by Sheikh Mustapha, Mr. Mohammed Said Chancellor of the meat and Mr. Bahaa Eddin known director general of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the Iraqi Alagh William could clarify the objectives of participation Bmahorin first to identify products with Egyptian and other Arab countries participating in the exhibition and promotion of the second axis of products produced by national and commercial and industrial companies in the Iraqi Kurdistan region.
    Regarding the prospects of economic cooperation between Egypt and Iraq with regard to the functions of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry International Iraqi replied (Elwan) ... The Arab Republic of Egypt has a developed industrial and commercial as well as possess the material and scientific capabilities of a large and active commercial, industrial and large-scale attack on the Arab and international level and that was the basis for the orientation of Cairo for their products to the field and stand on the latest information in the world of industry and production and Lag to promote communication between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry International Iraqi lead to the opening of a branch of the chamber in Cairo in the near future and after completion of the technical and administrative arrangements for that to God.
    Regarding the future plan of the chamber talked Professor Omar Al saying ... As you know, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Iraqi-international (IICCI) was founded in 2005 and is a non-governmental organization (NGO). Chamber works with the private sector and the commercial and industrial as well as working with the holders of higher education diplomas with the same jurisdiction and with the ministries of the State concerned. The main objective of its work and is contributing like others from the rest of Chambers and unions on the development of the reality of the Iraqi economy and that by working with Iraqi businessmen for the development of the private sector through relations with the International Chamber of Chambers of Commerce and the Arab world in addition to the training and rehabilitation.
    As this stage of life is a critical stage of Iraq therefore urged the chamber to unite all the efforts for reconstruction and assistance for the advancement of the new. The chamber also like the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, whether governmental or non-governmental organizations are included in the competition honest with the other chambers and organizations that operate the same jurisdiction to provide the best services to the country and also to its members and that the Iraqi economy is part of the free economy to be able to consider the room of their da uncle of the free economy and Manmi him.
    He added Omar Al ... Before turning to a plan of action for the chamber must also be Todph objectives can be summarized and the following points (all in the presence of our economic forums-opened institutes for the training of language Kalancizih, French and others - members to be briefed on what is new in the world of trade and industry-assist Member employers Els to find other opportunities-establishment of a complete and detailed data on the work of the chamber's members-to provide a complete database of the chamber's members on how to invest in any country - the study of the commercial and industrial and propose solutions aimed at the improvement-the opening of branches of the chamber in many countries, especially neighboring states and the States interested in the work of trade and market entry Iraqi-held several cooperation protocols with the other chambers and organizations, unions and work for the benefit of members and from all aspects-help labor in a work-training institutes open commercial and industrial and vocational)
    With regard to the plan of work for the next say ... The delegation will visit to the Kingdom Algragh Hollanda coordination between the Dutch Trade Center and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Iraqi-international forum will be organized importers and Iraqi businessmen in the Netherlands (Rotterdam) for the period from 8 to October 13, 2006 through recent visit to Hollanda, and meeting with Almsau Lin from the Dutch Trade Center was agreed to set up this forum, which is the first of its kind in Europe, especially for Iraqi businessmen, as it implied and the contents of the arrangements and the number. As expected, attended by more than 100 businessmen and the presence of more than 100 Dutch company. This and the participation of Iraqi businessmen will be Iraqis living inside Iraq and residing in other countries, The delegation will include members of the Chamber of non-Iraqis.
    He (Al) that the style of presentation in Hollanda vary quite what Meets now in the exhibition and the development and reconstruction of Iraq in Cairo and the new method, which is planned for implementation seating Iraqi businessmen on the tables in front of them and especially behind Bostrat and explanatory leaflets and brochures for their companies and Karathm commercial and industrial and The commercial and industrial companies from the Netherlands and other European countries offer their product to Iraqi businessmen in an orderly and sequential and Altjena to this method, we found to the maximum benefit and the prestige and reputation of the Iraqi businessmen, who would have the role and positive impact on the scene of the Dutch during the chamber plan to open a branch there, after the completion of all administrative and organizational arrangements for that.
    The commercial and industrial relations with the American side said (Elwan) ... It is hoped to visit America to meet with government bodies has important Balkkarib soon have been invited by the Egyptian commercial attache in Iraq, the American Among the most important figures who Senltekayha in America, which represents the Ministry of Commerce and the American Import and Export Bank and the Overseas Development (USALD) and (SAIB) and the Chamber of Commerce and Washington We are awaiting the necessary visas for the visit mentioned.
    Regarding the activities of the chamber in Australia and development prospects responded Professor Omar Al ... We have plans to establish commercial relations between the advanced and industrial chamber and their counterparts in Australia have contacted Brother development manager in the Iraqi part Almlhaqih Australian business in Jordan, Laos Alderczli is efficient administrative and academic high facilitate our work room in Australia which Senzorha during the first quarter of the six deforestation Ã*-vis God.
    With respect to movements of the chamber towards the African countries, especially north African countries said (Elwan) ... We have developed contacts with Tunisian companies and company run by the brother Tjarihtonseh Professor Hashmi bin Dizah general manager of the company Tunisian We also have aspirations to go to the Arab Maghreb countries in the future with God's help.

  2. #8212
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    Quote Originally Posted by readytogo View Post
    Hey you wonderful Moderators here in DinarLand!

    I found a post on iif that agrees with susies posts. She claims contacts among the Kurds. Can I please copy and paste here?
    Go ahead!
    Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes longer time!

  3. #8213
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    Default What do you think about this!

    Found this on iif. Have fun!

    Kurd comments that support SGunS & a bit more!


    My Ladyfriend, Newal, [pronounced Noel] . . . is a Kurd, who has lived in the USA since 1982 . . .

    She has an uncle and two brothers in Iraq. All three are highly connected / they were very involved in the flag deal negotiations a little while ago. We speak frequently, Newal acting as translator . . . She and her family got me involved in this *curiosity* . . .

    In recent conversations her family has all but agreed with SGunS's opinions on amt. / & date when rv will go into effect . . . they are sure it has already been decided . . .

    They differ a tiny bit in the amount . . . they think .98 Euro, but it's close. The date, acording to them will be in the next *few* days . . . apparently there are HUGE *ego's* at work here, or maybe better put as . . . huge ego's getting in the way of the work . . . there-fore if a major player gets his feelings hurt the timetable can bounce around . . .

    I tried to get her to translate an M2 monetary question, which was difficult because she gazed at me oddly, trying to figure why I wanted to know about M & M candies . . . and monetary first got translated as "monotony" . . .

    We went back and forth a dozen times & finally her brother seemed to undertand what she was stumbling around trying to ask . . .

    Anyway . . . In his opinion . . . this big mtg. this weekend . . . [behind the scenes-&-confidential] will provide assurances from the big countries holding a lot of the NID out there . . . that they will sit on it, and let it rise . . . for years . . .

    To me that means that the M2 figures being batted around . . . may mean little to -0- . . .

    He also posed something very interesting . . . that we [USA] might swap the Dinars we hold for Strategic Reserve Oil / @ discount prices for many years / untill at least we get the huge resources recently discovered in the gulf of Mexico out of the ground . . .

    This could possibly add a bit of independence to our efforts in the oil from *unfriendly's* area . . .

    Anyway, again . . . It's very difficult to have a conversation through a translator / when she is not familiar with the term in either language . . . BUT what I was able to glean did seem to support SGunS . . .

    As soon as I post this I am leaving to pick up another 65RRSCIII for my collection . . . I'll be back tonight [Fri] 9.8.2006 around 9 pm eastern . . . so don't accuse me of posting and running / and yes I am relatively new & no I am in no way a dealer . . . & no I will not provide last names . . . no way I'm gonna allow people to fall all over themselves and each other to pester . . . Patience, Patience, Patience . .

  4. #8214
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    Yeah Monica,

    I love to read shotgunsuzie's posts..BTW that's a pretty big fish she's got in that picture! She seems like she'd be a hoot!

  5. #8215
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    Thumbs up

    Please God...Let it be true!!

  6. #8216
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatever View Post
    Yeah Monica,

    I love to read shotgunsuzie's posts..BTW that's a pretty big fish she's got in that picture! She seems like she'd be a hoot!
    I had no idea that was a fish! WOW! That is big! She seems to be pretty confident and confidence does go a long way.

    That post was not by SGS but by RollsRoyce. Either way it's a keeper!

    I'm believing for big things soon!


  7. #8217
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    Default it looks like here's the possible scenerio:

    (OSW's sources): .30-.40 cents to the dinar;
    (SGS..other sources): approximate reval= .93-.98 Euro or $1.15-1.25 USD per Dinar. Looks like no matter what it revals at, it will then be a floating currency, with the ability to go up (or down) depending on what I guess is improvements in Iraq's economy/security and demand for the currency in foreign markets? Is that how it works? By improvements in Iraq's economy I am including oil production, infrastructure, productivity, i.e., the whole enchilada.

  8. #8218
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatever View Post it looks like here's the possible scenerio:

    (OSW's sources): .30-.40 cents to the dinar;
    (SGS..other sources): approximate reval= .93-.98 Euro or $1.15-1.25 USD per Dinar. Looks like no matter what it revals at, it will then be a floating currency, with the ability to go up (or down) depending on what I guess is improvements in Iraq's economy/security and demand for the currency in foreign markets? Is that how it works? By improvements in Iraq's economy I am including oil production, infrastructure, productivity, i.e., the whole enchilada.
    I'm by no means an expert, but that sounds right to me. OSW and others have said they feel no danger of it going down once r/v'd. Hopefully they are right and I believe they are.

    I'm hoping that a bank closer than 1.5 hours away from me will exchange before a peg happens. From past posts, not every bank will exchange during reval, but will once it pegs.

  9. #8219
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    Gotta go do some pictures. See everyone later!

  10. #8220
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    Anybody else having difficulty this morning with IIF?
    I lost it and when I try to get it back, just won't happen.
    Have no problem with any other web site.

    Anybody else?

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