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  1. #8351
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bob1940 View Post
    hey you two you are part of the backbone of this Dinar thread . you can't give up now. we all need your encouraging posts. It will Happen--- only God Knows when. BOB
    I don't give up Bob don't worry i'm a winner

  2. #8352
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    Cool Never...

    Quote Originally Posted by bob1940 View Post
    hey you two you are part of the backbone of this Dinar thread . you can't give up now. we all need your encouraging post. It will Happen--- God Knows when. Bob
    No Bob, I meant trying to find something that would indicate anything other than what we have all learnt what should be. I getting to the point of being wierd "Today". Tomorrow is another day Bro'. As far as I see it IMHO, our leaders Adster and OSW, That began this for us all, and now ShotGunSusie making it here, and calling out what it is, I have to go with them now. I am tired. But a winner like you and "pH' and the Whole "Dinar Gang".
    Last edited by neno; 11-09-2006 at 01:22 AM.

  3. #8353
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    Talking Welcome SGS!

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    i post at iif because i know when someone searches for dinar on the internet it comes up with iif and i want all those innocents to know the truth instead of that crap that iif anal retentive members ****.
    my source is so right im even surprised by it. its like things come out in the news and our source refutes it and the next day its been cancelled/changed/DELAYED. thats how im so sure. besides becoming a good friend of mine. :)
    cut loose and start celebrating, and im not the kind of person that would suggest that and dash your hopes at all, trust me.
    atlas shrugged is the name of a book.
    I found IIF very negative and *****ie. At one and other's throats all the time. You are much better off in this friendly environment!
    Yes, Atlas shrugged by Ayan Rand who also wrote 'The fountain Head'.

  4. #8354
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    No Bob, I meant trying to find something that would indicate anything other than what we have all learnt what should be. I getting to the point of being wierd "Today". Tomorrow is another day Bro'. As far as I see it IMHO, our leaders Adster and OSW, That began this for us all, and now ShotGunSusie making it here, and calling out what it is, I have to go with them now. I am tired. But a winner like you and "pH' and the Whole "Dinar Gang".
    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------neno, I visit the dinar section everyday...I finally ordered some .. So, cut the pitty me talk, tired talk and return to being positive talk... That's all I want to read POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITIVE

  5. #8355
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pipshurricane View Post
    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-09-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Baghdad / long
    The rate of the Iraqi dinar suddenly yesterday, to record the highest price during the past four months, With the increasing demand for the American dollar in the first meetings of the Central Bank of Iraq yesterday, Sunday,.
    Explained that the Central Bank of Iraq in a statement issued yesterday, and got (long), a copy of, stressing that the demand for the dollar increased $ 22 million, recording 68 million and 200 thousand dollars after he had recorded 46 million during the meeting last Thursday.
    The statement added that it was to cover all purchase offers from the 12 banks participate in the meeting at the exchange rate of 1475 dinars, down One dinar rate of exchange against last Thursday, the lowest rate of the dinar against the dollar during the last four months.
    He pointed out that the purchase orders were distributed between 32 million and 90 thousand dollars in cash and 36 million and 110 thousand dollars in the form of remittances outside the country.
    demand for dinar is high out of country, imagine that. now what do you suppose 'out of country' will be buying with all that dinar they are hoarding?????? hmmmmmmm
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 11-09-2006 at 06:54 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #8356
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    Quote Originally Posted by funwit View Post
    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------neno, I visit the dinar section everyday...I finally ordered some .. So, cut the pitty me talk, tired talk and return to being positive talk... That's all I want to read POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITIVE

  7. #8357
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Default The elimination of terrorist network responsible for the explosions in Baghdad

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-09-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Union : Interior Ministry announced yesterday on the elimination of a terrorist network responsible for the bombings in Baghdad and the killing of three of its members and chased the fourth person is the third in the terrorist group al-Qaeda in Iraq and the discovery of a factory for explosive devices to the network and where to find tons of explosives, films and documents. In a press conference held a number of senior officers of the Ministry of the Interior stressed that the police forces, acting on intelligence information had attacked at dawn yesterday, KRA great for the explosives industry in Baghdad after that surrounded the area where the district where the upper clashed with the elements for an hour and managed to kill three terrorists are : Hossam Hammad `Ajil, Muhammad Abdul Jabbar, Farhan third whose identity has not yet escaped the fourth is Abu Jafar the Libyan security forces to his being a third man in al-Qaeda in Iraq, where they found a letter signed his name from the Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

    An official from the ministry discovered that the hangar used contains a lab full of explosives and manufacturing explosives and documents and false identities, videos and other integrated vision of the bombing carried out by the group in Baghdad, particularly its recent bombing of seven housing buildings and shops in Baghdad. He said that the explosives seized by police in the factory, weighing tons, which includes explosive belts and anti-tank mines and missiles and electric lighters for the bombing and after sessions of electric vehicles and blowing Silencers voice.
    Another official said that the tapes showed that these discs recent bombings, particularly for high-rise buildings and shops had been through the remote control. He explained that the tapes show terrorists traveling in a car parked his hand and body control, after pressure by screaming (God is Greater) and the impact of the explosions occurred say (thank God).
    The official warned citizens that terrorists might use explosive devices after the small-scale, including what looks like pens. He also called on them not to rent their homes only after ascertaining the identities of the occupants and their activities, pointing out that this network, which was attacked was working behind the store rented then used for the sale of mobile phones to cover the activities and stressed that the violation that would lead to the application of the law to combat terrorism Lessors this role or a shop Wida.
    Meanwhile, multinational forces said yesterday, Sunday, that the Iraqi army had arrested 14 suspects and seized 39 unlicensed weapons in military operations in the Al-Mansur west of Baghdad.
    The statement of the transfer of troops from Colonel Abdel Amir commander of the second battalion Iraqi army as saying : The task was successful because of the relationship that had been established with the people of the region, He added that the relationship between civilians and the army is growing stronger because we provide them with security. It said a security source in the Zakho border guards arrested last Saturday (24) persons near the Karola on the Iraqi-Turkish border, admitted during investigations conducted with them that they were preparing to cross the border into Turkey. With 175 people were arrested trying to cross the Iraqi-Turkish border illegally.
    In the same context, said media source in the police command in Maysan yesterday, Sunday, that patrols the Directorate of Public Alsitarat arrested during the past two days at two cars loaded with 220 barrels filled with oil to the engine of cars coming from Basra governorate They had prepared for smuggling. "
    He added that the oil imported from Saudi Arabia without customs duties or official receipts. He was referring drivers (Monday), and both cars Bhammoultehma of the Criminal Intelligence Directorate at the police command in Maysan to complete the investigation. For its part, the police managed to arrest four terrorists yesterday morning juvenile Dobbs during the raid and search campaign.

  8. #8358
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    demand for dinar is high out of country, imagine that. now what do you suppose 'out of country' will be buying with all that dinar they are hoarding?????? hmmmmmmm
    Just wondering how you came up with dinar demand is high out of country.
    I didnt get that out of that article.


  9. #8359
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    Default :)

    Susie... so many of us are trying to figure if anything came from the mtg in Dhabi today looking for supporting clues of the rv being iminent..
    What is your take on the mtg they had today? I'm still high on believing this week... but everytime they have a mtg. I get nervous... is another chance for a delay.. wish they'd quite having mtgs. and just do it!

    Thanks :) ez

  10. #8360
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    Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Says International Oil Companies Key to Raising Production

    ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates (AP) -- A top Iraqi official called for partnerships with international companies to boost his country's oil industry on Sunday, saying Iraq's emergence as a "secure petro-democracy" could quell rampant sectarian violence.

    Iraq Official Calls for Oil Partnerships: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance

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