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  1. #8831
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    Hope this helps,
    Two friends of mine went to Chase Bank in Broken Arrow OK and bought dinar. They are going back tomorrow and open an account and buy more. The bank said they would buy it back when they were ready to cash it in.
    Can't wait to go cash it in.

    Last edited by lucky duck; 16-09-2006 at 01:29 AM.

  2. #8832
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    Cool RollsRoyce

    Hey RR here it is. It is news But I Believe it needs it's on thread for reference. I am just getting to really read the Post of yours. Wow!!!! you guys got contacts on the ground, awsome. You, SGS, and the others sure have brought alot of fun and ecitement to Rolclub's Dinar Gang. Shoot we must have a initiation for you guys at the Dinar gathering Party. I am sure All the Gang Dont mind getting Bigger.
    Last edited by neno; 16-09-2006 at 02:46 AM.

  3. #8833
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    Wink OK calm down

    We still have Rolls Royce's verifying the info so hopefully it's still a go. Boy, this is testing my patience big time. Rolls, can you come back and assure everyone that the info you posted was actually from the Kurds? I think it would help to calm peoples nerves.

  4. #8834
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    We still have Rolls Royce's verifying the info so hopefully it's still a go. Boy, this is testing my patience big time. Rolls, can you come back and assure everyone that the info you posted was actually from the Kurds? I think it would help to calm peoples nerves.
    Yes here is His confirmation Thread:

    And see this link for the Lay-out of threads for the Dinar Fourm please.
    Last edited by neno; 16-09-2006 at 02:13 AM.

  5. #8835
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    Default State Department Update

    The Situation in Iraq

    Ambassador John R. Bolton, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United
    Remarks to the Security Council
    Washington, DC
    September 14, 2006


    As requested by the UN Security Council in Resolutions 1546 and 1637, I
    pleased to report to the Security Council on behalf of the 29 countries
    up the Multinational Forces-Iraq (MNF-I), on the Force's progress
    fulfilling its mandate.

    Mr. President, this most recent reporting period coincides with the
    first 90
    days of a democratically elected, representative unity government -- a
    substantial break from Iraq's past. In early June, the formation of a
    unity government was completed with the appointments of the Ministers
    Interior, Defense and State for National Security Affairs. On June 25,
    Minister al-Maliki presented a "National Reconciliation and Dialogue
    to the Council of Representatives (CoR). This Project seeks to
    reconcile past
    inequities and rally Iraqis around the principle of equality without
    divisions. It looks to establish the basis for national unity through
    democratic process and create the conditions for Iraq to assume a
    regional and international role. In addition, the Council of
    adopted an accelerated schedule of sessions. Most of the 24 Council
    have formed and named chairs. The Council is making progress on key
    required to implement the provisions of the Iraqi Constitution.

    In late July, the Government of Iraq and the United Nations, with the
    support of the United States, the United Kingdom, and other donor
    states and
    international financial institutions, launched an International Compact
    Iraq. The International Compact will, over the next five years, bring
    the international community and multilateral organizations to help Iraq
    its vision of a united, federal, and democratic country, at peace with
    neighbors and itself, and economically self-sufficient and prosperous.

    Since 2003, there have been significant successes in the development of
    legitimate political, economic, and governmental institutions in Iraq.
    unfolding of the democratic electoral process that we have witnessed in
    years has been a crucial success in building the foundations of a new
    free and
    democratic Iraq. Despite these achievements, obstacles remain. Setbacks
    in the
    level and nature of violence in Iraq continue to create significant
    to stability, reconstruction, and transition. Sectarian tensions,
    incited by insurgents and extremists, increased over the last quarter,
    resulting in increased killings, kidnappings, attacks on civilians, and
    increasing numbers of internally displaced persons. Extremists are
    interlocked in retaliatory violence and seeking to expand their
    existing areas
    of influence. The sustained level of ethno-sectarian violence is one of
    most significant threats to security and stability in Iraq.

    Nonetheless, the Iraqi people continue to reject overwhelmingly
    violence as a
    means to drive political change. The international community remains
    with the people of Iraq in their determined drive for a secure, stable
    democratic country. We honor the memory and sacrifice of all who have
    their lives in the struggle for a federal, democratic, pluralistic, and

    Security Situation

    Mr. President, the insurgents, extremists and terrorists remain capable
    of and
    intent on carrying out attacks against Iraqi civilians, officials, and
    forces, with a goal of destabilizing the legitimately elected
    government of
    Iraq and denying the Iraqi people the democracy and promise of a better
    that they have chosen through free and fair elections.

    During this period, four of Iraq's 18 provinces -- Baghdad, Al Anbar,
    Salah ad
    Din, and Diyala -- continued to experience more than 81 percent of all
    Al Anbar and Baghdad are the most seriously affected, accounting for 55
    of all attacks. Ninewa and Tamim provinces also saw significant
    increases in
    attacks over the previous quarter. Twelve provinces, containing more
    than 50
    percent of the population, experienced only 5 percent of all attacks.

    Attacks and civilian casualties have risen, characterized by
    attacks and reprisals. Violence escalated notably in Baghdad, which, as
    political, population, and media center of the country, is a high value
    for the terrorists. Nonetheless, terrorists have failed to advance
    primary objectives, which include derailing Iraq's political process
    widening their political support among the Iraqi people. The Iraqi
    continue to express confidence in the Iraqi Army to provide for their
    and to reject the extremists' vision of Iraq's future.

    The average number of weekly attacks increased 15 percent over the
    reporting period's average, and Iraqi casualties increased by 51
    compared to the previous quarter. MNF-I and the Iraqi Government
    continued to
    make progress, improving the security environment in Fallujah and some
    parts of
    northern Iraq. The Iraqi Army has taken the lead in more
    operations and assumed security responsibility in more areas.

    The insurgency remains potent and viable, although its visibility has
    overshadowed by the increase in sectarian violence it has sought to
    This rising sectarian strife defines the emerging nature of violence in

    On June 14, Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki announced the government's
    plan to
    provide improved security conditions in Baghdad. Operation Together
    Forward is
    an Iraqi-planned and led operation to ensure the security of Baghdad
    attacks designed to uproot democracy and derail Iraq's commitment to
    As part of this operation, Iraqi police, the Iraqi Army, and National
    supported by the Multinational Forces, increased patrols and
    checkpoints in all
    areas of Baghdad, while concentrating on areas of the city that have
    increases in violence and sectarian killings. Security forces also
    worked to
    block terrorist entry into the capital city.

    In July, during the Prime Minister's first visit to the United States,
    Minister al-Maliki and President Bush announced an adjustment to the
    Security Plan. Multinational and Iraqi units were repositioned from
    less active
    areas of the country. Although in progress only a short time, this
    appears to have reduced Baghdad violence in the month of August.
    Initial press
    reports indicate these adjustments to the Baghdad Security Plan have
    welcomed by many Baghdad residents.

    Attacks on Iraq's infrastructure continue to adversely affect oil
    revenues and
    the availability of electricity. The average weekly number of attacks
    critical infrastructure continued to decline, decreasing from an
    average of
    five per week to an average of two per week. Although the number of
    attacks is
    decreasing, the essential services infrastructure will continue to be a
    high-value target for enemy elements. The Multinational Force will
    continue to
    work with the Iraqi government and other international partners to
    further infrastructure security.

    Although Baghdad remains the focus for sectarian and terrorist violence
    Iraq, violence tied to the Rejectionist insurgency, terrorist
    political and tribal tensions and criminality continue in other
    Sectarian violence is gradually spreading north into Diyala Province
    and Kirkuk
    as Sunni, Shi'a, and Kurdish groups compete for provincial influence.
    in Al Anbar province remains centered on the Sunni insurgency. Al Qaida
    in Iraq
    continues its intimidation to coerce passive Sunni support, although
    tribes are
    pushing back to eject al Qaida and to re-establish their dominant role.
    In the
    southern, predominantly Shi'a region of the country, political and
    rivalries are a growing motive behind violence, particularly in Basra,
    limited anti-Coalition attacks likely undertaken by rogue Shi'a militia
    Iranian support.

    Iraqi Security Forces

    Mr. President, Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) continue to grow, improve,
    conduct more and more independent operations each day. Multinational
    continue to train, equip, and mentor the ISF and to transition security
    responsibilities of areas to the Iraqi forces as proficiency allows and
    conditions permit. Transitions are evaluated area-by-area,
    and are incremental to ensure an effective and successful transition of
    security responsibilities.

    Iraq achieved another historic milestone on July 13, with the transfer
    security responsibility in Muthanna Province from MNF-I to the
    Governor and civilian-controlled Iraqi Police Service (IPS). Moreover,
    May 2006, MNF-I has transferred an additional 10 Forward Operating
    Bases (FOBS)
    to the Government of Iraq. Fifty-one of 110 FOBS are now under Iraqi
    Dhi Qar province appears ready to assume security independence shortly
    several other provinces should meet the transition criteria before the
    end of
    the year.

    In August, the Fourth Iraqi Army Division Headquarters officially
    assumed the
    lead in its area of responsibility from the 101St Airborne Division.
    achievement represents the halfway mark of our joint goal of putting
    all Iraqi
    Security Forces in the lead of coordinating, planning, and conducting
    operations in Iraq.

    Iraqi Security Forces are increasingly taking the lead in operations
    assuming primary responsibility for Iraq's security, as Iraqi army and
    forces demonstrate an increased capability to plan and execute
    counter-insurgency operations. As of September 4, 5 Iraqi Army
    divisions, 26
    brigades, 85 battalions, and two National Police battalions assumed
    responsibility for security in their areas of operation. 106 Iraqi Army
    battalions and 17 Strategic Infrastructure Battalions are conducting
    at varying levels of capability. Another three combat battalions are in
    process of forming. In addition, 27 National Police battalions are now
    operational and active. Although these units lead security operations,
    still receive support from the Multinational Forces for their logistics

    Institutional capability within the Ministries of Defense and Interior
    is an
    increasingly important factor in the transition to Iraqi security
    self-reliance. As these ministries continue to staff, train, and equip
    efforts have focused on strengthening their capacity to direct,
    support, and
    sustain themselves. With more than two-thirds of the Iraqi Army combat
    now in the lead, MNF-I's focus is shifting toward helping the Iraqis
    stronger logistics and command and control capabilities. MNF-I will
    continue to assist developing and mentoring the capacity of the
    Ministry of
    Defense to organize, train, equip and modernize its forces.

    In the first week of September, the Ministry of Defense and the Joint
    Headquarters assumed operational control of the Iraqi Ground Forces
    Iraqi Navy, and Iraqi Air Force. The Iraqi Ground Forces Command (IGFC)
    operational control of the 8th Iraqi Army Division. The Government of
    Iraq will
    determine when the IGFC is ready to assume more control, but this
    demonstrates Iraq's increasing capabilities.

    Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Interior forces now total over
    trained personnel. This includes over 115,000 Ministry of Defense
    over 118,000 police, and over 65,000 other Ministry of Interior forces.

    The Joint Committee to Achieve Iraq Security Self-Reliance announced by
    Minister Maliki and President Bush on July 25 will develop a
    roadmap for full transition of security responsibility.

    Security For the United Nations in Iraq

    Mr. President, the UN's contributions in Iraq are vital. We urge the UN
    continue to fulfill its mandate under Security Council resolution 1546.
    August 10, the Security Council adopted resolution 1700, renewing the
    of the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq for another 12 months and
    reaffirming its
    commitment to assisting the Iraqi people and government in building a
    productive and prosperous nation. The United Nations' role in
    supporting and
    co-chairing the International Compact for Iraq is a key new component
    of the
    UN's role, which was noted in this resolution. The United Nations now
    representatives in its compound in Irbil, and a UN Military Liaison
    Adviser is
    currently in Kirkuk.

    Multinational Forces, notably the Georgian, Romanian, and South Korean
    contingents, continue to provide security for the United Nations in
    Basra, and Irbil, respectively. These troops provide static site
    reconnaissance, security patrols, convoy escorts, checkpoints, and,
    necessary, MEDEVAC and emergency evacuation. Also, Fijian troops
    provide static
    and close-in protection for UN personnel and facilities in Baghdad.


    Mr. President, the evolution of a fully free, secure, and prosperous
    remains a work in progress. Training Iraqi Security Forces to assume
    responsibility for security is essential. Since taking the reins of
    in June, Prime Minister Maliki's government has taken promising steps
    national reconciliation as well as economic development, reform, and
    reconstruction through the launch of the International Compact for
    Iraq. The
    Multinational Force and the international community stand with the
    Iraqi people
    as Prime Minister Maliki's government continues its efforts to promote
    dialogue and inclusion, and strive tirelessly to deliver improvements
    security, stability, and quality of life to the Iraqi people.

    Iraq's neighbors share some responsibility for Iraq's internal
    security. Syria
    should prevent financial and material support, particularly arms, from
    Iraq. Iran should stop providing munitions and other support to
    groups in Iraq. Iraq's regional neighbors should do more to help Iraq's
    democratically elected government by following through on pledges to
    economic assistance and debt relief. We applaud the Kingdom of Jordan
    recently sending an Ambassador to Baghdad, and hope that other Arab
    states will
    soon do the same. Moreover, we renew our call to the entire
    community to support Iraq's sovereign government and redouble its
    efforts. In conclusion, Mr. President, the MNF and combined MNF-ISF
    continue to support an environment that will allow Iraq's
    elected government to succeed and for the Iraqi people to realize a
    secure and more prosperous future.

    Released on September 14, 2006

    ************************************************** **********
    See US Department of State - Home Page for Senior State Department
    Official's statements and testimonies
    ************************************************** **********

  6. #8836
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    An auction / sale of coins

    Declaring the Iraqi Central Bank / Baghdad, the selling coins withdrawn from circulation, cash and indicated categories and quantities and their locations in Iraq, as detailed tables attached according to the law of the sale and rental of state funds No. 32 of 1986 (as amended) . For those who wish to buy shares matadors within thirty days from the date of publication of this announcement in accordance with the following conditions : -

    1. The buyer's expense coins collected from the bank branches attached (weights) in this declaration and ending the responsibility of the bank after receipt and delivery to a building on the section.

    2. Weight coins are promised coin bags of cash by representatives of the Center for the bank and bank branch and the buyer, organized jointly by the record (receipt and delivery).

    3. Attach a purchase offer with a certified instrument is the Iraqi Central Bank or a bank letter of guarantee acceptable to the Iraqi Central Bank rate (20%) of the estimated sales value of metal coins.

    4. The buyer undertakes to lift the metal coins cash from bank branches within seven days from the date of receipt and delivery, The reverse bears a fine Takhairih of (-/ 50.000) Fifty thousand dinars for each day of delay to only a fifteen days from the date of receipt and then confiscated insurance.

    5. Weights are declared approximate weight of metal coins cash withdrawn from circulation and mines presented not committed to the bank.

    6. Is the signing of a contract between the bank and the party that has anchored by the tender (the buyer) within ten days from the date of ratification of the record sales.

    With appreciation
    translated this page from the cbi site after i was told there is information concerning the revalue on the cbi site. why would they be selling coins that were previously discontinued???DISREGARD AS I HAVE FOUND OUT THAT WAS 3 YEARS AGO WHEN THE CURRENCY WAS CHANGED FROM SADMANS LIKENESS.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 16-09-2006 at 10:41 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #8837
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    To clean house and make room for all the new CASH they have to fill up with to pay the higher rates for the Dinar??? I win a prize?
    Last edited by Par77; 16-09-2006 at 02:13 AM.

  8. #8838
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    Possibly selling off as collectors item...common in the U.S.

  9. #8839
    Senior Investor snottynose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    translated this page from the cbi site after i was told there is information concerning the revalue on the cbi site. why would they be selling coins that were previously discontinued???
    well shotgun susie, I think it's because the revalue is here!!!!!!!! GO DINAR GO!!!!!!!! thanks sgs for all your info.


  10. #8840
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    I guess it is safe to say that everybody is on their last nerve....this is the big time....but you need to remember that not all information is or can be backed up by a link....just as not all links are the truth. I ran across this article in an Arab paper and was shocked. It is printed as truth and we all know it is a point is just because you read it and there is a supported link does not discount a person stating what they heard and know just because they don't have a link...anyway thought it was interesting... Please move this to appropriate thread if I screwed it up. Hang in there everybody....we are counting down hours not days...

    Urgent : American forces release dictator Saddam Hussein and his coterie - Ahmed Ragab


    Urgent : American forces release dictator Saddam Hussein and his coterie

    Ahmed Ragab
    Azvalathad Alcordstani of the electronic media

    Finally, amid joy and Alhlahl entered joy and happiness in the hearts of the Baathists and supporters of President captive since, as stated in a news report urgently to television and radio stations and the satellite world that President George Bush has said that American forces remain in Iraq for the time being. Given this situation is not surprising that American forces launched the release of reckless dictator Saddam Hussein and his coterie outrageous For a long time trying to America and tools of Ambassador Zalmai Khalilzad to collect the remnants of the Baathists and returned from Jordan and the United Arab Emirates and Syria openly surreptitiously and other Arab states that are in harmony about the Ha with the Americans and the Baathists in Iraq and its reintegration """ """ democracy, the political process in Iraq as pretext.
    America has made great efforts to reunite the remnants of the Baathists under many facades, the most significant payment Sunni Arabs to participate in the elections which took place at the end of last year, and they all Tlauinhm on a few votes, bitter and attempts to find lackeys, mercenaries and agents Hagdon and familiar killers and terrorists to participate in the process of national reconciliation """ """, All of these actions and attempts are in the face of Shiite and references various moved some of their wings to keep how abhorrent and quotas in order to take advantage of provoking sectarian strife and bloodshed of innocent Iraqis and killing wholesale identity and the possession of the bounties force and the use of violence, Such a move carries with it the smell of sectarian garbage, and help to strengthen the emergence of gangs and organized crime, and America still wants to create a state of chaos eventually lead to the dissemination of crime and corruption in the society more broadly.
    In the midst of this situation of the bombings of Iraq and disorder and the death of innocent citizens are talking about federalism, rejected by the "Iraqi Accord Front and the Muslim """ Muqtada al-Sadr, The United Nations intervene in the Iraqi affair, in which the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Iraq and neighboring countries and the permanent members of the Security Council to take the proposal to Secretary General Kofi Annan regarding the postponement of the consideration of the draft federal, What is important in this matter does not refer directly or indirectly from any federal talk! They say that time is not appropriate for the project of federalism because Iraq is in difficult circumstances, As intervene Mr. Mokhtar Lamani """ president of the League of Arab States """ in Iraq and noted that a federal """ could hamper reconciliation """, not only Mokhtar Lamani intervene in matters of Iraqis, but put red lines can be overcome and believes that the "League of Arab" does not want to dismember Iraq into small and the emphasis on unity, The total independence and Iraq continue with the "Arab surroundings" at all levels, According to Mani, raising the federal currently may impede the process of national reconciliation, It calls for consensus """ """ and this is what he wishes every Arab country to its people in Iraq.
    In these days tends Mr. Kofi Annan to bring Iraq, which is the currency of this is intended to save his reputation as head of the United Nations, as the daughter damaged the reputation of a name in the list of beneficiaries of the oil coupons distributed by President Saddam Hussein, the captive days "pride and victories". the League of Arab States to interfere and Tnafqa could receive bounties of Iraq when he returns to the knee-Arab, and the Arab League, has so far not recognized Bouhod other nationalities-Arab in Iraq, but whatever worked will undoubtedly fail, the lack of attention by the Iraqis.
    And for a long time to resume the High Criminal Court for consideration of the charges against the dictator irradiance deposed President Saddam Hussein and Jalaozth criminals who killed Iraqis and contributed effectively to genocide and Alkord Alcordstaniin, After the file of the murder of innocent people in the Al-hand, the file Anfal operations and the infamous dirty, the file genocide and the killing of Alkord Alachoralsrian Chaldeans and Turkmen, Arabs and Armenians live in each of Cordstan of Muslims and Christians and from Sabah and Mendaeiin Aizdien,
    In a criminal trial and a professional-style dictator Saddam Hussein and Goose and murder of professionals genocide and Aljinosaid, friends of Saddam Hussein is wonderful, where could the offender through allowing him to speak freely and to threaten and hawks and touring and accuses Alkord s and agents of Iran and the Zionist fighters because they were hardy and brave warriors Karawa its bloody, and fight tyranny, and smashed its might, and stood on his power so violated and cowardly Rateh the enclosure to be a lesson to all criminal dictator Every bloody dictator.
    Yes being surprised at the High Court so that the criminals dirty Ksadam Hussein to talk spirituality """ legitimate president """, such as bad """ golden brown """ says one of the lawyers who defend the Alkord Almenfelin and victims of terrorism, and his dead - and-buried, the fascist Baath Party :
    Wipe the top of your birth and each of the Zionist agent and an agent for Iran, and adds explains, saying : speech s mean sacrifice in the Kurdish language and proposed to delete the term s and stabilize the rebellion in lieu thereof.
    Saddam Hussein was very dirty during the years of brutal dictatorship wisdom annihilation of all those who want good for Iraq. he was the one who gave orders to the likes of cowards kill all the Iraqis from communists and democrats of the sons and daughters of various Iraqi nationalities, and unleashed them arrest all opponents of the wisdom of the Black describing the latter to Zionism or to Iran, and brutally tortured and killed and then placed in mass graves, or throw Jathehm in rivers, or on the roads.
    In spite of all the atrocities and methods Aldneh against the Iraqi people and the people could not Alcorde """ commander """ defeated Saddam Hussein to achieve all of its goals malicious, dirty, as neither kill every honorable Iraqis who resisted its Altaguti, capital has been unable to crush Alkord and children of various nationalities Cordstan thanks s forces, which included the Alkord, Arabs and Turkomen, Chaldeans, Armenians and Alachoralsrian different religions, and Saddam Hussein knows these days to explain the word s, and says that the word meant redemption.
    We have lost Saddam Hussein and Jalaozth duel, and every Iraqi can be known as Cordi by the Court, It is a testament to their crimes and their behaviors :
    Congratulations to you this enclosure, Congratulations on Saddam Hussein, Congratulations on his cohorts.
    Saddam Hussein has frequently praised as """ feat and guerrilla commander and hero of the nation, and the Commander of the need to guard the gate and Eastern """ but words and titles becoming a dead letter. not him that, and executed on Tshaqh (...) Iraqi Alcordstaneh.

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