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  1. #8871
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    ...when he's not playing in the bubbles.........

  2. #8872
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiffany View Post
    ...when he's not playing in the bubbles.........

  3. #8873
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiffany View Post
    ...when he's not playing in the bubbles.........
    Hey Tiff! Thanks! I think we needed that!

    Sorry neno, I promise that this will be the last post of mine that you have to move.
    Last edited by choochie; 16-09-2006 at 05:59 PM.

  4. #8874
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    ...I'm not promising anything...most of my posts get moved!

  5. #8875
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiffany View Post
    ...I'm not promising anything...most of my posts get moved!
    tiffany, you are a delight and a refreshing breath of fresh air Love your honesty and enthusiasm We will all get moved when our fearless leader returns Oh, well....thanks for sharing your joy with us

  6. #8876
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    Default Strange things happening ...

    ... even here in Colorado, USA!!!!!!

    Iraqi president speaks at conference in Aspen

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    By John Colson
    September 16, 2006

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    The president of Iraq was in Aspen on Friday to speak at the Forstmann Little & Co.'s annual conference. The private gathering at the Hotel Jerome and the Maroon Creek Club expressly bans the press and public.

    Iraqi President Jalal Talabani landed around 8 p.m. Thursday at Walker Field in Grand Junction in a private Boeing 757 jet, which is too big to fly into Aspen. A large motorcade whisked him up to Aspen, according to the KREX-TV station in Grand Junction. A report on the station's Website estimated the motorcade as "more than 15 cars and an ambulance."

    Former police officer Paul Mayer, who lives near Basalt, said he was working in his garage workshop overlooking Highway 82 about 9:30 p.m. Thursday when he heard motorcycles buzzing by. It caught his attention because it was drizzling at the time.

    Mayer looked out to see motorcycle cops blocking intersections to make sure no traffic slipped into what he termed an enormous convoy of vehicles speeding upvalley, many of them dark-colored SUVs.

    "I've seen motorcades before but nothing like this," Mayer said. "I thought it was something at a presidential level." A Colorado State Patrol spokesman denied rumors that U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney was with Talabani.

    Talabani reportedly was staying at the Hyatt Grand Aspen, where he arrived at around 10 p.m. Thursday.

    Aspenite Heather Hicks said Friday that she and friends were walking past the Hyatt Grand Aspen on their way to her house around 10:30 p.m. Thursday, and Aspen police officers stopped them and demanded to know where they were going. During the ensuing conversation, Hicks said, she and her companions asked what all the fuss was about and, when they guessed correctly, the police essentially confirmed their idea.

    Talabani originally was scheduled to speak at noon Friday at the Maroon Creek Club, according to sources familiar with the scheduling, though things apparently ran a little late.

    It was near 1 p.m. when Colorado State Patrol motorcycle troopers led a motorcade down Garmisch Street and across Main, with traffic stopped in both directions on Main and on side streets connecting to Garmisch and to Hallam Street, the motorcade's route out of Aspen toward the Maroon Creek Club. Talabani is said to have given a talk in a large tent pavilion on the Maroon Creek Club grounds, and was due to have left Aspen by today.

    Law enforcement indicated the local police presence included the U.S. Secret Service, the elite Iraqi Guard security force, state police, Aspen police and the Pitkin County Sheriff's Office.

    Sheriff Bob Braudis said he could not comment on the conference, citing confidentiality requests from the parties involved.

    A spokeswoman for the Forstmann-Little & Co. would say only, "It's a private conference. No comment. Thank you." Neither the title nor topic of Talabani's talk was made public.
    Aspen Times News for Aspen Colorado - News


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    Default - International News: Iraqi PM calls on Iraqis to embrace reconciliation

    Iraqi PM calls on Iraqis to embrace reconciliation
    Saturday, September 16, 2006 - Updated: 09:28 AM EST

    BAGHDAD, Iraq - Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki urged Iraqis Saturday to cast aside their sectarian, ethnic and political differences and embrace his national reconciliation plan.

    The appeal came as Iraqi security forces announced they will dig trenches around Baghdad in an attempt to prevent insurgents and explosive-laden cars from getting into the sprawling city of 6 million.

    The U.S. military confirmed Saturday that there was a plan in progress to create a “security belt” around the capital.

    “There is a plan in progress for a security belt around Baghdad that includes trenches and other obstacles for channeling exit from and entry to the city through checkpoints controlled by Iraqi forces. This is a cooperative effort between the Iraqi government and the Coalition,” said Lt Col. Barry Johnson, a spokesman for Multinational Forces in Iraq.

    The Baghdad anti-terror trenches are intended to curb attacks such as three car bombings Saturday morning that killed at least eight people and wounded 25 more. Three more people were killed in other explosions, and police also found six bodies strewn around the city.

    “No one should be part of the national reconciliation plan unless they recognize others, accept them as partners and totally reject any sectarian, ethnic or political differences,” al-Maliki told a gathering of Iraqi non-governmental organizations

    Addressing groups that represent children orphaned by terrorism and those disabled by war, al-Maliki said it was the responsibility of all Iraqis to join the effort

    “National reconciliation is a correct way of thinking and carries a high feeling of responsibility,” al-Maliki said. “To succeed in this today, we have to embrace the culture of dialogue and reconciliation.”

    Al-Maliki unveiled a 24-point reconciliation plan last month that he hopes will bridge the religious, ethnic and political divisions feeding Iraq’s violence.

    The plan includes an offer of amnesty to members of the Sunni Arab-led insurgency not involved in terrorist activities, and calls for disarming primarily Shiite sectarian militias.

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    Singapore stops opposition protest
    Saturday, September 16, 2006; 2:42 AM

    SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Singapore police stopped an opposition politician from leading a protest march past the venue for the annual IMF-World Bank meetings on Saturday, again highlighting the city-state's restrictions on freedom of speech.

    Singapore, which had hoped to show off its economic success by hosting the International Monetary Fund and World Bank meetings this month, has instead attracted surprisingly strong criticism from the two bodies and from NGOs when it blacklisted accredited activists.

    With some 16,000 delegates in town for the meetings, including central bankers and finance ministers from around the world, Singapore's curbs on its critics have come under scrutiny.

    Opposition politician Chee Soon Juan, secretary-general of the tiny Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) and six other activists wearing white tee-shirts with slogans such as "Freedom Now" held a rally at "Speaker's Corner."

    But police stopped their planned march to the convention center, where the IMF/World Bank meetings are taking place.

    "The objective of this rally is to highlight that it is our right as citizens of Singapore to gather freely," Chee told a crowd of about 200 people, including journalists. "Singapore is the only economically developed country to oppress its citizens to this extent."


    Under Singapore law, public gatherings of more than four people require a police permit. Before Chee arrived, police asked members of the crowd for their names and their reason for gathering at the park.

    The moves to stop the protest march came a day after Singapore said it would allow 22 blacklisted globalization foes to enter the country.

    Following withering criticism from World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz, Singapore said on Friday night it would allow 22 of the 27 activists on an immigration blacklist into the country. The remaining five would be "subject to interview and may not be allowed in," the Singapore organizing committee for the meetings said in a statement.

    The World Bank said it was pleased the government had relented, but called for the other five to be allowed in, too.

    "The World Bank still requests that all accredited individuals be permitted to participate, consistent with our Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Singapore," the bank said in a statement late on Friday.

    It added that open dialogue with civil society is important for the effective operation of the institution.

    On Friday, Wolfowitz said Singapore had damaged its own reputation by imposing "authoritarian" restrictions on the entry of activists for the meetings.

    "This could have been an opportunity for them to showcase to the world their development process," Wolfowitz said at a meeting with activists.


    Anti-globalization activists have staged sometimes violent protests at similar meetings in the past, criticizing rich countries for being callous about the poor and the environment.

    Some would-be participants have already been deported or refused entry.

    ActionAid said that Maria Clara Soares, its head of policy for the Americas Region and a former economic advisor to the Brazilian Ministry of Finance, was held for 30 hours and subsequently deported on Friday.

    Three other senior ActionAid activists, all officially accredited by the World Bank and IMF, were detained at the airport for several hours, and repeatedly interrogated and fingerprinted before being released, the group said.

    Singapore police say the tight controls are necessary because the tiny island state with the most advanced economy in Southeast Asia was a terrorist target.

    More than 160 civil society organizations, who have been meeting on the Indonesian island of Batam on Friday -- a 40-minute boat ride from Singapore -- declared a boycott of the meetings, in response to Singapore's restrictions.

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    Bangkok Post : Business news

    IMF cautions leaders on volatility
    Singapore _ The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has urged economic leaders to adopt prudent policies in light of growing volatility in the global financial markets.

    IMF managing director Rodrigo de Rato said global financial imbalances were unlikely to be resolved in the short term, and emerging market economies needed to take steps to prevent future crises.

    ''We live in extremely benign financial conditions in a world that is giving new, very important opportunities to countries, but also to business and to families,'' he said yesterday at the annual IMF-World Bank meetings in Singapore.

    ''Nevertheless, experience has shown us that international financial conditions change, and we got some taste of how that change can happen only a few months ago,'' he said, referring to the severe volatility in Asian financial markets last May.

    ''Global imbalances are certainly a very complex problem that took many years to build up. And it would be unrealistic to expect the problem to be resolved with a magic bullet,'' Mr de Rato added.

    The IMF said the US current-account deficit was projected to reach 6% of gross domestic product this year, with surpluses for oil-exporting economies and a number of Asian countries remaining high.

    Short-term prospects remain strong, with the IMF raising its latest global economic growth forecast to 5.1% this year and 4.9% next year, both up a quarter-point from its last forecast in April.

    But oil prices and the slowdown of the US economy remain key problems.

    ''Inflation risks are a concern as output gaps narrow, high oil prices could adversely affect both inflation and growth, and there has been a major setback in the Doha Round of trade talks,'' Mr de Rato said.

    Countries needed to ensure a sound macroeconomic framework, flexible regulatory and financial infrastructures, and integration into the world economy.

    The US economy would be increasingly driven by private investment and exports in the future, rather than domestic consumption as in the past, he said. This is reflected by monetary policies targeted at boosting domestic savings.

    The IMF plans to hold multilateral talks throughout the weekend in an effort to strengthen its surveillance role.

    ''The world is changing rapidly all around us, and to remain effective and credible, the Fund must adapt too. One change that we have made is the introduction of a new tool, multilateral consultations,'' Mr de Rato said.

    The IMF hopes discussions will bring about shared analysis and understanding of the consequences of imbalances, and a common understanding on policy recommendations. Members are also expected to hold talks on the fund's role in resolving financial global imbalances.

    Bilateral talks are also scheduled, involving the IMF and China, European countries, Saudi Arabia and the United States, on the same topics.

    The annual meeting will also feature discussions on a revision in quotas for member states to better reflect major developing nations in the global economy. Quotas for China, Korea, Mexico and Turkey are expected to be increased.

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    Cool Good One cigarman

    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    I read it just the opposite, besides we have OSW and he's heard the same.
    Yes, that is very True. Ok, I am still cleaning this thread. If you dont have News on the "Dinar" then find another Thread here to post in.

    Tonight's New Allnighter Thread Is Here:
    Last edited by neno; 16-09-2006 at 11:14 PM.

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