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  1. #8961
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    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #8962
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    Iraqi finance minister targets inflation

    SEP. 18 12:34 P.M. ET Iraq's finance minister on Monday vowed to take effective action against inflation, while appealing for technical and financial support to rebuild the country.
    Briefing fellow financial leaders attending the annual meeting of the World Bank and IMF, Iraqi Finance Minister Bayan Jabr said his government was determined to clean up corruption and curb inflation, which was recently reported at a rate of 70 percent.
    Jabr and Iraqi central bank governor Sinan Al-Shabibi described to their counterparts from the United States and some two dozen other countries how they plan to finance the country's economic reconstruction.
    Iraq wants to resolve remaining debt claims left over from the regime of Saddam Hussein in the next few months, Jabr said.
    "We are determined to conclude the settlement of these debts in coming months," he said.

    Since 2004, Iraq has already resolved debts from the former regime with the Paris Club of country creditors and some other nations, and has also settled commercial creditors' debts, Jabr said.
    He said his government hopes by December to sign an international donors' agreement.

    International donors have pressed Iraq for a hydrocarbons law that would outline ownership and foreign investment in Iraq's oil reserves and a reduction of government subsidies.

    Iraq is set to present its strategy for building up its economy in a meeting Monday at U.N. headquarters. Attendees are to include supporters of the International Compact on Iraq, which was launched in July by the Iraqi government and the United Nations, with support from the U.S. and Britain.

    Addressing the forum in Singapore, U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson urged other countries attending to back the Iraqi initiative.

    "This vision seeks to build a secure, unified, federal and democratic nation, founded on the principles of freedom and equality and providing peace and equality for all its people,
    henry bonfiglio: what did i post? lol
    henry bonfiglio: the Iraqi government said in a statement issued at the World Bank gathering.

    Prices for all goods used to measure inflation -- food, fuel, transport, medicine and other essential goods -- have soared amid mismanagement, lawlessness and attacks against refineries and supply lines.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #8963
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    Here's the quote.. and thank you Franny we're gonna need it... you guys better get your runnin shoes on;

    KUWAIT CITY: A financial mediator in the Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE)Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE)
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    said some Omani investors had recently infused cash amounting to $20 million in the non-Kuwaiti companies for the second time this year. "Omani investors decided to infuse cash in these companies after witnessing the corrections made in the KSE especially with the ending of the conflict in Lebanon," explains the mediator indicating that the Omani investors consider the KSE as one of the most stable stock market in the region.

    A delegation from the Bank of Iraq has recently visited the Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE)Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE)
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    to open a dealing account to accommodate some Iraqi investors who are planning to invest in the KSE which is considered as one of the most active stock market in the region. During the visit, the delegation met with one of the Mediators Department officials in addition to a number of mediating companies that the Iraqi investors will deal with in the KSE. Sources said the dealing account of the bank will be activated in a week, paving the way for the Iraqi investors to forward their purchase and selling orders in the market.

    By Mohammad Kamal

  4. #8964
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    Iraq wants to resolve remaining debt claims left over from the regime of Saddam Hussein in the next few months, Jabr said.

    "We are determined to conclude the settlement of these debts in coming months," he said.

    Iraqi Finance Minister Targets Inflation

    This makes me worried that it's not going to happen yet. They still don't seem to have all of their debt issues resolved.

  5. #8965
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    I have read some childish comments in this thread. We will be monitoring this thread. If you break our TOS, we will give you a warning. There is a way to discuss things without slamming each other around. And that is the Rolclub way for this thread. I will let all the past in this thread stay in past, but i ask all parts to be respectfull to each other, and present their views in a respectable way.

    Both the naysayers and the yeahsayers need to Respect our TOS.
    If someone violate this, please report the post to us, and we will have a look at it. If the violation continues, then we will have to remove the person that does not follow our TOS.


  7. #8967
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    Jordan before Iraq's privatization experiment and investment
    Via Jordan expressed its readiness to provide its experience of Iraq in the field of privatization and investment and how to raise the Iraqi industry and make them compete with the imported products.
    He and Minister of Industry and Trade Sharif Zoubi Jordan during a meeting held the day before yesterday in Amman with the Minister of Industry and Minerals Fawzi Hariri, who is currently visiting Jordan »willingness and readiness of the Jordanian government to increase Iraq everything necessary to upgrade access to the level of the oil producing and exporting Al.
    The Information Office of the Ministry in a statement received by Al Azzaman »» yesterday that the two sides discussed ways of enhancing bilateral relations and how to develop to serve the interests of the two peoples Al.

  8. #8968
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    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #8969
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    Ok.. duh I finally did it

    The text of the speech of President at the presentation of the International Decade with Iraq in the United Nations

    September 18, 2006

    Mr. President Jalal Talabani's speech at the Conference of the International Decade with Iraq at the United Nations on Monday, 18-09-2006 which reads :

    "Mr. President
    Mr. Secretary-General of the United Nations
    Ladies and gentlemen Cabinet ministers
    Attendance viewers
    I greet you warmly
    It is a great honor to be here today to present our vision for the future of the new Iraq and ways to work together to formulate a common vision for Iraq.
    Now that is proof of the real progress in building Iraq capable live in peace with itself and with the rest of the world, Iraq will grow and evolve as a respected member with full rights in the international community.
    As the elected head of a free and democratic Iraq come here with a vision of the future and we believe we are all striving for.
    According to the International Decade of Iraq will set the same targets for the repair and rebuilding of the main sectors of the economy in order to ensure good governance and effective under the law.
    Despite the fact that most of the commitments سيتعهد Iraq is in the field of economy, the International Decade will paragraphs clear what Iraq is doing in the areas of security and politics.
    The Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Barham Salih details concerning the broad elements of the International Decade of affecting the economy. And I will explain how it could provide the initiatives taken by the Iraqi leadership. Security and stable political environment necessary to achieve these economic goals.
    The first objective of any government is to protect its citizens, and we are determined to address the issue of security through the achievement of the following :
    • comprehensive national reconciliation
    • Building security forces capable and accountable.
    • Strengthening the rule of law and protection of human rights.
    • dialogue and cooperation with a number of non-governmental and civil society organizations in the framework of the laws and institutions of the State.
    At the same time, Iraq would effectively to achieve harmony and understanding with all its neighbors and develop relations on the basis of good neighborliness and mutual interests. Iraq does not allow its territory to be used against the interests and energies of any of its neighbors, on the other hand, Iraq would not allow any interference in its internal affairs. The full respect for Iraq's sovereignty and cooperation with its neighbors, are essential for achieving stability in the region. Therefore, we must work with our neighbors in order to support our efforts to ensure the unity of our land and our borders and our national sovereignty.
    Of course, Iraq seeks to establish strong links with the democratic and free in all parts of the world. And as a new democracy, we need the friendship of these countries and help them and their experiences.
    We will continue to urge the Arab League and the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Gulf Cooperation Council, to support our efforts to achieve national reconciliation and to foster a spirit of brotherhood and mutual support.
    Our Constitution establishes a federal system in the framework of a unified democratic Iraq. Based on this principle, we initiatives aimed at the restoration of peace and security throughout Iraq. In this context, our security aimed at the democratization and not to impose tyranny, It respects the diversity of our people and their basic rights as human beings.
    In light of the principle of "social control democracy" and the principle of "one country, one army "will be able to build our forces strong and competent. In this context, we need international assistance to ensure the durability of these structures and the Ummah. At this time I speak to you our government is reviewing laws and controls on the possession of arms, In addition, the disbanding and disarmament and rehabilitation of its members are also priorities, In this context will be re-training of the militia and other armed groups and the creation of new job opportunities to them.
    The government is aware that hacking in the security ministries by criminal elements and terrorists is a major challenge.
    And with the support of the population of the capital, the government is working to implement the security plan in Baghdad. from now show signs of the success of this plan, which is the significant reduction of the violence during the past month. We seek to secure broad support for this plan from the leaders of political, religious and civil, Moreover, we expect the United Nations to play a key role in providing support for the popular support the plan.
    On the political level we have taken a major step in making our plan for national reconciliation, It aims to involve in the political process of all elements of the Iraqi political spectrum reject terrorism and violence, which depend clarity and transparency in achieving their objectives.
    The plan calls for :
    • rejection of violence in all its forms and commitment to resolve their differences by political means on the basis of the legitimacy of the Constitution and the law.
    • rational political debate and providing guarantees to those who feel marginalized and excluded from the political process.
    • initiate a dialogue fair is open to all views and positions, including those that are contrary to the positions of the government and the parties participating in the political process.
    • protection of human rights and punish those who violate those rights, regardless of affiliation.
    • To address the issue of militias and other armed formations, including the appropriation of the means of political and economic factors.
    • building the institutions of state, at all levels, and on the basis of professionalism and transparency, accountability and anti-corruption, favoritism and interventions ethnic, sectarian and partisan.
    • Confidence-building measures such as amnesty and the release of some detainees and dealing with the remnants of the former regime on the basis of the rule of law and respect for human rights.
    The constitution itself needs to conduct a constitutional review, which would be a framework and provides an opportunity to reunite Iraqis.
    With the help of the United Nations has completed preparatory work so far been made in this area, The Parliament is expected to narrow differences on the major issues, It is expected to approve soon a law for the formation of the Independent Electoral Commission, which will seek to obtain the assistance of the United Nations to supervise the local elections scheduled for 2007.
    According to the constitution and our democratic institutions, the government will work to develop a just solution to Kirkuk, In this context, we will take into consideration the requirements of all the components that make up the city's population, as well as the conditions of provinces which were subjected to changes in its implementation of the policy of racism and sectarianism of the dictatorship.
    This will be the preparation of a draft amnesty law conform with international standards and combines justice and tolerance, and will be submitted to the House of Representatives upon its completion. As for the eradication of the Baath returned organization structure to transform itself into a professional body-procedural without political dimensions judges affairs.
    The Iraqis will Itsamon their differences in order to achieve common goals and address common challenges and to protect themselves and their families. Our government is determined to support this process.
    It will lay the foundations for a national consensus in conjunction with the establishment of a leadership and policies needed to heal the wounds of the past and remove the obstacles to the attainment of Iraq, a promising future and to achieve real participation in government by the representatives of all the basic components of the Iraqi society.
    The International Decade for Iraq involves the benefits clearly visible. It will elevate the support given to our goals to the international level, That support will give credibility to our plans and our programs and support us and encourage us to continue our efforts to achieve success. The social contract will provide the necessary framework for a common understanding, or roles to be played by the government of Iraq and its international partners.
    For the international community, the main benefit is that assisting the Iraqi government to achieve its objectives will contribute to the achievement of peace and stability in our troubled and provide opportunities for large investments in our country and to fight the scourge of terrorism actors and the risks to all.
    The contract also would provide international mechanism for a common understanding between the Iraqi government and the international community about their role in the development of Iraq. in other words, the support of the International Decade will refer to Iraq and the international community are united about the threats that we all face. and the main source of international terrorism and sectarian violence and other forms of civil strife.
    And for the people of Iraq, the International Decade is the promise of a better future. As the security challenges and turmoil is for each Iraqi challenge facing every day.
    The procedures reviewed by the above that promotes the rule of law and protect human rights, which are essential to the Iraqis live the life of safe bus happiness, and prosperity. In order to perform their role as individuals in a contemporary democratic.
    Finally, thank you very much for your presence and for your attention and for your contribution in helping the Iraqi people. Bye and God's mercy and blessings "


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    Default A noticeable recovery of the commercial markets in Basra

    Can never get url's to work properly on these translated sites.

    Translated version of
    Full article:

    A noticeable recovery of the commercial markets in Basra

    Basra Abdulamir Alderawi
    Witness Basra for more than two weeks, a remarkable economic recovery in markets crowded with people purchasing groceries preparing to receive. The holy month of Ramadan as well as a new academic year and appears to be a very rapid crush on shops that the sons of Basra feel somewhat safer after the improvement of security conditions in the city.

    But what hurt the recovery and movement in the market is the continuous rise of prices for various goods, including foodstuffs, clothes and stationery used by the parents to provide for their children for lack of confidence provided by the schools, as is the case every year.
    The number of vendors and shopkeepers that the reason for the rise is that the increases add wholesalers of the goods pretext rise in transport fares within Iraq and the rise of material origins, but, in fact, continue to bleed citizens, especially owners of limited income.
    The owner of a store that sells food : The growing popularity of the food makes us fear concealed by some to raise the price after the events of the crisis, or because the markets are no controls or formulas work known.
    The market signals to a slight improvement in the imported brands and squeezing some traders to import materials specifications and the dumping of poor markets and because of the low prices in origins, which makes the Iraqi market sites for the disposal of the goods in other markets depressed.
    In the opinion of specialists in economic prompted that the purchasing power of the Iraqi citizen is still high, but the security situation
    To contribute greatly to the general economic recession in the city.
    In spite of the irritation prices and other reasons accompanying revived commercial market in general and especially foodstuffs, clothes and stationery, fabrics and household utensils, which encourages shopkeepers and merchants alike to provide new goods shops.


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