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  1. #241
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    Iraqi Council of Representatives to vote on the election law on Sunday

    MP Ahmed al-Masoudi Sadr said Sunday that he will be voting on election law instead of on Monday, noting he is not a solution to the previous points of contention regarding the law.

    Masoudi said in a press statement that he was telling them that I would be today, Sunday to vote on election law instead of on Monday, explaining that he is not a solution to the previous points of contention regarding the law.

    Masoudi noted that Sadr demanded that they are provided with a copy of the law before the adoption of a vote in order to identify the nature of the amended rules, noting that he is not providing them with their demand.

    Masoudi said that the materials that will be added paragraph was amended to increase the number of members of the House of Representatives 275 to 311 and article which referred to the entry into force of law after the voting.

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    Samurai confirms that the next legislative elections will be held on schedule

    Speaker of Parliament, Iyad al-Samarrai said the upcoming legislative elections will be held on schedule.

    Samarrai said in a press statement that there is no basis for postponing the elections in the Constitution, both in the whole of Iraq, or in Kirkuk province, stressing that elections will be held on schedule in all governorates of Iraq from Kurdistan to Basra.

    He explained that talking about boycotting the elections but it shows his point of view, indicating that does not exist for the province, but no one to talk so such things.

    He further said that the election law will be issued next Monday, and there are amendments which will satisfy the Iraqi people and all parties involved in the process of political parties and blocs and individuals.

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    Iraq is the opening of the first women's bank

    Opened on Sunday in Najaf, Babylon, and a bank branch for women in a move are the first of its kind in Iraq.

    The Vice-Chairman of the Bank of Babylon Mazen Mansour Abdul Razak told the media center of the communication that the bank had opened with a capital of 50 billion Iraqi dinars to cover all the needs of businesswomen, and that the bank will include all the privileges of investment banking, deposit, give loans and savings to both the dinar currency and the dollar.

  5. #244
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    MP Omar al-Jubouri: You must amend the election law before it is approved in Parliament

    A member of the Iraqi Parliament MP Omar al-Jubouri, the mass independent Arab "Not The electoral law on the agenda at today's meeting dueto some extent because of the differences proposed Arabs and Turkmen on the one hand and the demands of the Kurdistan Alliance on the other."

    Jubouri said in a telephone conversation that "the inability of the commitment of the large blocs Rules of Procedure of the House of Representatives under which stopped the all the legal requirements to vote, explaining that there are a number of political pressure exercised by the Kurdistan Alliance bloc on these blocks to retreat from its position on Terms of Kirkuk.

    He ought to be changed by the election law passed in Parliament that the provisions of the law most of the next conflict with the Constitution and must include the electoral law a special status for Kirkuk.


  6. #245
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    Kurds rule out the elections to pass a law on Monday

    D ruled out. Fuad Masum, chairman of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc could vote on the election law on Monday because of the presence of too many details in the law to prevent the possibility of reaching a quick solution, which means a return to the old law.

    He said the Alliance of Kurdistan with the text indicates that in case of doubt in any province, it is necessary to check the lists and delete the names of excessive or that have been made in the list, saying that the increases in Nineveh province, several times of what happened in Kirkuk, Kurds, he does not agree to increase the number of seats in the Representatives of more than 275 members.

    On the lists of closed and open Masum said, "We have informed everybody that we can not be an obstacle to the adoption of the menu that is agreed upon, but we can not accept that we use the stands in front of this issue while there are contradictions within the political parties and other forces that talk about its support for the list of open public line with the view reference religious and believes in secret list closed. "


  7. #246
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    Iraq cancels ban the participation of companies that deal with Israel in the Baghdad International Fair

    Iraq scrapped the clause should be the intersection of foreign companies participating in the annual exhibition Baghdad Israel, according to a letter distributed by the Iraqi Foreign Ministry on the embassies and international organizations.

    The letter, according to the published site section News website that the Iraqi Foreign Ministry of companies wishing to participate in the Baghdad International Fair thirty-sixth to delete paragraph 45 of the terms of engagement, which states that the company should be willing to submit a document proving its boycott of Israel.

    A European diplomat said that his reticence on the situation in the European Union in May this paragraph be deleted as a condition for its participation in the exhibition, scheduled this year from the first and tenth of October until November.


  8. #247
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    Oil parliamentary committee that claims to have documents indicting al-Shahristani

    Preparing for Oil and Gas Committee of the House to question the oil minister Hussain al-Shahristani, in the twenty-seventh of this month, said the decision of the Commission on oil and gas Jaber Al Khalifa, said that there is full documentation condemns oil minister, indicating The date of the questioning will be final and not subject to change to interrogate al-Shahristani.

    He added that the "axis of interrogation include accountability and oil minister on the subject of non-oil legislation, some laws and the failure of the oil ministry's management file, in addition to administrative corruption."

    Jaber pointed out that "the questioning of the minister of oil will be professionally and literally out of politics will not see any question of the Minister of undocumented documents and official documents and evidence to prove the case for presentation to representatives of the people to be informed and know the facts."

    And on some of the statements which indicated that the interrogations of political, not professional and it comes to electoral purposes, "said Khalifa: The issue of oil minister summoned and asked to have begun in 2007, not until now come for electoral purposes, indicating that the interrogation of a constitutional right to council members in performing their oversight role, and we consequently opposition and not the government and this is the duty of the political opposition, and our right to represent the Iraqi citizens in the official accounting defaulting."


  9. #248
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    Iraqi media refused to vote a secret meeting of the electoral law

    USGS said that the importance of the meeting scheduled tomorrow to vote on the election law, the Iraqi society has a right to know what is happening inside the parliament is in the discussions made in the interest of society and guarantees their right in the exercise of democracy through the upcoming elections.

    He added that although the constitution provided that the meetings of the parliament, "the public" has prevented the presidency of the parliament, for almost two years now, journalists and media teams to cover the meetings and also barred the live broadcast of its only after assuming control of parts and deducting from the discussions as the In a press statement.

    The Journalistic Freedoms Observatory, called on all members of the House of Representatives to work on the broadcast session tomorrow, and future meetings and direct the right of public access to information and to allow journalists covered without restrictions or censorship, because journalists and media organizations claim by the community and the public to fact-finding through them .. He said that otherwise the House of Representatives have committed a constitutional violation.

    He held the Journalistic Freedoms Observatory of the Presidency of the parliament historical responsibility in front of the Iraqi people to vote if the electoral law without informing the Iraqi citizens through the presence of journalists and the media to transfer the details of a panel discussion to be held on Monday. The heads of political blocs met Wednesday afternoon with the Presidency of the Council of Representatives to discuss the parliamentary election law and disputes, which for a vote tomorrow.

    And parliamentary sources said there were six points in a controversial parliamentary elections, the law regarding Balcotta women's quotas for minorities and the electoral list and whether you are open or closed and pointing in the case you will be open on a single candidate or two or three constituencies as well as whether they are open or closed as well as Is the number of deputies will be increased to 275 or 311 Will Vice-President of the Republic and one or two Aadavp to the biggest problem on the issue of Kirkuk.


  10. #249
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    BP set for Iraqi oil licence as cabinet approves deal
    Group will share rights over 17bn barrel Rumaila field with China's state-owned CNPC

    Iraq's cabinet has approved a deal with BP to develop the huge Rumaila oil field in the country's first international energy deal since the American-led invasion in 2003.

    The agreement, which was brokered in June during the first round of tendering for licences to exploit Iraq's enormous and largely untapped hydrocarbon resources, should also send "a strong signal" to other energy groups that the Iraqi administration is keen to secure deals.

    Abdul-Mahdy al-Ameedi, the deputy director of Iraq's Petroleum Contracts and Licensing Directorate, said: "We believe that we have a strong pillar now for our work toward realising our plans." Mr al-Ameedi was speaking in Istanbul, where Iraqi officials are meeting oil companies ahead of a second tender of oil-field contracts due in December.

    Separately, Iraqi officials have also reopened talks with Royal Dutch Shell about a revised offer for licences connected to an oil field in the city of Kirkuk in the north of the country.

    BP will share the licence to extract oil from the Rumaila field near Basra with China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), the state-owned parent of PetroChina, and the Iraqi oil ministry. A spokesman for BP yesterday refused to confirm that the deal had received official sanction, adding that the company had heard only reports of the approval and had not spoken with Iraqi officials directly.

    Analysts estimate that the Rumaila field has the potential to produce 17 billion barrels during its lifetime, with Iraq aiming to increase production at the site by 2 million barrels a day.

    The country has the world's third biggest oil reserves, but has suffered from a lack of investment and United Nations restrictions on exports during the Saddam Hussein era. In more recent years, insurgent attacks on Iraq's oil fields have also hampered supplies.

    Most of the 32 companies that originally joined the tender process for licences connected to six oil fields and two gas fields, including the likes of Exxon Mobil and Total, withdrew complaining that the terms imposed by the Iraqis were not generous enough. BP and CNPC agreed to run the Rumaila field after Exxon Mobil turned it down.

    Iraq's oil ministry offered 20-year service contracts, which stipulate that companies would not be paid anything until a minimum level of production, almost the amount already being produced at Rumaila, was reached. Above that point, the companies would be paid a certain amount per barrel up to a maximum level stipulated by the ministry.

    The maximum amount being offered by the ministry in the case of the Rumaila field was a lot less than the oil companies were initially asking for: Exxon Mobil declined to accept the maximum payment, but BP and CNPC, which had originally asked for $4 a barrel, agreed to do the work for $2 a barrel. They will also be able to bill the ministry for the costs of the work the two groups have to do on the production facilities.

    The deal between Iraq's government and the energy companies has caused anger among anti-war protesters, who have argued that the decision to invade Iraq in 2003 and to topple Saddam Hussein's regime was linked to oil, rather than ridding Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, which were not found following the war.

    "We always said that this war was at least in part to grab the resources of Iraq, despite the wishes of the vast majority of the Iraqi people and the oil workers' union themselves," said Lindsey German, convenor of the Stop the War Coalition.

    "The oil companies and the governments backing them have decided to privatise the oil industry. It confirms exactly why we went to war in the first place. People should look at this and remember all the high-flown moral reasons we were given for going to war."

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    Iraq's 2nd bid round for oil deals to be Dec 11-12

    Iraq's second bidding round for long-term service contracts to develop some of its prized oilfields will take place in Baghdad on Dec. 11-12, an Iraqi oil official said on Sunday.

    The official was speaking at a workshop on Iraqi oil in Istanbul.

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