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  1. #331
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    Governor of Basra: the city will see the three conferences for the development of tourism and ways to address the salinity of the water

    The Governor of Basra Cltag Abboud Mayah "The next few days will witness the three conferences that advance by the city in various fields.

    He Mayah during the press conference held at the City Hall on Wednesday about the results of his visit Alojerpily for Washington to participate in the World Investment Conference."These conferences are important and very large and will be held in the province over the next month.

    And that the first Conference regard to promoting development in the province and will be attended by Minister of Planning and senior businessmen and officials in the province.

    The conference will discuss ways of developing the city after being diagnosed with the phenomena of shortage of projects and planning for the next five years.

    "The Omaalmwtmr II has focused on tourism and the effects and investment opportunities in the province of Basra.

    He noted that the privacy of a third conference with the local government and citizens because it relates to visual finding practical ways to address the salinity of the water along the tongue and the phenomenon of salt in Ctarab.

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  3. #332
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    Dollar sales down to $107m

    The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) dollar sales went up to reach $107.11 million in its daily auction on Wednesday, compared to $126.383 during the previous session.

    “The demand hit $1.5 million in cash, covered at an exchange rate of 1,183 Iraqi dinars per dollar, and 105.61 million in foreign transfers outside the country, covered at an exchange rate of 1,173 Iraqi dinars per dollar,” according to a CBI news bulletin received by Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

    None of the 11 banks that participated in today’s session offered to sell dollars.

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  5. #333
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    Iraqi firm revenues hit ID12b+ in September

    Iraq’s State Company for Central Markets’ revenues exceeded 12 billion Iraqi dinars (ID) in September 2009, catapulting it to an increase of 202% compared to its revenues in September 2008, the trade ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.

    “The company has achieved a steady growth in its proceeds that reached 12.803 Iraqi dinars with an increase of 202% compared to the corresponding month last year,” Hadi Jaddou, the company director general, was quoted in the statement as received by Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

    “The company rebuilt and rehabilitated many of its facilities in Baghdad and other Iraqi provinces,” said Jaddou, noting one of the company’s top plans now is to put up some markets for investment.

    “The company will also continue to develop its trade marketing activities through selling all types of goods and imported commodities and marketing the products of national industrial sectors,” he added.

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  7. #334
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    Irish firm to get permission to invest in Basra

    The Basra Investment Commission is willing to grant permission to an Irish firm to construct 25 thousand residential units, including all their accessories, in the province.

    “The Commission will grant permission to the firm within the coming days,” Hayder Ali Fadhil, the Commission’s director, told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

    He said that the company will invest $5 billion in Basra province.

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  9. #335
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    Iraqi parliament fails again to vote on the election law

    Iraq's parliament failed for the fifth time in the vote on the election law, containing the vote on the issue of Kirkuk as a prerequisite to pass the resolution and vote on it.

    And the Kurdistan Alliance bloc has rejected a proposal to hold elections in Kirkuk, in the first two sectors, based register of voters for the year 2004 before the update and adopt the second increases after this date.

    It should be noted that this proposal was submitted by First Vice President Adel Abdul-Mahdi, a solution to the crisis, a major controversial issue of Kirkuk.

    From their part, the Arabs and Turkmen proposal provides for the adoption of a Elections according to the register of voters in 2004 rejected the parliamentary blocs and the proposal by the United Nations and to adopt the record The current election in 2009 to conduct the elections in Kirkuk because it contradicts with the Law No. 36.

    The Political Council for National Security, stressed the need to Hold elections as scheduled in accordance with the existing open circles Multiple electoral law before it is returned to the House of Representatives.

    Is noteworthy that the law No. 36 of 2008 had identified the special status of Kirkuk province, which is the foundation of Aqaba to vote on the election law in the House of Representatives.


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  11. #336
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    Iraq announces the resumption of pumping oil to Turkey

    Announced that the Iraqi Oil Ministry said on Wednesday the resumption of pumping Iraqi oil to the Turkish port of Ceyhan through the Kirkuk pipeline carrying crude oil during the next few hours.

    He said ministry spokesman Assem Jihad to stop the flow of oil was due to the blast, which happened on Monday morning, which caused damage to the pipeline supply to the strategic port of Ceyhan, which was invited to stop pumping oil on the spot. He added that the team began to repair the destroyed part, is expected to resume pumping oil over the next few hours.


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  13. #337
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    We hope to see tomorrow, the end of the crisis over the election law

    Said the head of the solidarity in the House of Representatives Kassem Daoud said the negotiations are still continuing on the election law and expressed the hope to see tomorrow, end of the crisis on the issue of Kirkuk.

    He said Dawood in contact with the agency independent press (Iba) on Wednesday, "I hope to see the light of the electoral law a new beginning of next week."

    The United Nations and the Independent Higher Commission for the elections were the heads of parliamentary blocs Hatoa note that it is technically not possible to return the records of 2004, as it can not verify the voter registration now because of time constraints.

    He pointed out that this has led to a new image on the proposals submitted, out of the proposed "to the proposed endoscopic practice."

    David confirmed that it will be elections in Iraq, according to the existing open, multi-constituency, and relying on voter records for the year 2009, to be withdrawn subject of scrutiny in the records to a later period after the elections.

    He stressed that the situation is apt to evolve towards a complete solution on the subject, expected to testify tomorrow or early next week to vote on amendments to the electoral law.

    The House has so far failed to vote on the amendments made to the electoral law because of the differences between the parliamentary blocs on many of the paragraphs, especially the issue of Kirkuk.


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  15. #338
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    Iraqi parliament to vote on election law: MP

    Iraq's parliament will vote on a key election law on Thursday, an MP told reporters, raising the prospect of polls scheduled for January being held on time.

    "We (the parliament's legal committee) have reached an agreement with the speaker of the parliament to vote tomorrow on a single draft if an accord is reached today, or on two proposals if there is disagreement," Sunni lawmaker Salim al-Juburi said.

    The proposed changes to the law would require parties to publish full lists of candidates on ballot papers, in contrast to the current closed list system under which voters see only party names.

    A stalemate over the law had sparked concern that the polls, scheduled for January 16, would have to be delayed because electoral authorities would not have enough time to organise them.

    The first proposal, presented on Tuesday by the UN's special envoy to Iraq, Ad Melkert, calls for elections to be held in Kirkuk, oil-rich ethnically mixed province in Iraq's north, at the same time as the rest of the country.

    It also envisages current voter records being used in the Kirkuk vote, which would favour the province's majority Kurds, but that these would then be updated after the election.

    Diplomats have expressed concern that elections in Kirkuk would have to be delayed because of disputes over voter records there.

    The UN's idea differs from one by a senior political committee made up of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, President Jalal Talabani and parliament speaker Iyad al-Samarrai.

    It offers three options relating to Kirkuk: postponing elections there; using voter records from 2004; or separating the province into two electoral constituencies.

    The Kurds have long demanded that Kirkuk be incorporated in their autonomous region in the north, despite the opposition of its Arab and Turkmen communities.

    Pressure has been placed on Iraqi MPs to reach agreement on the new law from a wide variety of sources, including US President Barack Obama, the United Nations and Iraqi religious leaders, as well as the prime minister.

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  17. #339
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    Withholding ration cards for high income earners will hopefully be implemented next year

    The Minister of Trade and serenity net debt agency that a withholding the ration cards for high income earners will hopefully be implemented over the next year ... Stressing that the card will include everyone in the remaining months of this year.

    This came during a meeting with Minister of Trade and agency Safa net debt with the Chairperson of the Finance Committee.

    The net in a statement Wednesday that the future of the ration card will depend on the new plan is still in study stage and all the basic data the ministry is working on the submission to the Council of Ministers if completed, adding that the plan aimed to feminine numbers of beneficiaries of the card and support of the poorer strata.


  18. #340
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    Kick off the Conference of the Basra Development

    held on Thursday morning, the Conference of the Basra Development in the presence of Minister of Planning and Development Cooperation Ali Baban, a number of agents of the ministry.

    Baban and delivered a speech at the beginning of the conference, which it owns, said Basra, including the resources and geographical location is the economic capital of Iraq and we should promote the level of services in order to flourish because the boom means thriving Iraq.

    "The Ministry of Planning and placed five-year plan for the year 2010 - 2014 to upgrade infrastructure in order to pay tribute to the Basra governorate be Bmsaf developed and therefore there are many economic projects.

    Baban and announced: he would start work soon in the great port of Basra, which will be Iraq's economic window through Basra to the world via the Arabian Gulf.

    He gave the province of Basra Cltag Abboud word referring to the Basra lack the economic and development services and is still behind in some areas, it should pay attention to in order to promote the historic city sophisticated.

    The conference includes several research and studies dealing with the history of Basra, the main investment opportunities and natural resources involving a number of specialists in the field of economy and development.

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