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  1. #341
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    General Authority for Investment: an investment conference on Iraq in Paris soon

    revealed Advisor National Investment Commission as "holding an investment conference on Iraq in the French capital soon as the international conferences in which they were established in the London and Washington."

    Dr. Abdullah al-Bandar told the independent press (Iba) on Thursday that "the conference to be held in Paris as part of a series of programs a strategy to create the appropriate climate and confirm the existence of guarantees to international companies and businessmen to invest in Iraq." Bandar did not specify the date of the conference.

    According to "The Iraqi market is stable and is waiting for a rebound in the next stage, and this is what we stated in the investment conference in Washington, with a call to encourage the expansion Alasttosmari according to proper controls and not to exaggerate the fear of the situation in the country to the different economic conditions and the relative size of the domestic market."

    He said Bandar, "the importance of stability of legislation to improve the investment climate, especially for foreign investors and work to raise the incomes of individuals, the impact on the market and revive its indirect effect in the fight against unemployment."

    The member of the parliamentary economic committee Mahma Khelil said in a press statement that the amendment of the draft Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 would encourage foreign companies to enter Iraq and to attract capital.

  2. #342
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    No Israeli firms in Baghdad International Trade Fair

    Iraq will not let Israeli firms take part in trade fairs it organizes, said Hashem Mohammed, head of the State Company for Trade Fairs.

    “Iraq is one of eight Arab states which does not deal with Israeli firms or businessmen,” said Mohammed. “We will not strike deals with them.”

    He made the remarks three days before the opening the annual session of the Baghdad International Fair in which five foreign countries are taking part in addition to numerous foreign firms.

    Mohammed made the remarks in response to media reports that Israeli firms will be present in the 36th session of the firm scheduled for November 1.

    Denying those reports, Mohammed said the only change has been that Iraq no longer makes it incumbent on participating firms to produce evidence that they are not dealing with Israel.

    “Previously, we asked firms to produce evidence of their not dealing with Israel or pledging in writing that they are not doing so. During this session we have stopped asking for such documents,” Mohammed said.

    The five foreign countries taking part are Turkey, Sweden, Brazil, Iran and France.

    More than 60 foreign countries and hundreds of firms used to take part in the fair before 1991, the year the U.N. slapped punitive trade sanctions on Iraq for invading Kuwait.\kurd.htm

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  4. #343
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    Arab participation is weak in the Baghdad International Fair

    The director general of the General Company for Iraqi Fairs Hashim Mohammed Hatem will be closing the streets adjacent to the Baghdad International Fair during the opening ceremony on the first of November next.

    Hatem said in a statement singled out by the reporter That "the action was to protect Participants in the exhibition and visitors as well as bring in sniffer dogs and explosive detection devices. "

    He noted that "most of the goods the companies participating in this session had entered the exhibition they are ready for display and there is no problems in this regard."

    Noted that the curators Acharo that "the participation of Arab countries in the exhibition is very weak, especially in the formal aspect."

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  6. #344
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    Eleven of the next month the date for the interrogation of al-Shahristani

    Mentioned decision of the Commission on oil and gas in the Parliament Jaber Khalifa Jaber select the speaker of parliament on November 11th of November to question the oil minister Hussain al-Shahristani.

    Jaber said at a news conference Wednesday that the oil and gas took over parliament and the president's decision, which sets out the11 of next November as the date for convening a special session to question the oil minister Hussain al-Shahristani.

    Jaber said that the parliament will hold an interrogation session in absentia in the case of failure to attend al-Shahristani, Issar, or to censure him, pointing out that his committee will hold a news conference to present a set charges to be redirected to the Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani, in the event that the questioning session.

    Jaber and that most of the documents and evidence that the acquisition of oil and gas committee condemning al-Shahristani, prove that the waste of public funds, notably the lack of implementation of strategic oil project and the adoption of a low price for Iraqi oil in the global market, as well as use of paragraph B of Article 136 to prevent the questioning of senior officials in his ministry, and the intervention of members of his family in the work of the ministry, and injection of oil derivatives in the ground after being removed under the pretext of the absence of reservoirs.


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  8. #345
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    US Ambassador. Hill and General. Odierno issue joint statement

    The US Ambassador in Iraq Christopher Hill and commander of the multi-national forces in Iraq General Raymond Odierno issued a joint press statement regarding the elections law in Iraq on Thursday October 29, 2009.

    Below is the full text of the statement:

    Joint Statement by Ambassador Hill and General Odierno Urging Passage of an Elections Law

    October 29, 2009

    As Iraqi authorities prepare to adopt an elections law, we reiterate our view that the rules, procedures, and decisions adopted for the January elections should apply only to that election. They should not serve as precedents for future elections or for future political settlements related to Article 140, demographic change, disputed boundaries, or other contested issues.

    The future of Iraq depends on the Iraqi leadership and people. We urge Iraq’s political leaders to work out their differences and take swift action to do what is in the best interest of the Iraqi people so they may exercise their democratic rights on January 16, 2010.

    -PUKmedia & US embassy-

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  10. #346
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    Iraqi parliament postpones today's session until November 1st

    The Iraqi parliament on Thursday October 29 again postponed voting on a new election law until November 1st, as lawmakers failed to reach an agreement over voting on the Kirkuk issue.

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  12. #347
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    Kurds snub Parliament vote on Iraqi Election Law

    An Iraqi Kurdish lawmaker says his fellow Kurdish legislators are boycotting a parliament session on a crucial election law needed for the upcoming January balloting.

    The election law has been held up over a key issue — whether to use voter lists favoring Kurds or those favoring Arabs in the oil-rich city of Kirkuk. Both groups seek to control Kirkuk.

    The boycott is complicating the country's political deadlock. Kurdish lawmaker Khalid Shwani blamed Arab lawmakers for the impasse, saying they're creating obstacles.

    The Kurdish boycott leaves parliament without enough for a quorum vote on Thursday. It will reconvene on Saturday.

    U.S. and U.N. officials worry that if the new law is not passed in time, the elections could be delayed.

    THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

    BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraq announced the arrests of dozens of military and security personnel over the attacks on government buildings in Baghdad that killed 155 people, the Iraqi capital's military spokesman said Thursday.

    Maj. Gen. Qassim al-Moussawi told The Associated Press that 11 army officers and 50 security officials have been taken into custody over Sunday's bombings — the worst attacks in Iraq in over two years.

    The massive blasts at the Justice Ministry and the Baghdad Provincial Administration caused outrage among many Iraqis, who question the ability of the government to protect its people ahead of parliamentary January's elections and the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.

    The arrests were the first reported by officials. Al-Moussawi did not say if those detained were suspected of involvement in the blasts or negligence in carrying out their duties in protecting Baghdad.

    On Wednesday, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he is sending a senior U.N. official to Baghdad in response to a request from Iraq's prime minister for a U.N. Security Council investigation of two previous bombing of two ministries in August. Those attacks killed more than 100 people.

    Ban said that Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs Oscar Fernandez-Taranco will go to Baghdad "for preliminary consultations related to Iraq's security and sovereignty" and discussions on how the United Nations can help. Ban said he decided to send Fernandez-Taranco to Baghdad before Sunday's bombings.

    Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki sent a letter to Ban in early September requesting that he ask the Security Council to establish an independent investigation commission into the August bombings.

    Iraq has blamed an alliance between al-Qaida in Iraq and Saddam Hussein's outlawed Baath Party for the pair of truck bombings on Aug. 19 outside the Foreign and Finance ministries in Baghdad that killed about 100 people.

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  14. #348
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    Vice exchanged congratulations on the failure of parliament to approve election law

    The Deputy of the United Iraqi Alliance today announced that Vice exchanged congratulations on the failure of the parliament to approve the elections law.

    Rep. ruled Shatha al-Musawi told the Kurdistan News (AKnews) Deputy that the "vote on the election law, stating that" the opportunity to pass not more than five percent. "

    Al-Moussawi said that "the deputies of the different masses exchanged congratulations on the failure of the Parliament in its recent session to approve the election law."

    She added that "there are some deputies speak to the media about their support for the list of open and when the parliament was unable to reach a compromise on the contentious matters have expressed their joy about the possibility the adoption of the old election law in 2005 that supports closed-list system."

    The House of Representatives has raised its to the day after tomorrow, Sunday, when the political blocs fail to reach a solution satisfactory to all parties during the hearing on Thursday.


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  16. #349
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    That is not the ratification of the election law next week the elections will be postponed

    The head of the Electoral Commission of Iraq today, that is not the ratification of the election law early next week, the date of the elections will be postponed.

    Faraj al-Haidari told the Kurdistan News (AKnews), "UNHCR needs time to complete preparations for the elections, and this time is not available yet because of the ratification of the election."

    He stressed that "unless it is ratified by parliament in early next week on the law of the elections scheduled for January 16 next, the election will be delayed for another time."

    Sardar Abdul Karim was a member of the Board of Commissioners Office, said Friday the agency (AKnews) that "the period specified for the registration of alliances between entities certified ended today, have now been logged three coalitions are the rule of law, and academic qualifications, and to Iraq, which includes 50 political entities."

    He noted that the Kurds did not form any alliances to date, and that because of failure to ratify the election law, many of the entities did not make a version of the Alliance, is therefore expected to provide the Commission tomorrow in the formation of alliances between entities.


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  18. #350
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    Efforts to extend the work of Parliament for six months in the event of continued deadlock Election Law

    In efforts to resolve differences over the election law, The Council of Representatives to vote on the law in place that day round of negotiations between the parliamentary blocs to reach a consensus. Suffer the differences prompted some lawmakers to consider an application to extend the work of Parliament for another six months.

    Parliamentary forces that seek to extend the split into two of them wish to solve the problem of law and the issue of Kirkuk, and others raised the slogan of the extension, the slogan adopted by more than eighty remote trying to form a bloc called the (extension) in the words of one lawmaker, is expected to be on As for Sunday to announce a crucial block on the same claim to extend the parliament, or go to the vote on the law.

    And revealed a member of the House of Representatives refused to be named the intention of more than a 80-seat parliamentary bloc, which required the extension of the work of Parliament for another six months. The MP said: The idea and quite frankly is built on two things key to extend the parliament for the first six months, and the other solution to the problem of Kirkuk and the electoral law during the extension period, for its part, denied responsibility for the Kurdistan Alliance to delay approval of amending the election law.


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