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  1. #361
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    Minister of Planning: Development Conference in the Basra province was the defeat of terrorism, the economy of the gate

    Minister of Planning and Development Cooperation, Ali Baban, the Conference of the development of Basra province was the defeat of terrorism from the gate of the economy.

    This came during a speech at the conference held by the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation, yesterday at the Hall of the Cultural Center in Basra oil to determine the directions of the province, five-year plan from 2010 to 2014.

    He added that Basra store an enormous wealth of oil and gas, where more than half of Iraq's oil reserves, as well as a conservative play on an ancient civilization, one of the oldest urban booming Gulf region.

    Baban revealed that the port of Basra and the great giant that pilot project which we dream, will become a reality in the Five Year Development Plan promised, and will change the face of life in the province, Iraq, and them two of the most important centers of trade and transit in the world

  2. #362
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    Iraq will sign agreements with the BBC. BP and Eni in November

    The spokesman for the Iraqi Oil Ministry, Asim Jihad said on Thursday that the ministry will sign a final agreement with BP. My Lucy. That. Me. C-Chinese in the third of November (November) to develop Rumaila, the largest oil fields in the country, the first oil deal considerably since the U.S. invasion of the country in 2003.

    The Jihad, the ministry will conclude an agreement in principle on the second of November, with a consortium led by Eni to develop the field-Zubayr.

    He pointed out that the Jihad Zubair oilfield contract with Eni and its partners Occidental Petroleum Corp., South Korean Kogas must be submitted to the Government for approval before signing the final contract. This includes agreements to develop two huge fields, and pledge to increase production, which would increase the ranks of Iraq's top oil producers.

    The Iraqi Oil Ministry said in June (June) The owners of Eni, and offers others are not willing to accept government conditions in the contract of Zubair oil field. The Dskaeltsi Claudio, director of operations at Eni, said today that the company has changed its position "because the tax requirements are different now."

    He told analysts on a conference call that the conditions were the original tax on the total revenue, both cost oil or oil profit.

    Msttrda The "now profit taxes on oil only."

    And damaged oil infrastructure in Iraq severely damaged by years of war, sanctions and underinvestment, while Iraq has the third largest global reserves of oil, it occupies the No. 11 position among the top producing countries. Iraq hoped to help the country to foreign investment that is ranked third among oil-producing countries, produces about seven million barrels per day during the six or seven years, which is equivalent to three times the current level of production of 2.5 million barrels per day.

    And Rumaila, with an estimated reserves at 17 billion barrels, is the backbone of the Iraqi oil sector, as pumps nearly half of the total daily production of the country. The agreement with BP. Me, Lucy. That. Me. .. C Only concluded during the first tender for Iraqi oil contracts after the invasion was held in June (June) last, after he declined to global companies from bidding because of the severe conditions of the contract.

    However, the secret negotiations, that followed the auction, led to work on other agreements in some fields that did not succeed in finding developers through the auction. One of those contracts, the agreement with Eni and its partners on the development of field-Zubayr.

    Eni expects to invest tens of billions of dollars in Zubayr, which is estimated at four billion barrels of reserves, and raise field production to 1.125 million barrels per day from 200 thousand barrels per day during the seven years.

    Iraq will hold a second round of oil bids on December 11 and 12 (December) will be through the contracts that lack the development considerably.


  3. #363
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    Congress hoped to reach an understanding on the export of oil from the Kurdistan region

    The members of the House of Representatives expressed optimism Ptousel KRG and the federal government to resolve the problem off on oil exports from northern fields with the receipt, Barham Salih, prime minister of the province.

    The disagreements about the legality of the Kurdish oil contracts have surfaced recently, after the government halted the flow of the region about 100 thousand barrels per day towards the outside, but hope to reach radical solutions to the problem seems, according to decision of the Commission on oil and gas parliamentary Jaber Khalifa Jaber possible with the assumption of Barham Salih, prime minister of Territory.

    Jaber said in an interview with "Radio Sawa" The problem of the oil contracts that belong to the disagreement about the interpretation of the powers of the territory and oil center in the Constitution, that the territorial Government adopted a provision conferred authority to contract, while based on the oil ministry in opposition to the contracts to other constitutional clauses.

    For his part, MP for the Kurdistan Alliance bloc Mahma Khelil said the Territory Government will continue to stop the export, while the central government to pay benefits oil companies operating there, expressing optimism at the same time that the Government agrees with the continuation of talks.

    The Government of the Territory began in the first of the month of June, export of oil for the first time in light of differences with Baghdad on the legality of contracts signed with foreign companies in Irbil.

    This includes export in the offing about 90 thousand barrels per day via the Kirkuk towards the Turkish port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean Sea.


  4. #364
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    MP Masoudi accused the Kurdistan Alliance to block the election law for political gain

    Accused member of the Iraqi parliament from the Sadrist bloc MP Ahmed al-Masoudi the Kurdistan Alliance bloc that it is the body that prevent the passage of the law of parliamentary elections, seeking to establish a parliament and political position of the critical mass is difficult to get out of it.

    Masoudi said in a statement singled out by the reporter that "the Kurdistan Alliance" Wants to obstruction of the process of obtaining these gains because it knows that this is a final deadline for the elections, therefore it must be to enact the law before the date of parliamentary elections that are pushing for access to the largest amount of concessions from the other political blocs."

    He noted that "the issue of Kirkuk, an important issue, sensitive and strategic and political blocs is now ready to develop a concern in the province of Kirkuk may be an explosive situation in the coming years, so we look today in the House of Representatives for a realistic and Astratji and just all the components of the governorate of Kirkuk to keep this province and within the the case of the peaceful coexistence of all divides "(his words).

    Masoudi and criticized the statements issued by the Kurdistan Alliance bloc on Kirkuk, which they opened it (the Jerusalem of Kurdistan), saying that this is not true because that is not in the interest of all aggravating and the politicization of the issue of Kirkuk governorate as a diverse, with three important ethnic groups are Arab, Turkoman and Kurdish therefore it must be to preserve the specificity of this province and I think the imposition of any opinion on the other hand, political will would not serve security and stability of the province, adding that most of the political blocs should provide special status for Kirkuk in the law of the forthcoming parliamentary elections due to demographic changes that took place by the former regime and also the post in 2003 by the Kurdistan Alliance bloc that can not be for everyone involved in the elections, but the indigenous people of Kirkuk."


  5. #365
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    Exceeded all contentious issues on the election law with the exception of the issue of Kirkuk

    A member of the Iraqi Parliament MP Abdullah Iskandar forced withdrawal from the Arab bloc Independent that the issue of Kirkuk is thorny and complex and so far not reached an agreement on the project proposal by the United Nations and the Council of Representatives or other bodies such as the Legal Committee in the House or the Political Council for National Security.

    Iskandar said in a statement singled out by the reporter, "We were hoping to hold a deliberative meeting today, but this meeting did not take place, noting that the intention of some parties to postpone elections in Kirkuk for a certain period."

    Iskandar noted that "the electoral law had only one obstacle is the issue of Kirkuk, either from the rest of the aspects such as open list has been agreed upon and a multi-constituency, adding that most of the blocks announced approval of the law and the open list, and 90% of the members of parliament with a multi-constituency and that he was overcome all the contentious issues in the law with the exception of the main issue is the issue of Kirkuk."

    The MP said "the law was passed without the Kurdistan Alliance will submit it to the veto by the Presidency and this will brings us back to square one and take us at least a month and thus can not reach a compromise solution that satisfies all parties."

  6. #366
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    35 deputies supported the proposal to postpone Iraqi elections in Kirkuk one year

    supported some 35 deputies in the Iraqi parliament's proposal to postpone elections in Kirkuk, one year, with the Kurdistan Alliance renewed its rejection of any proposal to delay the elections.

    A source in the Parliament to the network (the day of news) said on Saturday that "about 35 deputies in parliament supported the proposal to postpone elections in Kirkuk, one year because of the loss of voters recorded in 2004 and is running the necessity of legal review of records."

    New parallel rejection of the Kurdistan Alliance to postpone the elections, said Kirkuk should be "not covered by any special status, like other Iraqi cities."

    Parliamentary blocs have failed so far to reach a compromise on the law of the legislative elections, at the time of the election commission called for the political parties to expedite the passing of the bill for the purpose of holding elections as scheduled in mid-January next year.


  7. #367
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    Iraqi lawmaker announced access to the formula closer to compatibility issue of Kirkuk

    Said a member of the Security and Defense Committee in the Iraqi parliament from reaching some of the political blocs to form closer to a consensus on the issue of Kirkuk.

    MP Abbas al-Bayati said some of the political blocs agreed to Mitrh postpone the parliamentary elections in Kirkuk, one year to resolve the differences between the political blocs and raise obstacles to the passage of a law the legislative elections scheduled for mid-January 2010.

    While others, where Congress finds it necessary to give the debate more time to reach understandings and consensus it Iatrunh rejected by the citizens and detrimental to the public interest.


  8. #368
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    91% of women in Iraq between widows and spinsters

    A proportion of widows and spinsters in 91% of women in Iraq as a result of violence and murder facing the country after the fall of the former regime in 2003.


  9. #369
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    There are some powerful actors are an obstacle to the passage of the election law

    A member of the Iraqi Parliament MP Jamal melons from the list, said it had approved in the absence of the election law, he will get a constitutional vacuum and therefore will not exist for the state and parliament.

    The melon in a press statement singled out by the reporter That Clinton meant what she said in her statement in the latter's failure to withdraw occupying forces from Iraq in the event of a failure to approve the election law is to fill the vacuum which will then explained "that, for the seventh time Iogel Parliament Election law and this is what called for such statements.

    The watermelon that there are some actors that you want to account for the issue of Kirkuk, at the expense of other parties and the fact that spawned the 2005 elections through the closed list and invested these things this way, in addition to the constitutional amendments that did not complete schooling.

    And that there are influential elements An obstacle to the passage of the electoral law and the important laws that preceded it and that this situation is unacceptable from all political blocs, but it has become a fait accompli and that each slate view clashes with the demands of the electoral law of those actors.

  10. #370
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    MP Abd Mutlaq al-Jubouri: The Council of Representatives must take a courageous step to pass the election law

    A member of the Iraqi Parliament deputy Abd Mutlaq al-Jubouri on Arab bloc that the reasons for postponement of the independent electoral law is the lack of consensus on the issue of Kirkuk, but it can House of Representatives to continue the award of the rest of the laws and discuss this topic with the same time.

    Jubouri said in a statement to correspondent House of Representatives suspended all pending business solution to the problem of Kirkuk, and the various All in a valley and will not reach a compromise solution.

    And "Should be the House of Representatives to take a courageous step" and said his final decision.

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