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  1. #391
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    MP Bassem Sharif ruled out the vote on the election law on Monday

    Ruled out the MP block on behalf of the Sheriff virtue parliamentary vote on the election law at a meeting on Monday to the failure of the parties to an agreement on the problem of Kirkuk.

    Shareef said in a press statement that "the atmosphere of the discussions between representatives of the Arabs, Turkmen and Kurds did not refer to the existence of progress in negotiations towards a compromise solution."

    Sharif stressed the need for an integrated law to move forward in the electoral process, pointing out that the late adoption of the law had been pushing for the adoption of Act No. 16 of 2005.

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    Preliminary agreement to create free trade zone with Turkey

    The Ministry of Industry and Trade in Iraq’s Kurdistan has revealed an initial agreement with Turkey to establish a free trade zone in the region.
    “The establishment of a free trade zone was one of the main points that have been agreed upon during the Turkey-Kurdistan economic forum,” a statement published on the official web site of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) said.

    On Oct. 30, a high-ranking Turkish delegation comprised of politicians and businessmen arrived in Arbil and met with Kurdish officials to boost bilateral ties.

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    Rasheed al-Azzawi: Back to the old election law, it has become impossible because it does not fit the current phase

    MP Rashid al-Azzawi of the Iraqi Accordance, that a return to the old election law matters have become impossible because it does not fit in the current phase, so it must be amended.

    He said al-Azzawi told the press receiving (Iba) Two points should be amended, where the text of the 2005 law "to conduct elections in 15/12/2005" So this paragraph should be amended it to 16 / 1 and the second paragraph is the number of members of the House of Representatives.

    He added that in addition to some of the parties calling for amending the existing system and modify the voter register and a number of other demands.

    He is not in front of the House of Representatives not to amend the law and legislation during these days and not the elections would be a major setback to the postponement of the elections.

    He denied that the House of Representatives have any intention to postpone the elections because the President of the Council seeks to conduct all the roads in order not to remain on the argument to assume the presidency of the Council members of the House have become a liability if there is a problem or a crisis over the election law.

    The Al-Azzawi, the House is unable today to approve the election law, but seeks to reach a compromise that satisfies all parties and there is still ample time for the Commission to end its preparations for the upcoming electoral proces

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    Maliki asked the Speaker block question the oil minister or withdrawal of confidence by

    I got a network of Larsa News information from Iraqi Deputy, which he said that the visit of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, parliament speaker, Dr. al-Samarrai, came to discuss the question the oil minister Hussein al-Shahristani

    Maliki was asked of a Samurai to exercise his authority to prevent the question the oil minister, saying that this will confuse the political situation and lead to undermine his government

    The MP said the network of Larsa News that al-Samarrai said he had made the owners of the Inquisition to prevent a difficult process, especially as many deputies attacked the Presidency of the parliament due to laxity in determining the date for the questioning of the minister, and that any new interference which would put them in front of a big embarrassments

    Talk between Maliki and al-Samarrai touched on how to save al-Shahristani of the predicament of interrogation and its consequences, especially as there are documents and information will present a serious interrogation of Representatives during the session may lead to the withdrawal of confidence, and Maliki stressed the importance of keeping the minister in office in any way, and asked that the Samurai has been communicating with with some deputies to see if there will be calls for the withdrawal of confidence from the al-Shahristani said the interrogation process or not more than ask questions.

    Network News Larsa pursued the case with parliamentary sources, to obtain more details, and be published as they were received, as presented on the deputy, who provided information, to conduct an interview with an open and direct dialogue with the readers of Larsa News, promised he would give his opinion of approval or rejection within days.

    In this context, member of the oil and gas committee in the House Jaber Khalifa Jaber, the Iraqi people and free and independent media and civil society organizations and national public opinion to support, in the process question the oil minister, demanding the three presidencies abide by the constitution especially on the subject of the supervisory role as required by this national duty and moral and address all attempts to go out with him or left in its application.

    Jaber said in a statement distributed by the media and the media: it is the basis of our commitment to our people's interests and resources of our country and the need to be at the hands of competent and honest and worked hard Tqahmna risk in the service of the Iraqi people, decent and Ovaoua him and his principles and the right of the constitutional order and swore by and on Srara activating the role of parliamentary oversight, particularly in the vital oil sector, and important. Our progress is more than one application (a proponent of more than one hundred vice at a time) to question the oil minister and was in line with government reports, which confirmed the palaces and shortening of the Oil Ministry and with the decisions of the Council of Ministers, including Resolution 58, which in 3/3/2009 about the oil minister to a mere member of the Committee overseeing the oil sector under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister.

    But powerful forces have worked to block the interrogation we were forced to give up some of our questions and our questions in detail, although this is not constitutionally binding on us because the minister has to be familiar with and following up the affairs of his ministry, but despite all that remains of delays and procrastination and evasion to hold a hearing questioning continues. He explained that what worries us more these days, we observe that some political actors trying to gain political deals and through this delay and procrastination, and this is certainly at the expense of our people and the interests and wealth.

    While we profess that we confirm we are headed will not back down from what we took to our faith and claims to his health. But we call on the sons of our people decent and free and independent media and civil society organizations and national public opinion in general to support us as we seek to demonstrate the facts that invites us to request interrogation. Jaber asked the three presidencies of the distinguished commitment to the Constitution, especially in the subject of the supervisory role as required by this national duty and moral and address all attempts to go out with him or left in its application.


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    Here we have a typical political strategy to delay uncovering more dirt on current government ministers, and it looks more and more like Maliki is getting worried about elections the closer we get. lol

    Success to all, Mike

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  11. #396
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    Haider Jourani: people would be considered a traitor to the House of Representatives did not approve the secretariat, if open-list

    He called Haider Guarani the United Iraqi Alliance House of Representatives to endorse the open-ended quickly and regardless of the subject matter of Kirkuk.

    The issue of Kirkuk remains an obstacle to the adoption of amendments to the electoral law in the provincial councils because of the incompatibility of parliamentary blocs.

    Said Jurani told the independent press (Iba) Call of the Presidency of the Council to show good faith and meet the demand of the people to adopt a declaration accepting open list in the electoral law without hesitation.

    He pointed out that this comes out of a sense of national responsibility, historical and moral high ground, so that the High Commissioner for Labor's election under this system without delay.

    He added that the time may start to understand the organization of work in preparing for the elections to be held in 16/1/2009, so it must achieve "this requirement public" and then work to find a solution to the issue of Kirkuk.

    And Jurani that if the Council's determination on the violation of this requirement the mass adoption of open-list, it becomes the right of the Iraqi people to take his decision demanding the dissolution of the House of Representatives as a traitor to the secretariat.

    The adoption of the open list has become a popular demand as called for by the religious authorities and the majority of political forces.

  12. #397
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    Sadoun: a proposal for the latest United Nations is not neutral and do not accept

    MP Mohsen al-Sadoun of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc, "The United Nations presented a new proposal shows that he is not impartial and can not accept it."

    And calls for a United Nations proposal to add two new seats in the parliamentary blocs of the component of Turkmenistan and the mandate of Congress Kirkuk for one year, during which a check register of voters in the province.

    He said Saadoun told the independent press (Iba) "The United Nations has made two proposals before the latest proposal and were acceptable, considering the latest proposal lacks neutral" depends on the Mchauren of nationalism and one causing it to lose impartiality. "He said.

    He noted that "the constitutional position of the Kurdistan Alliance and agreed to hold elections on schedule in accordance with the voter register for the current year to form a committee for scrutiny and I think that our brothers the Arabs, Turkmen and agreed to the second and third paragraphs of this proposal The proposal is far too recent to accept it."

    He Sadoun that "the legal committee submitted a proposal Monday that the vote is on the list and the number of open seats that are then to find a solution to the Kirkuk question, pointing out that the coalition and approved by the rejection, while others".

    And went on "the need to take this proposal to the lack of time and to act as the Electoral Commission for elections the tasks assigned to it in setting up elections and then begin to legislation other laws."

    Is noteworthy that the Electoral Commission for the elections were called for the speedy approval of the proposed amendments to the electoral law in order to conduct the forthcoming elections in the set time.

  13. #398
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    Karim Yacoubi: differences over Kirkuk, an attempt to return the old law

    Rep. Yacoubi cream on the mass of virtue "that the issue of disagreement on the issue of Kirkuk between the respective political parties is an attempt to return the old law."

    The previous elections, which took place in 2005 was based on existing closed-minded and sectarian that have been rejected by the Iraqi street.

    He Yacoubi in contact with the agency and the independent press (Iba) today, "The issue of Kirkuk and raised at this stage is an attempt to delay passage of a law, noting that the elections for the survival of the period of time to hold elections next short forcing the House to adopt a closed list."

    Many proposals have been made to resolve the issue from within and from the United Nations to reject Vtstdm times of the component Arabs, Turkmen and other times of the Kurds.

    He Yacoubi that "the problem of Kirkuk can be solved a few days but the determination of the parties and their differences is to make it a problem to solve."

    Is noteworthy that the House of Representatives has linked the ratification of proposed amendments to the electoral law, a solution to the problem of Kirkuk, approved by the various parties.

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    Cabinet endorses the reform of the ration card system

    Council of Ministers approved the recommendations of the Higher Committee for the reform of the ration card system in terms of targeting and the components of the card.

    A source at the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers decided that the adoption of decentralization in the management of the ration system, which would be entrusted to the adoption of import, storage, transport and distribution to local governments in the provinces where there is capacity Alkhoznip, transportation, distribution and management capabilities.

    The source added that the Ministry of Commerce will start the implementation of the new system in coordination with the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation and the Ministry of Justice and Social Affairs, pointed out that the Cabinet authorized the Ministry of Commerce to take further action consistent with the objectives of the plan, to support the poor and instructive to the continuity of the vocabulary necessary to ration coverage while the network protection social as appropriate.

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    Kurdistan Alliance reaffirms rejection of giving privacy of Kirkuk in the election law

    The Kurdistan Alliance bloc held a press conference confirming the refusal to give privacy to the province of Kirkuk in the election law next year.

    The MP stressed the Kurdistan Alliance bloc Faryad Raondzi were necessary to hold elections in Kirkuk, as in other Iraqi governorates.

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