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  1. #421
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    Chairman of Investment: Iraqi Business Council - British common basis for the beginning of economic projects

    Dr. Sami Raouf Al-Araji, Chairman of the National Investment Council that the Iraqi employer - British Joint is one of the results of the committee formed to follow the work of the London Conference which was held in the summer of this year.

    Araji said during his meeting with President of the Emma Nicholson said in a statement received by the independent press (Iba) on Wednesday said the council a copy of an extension of the work in London, where The existence of this elite group of businessmen and British companies who represent the largest companies in Britain, accompanied by Iraqi businessmen in Baghdad today the basis for the beginning of economic projects in different areas and support for the investment process in Iraq.

    On the other hand, the President of the Iraqi Business Council - British Joint that contribute to meetings with officials to file the investment in Iraq to facilitate communication between businessmen in both countries and at all levels.

    The council reflects the confidence the Iraqi people and the future of investment and the economy, and the Council with the Middle East represents a drop of 70% of the economic scene in Britain, which opens the doors wide for investment in Iraq in particular. Noting that the projects are classified and known, and how to implement and guarantees is one of the aims of the visit to Iraq.

    Nicholson announced the opening of a special office at the center of business in London of the Council with the task of securing and facilitating contacts between the two sides.

    The delegation also met during an extended meeting on the second day with representatives of a number of ministries and heads of investment bodies in the provinces where they submitted a summary of the most prominent explanation of the available investment opportunities in their provinces with an expanded character data (economic, cultural, civilization) to the reality of the provinces and contribute to give an illustration of the the needs of each province and the possibilities of investment.

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  3. #422
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    Faraj al-Haidari hoped that Parliament would pass legal elections and the parties soon

    The head of the Electoral Commission for elections Faraj expressed hope that the House of Representatives issued a legal elections and political parties to UNHCR completed, procedures.

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  5. #423
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    Wednesday's session in Iraqi parliament did not include discussion of the election law

    Deputy from the Kurdistan Alliance Rauf Othman said that the parliament session on Wednesday did not include discussion of the election law.
    Othman said in a press statement that the parliament session today did not include discussions on the election law for the failure to reach solutions on the law, describing the demands of the Arabs and Turkmen, otherwise unconstitutional.

    He added that Wednesday's session was limited to complete the second reading of the draft non-governmental organizations and some bills.

    Othman said that the Kurdistan Alliance is committed to constitutional articles and the decisions of the Federal Court of aspects related to the elections, adding that they are with holding elections as scheduled without delay

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  7. #424
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    Saadi al-Maliki, a message to al-Samarrai regarding lack of interrogation al-Shahristani of meddling open

    The president of the Integrity Committee in the Parliament Sabah al-Saadi message that face Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to head the House of Representatives regarding the lack of questioning and Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani.

    Saadi said in a televised statement that the free channel with the officials in parliament sure that their president, Iyad al-Samarrai is keen on activating the supervisory role and this era of his reign on himself when he took office, believing that the message al-Maliki to Parliament regarding the lack of questioning and Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani, is blatant interference in parliamentary work control and try to prevent this interrogation, which may explain much of the corruption that took place in the ministry and used such as targeting political against some political actors, as he put it.

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  9. #425
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    it's starting to look like Maliki is just as corrupt as all of them...he doesn't want anyone to question the oil minister because he knows corruption will be with most of these so called politicians...they remind me of our senators and represenatives here in the USA.....its all about themselves instead of their people....things are starting to get real interesting as Mike[OSW] would DINARS..Pat....p.s...thanks for all the reporting Seaview and everyone else who reports....keeps the rest of us informed..thank you...thank you...thank you....Pat

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  11. #426
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    Citizens: ATM cards safe way to transfer funds

    counting the number of citizens, the emergence of ATMs in some areas of Baghdad, an unexpected surprise, and gathered around wondering about how to deal with, not before Iraq's use of modern techniques in banking, according to the citizen Jabbar Mohsen, who confirmed Everyone was extremely happy when you see something good happen in the country after the devastation caused by "is first and foremost step forward."

    He Muhsin told the independent press (Iba) had previously visited neighboring countries, including Iran, Syria and Jordan, and you see ATMs, distributed in the streets, and citizens to approach her, takes what it needs from the balance, without having to carry large sums of money with him would expose him to the risk of theft.

    He pointed out that these machines at the disposal of the citizen, where it also secured in the banks, as well as being an honest to transfer the money, and "Frankly, I'm looking forward to the day when I see these machines in Baghdad, and actually achieved Amniati is now but I hope to enter the latest techniques and are comparable to the rest of the civilized nations of the world."

    Umm Sinan (staff) said they needed of the technology banking for several reasons, most important of which would be able to transfer any amount for three children who are students of colleges in other provinces as well, including a student at the University of Egypt, instead of going to the offices of conversion and pay-added conversion, will only fill the balance of the MasterCard is in anywhere in the world.

    Buthaina Yusuf (retired teacher) said she had suffered two should be reviewed by a government bank with a view to obtaining salary pension every two months, and had to be present at a specific day each category, and "we are not able to convert Mrtbna of private assets in self, we must do cycle through the windows and clearing and payment of deposit and others."

    She Now all we have is to turn Mrtbaatna to Warka Bank, which will in turn put him in its own assets and to mobilize (MasterCard) by what could be used or retirement than at any time in the morning and evening and even on holidays and "this is not possible in the banks."

    Dominant Abdul-Jabbar, who works in the buying and selling cars, he is forced to travel to different cities for the purchase of vehicles and then sell them in Baghdad, "Here I always need to (Cache), which is dangerous in the process moved me, and that not only money, but may threaten my life as well, and that is found in the way MasterCard help me with my work.

  12. #427
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    Salim al-expected to vote today on the House of Representatives Election Law

    A member of the Legal Committee Salim al-Committee met with the Presidency of the Council of Representatives and representatives of the political blocs and the United Nations to agree on a final version to pass the election law.

    The Jubouri in a press statement that the Presidency of the parliament met with the Legal Committee and representatives of the political blocs and the United Nations to discuss the electoral law and try to reach a compromise formula to pass the law.

    Jubouri expected to be for the parliament session on Thursday as crucial for the law, stressing that he must vote on the election law in today's meeting Thursday.

  13. #428
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    Postponement of the elections to take place.....?

    Submitted a proposal to the parliamentary legal committee has been described as the last attempt to resolve the issue of Kirkuk, which hindered the ratification of the draft amendment of election law for more than four months.

    According to parliamentary sources, the proposal will be put to a vote in parliament in session on Thursday, noting that Parliament will reject two choices: either return to the previous law or postponement of the elections.

    Commission President Faraj al-Haidari, said earlier that the Commission agreed with the United Nations Mission in Iraq to give the Parliament a deadline to pass a law this election on Thursday.

    Indicating that in the case of failure of Parliament, it would be impossible to hold elections as scheduled and will be postponed as he put it.

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  15. #429
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    Iraqi parliament debating the motion "last chance" to amend the election law

    It is expected to discuss Iraq's parliament on Thursday a proposal to amend the election law in order to overcome the obstacle of Kirkuk, which constitute the main obstacle to the ratification of the new election law.

    The proposal calls for new by the Legal Committee in the Parliament to hold elections in Kirkuk province on the basis of modern electoral rolls that had been prepared this year to form a committee after the election to check the electoral roll.

    In the case of discovery of any manipulation by more than 15 percent are re-elections or compensate the victim.

    "Last chance"

    The Iraqi politicians that this proposal is the last chance to amend the electoral law in particular and the failure of Parliament passed in either means or postponement of the elections to take place according to the law before.

    The MP said the Accordance Front, Salim al-, a member of the legal committee in parliament, said that positive developments have taken place on the elections in Kirkuk after the convergence of views between the parliamentary blocs during the meetings conducted by Wednesday.

    Jubouri said in a statement to a number of media "The visit of the Turkish ambassador to the Legal Committee and talking with some of the parties, in addition to the proposals made by some blocks that bring the views, have had a positive role."

    And adheres to the Arabs and Turkmen in Kirkuk to hold the elections according to the records of 2004, accusing the Kurds make major changes in the nature of the population of the city rich in oil.

    Referred to the Independent High Electoral Commission for elections had been set out on a Thursday deadline to approve the election law to be able to hold elections in a timely manner.


  16. #430
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    Optimistic atmosphere of the possibility of voting on election law today

    According to a member of the Legal Committee Accordance Front MP Salim al-positive developments on the elections in Kirkuk, following the convergence of views between the parliamentary blocs during the meetings conducted by Thursday.

    Jubouri said in a statement to a number of media "The visit of the Turkish ambassador to the Legal Committee and talking with some of the parties, in addition to the proposals made by some blocks that bring the views, have had a positive role."

    He added that the proposal Jubouri, which won the acceptance of political parties is "the holding of elections in Kirkuk, to consider the possibility, after the formation of the Committee, if there was a defect or error in the register of voters, more than 15 percent, can be repeated," the election.

    Deputy from the Kurdistan Alliance bloc Muhsin al-Sadoun said his bloc welcomed this proposal:

    For his part, MP Bassem Sharif pointed out that intensive meetings took place today to get out of this Agreement, Shareef said in an interview with "Radio Sawa":

    Sharif stressed the need to pass the election law as soon as possible in light of the Electoral Commission warning of the consequences of delay:

    Referred to the Independent High Electoral Commission for elections have been identified in a statement on Thursday, the deadline for the adoption of the electoral law to be able to hold elections in a timely manner.


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