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  1. #441
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    typical Iraqi Government...hurry up and WAIT...they have had 4 years to get this law passed and still delays...its no wonder they have suicide bombers on a daily basis...the people of Iraq are not stupid..they can see their government not doing anything to help them...more corruption and greed...kinda like our government here in the USA....IMHO...Pat

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  3. #442
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    Advisor Central Bank: banks must be enabled on the government's development and transfer of functions from comprehensive to specialist

    Ray Central Bank of Iraq adviser to the necessity of activating the government's development banks and the transfer of functions of banks, including banks, to the specialist in accordance with the basic objectives that created by those banks at first.

    Appearance, "said Dr. Mohammed Saleh told the independent press (Iba) today, Friday," the importance that the program of restructuring the state banks to adjust the conditions of banks, a specialist industrial, agricultural and real estate to take upon itself the task of granting soft loans to the private sector, loans with high grant element in terms of allowances and extended repayment and interest and other.

    He noted that this matter comes under the principle Allatdzeiip in funding for the success of the big push in development.

    He supported the idea of re-structure for support in the state budget and the adoption of prioritizing Aigvl productive activity to the private sector through outsourcing, capital of the three specialized government banks.

    The condition that does not bear the balance sheets of banks mentioned by the state for support, but simply the exercise of its functions of financial intermediation and developing them to serve the development goals and ensure the financial depth of the country.

    He stressed the importance of the benefit to receive private investment activity in Iraq, a measure of financial and economic benefits and immunities to ensure that promoted by the implementation of laws, rules and regulations prevailing. Indicating the creation of new improvements to serve the climate for private investment in Iraq.

    It should be noted that professionals in the banking Shan asked to approve a law for the banking and insurance sector development to serve the economic reality

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  5. #443
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    Chairman of the Investment Authority's (Iba): we seek to promote investment by offering various incentives

    Prime Investment Authority, Dr. Sami al-Araji said the authority is seeking to boost foreign investment by offering various incentives and facilities to support them. Stressing the importance of understanding the investment developments in the world.

    "They said, told the independent press (Iba) said on Friday that the steps taken by the Authority through the conferences were in accordance with sound scientific basis, allowing to make a promising areas of investment and development dimension in order to promote large opportunities.

    He added that strengthening the prospects of cooperation between the ministries and provinces will pay for more investment in the creation of the regulatory and legal environment and benefit from expertise and qualified personnel. Returned cooperation as a safe haven for investors and the exploitation of the repercussions of the global financial crisis for the implementation of projects.

    Araji described the launch of the maps for investment before the beginning of a new phase in the work of the Iraq venture enters a new era in the promotion of opportunities for various sectors.

    With regard to the continuation of international conferences in this aspect, Araji said that the promotion of investment is important to clarify the true investment environment, and this is what has worked and will work for the Commission during future periods until the implementation of strategic development.

    He stressed Araji to display the ideological foundation of the laws and investment legislation through the data and information to achieve the economic viability of each investment project.

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  7. #444
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    Iraq participates in World Travel Market in London next week

    start the World Travel Market WTM its activities in the galleries, "Axel" in London next Monday, and lasts for four days and involved more than 150 countries and a large number of companies and tourist offices, hotels and tourism organizations and maritime companies.

    For the Arab region, a large share of the exhibition, which is the largest travel exhibition in the world and an opportunity for deal-making and inform visitors about the views of new tourism and highlight the importance of specialized tourism, is notable this year is the participation of Iraq for the first time in the exhibition, is expected to reach an official delegation headed by President Hamoud Al Yacoubi Tourism Authority in Iraq this weekend to London to attend next Monday at the opening of the exhibition, the aim of the participation of Iraq, which did not participate in tourism fair in Europe for more than ten years is the definition of the world and participants viable tourist country and put it back on the tourist map.

    It was on news of Iraq's participation in the international exhibition positive echo in community organizers of the exhibition, says President of the Supreme World Travel Market Fiona Jeffrey, she was happy with the participation of Iraq, which may be in the way of the first sat on the international tourist map, but is full of a lot of monuments and tourism potential, which is no doubt that that would make the country as a tourist destination is important, and this reminds us of what happened in the past with Vietnam, Cambodia, Croatia and other former Yugoslav countries, Iraq is the cradle of civilization and one of the oldest, and a very rich heritage and history and culture.

    Jeffrey added: "In the past, tourism has played an important role in assisting the development of war-torn countries, The future holds in store opportunities to make Iraq a prosperous country on the level of tourism, which also help to create new job opportunities and employment."

    Is noteworthy that the company "Hinter Land Travel," based in Yorkshire, northern England, began to organize tours to Iraq since March (March) last year.

    It is noteworthy that Arab participation in the World Travel Market, a very large this year, it is expected the arrival of the Arab delegations from different parts of the Arab region, represented by the ministers, ambassadors and heads of tourism, will be distributed to the World Tourism Awards on Sunday during a dinner held at the the "Grosvenor House "in London, and there are a large number of Arabic names in the major field of tourism are included in the finals and a candidate to win numerous prizes.


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  9. #445
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    Hossam Al-Azzawi rule out the vote on the election

    Excluded from the list, the Iraqi Deputy Hossam Al-Azzawi vote on the election law in today's meeting Saturday because of failure to reach a compromise on Kirkuk.

    He said al-Azzawi in a press statement that the issue of Kirkuk will not be resolved by the vote, but need to see a comprehensive political to open the files all of the dialogue away from the party accounts.

    Al-Azzawi and stressed the need to develop strong political interest of the country at the top of their priorities.

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  11. #446
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    Kurdistan Alliance Arabs and Turkmen accuse of seeking to delay the elections

    New deputy, the Kurdistan Alliance bloc Faryad Roandozi accusing the Arabs and Turkmen in Kirkuk province, of seeking to postpone the legislative elections in the province to involve in the electoral law.

    Raundozi said in a press statement that it wants to involve in Kirkuk, Election Law is not the Kurdistan Alliance, which wanted it to be like the rest of the provinces, but Arabs and ethnic Turkmen living in Kirkuk to their desire to postpone the elections.

    He stressed Roandozi stuck on the Kurdistan Alliance bloc in its refusal to deal with Kirkuk as a special case, and expressed pessimism about reaching a settlement satisfactory to all lead to the adoption of the electoral law on Saturday morning.

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  13. #447
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    The views of Iraqi parliamentarians on the extension of the current legislative session

    Rejected by a number of MPs, inviting some calls for the extension of the current legislative period of six months to enable Parliament to complete the pending legislation, Adin it a departure from the permanent constitution.

    The independent MP Izz al-Din State in a press statement that this proposal, if implemented, would lead to constitutional and legal vacuum, which is not allowed.

    And through the Attorney Sirwan Zahawi view the Kurdistan Alliance bloc in that demand, saying that there is a tendency by some parliamentary blocs to present such a proposal, but the Kurdistan Alliance does not agree in principle to the extension because it is unconstitutional and unacceptable on the street level.

    And found the independent MP and jumpy Shaker that the extension of the legislative period of the Council of Representatives will not lead to results on the level of adoption of laws with the presence of so many differences between the parliamentary blocs.

    It is noteworthy that the demands of a number of deputies to extend the House of Representatives came against the backdrop of the intensification of the crisis between the parliamentary blocs, and their inability to reach consensus on the adoption of the electoral law.

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  15. #448
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    Chanchal: There is a date to question the oil minister and it was better for him to meet with the competent

    MP from the Sadrist bloc in parliament Falah Shanshal said the questioning request submitted to the presidency of the Council the right and the Ziralnaft passes the actual channels for interrogation and consequently, there is a date for the questioning of Hussein al-Shahristani.

    Chanchal He told News he believed it was preferable to the oil minister to meet with the oil and gas committee's request that the questioning to be able to see their point of view and what they want and what questions to answer and, thus, if there is administrative corruption or negligence, it is the duty of Parliament to go interrogation of a mechanism to be considered.

    The Chanchal had a right to the minister answered the minister has the right to defend himself and therefore governance chapter is the Parliament, he said

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  17. #449
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    Hamid burdensome optimistic about the vote on the election law

    Likely United Iraqi Alliance MP Hamid burdensome that Parliament could pass the election law in the meeting of the Council of Representatives to be held on Saturday.

    Burdensome said in a press statement they waiting for a response on the proposed Kurdish Last but perceiving the possibility of accepting the proposal as to meet the wishes of all different on the city of Kirkuk.

    He pointed out that the Kurdistan Alliance briefed on the proposed paragraphs containing the holding of elections in Kirkuk, according to records in 2009 and expressed his approval in principle in some paragraphs, with reference to the request of the political references in the other paragraphs.

    The Molh that if the Kurdistan Alliance proposed new forcing the House of Representatives Return to the old law with some modifications,
    He pointed out that the adoption of the old law in the parliamentary elections would embarrass the political forces to the electorate.

    Through burdensome for fear of the possibility of non-participation of voters heavily in the elections as to whether the old law was passed.

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  19. #450
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    Vote on electoral bill postponed until this evening

    Iraqi Parliament Speaker Ayad al-Samarraie announced that the vote over parliamentary election law has been postponed until this evening on November 7th, 2009.

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