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  1. #461
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    A joint statement from U.S. Ambassador Christopher Hill and Gen. Ray Odierno, welcome to pass the election law

    Welcomes the U.S. embassy and the multinational forces by the House of Representatives passed amendments to election law today. This decision allows for parliamentary elections in January as stipulated in the Constitution of Iraq.

    We congratulate the members of the House of Representatives reached an agreement on many issues are difficult and are of great importance for the Iraqis.

    By passing this law, the Iraqi people have demonstrated through their representatives wished to adhere to democratic government and consultative process. We encourage all Iraqis to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming elections.

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  3. #462
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    Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki bless the Iraqi people and the political blocs and the members of the House of Representatives to ratify the election law

    We congratulate the Iraqi people and the political blocs and gentlemen, distinguished members of the House of Representatives to ratify the election law, which is a great achievement of the political process and the democratic experience.

    The holding of elections on schedule in accordance with the existing open a historic victory of the will of the people and the strong response to the terrorists and thugs in the former regime who are trying to undermine security and undermine the political process and return the country to the covenants, injustice, tyranny and discrimination.

    The adoption of the electoral law, constitute the beginning of a new phase, would open new horizons to proceed to the electoral process in accordance with democratic mechanisms and competition official and stay away from anything that might disturb the atmosphere of the forthcoming electoral wedding, and we are all far from the accounts and to serve the narrow interests of the country and achieve the aspirations and ambitions of people of different components and affiliations in the establishment of a pluralistic federal system that respects the rights and freedoms protected and promoted by the national unity.

    Nuri Kamal al-Maliki
    Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq
    Sunday 8/11/2009


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  5. #463
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    Obama: The agreement will facilitate the task of the Iraqi parliament to withdraw

    U.S. President George Obama said the Iraqi parliament approved a new electoral law, will facilitate the task of accelerating the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq.

    American officials had suggested that the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq needs a long time, and that President Obama had said earlier that the lack of agreement on the electoral law would place obstacles in front of the U.S. withdrawal.


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  7. #464
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    Haidari: Can not hold elections on schedule despite the passing of the bill

    Commission President Electoral Faraj al-Haidari, UNHCR is unable to hold legislative elections on schedule in the sixteenth of January to January of 2010 despite the House vote on the elections law on Sunday.

    Haidari said in an interview with our sister, "Alhurra" The Office "need to be other additional days beyond 16 a month in January to be able to hold elections":

    He pointed out that al-Haidari change the date of the elections does not need the approval of Parliament:

    He said al-Haidari reasons require a change to the election date, including "the issue of recruitment of about 300 thousand employees in 50 thousand polling stations across Iraq":

    Haidari stressed that UNHCR will do its best to remedy the lack of time and the holding of elections coincide with the international standards:


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  9. #465
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    U.S. ambassador: the Iraqi elections in January 23

    Iraq's parliament approved the elections law paving the way for general elections in January next after the Parliament overcome differences on the city of Kirkuk, as expected the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad, Christopher Hill, to hold those elections on 23 February.

    The delay in the adoption of the law because of disagreements over the conduct of the vote in Kirkuk to cast doubt on the elections scheduled on 16 January, U.S. officials said the dispute that would affect plans for pulling U.S. troops from Iraq next year. President Barack Obama "in spite of the presence of challenges and I am confident that there will be difficult days of such approval, the paid political progress that can bring lasting peace and unity of Iraq and allow for an orderly transition and is responsible for U.S. forces out of Iraq by next September."

    And parliamentary elections next year's crucial test of Iraq as it emerges from years of civil conflict and sectarian violence that drop it out of hand US-led invasion in 2003, trying to stand on his feet. After weeks of deadlock, parliament passed a vote of 141 deputies out of 196 deputies present at the meeting a compromise in a stormy session televised live on state.

    The Kurds see Kirkuk, which contains vast oil resources as their ancient capital and want to incorporate into their region in northern Iraq, which enjoyed a large measure of independence and sought to use the tables to reflect the updated voters increased their numbers since 2003. He says the Arabs and Turkmen of Kirkuk should remain under the authority of the central government and believe that the Kurdish people live in Kirkuk in order to disturb the demographic balance in their favor.

    And ended by law to use the current voter registration, but make the outcome of elections subject to review if there was an extraordinary increase in registered voters during the past five years. The potential consequences of the audit have been left vague.

    The date of election by the Electoral Commission, which said it would not be organized in January 16 as scheduled in the original.

    Faraj al-Haidari, the head of UNHCR that it would work even during holidays and vowed to prepare for the elections quickly. The legislation allows to hold the elections between 16 and 31 January. The U.S. Ambassador Chris Hill said he expected to be on 23 January.

    Analysts said the legislators did nothing to resolve the status of Kirkuk, in the long term. Fields and includes the city 13 percent of Iraq's oil reserves. Political analyst, said Hazim al-Naimi that the position of Kirkuk is still pending, such as bomb waiting to run. And Kirkuk is one of several problems that can lead to the outbreak of violence between the central government in Baghdad and the Kurds, who have a high degree of autonomy since the Gulf War in 1991. He said U.S. officials, who fear that the Arab-Kurdish tensions cause the next war they welcome the decision of the parliament.

    U.S. Ambassador Hill, "All there is to it is to make people understand that the election rules and special rules voters can not be used to try to get the edge on the negotiations of Kirkuk. So we tried to clear that Nfsalha it." The deputies began meeting on Sunday to vote on the rule of law after another, but they moved quickly to leave the bill as soon as the whole issue came up Kirkuk.


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  11. #466
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    Sabah al-Saadi: Maliki to prevent the oil minister of travel

    asked the Chairman of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee Sabah al-Saadi on the mass of Virtue "Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the prevention and Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani, to travel outside Iraq until the end of the process of questioning, saying that the failure of prevention would be al-Maliki accused of covering up the corruption."

    The media sources may travel al-Shahristani announced to Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj this year.

    Saadi said in a press conference in parliament on Monday that "we consider the minister travel to escape the issue and the fear of exposing corruption in the ministry noting that it is unacceptable because the escape will be brought to justice and not escape them."

    He pointed out that "the minister has come to the House of Representatives and face the charges against him and his ministry."

    Saidi stressed that "the process of questioning has sparked ire of many lawmakers, politicians, who are a stumbling block in the continuation."

    Some lawmakers had called for removal of First Deputy Speaker Khalid al-Attiya to cripple the ongoing process of questioning, especially the process question the oil minister.

    In a related development, said Deputy Haidaraljorani for Alliance, "said Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani, has submitted a request to the House of Representatives calling for more interrogation one day from Wednesday to next Tuesday."

    He Jurani at a news conference in the House of Representatives, "said the allegation that the determination of the oil minister to travel to perform Hajj Fberkat lies and media in the media, saying the campaign of indiscriminate attempt to influence the Minister of Oil and the achievements of his ministry."

    He said, "the minister will come to the House of Representatives on the specific questioning him."

    It is noteworthy that the number of MPs and politicians have promised the issue of interrogation in the election campaign.

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  13. #467
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    Mohammed Naji: the presence of U.S. and British ambassadors in the House of Representatives in violation of diplomatic norms and violation of national Sovereignty

    MP Mohammad Naji Alliance on "The presence of U.S. and British ambassadors in the corridors of the House of Representatives by approving the election law on Sunday to try to influence the decision-making."

    The House of Representatives had voted on Sunday to approve the election law in the various parties to reach a compromise solution to the issue of Kirkuk.

    Via Nagy in contact with the agency and the independent press (Iba) for the condemnation of the presence of ambassadors in the House of Representatives without a formal invitation from the Board "because this is a breach of diplomatic norms and violation of national sovereignty and privacy of the parliament."

    He said: "It's no doubt that their presence and Tnqlahma between board members and attending the discussion sessions that were positively or negatively is incorrect, noting that the issue is clearly to influence the decision-making."

    He said Nagy, "The American influence was evident in the adoption of the election law and that he considered a clear interference and violation of an explicit national sovereignty."

    The U.S. ambassador Christopher Hill had participated in the discussions that were conducted by the political blocs to reach a solution to the issue of Kirkuk with the UN envoy Mlkrt Ed.

  14. #468
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    Noureddine Hayali confirms that al-Maliki's oil minister supports the lack of questioning

    A member of the House of Representatives of the Accordance Front, Nur al-Din al-Hayali that the oil minister and the government to Estjiban to the request of the House of Representatives to question Hussein al-Shahristani.

    The Hayali according to the consensus site that the note of interrogation was based on a request by the Attorney-Jaber Al-Khalifa, because of financial and administrative corruption, as well as to the existence of violations of legal and constitutional because it was supposed to be displayed any contract entered into the House of Representatives by previous laws.

    Hayali and that the oil and gas committee has sent a request to the Federal Supreme Court to interpret and give an opinion on the violations committed by the Oil Ministry, stressing that all contracts signed by the Ministry of Oil is illegal, because they were not approved by the House of Representatives in violation of the Constitution and the law, pointing out that the Minister of Oil refuses to come to the House of Representatives because it is supported by the Prime Minister.

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  16. #469
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    Questioning and Iraqi Oil Minister in Parliament on Tuesday

    Iraqi lawmakers said that the questioning Parliamentary Iraqi Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani will be on Tuesday instead of Wednesday and that the circumstances of his travel to perform Hajj. And Khalid al-Attiya said the Office of the Vice-President of the Iraqi parliament and members of the Committee on Oil and Gas of parliamentary question the Minister on his handling of Iraq's oil wealth will begin at two in the afternoon (1100 GMT) tomorrow.


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  18. #470
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    The Iraqi-Kuwaiti committee in an effort to resolve the outstanding issues

    Finance Minister Baqir Jabr Al-Zubaidi, said he expected to see the next few months a meeting of the Iraq-Kuwait in an effort to resolve the outstanding issues between the two countries.

    He said al-Zubaidi said that came after it showed goodwill towards Kuwait from Iraq during the recent statements by Kuwaiti officials the possibility of resolving the issue of reparations owed by Iraq in the form of investment projects carried out by Kuwaiti companies within the program of reconstruction of Iraq.

    Zubaidi said that through what has been presented by the Kuwaiti foreign minister was left on Iraq, but the follow-up with the Kuwaiti side to begin the implementation of the proposal, particularly that Iraq had taken the initiative in putting forward this proposal earlier.

    He said it was encouraging the other to end the outstanding issues is the feet of the Kuwaiti side to form a high-level committee of a number of ministries began to study the outstanding issues between the two countries.

    He said al-Zubaidi that Iraq formed a similar committee headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the membership of the ministries of finance, defense, interior and oil, Justice and Adviser to the Prime Minister of Legal Affairs and the meetings continued.

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