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  1. #581
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    Consultations are continuing within the Council of Representatives to reach agreement on the reverse-Hashimi

    MP Mahmoud Othman from the Kurdistan Alliance, "The consultations are continuing within the Council of Representatives to reach an agreement on the reverse-Hashimi alluding There is nothing so far agreed on this matter."

    It is scheduled to hold its House of Representatives on Monday to reach an agreement on Mr. Hashemi to set aside the election law.

    Othman added in connection with the Agency for the independent press (Iba): "All possibilities are open regarding the law, if the demand will be discussed to discuss the alliance's demand for seats in the governorates of the Kurdistan region of Kurdistan."

    Kurds and threatening to boycott the upcoming elections unless they are re-consideration of the seats allocated to the provinces in the region because it did not take into account the population increase to the provinces mentioned.


  2. #582
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    MP Deccan: the letter of agreement Hashemi holds a majority of blocks

    According to a member Iraqi Council of Representatives lawmaker Hassan Deccan "The agreement which was submitted in the letter sent from the United Iraqi Alliance and some of the political blocs to Tariq al-Hashemi calls for the withdrawal of veto to the election law."

    Saying in a statement to that "the majority of the House of Representatives reached an agreement to increase which was objectionable to (15%) and the Electoral Commission to vote on the displaced outside Iraq, while voting is the military and security services to their districts and this ratio will be guaranteed."


  3. #583
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    Alusi describes the crisis of Iraqi politicians on the election law morality

    Head of the Iraqi Nation Party MP Mithal al-Alusi said the crisis experienced by the Council of Representatives on the electoral law is a moral crisis, not a crisis of confidence.

    Alusi said in a statement to news that the crisis between the political parties on electoral law is not a crisis of confidence, but a crisis of ethics Iraqi politicians and the national project is a lie and there are those who want to circumvent this project.


  4. #584
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    Assem Jihad Radio Tigris: The oil ministry is preparing to hold the second oil licensing round

    The Ministry of Petroleum taken all preparations for the second round of licenses to be held on 11 and 12 of the next month.

    Confirmed by the spokesman of the Ministry of Oil Assem Jihad said in a statement singled out by the Radio Tigris.


  5. #585
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    Iraq refuses to participate in the presentation Sinopec oil deals

    Iraq's refusal to display China's Sinopec to pay the fees the judge's participation in a tender for the development of its oilfields.

    The head of the legal sector and the commercial management of contracts and licenses in the oil ministry said Sabah Abdul-Kadhim, Sinopec asked to pay participation fees for access to data, however, was denied the request because the company deals with the Kurdistan Regional Government.

    He added that more than 40 international oil company participation fees paid before the deadline of the day November 20 to participate in the auction to be held on 11 and December 12, which will be put through ten oil fields for investment.


  6. #586
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    Haidari emphasizes the necessity of postponing the elections

    Suggested the Electoral Commission for elections to postpone the election because of the delay, which was reversed after the Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi of the electoral law.

    Commission President Faraj told the daily Sabah said that the commission did not receive any specific date for parliamentary elections in 2010, adding that he has been a proposal to set on the eighteenth of January of next year as the date for parliamentary elections in the event of approval of the election law and handed over to UNHCR date position to conduct transparent and fair elections.

    He added that setting a date for the elections to be in accordance with presidential decree 60 days before the election process, pointing out that on 16 and 18 of January, which was identified in the first phase of elections have become among the Almenthien, referring to the imperative necessity of postponing the elections, he asserted the same time, UNHCR's willingness to hold elections on a date to be determined in agreement with the House of Representatives and the Presidency.


  7. #587
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    Heads, the common & Kurdistan Alliance would vote to overturn the veto election law

    The president of the parliamentary bloc MP Dhafir al-Ani said the United Iraqi Alliance and the Kurdistan Alliance bloc will vote to overrule the veto made by the Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi.

    Between al-Ani told The News Alliance and the Kurdistan Alliance Isota possible to deny the veto by the al-Hashemi to resolve the electoral law and restoration of law to the Presidency Council.

    He said al-Ani, there is no consensus in the House of Representatives to overrule the veto.


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  9. #588
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    Amery: It is difficult to reach agreement on the reverse-Hashimi

    The Chairman of the Security and Defense Committee in the House of Representatives MP Hadi al-Amiri difficult consensus on a solution to the crisis Hashemi aside the election law, and that it is difficult to satisfy all parties, but everyone working for the elections, because a non-Ijraaha the country will enter a constitutional vacuum."

    The Ameri told (Iraq is our home) on Monday, "The Federal Court's decision is clear and explicit and the law of elections is not a violation of the constitution and the Electoral Commission has taken action and constitutional right and we are with the participation of Iraqis abroad, and we confirmed and we involve them in elections."

    Amery asked "for more than two months and we are in a controversy over Kirkuk, why did not raise this issue in a timely manner and no one opposed compensatory seats, which was approved method of distribution"?.

    And about what was published by some media that President Jalal Talabani said U.S. Ambassador Christopher Hill, pressed hard for the adoption of the electoral law Amiri replied, "Talabani said he did not have any objection to the law, but that the Kurds have no objection to the method of allocating Electoral Commission of seats Parliament and the technical measures undertaken by the Commission and not on the origin of the law."


  10. #589
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    Iraqi elections are in the rule of postponement

    The whole Iraqi legislators Sunday after a session of parliament failed to take a position on the veto, Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi of Article I of the election law calling for an increase of seats Iraqis abroad than five per cent to 15 per cent said their discussions with the Office of the elections that led to the conviction of the impossibility of holding Iraqi elections on time scheduled for early next year. Saleem al-Jubouri, a member of the Legal Committee in parliament, said the fear of the delay is the time to exceed the constitutional Adra elections on the other hand, through the president of Iraq's Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani expressed his hope in the formation of a unified army special province, nucleus Peshmerga forces currently operating within the Iraqi army formations, stressing that this "one of Amniati old."

    The Kurdish military official said that the Iraqi Defense Ministry canceled the faculties to train military officers in the province of Kurdistan and transformed them into schools for the training of soldiers and noncommissioned officers to the categories of fighting. On the other hand, the failure of the Iraqi parliament on Sunday to reach a compromise on the veto, Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi on the Law of the parliamentary elections in 2010 against the background of reservation on the number of compensatory seats allocated for displaced Iraqis abroad. Barzani said in a meeting with U.S. military delegation that "the region and made the decision to establish a unified army and all parties in the region agree on this trend." constitution does not contain any clause providing for the establishment of a private army in the province. Such a move is not well received in Turkey in particular, which proceeded to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently given some of the Kurdish national rights.

    Barzani did not speak on the financing of armed military region, which plans to stay. There is disagreement between the central government and provincial government on the salaries of the Peshmerga, where Baghdad insists on payment of the salaries of the region's share of the central budget while insisting on the second by the Ministry of Defense for disbursement.

    Barzani added, "Kurdistan's parliament after the elections, we have taken the final decision to have its own army by this step one of the demands of our people is also one of the old Amniati that Larry once unified army of Kurdistan."

    "The assistance and expertise of U.S. forces necessary to unify the army of Kurdistan, the basis of the Peshmerga forces."

    It is said that many of the Peshmerga forces nearly a hundred thousand, including sixty thousand belong to the Kurdistan Democratic Party led by Barzani and forty thousand belong to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan led by Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, according to Kurdish sources. But research centers specialized in military matters that the number of the Barzani Peshmerga do not exceed 55 thousand thirty thousand men, including a reserve force, while the number of the Peshmerga, Sulaymaniyah 18 thousand just as well as up. Barzani stressed the need to unify the army of Kurdistan, "according to the specifications of a modern and global." There are currently in the provincial government, headed by Barham Salih, one bag, instead of two, the Peshmerga forces assumed Sheikh Jaafar Sheikh Mustafa. And make Kurdish leader with the U.S. delegation detailed talks on the status of the peshmerga, the Kurdish security institutions and how to organize, train and provide logistical assistance to them. The strong U.S. intervention in 1998 put an end to the fighting which broke out between the Peshmerga strength late 1994. That resulted in the civil war that killed more than three thousand people.

    Elsewhere, the Peshmerga spokesman Jabbar Yawar, said the "Iraqi government for turning the kidney, Qlagaulin near the town of Sulaymaniyah and Zakho, to two additional combat brigades by 2010," referring to the Defense Department wants to keep the college and one is Rustamiya south of Baghdad. "He Yawar, "Starting from early next year, would become the Military College in Qlagaulin to the school of fighting special forces, while the military college will turn in Zakho to the school of fighting non-commissioned officers." He said he planned to "maintain the two kidneys until 2012 but I do not know why the decision cancellation and converted into schools for fighting. "kidneys was founded mid-nineties by the two main parties, the Kurdistan Democratic for the College of Zakho, in the extreme north of Iraq on the border with Turkey, while the foundations of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan College Qlagaulin.

    He pointed out that the kidneys Yawar track the Iraqi Ministry of Defense since 2005 because the country were not possess military colleges after 2003 and dissolved the army.


  11. #590
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    Hashemi considering a proposal is received from the Parliament on the election law

    Suggested by Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi that he could accept a new proposal is received from the parliament if it was fair to immigrants.

    A spokesman for al-Hashimi, Abdul Ilah Al Kadhim told Aswat al-Iraq's Vice President of the Republic held a meeting with his advisors to examine the content of the proposal which was received by the parliament on Sunday evening with a message carried the signatures of Presidents of the Council and parliamentary blocs on the vetoed election law, pointing out that the proposal may be subject to acceptance of Hashemi remedy in the event of migrants outside the country in the next election.


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